
♤Chapter Three♤

Before we knew it, lunch was over.

I walked to her English class with Luete before I went to Global Studies, which was two classes down from the English room. I sat down and waited about 30 seconds before the bell rang. We are learning about south-central Africa. In all honesty I didn't like global studies as much as some other classes but I mean it is very fascinating. I just don't like taking notes.

When the school day was over I rushed to the cafeteria with-out thinking. We needed to do the last few details in the backgrounds for the school play. I look at the seven different backgrounds- my favorite being the night sky- and smile. They simply looked super sick! I could hardly believe that seven people, in all, did all of that.

Once we got the last few things done, we brought it to the gym then we went home. My house is only 15-ish minutes away from the school, so I walk almost everyday. I throw on my headphones and play the song stuck in my head on repeat before I step out the school door #11. I walk by a bunch of blossoming leaves growing on some big, lovely trees. The dandles aren't up yet but they will be starting soon. When I get to my front door I take out my headphones and see that the door is unlocked.

That's odd, I think to myself before opening the door.

When I step inside the house I hear a familiar voice yell from the other room, "Maya are you finally home?!"

My sister, Tonya, and her husband (of four years), Ollie came over for a surprise visit.

"Yuppie!" I yell rushing over to the kitchen.

When I get her I almost jump into her arms for a hug. This was the first time she's been over in a year. Her and Ollie moved to Montana three years ago.

"I have something special to tell you," Tonya started. "Ollie and I are going to adopt a beautiful girl. Her name is Sophie."

"You're going to adopt a child?" I say in a little bit of shock.

Tonya nodded with a soft, yet toothy, smile.

I don't know what to say, it was kinda hard to believe. Three years ago Tonya said she doesn't want a child. People change, I know, but it's a little shocking. It's kind of nuts. I mean now I know why she came over for a visit.

I walked over to the stairs and stopped for a second before running up to my room. I drop off my school bag and dash downstairs again. Tonya wasn't in the kitchen so I went to the living room, my mother must have gotten home. I heard Tonya talking to someone but didn't hear what she was about. I look around the corner to see my mother, Lila, sitting on the couch and Tonya about to tell her something. She'll probably tell mom what she

told me less than 15 minutes ago.

Tonya smiled, "Mom, Ollie and I are going to adopt a little girl."

Mom jumped up from the couch and hugged her, "Really! Wow!"

Tonya tells mom a little bit more about the young girl, Sophie. I smile and go back to the kitchen. I sit on the swivel chair near the island with a smile.

I wonder if Brove knows, I think to myself spinning around. He's probably outside with his friend right now.

I want to go outside for no real reason. It was getting late so I'll probably go when it's dark. I have a spot around the park and it's the most lovely place ever. The stars are super vibrant yet they look like they need someone to appreciate them. They need someone to help them shine as bright as they do and I like to think it's my job when I'm on my little hill. Like when I reach up I can hold one.

When my dad and brother get home a few hours later dinner is ready so we eat. I think Tonya and Ollie will break the news to the other two well eating. I sit in my normal spot at the dining table, second spot on the left side. I quickly shove the alfredo pasta in my mouth and finish my plate before anyone else.

As soon as I drank my water Tonya cleared her throat and spoke, "Dad, Brove. Ollie and I have something to tell you. I already told mom and Maya."

I closed my eyes a little even though I already knew what she was going to announce. I felt like time slowed down a little bit or Tonya paused for a tiny bit.

Tonya spoke again, "Ollie and I are adopting a lovely little girl. Her name is Sophie, she's five years old."

Dad and Brove said nothing and looked at her in pure shock. Mom was super excited and was filled with pure joy. She couldn't wait to meet her first grandchild. I couldn't picture it really, Tonya and Ollie raising a child. She would be a great parent and all that jazz but it's hard to believe.

When we all finished eating and Tonya answering questions about the whole thing I went to my room. Soon there was a knock on the door. I tell whoever is knocking that they can come in and they do. It was Tonya. I can't believe she was only seven years older than me and already going to raise a child.

Tonya smiled, sitting on my bed next to me, "I know it's hard to believe but Sophie needs Ollie and I. In truth this is the best of both worlds. She now has parents and I have another person to care for and I get to watch her grow up."

I look up to her and give her a slight smile,

"Promise you'll do good."

She nodded, "I promise that she will be my everything."

I sigh a little bit, "How did you know that you want to raise a kid with Ollie?"

"Well," She started. "We got a message from someone about her. So Ollie and I talked and we decided that she needed us."

"No," I shake my head. "I mean how did you know Ollie was the one you wanted to raise a kid with?"

"We're married but I'll assume you mean feelings wise? I started feeling sick to my gut when we talked but in the best way possible. It was like butterflies were set to fly free inside me. When we talked it went really well, like we never stopped having something to talk about. When we didn't talk it was a comfortable silence. We met at my second job ever and it started it all," She smiled just thinking about it. "Why? Did you meet someone?"

I laughed a little bit, "I guess."

She smiled again before telling me to get some sleep and leaving my room.

I didn't go to sleep even if Tonya told me but I did leave the house. It was easy because my parents go to bed before 10pm. Ollie almost caught me leaving but he was in the bathroom so he didn't. I don't normally sneak out of the house yet I felt I just needed to go and watch the stars. I also have my phone so if they called I answer.