
Him & I, and Him Again

Adam McClane was not boyfriend material — cocky, arrogant, with no filter and progressive anger issues. A walking red flag. He was also my brother’s best friend and my personal headache. Do I need any other reasons to not fall for him? Probably. Did I ignore all of them during my three-month stay in my brother’s place? Probably. Again, Adam McClane was not a boyfriend material. The real question is why did I want him so badly to become one?

nichiiya · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 2: Pure curiosity


"He said he's almost there," said Col, my big brother, over the phone. He kept saying that for the past twenty minutes, while I was waiting for his not very punctual friend to pick me up after a five hour flight. 

"Why can't I just take a cab?" I sighed watching people leaving in all types of cars. My legs hurt, my whole body was hot, I felt like my organs were sweating — deciding to wait for him outside was probably not my best idea. There was no sign of a sun in the sky but the humidity was slowly turning me into a big sweaty mess. "There's a ton of them here!"

"I'm not letting my sister spend half of her college tuition on a cab," Col protested. "Also, do you see this weather? If you get lost in the middle of a storm, at least you'd be safe with Adam."

"If he comes," I snored. "What's the car I'm expecting, again?"

"Black Aston Martin. You won't miss it, trust me."

I did trust him. To the best of my knowledge, Adam was not much older than my brother — they graduated at the same time — and somehow the thought of a young man in his middle twenties owning such an exquisite and not-very-cheap-you-know car made me wonder what kind of guy he was. A kind of a rich daddy's baby or a hard-working individual? I would like to find that out as soon as possible because spending a few more minutes here would be a death of me. At least I'm gonna chill in an Aston Martin soon — dead or alive.

"Well, I don't see any Aston Martins in—" I cut off another of my expressive phrases as I noticed a midnight-black car gliding into the view. "I think he's here. I'll call you back."

The vehicle — no, the mechanical masterpiece — gracefully slid into a parking space nearby. Its tinted windows didn't let me discern a driver but I was almost sure that was the one I was waiting for. The driver's door slowly opened and a tall well-built figure stepped out. 

Well, if it was Adam — it was definitely not Adam I was expecting to see. Let me explain something: the photo Col sent me earlier pictured both of them wearing graduation gowns and smiling in front of their university. His friend seemed to be the most average guy you could ever meet. The type you don't pay much attention to because there's a ton of men looking just like him. That's Adam I was expecting to meet. Not this one. 

This Adam was commanding attention. His muscular stature was a first shock for me — his tight black t-shirt shifted his figure like a second skin, accentuating every contour of his well-defined muscles. The second one was the amount of ink adorning his arms — it seemed like there was no spare place on his body that wasn't covered with the tattoos. His features were chiseled, with a strong jawline and sharp cheekbones. And eyes I could not see behind the so unnecessary sunglasses in this weather. 

At least I did expect him to have dark hair — what a relief — that fell effortlessly across his forehead. This Adam was… fucking hot. 

"Adam?" I heard myself saying. He can't be the same guy I saw in the photo. 

"Hello, dolly" Uh, excuse me? Did he just call me dolly? "Nicole, I presume?"

I choked on my own words as he lowered his glasses and let his piercing gaze trail over my whole body. I could swear the physical touch on every part of my skin that was examined by his fixated eyes. My legs, my thighs, my breast, my face. Everywhere. And it was definitely too much of a first impression, more than I was preparing myself to take. So I managed to ignore the chill wandering down my spine and crossed my arms on my chest. 

"He really is going to kill me," I heard him say, but neither his words nor his attitude still didn't make any sense to me. 

"You're late," I said, not particularly caring about sounding rude. I've been waiting for him for almost forty minutes and now when he finally appears all I get is being observed like some kind of a human exhibit. 

Adam finally fixated his eyes on mine and put his sunglasses back on. "But I'm here."

And that was the only thing he told me before taking my suitcase and placing it into the trunk of his car. 

"That doesn't really sound like an apology."

"Who said I was sorry?" He left a soft chuckle out — a faint smirk appeared on his attractively carved lips, and I saw a small, almost unnoticeable, scar in the right corner of his upper lip. "Hop in, you must be exhausted."

It was either a way he said that or that smile that didn't seem to disappear from his face that made me stand still. Adam leaned on his car, the color of his clothes merging with the color of it. "What? You don't want to see your big brother?" 

Only the reminder of Col brought me back from the absolute confusion I felt during the last few minutes. Whoever this Adam thinks he is and whatever attitude he shows, this is not my problem. He is just picking me up and driving me to Col's house where I would forget about his existence as soon as I see my brother. I might not even meet Adam again during my stay here. Why bother then? I spent enough of my nerves on the trip here, and I don't have any left for a guy who appears to have grandiose narcissism issues.

The inside of the car was almost as impressive as its external view. Black leather felt soothing to my skin and air conditioner — God bless whoever decided to put it into the cars — made me almost moan from the pleasure of finally escaping from the outdoor humidity. 

Adam started the engine and pulled out of the airport parking lot onto the highway before I even put my seatbelt on. He remained silent, being focused on the traffic ahead of us and I had some time to examine him too. I didn't notice that my thoughts took the wrong direction but I definitely did notice the tattoos. A dozen of them, wrapping around his shoulders, arms and neck. I traced his arms grabbing the wheel, every muscle vivid under his movements. I suddenly felt the urge to touch— I drew my eyes away at the moment I felt tension in my lower stomach. Gosh, Nicole, this is just a man. The absence of those in your life does not mean you need to get wet from anyone looking hot and being able to grab you with the pair of strong big arms around your…

"So, how was your flight?" I heard Adam asking, and it got me distracted. I think I could literally feel my cheeks burning over the thoughts that just slipped through my mind… out of pure curiosity, of course. "Any cranky toddlers?" 

I almost chuckled, fixating my eyes on the road. "Thankfully, none." I was still not in my best mood, but the coolness of the car relaxed me a little. I watched the scenery, trying to distract myself from the games my mind just played on me. Better watch palms shaking under the wind than thinking of a guy you just met. 

"A lucky one, huh?" He flashed me a dazzling grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Then, he suddenly claimed: "You can't be his sister"

Well, that's an amusing statement. 

"And why is that?" 

"You look…" I turned my head to Adam to see him watching me. With that same damn look that traveled everywhere. "... different. Is he adopted?"

This time I couldn't control the smile touching my lips. Before I could answer, he focused on the road again, like his interest for me was just a one-moment delight. "Did he also send you my picture?"

"No," stated Adam, and then added, giving me another glance: "And now I understand why."

"What, you wouldn't come at all?" I snorted, crossing my arms again. 

"Ah, c'mon, dolly, I was only a few minutes late." Dolly? Again? 

First time I thought I imagined him calling me a "dolly" but now— I gasped, ready to confront him about this stupid nickname, but he cut me off. "Let's call your brother. He's been freaking me out the whole morning." 

I made myself agree, thinking that making a scene with my brother's friend is not the best way to start my vacation. Even if every moment of having him around persuaded me that he is worth it. 

Adam turned on the speaker on his car dashboard and we heard a few beeps before Col answered.

"Oh my God, finally!" Col shouted before Adam could even say anything. "I thought you would never fucking get there."

"But I did," said Adam, almost proudly. "Almost on time. Right, Nicole?"

I didn't even have to look at him to know that he was smiling again. I could physically feel his eyes on me, through the damn sunglasses, and I didn't like the way it made me dither. So I rolled my eyes while greeting my brother. "We're on our way! Don't worry."

"Is he behaving?" 

"Of course I am behaving," Adam snorted indignantly before I could respond. "What kind of a question is—" 

"He said you're adopted."

The silence was a little bit too loud. Now I was more than happy to look at Adam right now, amused by the way he raised his eyebrows. I would call his acting skills quite decent as I wasn't able to tell whether he seemed insulted on purpose or for real. 

"McClane," Col demanded in a teacher's voice. 

"I would NEVER say that!" Adam claimed, quickly turning the steering wheel to the left, which made me even have to grab the door handle. "You know me, Col."

"That is exactly why I am sure you said that!" My brother said loudly, right after that he let go of his cranky manner. "Anyways, I am almost at home. Will meet you guys in twenty minutes."

"We can come faster than that," informed Adam and as a proof of his own words he pressed the gas pedal, accelerating the car. The number of cars in front of us did not seem to be a problem for him. But it sure was a fucking problem for me. 

"Don't," I heard myself saying, watching our car making its way through the traffic. 

I hate speed. 

My words distracted Adam from maneuvering through the unstoppable flow of cars, and he spared me an interested glance. "Why? Scared of a quick drive?"

I am.

"May I please ask you to get me my sister without her having a goddamn heart attack?!" Col shouted, making Adam laugh.

"Fine," he slowed down the car and turned his head to me. I let go of the handle, trying not to look nervous. But I was, I felt my heart racing inside my chest. I really hate speed. "Just because she's your little sister."

"Be nice!" Said Col, addressing his friend. 

"I am always nice!"

"A-ha, for sure. See y'all!" 

When Adam hung up on Col, the silence between us was loud again. I wanted to get out of this car as soon as possible, not caring about the deadly humidity outdoors. What kind of a performance was that?! I looked at Adam, who seemed like the last person on earth, whose purpose was to show off in front of me. He remained unbothered, like he didn't just cut off at least a dozen cars while being on a phone with my brother. 

"Do you always act like that?" 

My voice surely distracted him from his own thoughts and he even pulled his glasses up on his head before looking at me. "Like what?"

"Careless? You could've got us into a car accident." 

"No, I couldn't," Adam replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I have more experience in driving than you have in walking this earth."

"You're just a few years older than me," I protested. 

"And how would you know?" A smirk again. His face surely was pissing me off more and more.

I knew that half of an hour spent together was not enough to make any conclusions or even assumptions, but Adam was getting on my nerves. His not-very-polite manners, his casually thrown phrases, which are not quite acceptable to say to a person you just met, his penetrating gaze, which he didn't even try to hide, his grins, his… face. 

I might be just tired. Or not. 

"You graduated the same year Col did." Duh! Does he think I wouldn't know who my brother is friends with? "Unless you failed and were retained for a second year. Or third. I would believe that."

"You surely have your brother's big mouth," I snorted loudly at his words, making sure he would hear it. "Did he tell you about how dangerous it can be to not know when to keep your little mouth shut?"

The tone of his voice became lower, more serious, but his eyes remained playful. It seemed like this guy wasn't sincere about anything he had said to me from the moment we met and just wanted to see my reaction.

"Is this supposed to be a threat?" 

"Pure curiosity," his grin widened. When I looked at him doubtfully, he elaborated. But I would be happier if he didn't. "I'm sure the same one that made you devour my body with your pretty eyes."

My eyes met his, surely confused. I felt the quick rush of embarrassment running through my body like an electric shock. 

"I wasn't…"

"Do you need a better view? I can take my shirt off."

What the actual— I managed to pull myself together. "You are delusional."

At that point, I could feel my cheeks burn with a flame of frustration. I wasn't devouring his body! I was just returning his impudent gaze, when he did not bother to hide the interest in my breast. It's crazy what an exceptionally big ego and absolute absence of tact this man possesses. 

"And you are my best friend's sister." 

His reply didn't make any sense to me, like most of the bullshit that left his mouth in the past thirty minutes. 

"What does that have to do with anything?!"

"It obliges me to act nicely," sighed Adam as he was tired of our conversation. 

"So, this is what you think "nice" means?" I scoffed, amused by his lack of filter. "Saying whatever comes into your head?" 

"If I said whatever comes into my head, you would be blushing even more than you are now," the way he looked me directly in the eyes made me believe in his words, so I remained silent. "I'm sure you wouldn't want that, would you, dolly?"

The car stopped, and I looked around. We parked near the house I recognized from photos sent by Col to me earlier. I realized that I didn't pay enough attention to the road, being absorbed with Adam's irrelevant behavior. I finally got the chance to get out of this damn car.