
Chapter twelve : The ultime decision


Our new home is wonderful.

We don't have stairs at all, so it will be easier because I'm pregnant.

Even though I told them, they give us a room with 5 rooms. Because they think that I will have so many babies.

It's been already one month since we came here at The sunflower pack.

Time passed quickly here, Jackson doesn't pass so much time with us, I have busy days too.

I take a class with other pregnant omega's and go to regular check-ups with the doctor.

The baby is due soon, my baby Ryan.

Alicia told me that there a shaman in the pack, she suggested that I should go and see him.

Because I do nightmares and I'm always stressed because of Taeyong and his Dad.

Jackson is preparing for the war, the royal pack was detected now for 2 weeks, they are coming closer each day.

I miss him so much, I need him, I need to feel protected and secure.

And I want to finish with this war quickly and live as a happy family.

I have a class soon with other mothers, if I don't get ready, I'll be late.


Classes are being boring these days, I'll probably stop them soon anyway.

I'm supposed to deliver in less than two weeks.

The shaman is living kinda far, I should have asked him to come to my house.

Anyway, I already did more than half of the route.

I see a kind of weird house, It should be there.

" Hello, Is there someone?"

" Yes, come behind that self, Alicia told me that you will come."

" I wanted to see you because I have some questions."

" I already know your questions, I can't answer all of them but I can help you. For the rest, only the future will answer you."

I'm kind off surprised by the shaman's capacity.

" So, I don't need to tell you my questions?"

" No, You don't, I already predicted your future this morning. I saw that you always had a hard life from the time you became a wolf. Beware because you have more hard time to overcome.

A crystal omega life is bond to finish badly, but I could help you save yourself."

" You can help me? Please tell me what I should do?"

" I can but it's a big decision to make. I'll give you some time to think about it. Because after that your life will not be the same and you can't go back."

" If it can make us happy, me, my child and Jackson, I don't need time to think."

" I'm not sure is you guys can be happy but you'll be happier than now without problems."

I think about it.

" Did you see something bad about my future?"

" I can't tell you the details but many lives will be gone."

I can't be a nuisance to everyone like that.

" Okay Mr shaman, I agree with the idea, I want everyone to be happy."

" If you are sure about it comes to see him one day before the next moon, be sure to say your farewell to everyone."

" Why? Is that your idea? That I should run away from here?"

" Yes, you understood well. Are you going back in your words?"

" No, I'm not. I have take de the decision. So, I'll be back in four days."


" Hey, Winwin!"

" Hey, Jack!"

I like to see him when I wake up.

" You like pretty as always my love."

" And your breath stink. Hahaha."

When I see his face, I can't stop laughing.

" What happened to you? You joke around a lot these days."

" I don't know, I'm happy that's all. Oh! And don't forget we have to spend our time together today."

" I didn't forget but if you stay here, the day will be gone, It's already noon."

" Oh, no! You should have woken me up."

" I did love."

Today is the day, I'm going away, I have decided to spend my day with Jackson, we are going on a picnic.

" How is our baby Ryan doing?"

" He is doing well. He likes his daddy so much. Wait! How do you know the baby's name? It was supposed to be a secret."

" Haha, did you forget that we can read into each other mind?"

" But I never read yours."

"Because you never tried."

He grins at me.

" You baddy, you were always reading my mind in secret."

I pout.

" Don't worry that way I always know what you do when you are not near me. It's like a security system. I don't do it always. But there was one time that I couldn't, It was weird."

It's maybe the time I was at the shamans.

" Picnic time" I shout.


The picnic was great.

We even took a nap together.

" Sorry, I'm sleeping a lot these days because of the baby."

" Don't worry. The nap was nice."

I kiss him.

" You should go soon right? You told me that you are doing your work at night."

" Yes, I'll be back before dawn. Don't roam around and go home."

" I won't, don't worry."

When I see him out of my sight.

I take the other bag and go to the shaman's house.


" Mr shaman? I'm here."

" Come here. I have prepared everything. Did you take one set of clothing with your scent."

" Yes, I did."

" Are you sure about it. I'm asking it again. Because I will break your bond with Jackson."

" Yes, I'm sure of it."

I try to not cry, It breaks my heart.

I look at him. The shaman is preparing a body that looks like mine. We put my dress on it.

" We will burn it and at the same time, I will break your bond with Jackson. We should put the corpse in the main path. "

We walk through the path we always do with Jackson. I put a smell eraser on me.

Now the only thing that smelled like me is the fake corpse.

As we burn it, I suppress my thought because Jackson might know.

At that time the shaman breaks my bond with a formula.

It hurts so much, I know that Jackson will feel it too.

I cry a lot.

" It's time, you should go. I created a map for you. Normally a friend of mine will await you there.

You can have a happy life there. I'll take care of everything here. You have to come back after the war is over."

" Okay, I'll be back."