
Chapter eleven : New home


" Jackson, nice seeing you dude."

" You too Ezekiel."

" Who is that?"

Winwin feel tense and hide himself behind me.

I knew he'll do that, he always pretends to be strong.

" Ez meet my mate, Winwin. Ez is Alicia's brother and my other cousin."

" Nice to meet you. I'm Winwin."

They smile at each other so that's good.

" Let's go! I'll get you guys to Alicia."

We follow him through the pack area.

Winwin is stuck into my arm.

I try to not tease him, he was always scared of others stare.


" Here we are."

" Hey, Jackson. It's been like decades."

She gives me a hug.

" More like two decades." I tease her.

" You always like to joke around. And who is that? Wait! Is that Mary? No way!!"

" No, it's not Mary. Winwin is a guy and kinda Mary's reincarnation, he can remember everything from the time he was Mary."

" Really? Do you remember me? Maybe not because I was like 6 or 7."

" But I do, the little girl who like strawberry?"

" Haha, yes, that's me."

She gives Winwin a hug."

" So what are you here for?"

" You remember Mary was the crystal omega?"

She looks at Winwin and me alternatively.

" Yes, don't tell me Winwin is one too?"

" His mother Amanda is Mary's great daughter. He is the next crystal omega."

" Oh! I understand why now. And the problem now is?"

" Look, maybe it will sound crazy. Winwin had a mate before me."

" Two mates." I look at Winwin, please don't make me look guiltier Winwin.

Alicia looks even more shocked.

" So, yes, Winwin had two mates, I kinda took him away, he is mine now."

" He kidnapped me." I look at him again. He is having fun doing this.

Alicia looks furious.

"You what? Are you serious Jackson?"

" I knew he was Mary, so I kidnapped him and mated him. I swear I didn't mate someones else's mate. I kindly waited that their bonding disappeared."

" Still kidnapping a mate is a crime. How can you stay with him?" She looks at Winwin.

" I love him." He says shyly.

" I was his mate too. Alicia, it's just that he meet them before I had to take him from them."

" So right now, what is the status?"

" He is my mate. We are running away from them. And I want you to give us shelter at least until he gives birth.''

" What? He is pregnant too? Help me I'm gonna faint."

" Listen to me please Alicia. I want you to help us fight them."

" What happened to your Rogue pack?"

" They were all killed." I say with a sad face.

" I could help you guys but you need to became part of our pack. We'll do a ceremony tonight, earlier is the better. And what pack are the followers from?"

I grimace a little.

" The royal Pack....."

" Jackson you got us into a shitty big mess. But it won't change the fact that I will help you guys."

" Ez get them into a room so they can refresh themself and prepare for the ritual."

" Okay, Sis."


" Jackson,I have a questions. Why are you guys not getting old anymore?"

" Haha, nice question. You remember the prince you married when you were Mary?"

" Yes."

" He was my cousin too. So as his cousins me, Alicia and Ez we can stop getting old."

" So Taeyong and his dad can too?"

" It's the power of royal pack, your grandmother and Taeyong's grandfather were brother and sisters."

" So I'm sort of a cousin for Taeyong?"

" Hmm yes, we could say so."

" So we are from the royal Pack too? I thought that my mom was from another pack."

" Because your grandmother was separated from the royal Pack at birth. I won't lie that I was the one who took away your great mother. Actually Mary gave birth to triplet but she told me to take one of the girl away. Luckily I took the good one and gave it to a friend from Blue river Pack.

They even mates the two remaining child to have greater chance of obtaining the next Crystal omega. "

" I know I remember the triplet, I couldn't even see their face. I even remember telling you to take one."

He says with a sad face with worry.

I took his hand to reassure him.

" They are very bad people who could do anything for power. As Mary was mated by the prince and his brother, and her child were mated together. The current King is the same, he raped his brothers fiancee and killed him."

" I just hope for a better future for our child Jackson."

" Yes, me too."

" But Taeyong was a good guy, he just can't say no to his dad."

" A man should know to say to no when things are getting out of his hand. Taeyong was raised in the condition where he can't say no and we can't disobey the king when being into that pack."

*bip* *bip* *bip*

" The bath is ready, let's take one together and get some sleep."

Winwin kisses me and go toward the bathroom.


We get out for the ceremony after eating.

I can see that Winwin is stressed because of that.

I see Alicia coming with some elders.

She gives us a smile.

" I invited the pack elders into this. They'll be our witness. The ceremony will be simple because Jackson is our blood. We just have to put him into pack rulers books and add Winwins name next to him. You guys will be given a home into the pack leaders area.

As you know I'm the head Alpha in charge but for other matters family members have the same right. So Jackson will be given the rights too."

" Is that all? I should just sign?"

She grins at me.

" I thought there will be a bigger ceremony and all."

" Me too."

Winwin is more shocked than me.

" Haha! I know. It was a joke guys. So welcome to our pack guys. I told the doctor about your pregnancy, he will came to see you tomorrow. So you can know some things about your baby and all."

" Thanks Alicia."

She hugs Winwin.

" So let's go to our new home Jack."

" Yes, let's go."