
Hinokami Kagura [ Bleach ] {one-shot}

just a one-shot

D_KALA_J · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


We see a woman named Yoruichi walking down a street in Rukan district as she passed by a boy with red hair and black hair and red mark on his, but then spiritual pressure coming pf thr kid

"Hey! kid wait a minute"

She said then the boy turned around to face her

"Yes miss?"

"Do you get hungry?"


Yoruichi's questions seemed to confuse the boy

"Do you get hungry?"

"That's a weird question to ask, but yes I do"

*he must be some kind of Prodigy*

Yoruichi thought to herself, then she asked another question

"How do you deal with it?"

With this question the boy got embarrassed


He said in a very low voice, but Yoruichi heard it

"Steal huh, what's your name kid?"

"I don't have one"

Then Yoruichi came up with an idea

"How about you come and live whith me?"


"Seriously! You can be my little brother"

"I've got nowhere else to go so, ok"

"But you need a name first"

Then thought of a name for a couple of seconds

"How about Yorichi? Since my name is Yoruichi, pretty cool huh?"

"Yorichi? . . . . I like it"

He said as he smiled genuinely for the first time

"So cuteeeeeee!"

Then she hugged Yorichi very tightly

some time passed and we see Yoruichi and Yorichi walking down a hallway to a room, then Yoruichi opened the door

"This is your room now"

Said Yoruichi as she pointed at the room, and Yorichi entered the room very excited, then he turned towards Yoruichi

"Thank you! . . . . . . . . . Big sister"

"It's no proble-huh?"

Then she blushed when she realized Yorichi called the big sister, then she hugged Yorichi again out of happiness

"You can let go now"

Then she let go of Yorichi, and blushed in embarrassment


"It's ok"

"Right so since you are of the Shihōin clan you're gonna have to train to be soul reaper"

"I'll do my best"

Said Yorichi with a determination in his voice

(Time skip)

We see Yoruichi and Yorichi in a forest and Yoruichi holding a wooden practice sword

"Right so try to imitate this"

She said as she go into a stance and swinging the sword horizontally from left to right

"Got it?"

"I'll try"

The Yorichi got the sword, then he got into the stance and the same sword swing perfectly, like it was a reflection, Yoruichi was shocked

*he did perfectly, granted it was a simple stance but still it shouldn't be possible for who hasn't trained whith a sword to do it perfectly*

"Did I do correctly?"

Then said Yorichi snapping Yoruichi out of her thoughts

"Yes, you did it perfectly"

*this kid is going to be stupid strong*

She thought to herself as the continued training
