
Hikigaya in Classroom of the Elite | COTE x Oregairu

Legitimately just a Hikigaya in classroom of the elite. Like I can’t get enough of these type of fanfictions and then I read all of them so I had none to read. This is basically for my future self when I forget all about cote fanfics so I can enjoy just one more hikigaya in classroom of the elite fanfiction. He can be a little off character, just a warning. This is right after he grauated from junior high, so hes just been bullied. I kind of buffed him for fun, but he’s much more heartless but more righteous at the same time. A walking contradiction indeed. By the way, this is 100% going to be harem even if I don’t really know how to write one. There’s just too much girls in this book that I really like. This doesn’t include Horikita and Kushida by the way. Their personalities do not match with hikigaya and I just don’t like them in general. General grammar errors are a possibility, mainly because im writing this on the notes app and just copy and pasting it. No grammarly or anything. I’m also too lazy to fix that so there’s that. So for the readers and my future self who’ll probably come back and give it a read, enjoy. The cover is default cause for some reason I can’t upload it on my ipad so i’ll do it when I have time.

Dystien · Anime e Quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 11

Hikigaya hoped that nothing would go wrong with Ichinose's situation.

While a majority of the girls in class were clingy to Ichinose, it was pretty obvious that Shiranami went above and beyond.

Ichinose was hella dense for not noticing before. Or maybe she did and didn't want to accept the reality. That looked like the type of thing she would do to keep the class together.

Shiranami had even said stuff like "I'm so glad I'm in the same class as you!"

Multiple times. It so obvious to him that everytime he heard such a statement, he wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

The new month had started, and unusually, he didn't get his points.

That was rather unusual. There was no way that their class points had suddenly dropped to zero.

With such thoughts in his head, Hikigaya waited for the elevator, before arriving with a ding sound.

The doors opened to reveal Ichinose.



A wave, and he entered the elevator.

"How did yesterday go? You didn't text me afterwards."

"Oh, sorry about that. She said that we could still stay as friends!"

"That's good."

That was nice to hear. If Ichinose's mood plummeted, the Class's mood would follow, lowering their performance.

"Oh, Hikigaya-kun, did you get your points?"

"No, I was about to ask you the same. I didn't get anything yet."

"That's weird…"

The elevator arrived on the first floor with a ding, and the two left.

Surprisingly, this was the first time Hikigaya had encountered Ichinose on his way to class. Exiting the elevator, he encountered a familar group of faces.

"Kushida-chan! Did you guys get your points?"

Ichinose walked up to Kushida, who was accompanied by Ayanokoji.

He gave him a simple nod, and he did the same.

"Oh, is this your boyfriend?"

Ichinose asked Kushida.

Hikigaya thought it was unlikely.

"No! What would make you think that? Just a classmate!"

Ouch. Even if Kushida was two-faced that has got to hurt. Hikigaya looked at Ayanokoji's expression to see that nothing had changed.

Hikigaya assumed that Ayanokoji probably discovered Kushida's hidden side. He pitied him. If he did discover it then Kushida probably blackmailed him.

"What about you, Ichinose-chan? Is this person your boyfriend?"

'What is this woman saying?'

Hikigaya thought, expecting Ichinose's apt rejection.

"Eh? N-no? Not really…"

Oi! Why are you acting bashful all of a sudden?!

Now Ayanokoji was looking at Hikigaya with a confused expression!

He raised an eyebrow when looking back, trying to convey an "I don't know either," through his eyes.

"Eh~? Is that so~? But, yeah we didn't get our points yet."

So it was the same for Class D as well…

Last he remembered, they had gained 87 Class Points from the midterm.

That was impressive, even if they had the previous year's exam answers.

"Thanks for answering, We'll leave you guys to it!"

Hikigaya left the building as fast as possible, Ichinose in tow.

"So what do you think happened, Hikigaya-kun?"

"It's probably a school issue if Class D didn't get their points either."

There was silence after, with Ichinose's occasional humming in thought.

"Hoshinomiya-sensei would probably explain when we get to class,"

Hikigaya added.

"You're probably right,"

"Also, Hikigaya, the class was wondering if we should have something like an Alliance with another class, you know, to keep our spot? Since you always give me advice, I was wondering…"

That was relatively decent thinking. Class B was out, and Class C would decline. So there only remained one Class left.

"With Class D?"

She smiled and nodded.


"Well, I guess it would depend, but it wouldn't do us any good to force the issue. It'll seem like we went into an alliance because there's no way that they could threaten us."

Ichinose opened her mouth in the shape of an O.

"That makes sense… Helpful as always!"

"No problem, you can tell me anything. Not that I have anyone to share it with, haha."

Hikigaya awkwardly laughed at his small joke, and Ichinose went silent.

"Uh, Ichinose? That was a joke."

"O-oh right, that wasn't that funny though."

Hikigaya grasped at his heart in a joking manner, as if he got shot.

"Keh… A direct hit…! To say that my jokes aren't funny! My pride!"

"Eh? What is that supposed to mean!?"

Ichinose giggled.

'Note to self. Ichinose does not find self deprecating jokes funny.'

He would have to remember that.

Arriving in the classroom, the two separated into their separate groups. When Hikigaya said separate groups, it was Ichinose who was going to her group, while he went to his comfortable corner.

Hoshinomiya came in with a hangover, the scent of alcohol reaching even Hikigaya, who sat in the back.

"Uh… Oh my head hurts so bad…"

Hoshinomiya mumbled, her head down on her podium before looking at the class with great difficulty.

"Eh… Oh right… You guys might not have noticed… but your Class Points haven't been distributed yet… That was a mistake by the higher ups, you'll get it later in the day… ugh…"

Hoshinomiya covered her mouth.

"I will go use the restroom now… so enjoy the rest of your homeroom… hurk…!"

Hoshinomiya covered her mouth once more, making a tactical retreat.

With a sudden announcment and a sudden exit, the class hadn't even gotten a chance to ask any questions.

Some sighed, and some scoffed.

It was Monday, so Hikigaya would meet up with Shiina and Ichinose at the Library after school, before going home to laze around.

Thankfully, this school didn't assign homework. Hikigaya was glad.

That meant unless he was studying, he didn't have to do anything school related.


The week had been surprisingly calm. It was like the midterms hadn't even happened. That was nice. it reduced his stress and it got him back into the habit. He had been neglecting his workouts cause he had less time to himself.

Currently, he was at the mall, treating himself to some sashimi.

While eating, he was thinking of random thoughts as he had no conversation partner. But sometimes, eating by himself was a vibe.

If Hikigaya had to rank the days of the week, he would list in the following order.

Friday was first.

Saturday second.

Thursday third.

Wednesday fourth.

Tuesday fifth.

Sunday sixth.

And obviously Monday was last.

And today was the fourth favorite day of the week.

Friday was nice, because there was 2 days of no school after that day.

Saturday was also nice, cause there was 1 day of school after saturday.

Thursday was because it was a day before friday, and it applied to both Wednesday and Tuesday.

One would think that Sunday should be higher, but it was before Monday, so it lowered it's ranking by that much.

Monday… Hikigaya just disliked Monday.


Ichinose - [Whatcha doing right now?]

Ichinose - [Curious sticker]

Hikigaya - [Treating myself to sashimi.]

Hikigaya - [Money spread sticker]

Ichinose - [How luxurious. Can I pick your head for advice right now?]

Hikigaya - [Sure.]

Ichinose - [So I don't know if you know this already, but some Class C students is accusing Class D's Sudo Ken of assault, and we're trying to find some evidence to help.]

Hikigaya - [Is this a part of this Alliance you were talking about a few days ago?]

Ichinose - [No? There's nothing wrong with helping a person in need!]

'Emiya Shirou?'

Hikigaya thought, before removing the thought.

Hikigaya - […]

Hikigaya - [Any evidence yet?]

Ichinose - [Nothing other than a battery…]

Ichinose - [Disappointed sticker]

Hikigaya - [No camera footage?]

Ichinose - [No…]

Hikigaya - [Then how did Class C even report it?]

When one got a case, they needed to know everything about the crime scene.

Ichinose - [The Class C students were injured and were blaming it on Sudo.]

Hikigaya - [That isn't sufficient evidence. The case will probably be dropped as long as no one does anything.]

Ichinose - [But what if Sudo gets suspended?]

Ichinose - [Tearing up sticker]

Hikigaya - […]

Ichinose - [Ehe?]

Hikigaya - [Sighing sticker]

Hikigaya - [Fine. I'll give you a way to "win" the case.]

Ichinose - [I knew I could count on you!]

Hikigaya - [I don't want credit tho.]

Ichinose - [Eh? Again?]

Hikigaya - [I don't like trouble.]

Hikigaya - [Arms crossed sticker.]

Ichinose - [Okay…]

Hikigaya - [You can probably find the owner of the battery if you go to the camera shop at the mall and ask around.]

Ichinose - [And…?]

Hikigaya - [What a insistent customer I have, tsk, tsk, tsk]

Hikigaya - [Shaking head sticker]

Ichinose - [Oy! I'll fight ya!]

Ichinose - [Shadow boxing sticker]

Hikigaya - [You can also make up fake evidence, saying that the school was testing them to pressure them into withdrawing the complaint.]

Hikigaya - [Or if you want to play passively, you can ask around for the past of the Class C students to pressure them to withdrawing the complaint that way.]

Ichinose - [Thanks Hikigaya! I'll pay you back with Ice Cream!]

Hikigaya - [So my assistance was only worth an Ice Cream? Oh the horror!]

Hikigaya - [Fainting sticker]

Ichinose - [Fine fine, I'll treat you to someplace expensive this weekend.]

Ichinose - [Resigned sticker]

Hikigaya - [Victory!]

Hikigaya - [V-pose sticker]

Ichinose - […]

Hikigaya - […See you tomorrow in class, I'm going to finish my food.]

Ichinose - [See you!]

Hikigaya wasn't impressed. Even after he had stolen money from Class D by provoking Sudo Ken, Class C didn't even do half as good as a job he did!

No evidence, other than injuries that obviously could have been self inflicted.

Also, why would Class C ask for his expulsion? Just ask for money. After all, Hikigaya had stolen a million points when he did it. Maybe they wanted to know the class point loss from explusion?

'How sloppy.'

Hikigaya debated helping or not, but if Sudo stays, the plague that he is, Class D probably wouldn't get that far.

It was merely a contingency plan.


Ichinose Honami POV

Ichinose didn't necessarily need Hikigaya's help, but it became more of a habit to ask him for advice whenever something had happened.

It was like no matter what, Hikigaya would always be there to catch her, and pull her back up.

She was with Kanzaki, Horikita, and Ayanokoji.

"So, what did your friend say?"

Horikita looked impatient. Ichinose didn't know why she was so suspicious.

"Well, he gave us three options?"


"Yeah. One was to look for the owner of the camera by asking at the shop or waiting around, because if they left the battery then they probably would need to buy another one,"

The other three nodded.

"Another was to make them withdraw by pressuring them by saying we already have evidence and that the school was just testiing them."

Ichinose liked this plan the most.

"The last is to find dirt on the Class C students and use it as an argument to drop the case entirely."

But personally, Ichinose liked any of Hikigaya's plans.

"This person you're asking for advice is pretty intelligent. Are you sure he's trustworthy?"

Horikita asked.

Was this woman questioning Hikigaya's motives?

"Yes. They're the most trustworthy person I know."

Hikigaya always tried his best to help her whenever she had issues, and she wouldn't let anyone say anything else.

The three seemed surprised by her adamant reply.

This confused Kanzaki. He and the class considered him to be Ichinose's assistant, and she was getting advice from this "Unknown".

There was only one person that came to mind recently.

Kanzaki got close to Ichinose's ear.

"Is it Hikigaya?"

"Eh?" Ichinose looked at him, surprise written on her face.

"So it is."

Kanzaki had prided himself on being observant, automatically pegging Ichinose as the future class leader not even a week in.

Before the study sessions, Kanzaki knew very little about Hikigaya, but whenever he proposed to try and integrate him into the class properly, Ichinose had said that it was fine.

But during the study sessions, Kanzaki could acknowledge Hikigaya's intelligence in regards to academics. He was the highest scorer in the class, and his tutoring ability went above even his to the point that he was surprised.

He had found Ichinose's faith in Hikigaya confusing, as before they split up into smaller study groups, Ichinose had asked Hikigaya multiple different questions, even questions that Kanzaki knew Ichinose already knew the answer to.

Originally he assumed that it was because Ichinose wanted to integrate Hikigaya subtly into the class despite being against it when he had proposed it, but now he had found the answer. If Hikigaya was the person that she trusted the most, then Kanzaki's view of Hikigaya had significantly changed.

"N-no it isn't!"

Ichinose tried to counter, but her unexpected reaction had already told Kanzaki everything.

Ichinose didn't want Hikigaya to be popular…

He was supposed to be all hers…

She made a small exception with Shiina, but that was it!

Looking at Kanzaki's unconvinced face, she switched gears.

"Y-you can't tell anyone!"

"That's fine."

A quick response.

"I-I see."

It surprised her to see that he had agreed so fast, but Ichinose trusted Kanzaki.

"Are you guys done discussing?"

Horikita interrupted.

Ichinose had just realized the time and place they were at.

"Uh, yep! So which one?"

"The second."

It was the one she liked!

…Maybe Ichinose should have asked Hikigaya when she had gotten home.


Ayanokoji Kiyotaka POV

Hikigaya again.

Ayanokoji had to admit, he was a scary person to be around.

When Hikigaya had first looked at him, it felt like he was exposed.

He hadn't put a name to Hikigaya before, but he figured it out due to different clues.

2 days prior when he had encountered Kushida on his way down, he had encountered Ichinose and Hikigaya.

Watching Ichinose turn bashful was a surprise when Kushida had asked if Ichinose had a boyfriend.

When he had given Hikigaya a look over, he didn't look that impressive. But there were subtle hints to revealed a bit of his ability, notably his eyes.

But when Ayanokoji was getting looked at, it felt like his soul was turned bare when faced with Hikigaya's eyes, like he could see into his essence.

That was a frightening experience.

When Ichinose had asked such a person for help, he noted his intelligence. Ayanokoji also had a similar solution, which he was going to manipulate Horikita into proposing.

It looked like Ichinose was Hikigaya's proxy. Like Horikita was for him.

Charisma and Beauty mixed perfectly with Hikigaya's Intelligence and Vision.

'What a scary combination,'

Ayanokoji had inwardly thought, following Ichinose and Horikita as they were making their way to buy a fake security camera.

A/N: I lowkey found this arc to be MAD boring in the anime.

Since I ichinose asked hikigaya for advice, she didn't contact ayanokoji for help, but ichinose would probably help them anyways, unless hikigaya warned against it, the emiya shirou mentality going crazy.

If I remember correctly, there's only the pool scene but I might just remove it cause hikigaya doesn't seem to be the type of person who would willingly go to the pool, even if the entirety of class a went.

Like the pool scenes were so corny and i felt like it was just for fanservice in the anime.

Like horikita's speech? Egh…

Next chapters probably going to be the last chapter before the crusie ship and island exam. If I pace it properly, the island exam would be around 4-5 chaps and similarly for the cruise ship exam.

Hope you enjoyed.

Thanks for reading.