
Him, Her. Fated

Trying to protect her, he breaks up with her and pushes her far away from himself. But fate says otherwise, they meet again. Would he push her away again ? He has no choice but to keep her close.

CallMheLove · Urbano
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Sarah lay comfortably on her bed sleeping. It was her work free day, so she could sleep as much as she wanted. Being a celebrity, she has always had to wake up very early in the morning and go to bed very late in the night everyday but on her work free day she could get as much rest as she wanted.

"Sarah!!", Sophia called as she walked into the Sarah's very spacious room.

"Sarah, get up now", Sophia called again louder than before.

"what is it? Sophia" Sarah screamed, standing from her bed in anger

"I am supposed to be resting remember, you are ruining it!!" she continued in a loud voice.

"I am really sorry Sarah, but we have to go shopping. Have you forgotten our trip?" Sophia asked

"which trip?"

"our trip to London. Your show with Mark Hun, Remember?"

"oh I forgot about it. But Sophia, today is my work free day. Can't I sleep for like 5 hours?" Sarah asked blinking her eyes in an adorable way as she lay back down on her bed

"geez, what was that? You are nowhere near adorable. Go and freshen up, we have a long day ahead of us"

"Ugh, you are…"

" I am?" Sophia cuts in

"Absolutely wonderful" Sarah retorts with a fake smile on her face

"Thanks for the compliment sweetheart. Be fast, we've gat to hurry"

Sarah's P.O.V

I don't get why Sophia won't let me sleep in peace today of all days, why do I need to go shopping? I have lots of clothes in my closet. My closet is a really big one, it's the size of a room. It has everything ranging from under wears to foot wears, clothing to accessories all latest brands. I am not a fan of shopping, besides why go shopping for what you already have? It's quite unlike Sophia to want to go shopping, in fact it's totally weird. I thought she said we need money, why waste the little we've left?

"I've got to freshen up though, I stink" I muttered as I stood up from my bed to take my towel. I walked into my dressing room and pulled off my pj's. Then I wrapped the towel around my body and entered my bathroom. A very neat, simple bathroom is what I have, I am not the bath tub kind of girl. So I have a shower and I love it, it is fast, quick and it made me feel strong. I have always likened a bath tub to being feminine, fragile and delicate but with my shower, I was not feminine, fragile or even delicate. Weird, right?

"Sarah!!", I heard Sophia call

"I am almost done, chill", I muttered to myself

"Sarah!!", she called again

"I am almost done, chill", I said in a loud voice. The next thing I heard was her retreating footsteps.

"ugh, finally" I muttered again as I left my bathroom. Not getting enough sleep is making me really grumpy. "Sophia, this is all your fault" I sighed

Sophia's P.O.V

"I just can't wait to see you again Mark" I muttered to myself happily. I have been waiting for this day for a long time. The day when I can finally meet you again and tell you how much I have missed you. Even though your touch was short, I have missed it. That day you saved me from those guys who tried to take advantage of me, my heart became yours. "It is you, Mark and it will always be you", I smiled caressing his picture on my phone.

"Are you alright? You are zoning off again" I heard Sarah call behind me. Her voice startled me. My heart froze and my phone slipped out of my hand crashing to the floor.

"Sarah!! Why did you sneak up on me?" I yelled at her

"sneak up on you seriously? I have standing here for like 5 minutes waiting for you but you were obviously lost in thought" she yelled back

"you know what? I am done with this. I am not going shopping with you, you can go alone" she said turning to leave.

"wait Sarah, I am sorry. I overreacted"

"that's the problem Sophia, you've been overreacting a lot lately. Something is up? What is it?"

"nothing Sarah, I am okay. I am just stressed out" I lied

"stressed out? Nice lie, guess what? Ain't working on me? It's a guy right?"

"no!!" I denied blushing hard

"you are blushing, so that means I am right. Finally, my workaholic manager is in love" she teased as she danced around me.

"so tell me about him" she said resting on my shoulder

"I am not doing that Sarah, we still have to go shopping"

"but I don't want to go shopping"

"please Sarah.." I pleaded

"you are going shopping for him right?" she said teasing me

" no, well, maybe, yes, whatever" I sighed

"okay fine, let's go" she said smiling

"this girl will be the death of me" I muttered underneath my breath

"you say what?" she asked

"nothing Sarah, nothing" I retorted frowning.

"better for you" she replied laughing hard.

I ignored her completely. Taking my purse and car keys, I walked to the car. I could hear her calling and running after me.

"hey, Sophia" she called but I did not answer her. She kept running after me until she reached me.

" I was just joking Sophia" she said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"I am sorry" she continued.

"it's fine. Get into the car" I said entering into my car

"thanks" she said as she entered the car too.

Throughout our ride to the shopping mall, the only thing on my mind was how to get Sarah to forget anything about me being in love. She can't know my weakness. No one has ever known my weakness, and my darling Sarah you are the first but also the last too. I have always been a workaholic incapable of love, that has always been my reputation. It can't change now.