
Higurashi no naku koro ni X Classroom of the Elite

Welcome to the world of "The Cry of the Cicadas." The "Kidnapped by Destiny" arc will be the opening inviting you into this world. Don't play tough, just enjoy life in Hinamizawa to the fullest. The difficulty level is extremely high, but I hope you'll enjoy the reward... ... Wait, doesn't this remind you of something? It seems that something has changed this time, hasn't it? Talking about difficulty? But who are you exactly? Haven't you already experienced all of this in the past? Will things unfold the same way, or will it be different? The difficulty is high, but that's what makes it exciting.

Phoenix_Lore · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

CLUE 11: The Disappearance of Kyotaka Ayanokoji 5

POV : Kei

It was bitterly cold, with the breeze chilling me to the bone despite the sun shining bright and strong, without really offering any warmth. There, sitting on a bench a bit apart in the park, with Hirata, Kushida, Horikita, and Ichinose, away from prying eyes, we had to discuss serious stuff.

"Kyo, where the hell are you? I would give anything to be sure nothing serious has happened to you..."

Everything's been off since this morning. What's the deal? Kyo disappeared just after saving me from Ryuen's clutches, and since then, nothing's been right. They tell me he's been gone for a week, whereas for me, it's barely been a day! Just like for the others here. I don't get it, I feel awful... sad, emptied, exhausted? I don't know... This sensation is new to me. It took me a while to realize I was head over heels for Kiyotaka... And now, you're telling me he's disappeared? What's this joke? It's like fate is conspiring against me!

I don't understand anything. After the show of force he gave me, I figure he can defend himself, right? Why would he have run away, or hidden? Another one of his twisted strategies, maybe? Honestly, with him, expect anything. It's just impossible to know what he's cooking up... And maybe that's also why I'm falling for him.

Anyway, now that we're here, might as well talk about it. But seriously, what are we going to talk about? There's zero clues, nada! It's crazy, even the school's security is in the dark. What are we supposed to do, exactly?

Plus, Horikita pissed me off earlier with her questions. Why does she want to know if I'm close to Kyo or not? It doesn't change anything. Why would I have harmed him, seriously? She doesn't get feelings, that one.

Ugh, I'm tired of thinking about all this. We'd better be looking for him instead of yapping. Classes can wait, right? I had suggested getting somewhere warm, but no, we ended up coming here because it's lunch break and then we have classes. As if school is the most important thing right now! Maybe we'll go rummage through the dorm tonight, but in the meantime, we're wasting time.

... ... ... ... ...

Sitting there, arms and legs crossed, I sank into my corner of the bench, utterly annoyed. Beside me, Hirata, always so calm and serious, I wonder how he does it. And Kushida, with her sickening smile, as if nothing was wrong... Now that I know she's the mole of Class D, I see her differently. She might not be directly involved, but she's surely in on it. Wouldn't surprise me if this was Ryuen's doing, just for revenge.

And then, in front of me, Horikita with her unbearable air of superiority, and Ichinose, always as kind and intelligent. Thankfully she's here, she might be able to help us find Kyo. All I want is to make sure he's okay.

Ichinose: We don't have much time before classes resume, but I think we can still take a moment to discuss and review our recent experiences. I encourage each of you to share your thoughts and theories. It's important for us to stay united and support each other!

Hirata: Absolutely, you're right. We really have a lot on our plate, and even if we're a bit pressed for time, we should at least try to take stock together. It will allow us to see clearly what has happened recently and ensure we're all aligned for what's next.

Kushida: Oh, absolutely, I'm totally with you on this! We really need to stick together if we want to unravel this story and find Ayanokoji. It's by being united that we'll manage, for sure.

Horikita: It's clear that we don't really have any other choice. We can examine the details more thoroughly tonight, after classes. But for now, it's crucial to take a step back and view the situation as a whole to better organize our thoughts.

Kei: Pff, obviously. As if we had a choice with all these options... We need to move, and fast!


So, we finally started to have a serious talk, trying to make sense of the chaos that began at the start of this day, which seemed straight out of a nightmare. Horikita was the first to speak, always carrying that serious air about her.

Horikita: First off, there's this matter of time. For some students, it appears that only one day has passed, but for the majority, they're convinced it's been a week... No, more precisely, that's what we remember. We can't be certain of the truth, but the most logical explanation is that it has indeed been a week... She paused, a hint of irritation in her voice before continuing. As frustrating as it may be for me to admit, given my involvement, I have no intention of questioning everything I remember and see. And it seems unlikely that our situation is a matter of chance. Everything suggests it's arranged so that the most significant individuals and those closely linked to Ayanokoji are involved.

Yeah, there's definitely something off with this time thing. It's probably the weirdest mystery in this whole situation because it makes absolutely no sense. Honestly, I don't even know what to think of it.

Ichinose: It's true, there seem to be inconsistencies that warrant our attention. Evidence indicates that certain events occurred simultaneously yesterday, where we thought we saw Kiyotaka, but also a week ago, a period of which I have no personal recollection. For instance, elements suggest that only a single day has passed in my room, while outside, several events I don't remember seem to have unfolded.

Ah, now that it's mentioned... yeah, I'm starting to remember. Thinking about it, none of this makes sense! My room was spotless, as if only a day had passed... So does that mean it really was just one day?

Kei: Ah, now that you mention it... Yeah, it's coming back to me. There are things in my room, I could swear I did them just yesterday, not a week ago. And about the trash, it's the same story, it doesn't seem fuller than that.

Horikita: Yes, I share that sentiment. Horikita's eyebrows furrowed slightly before she continued. However, what are we supposed to deduce from that? That we were plunged into a coma for a week? No, that would have inevitably been noticed by others... It's absurd to think that everyone, except us, lost track of time. It defies all logic... especially since all external testimonies confirm what the majority seems to believe, while only our personal evidence supports our own perception.

Seriously, I'm getting less and less of a grip on this mess! It's like everything is purposely made to baffle us. It's as if our rooms were zapped a week into the future... But that's nonsense, right? It's not like that's possible!! There has to be a logical explanation, but seriously, is this the time to be bothered with that? The most urgent matter is finding Kyo, right? If he's in danger... We're just wasting our time here!! Okay, he's tough, but he's not Superman, you know? If by bad luck he got cornered by a bunch of tough guys, he couldn't have done much... Right? Raaah, Kyo, I hope we find you in one piece!!

Kushida: Ah, and let's not forget about school starting! We were supposed to have another week of vacation normally, but it seems like everyone, including the school staff, is going full throttle, as if it was obvious.

Ichinose: Ah, I saw that too, but honestly, I don't know what to make of it... She sighed, looking disheartened. The more we think, the less we manage to unravel all this... Regarding Ayanokoji, I really hope he's okay. He's a great guy, he really doesn't deserve any of this.

Huh? Since when is Ichinose so interested in Kyo... Do they know each other or what? I'd love to know what she thinks of him... and what he thinks of her. But, knowing Kyo, he's probably not really making a big deal about it, right?

Ah, but actually, that's not the most urgent thing! We're wasting too much time on maybe not-so-important details. The priority is finding Kyo, everything else can wait. Honestly, what an idea to get hung up on time in a situation like this... One of our classmates has disappeared, after all! And not just any classmate, it's Kyo...

Hirata: For now, it's a bit complicated to get to the bottom of this whole temporality issue... Hirata paused for a moment, seemingly in thought, then continued. Actually, the most urgent thing would be to find out where Ayanokoji is, don't you think?

Ichinose: Yeah, that's true! Maybe we should start by focusing on Ayanokoji, after all, he's the most important thing right now.

Horikita: Well, we're going to have to wait anyway... We can't do much at the moment and we have no leads. We'll need to take the time to investigate a bit, like checking Ayanokoji's room. We can take care of that after classes tonight. She sighed slightly before continuing. We don't really have a choice, we have to start somewhere. But without any clues, it's going to be difficult to conclude anything... He could be anywhere, even outside of ANHS, by now.

Kei: Yeah, yeah, I get it... But seriously, don't you think that's more crucial than classes, seriously? Why should we still attend classes with all this mess going on? Couldn't we just spend our time investigating, no? Or maybe you don't find it urgent enough, is that it?

Horikita: Clearly not a good idea. It might be crucial, but I doubt the teachers and administration would see it in a good light. They probably have their investigators on it already, so the excuse like "we were skipping classes to investigate the disappearance of Kiyotaka Ayanokoji" wouldn't hold up. Plus, tonight, we'll have all the time we need for that.

Kei: Pff, seriously... It's utterly unfair they won't let us at least catch a break in the meantime... It's like everyone doesn't care, even though it could have happened to anyone! It's just that... I let out a sigh of frustration and discouragement. Why does it always have to fall on our class... And among us all, why did it have to be Kiyo? I just don't get it...


It's crazy, seriously... Why does it always fall on our class? And now, it's not just a minor problem, it's serious: a disappearance. And of all the students, it had to be Kyo! I don't get it... Why does it seem like fate is singling out our class? Me? It feels like destiny enjoys seeing me in misery...

... Kiyo, please, show me you're okay... A sign, anything, just to reassure me, to let me know you're not in danger... You, you would have left some clues, right? Ah, it's unbearable!

... ... ... ... ...

As I was there, lost in my dark thoughts, brooding, I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. A gentle hand, which made me lift my head, which I had let fall, to discover Ichinose standing there, bathed in sunlight. An almost angelic vision, smiling at me tenderly, leaning slightly towards me, as if to bring a bit of comfort to my distress.

Ichinose: I understand how you feel, really. You've become quite close to Kiyotaka recently, haven't you? She smiled softly at me, her smile illuminated by the sun. Don't worry, I'm convinced that everything will turn out for the best. I'm sure we'll find Kiyotaka very soon, and I'm persuaded he'll be in perfect health!

Her presence surprised me for a moment, my mouth slightly agape as I stared at her, her eyes sparkling under the sun's rays. My body reacted with a slight tremble, and I quickly averted my gaze, torn between embarrassment and frustration. My mind was just consumed by Kyo... All I want is to see him again, to make sure he's okay. Nothing else matters to me at that moment. Everything else, I put aside.

So, I don't respond, and it's Hirata, sitting next to me, who speaks up. As my head had wandered off, turning away, at the sound of his voice, I straighten up to look at him.

Hirata: Yes, I remain optimistic as well. By working together, we should be able to get through this ordeal smoothly! The school won't stand idly by in this situation... He might have been kidnapped, but if the intention was to harm him directly, we would probably have already found him in a bad state, don't you think?

Ichinose: It's true, we can't dismiss the idea that Kiyotaka might have a strategy behind all this. There are several possibilities, but one thing seems certain: he must be okay. Now, we just need to find him!

The words of Ichinose and Hirata echo inside me, my eyes shifting between the two of them as I sit up straight, gradually regaining my composure. That's it, for sure! It's impossible for Kiyo to have let this happen, right? He's far too strong for that. I'm convinced he must be okay... Grrr, Kiyo, I swear, if this is another one of your tasteless jokes, believe me, you're going to hear from me, be sure of it!

Kushida: By the way, it crosses my mind, Karuizawa... It seems like you've gotten quite close to Kiyotaka, haven't you? Has something happened between you two? She throws this question out with a mischievous smile.

Kei: E-Eh, sorry? W-What? Where did that come from? T-That's nonsense! There's nothing at all between me and K-K-Kyo... Kiyotaka!!

Kushida's sudden words completely caught me off guard. Suddenly, I turn to her, eyes wide open, feeling my cheeks start to heat up as if they were slightly burning. I find myself stammering, unable to string more than two words together without stuttering.

Aaah! No, but it's not possible, stop playing innocent! It's too obvious... S-Seriously, I can't just admit it like that, I'm supposed to be with Hirata, besides. And Kushida, I don't know what you're trying to do but stop, really!!

... Aaah, I don't know what to think anymore, my head starts spinning as soon as I think of Kiyo.

Ichinose: Mmh, is that lie true? She laughs softly, her laughter mixing with her warm smile. But it seems like it means a lot to you, doesn't it?

Kei: I-I... It's just that... Alright, I admit I might have gotten a t-tiny bit closer to him, but just a little... B-But that just makes him a friend, nothing more, okay?! There's nothing else between us, and... And anyway, that's not the topic here!

Hirata: Don't worry, we understand, Kei. We're all here to find him! He offers her a smile as warm as Ichinose's. I'm convinced we'll find him quickly, he can't be far.

There, I really feel like my heart could explode... Another minute and I was going to faint right there! Fortunately, Hirata quickly changed the subject... My cheeks, it's as if they were on fire, and my head wouldn't stop spinning.

... Ah, I know well that I've fallen for him, but seriously, why does he have such an effect on me, that guy? Even in his absence, he finds a way to torment me... A smile slowly forms on my lips just at that thought.

Then, suddenly, I come back to reality when I hear Horikita's sharp and stern voice, arms crossed and that stern look that never leaves her.

Horikita: Honestly, it gets us nowhere, whether you're close to him or not... Love stories and your crush on Kiyotaka, I couldn't care less. What matters is that he's disappeared and we need to find him. She clicked her tongue slightly before turning her head away. And we won't be able to do anything before the end of classes... Her sigh seemed this time a bit softer.

Kei: Wait, what was that? Is it me or did the ice queen show a sign of empathy? Were you hiding your heart behind a huge wall of ice all along? I throw a sarcastic smile at Horikita.

Ichinose: You know, now that I think about it, that's quite right! It seems like you really care about your classmates, don't you? After all, you and Kiyotaka have gotten close since the start of the year. 

Horikita: Horikita seemed irritated by this. Shut up, we're just classmates, nothing more! We've just collaborated together a few times... However, he remains an important person for the class, so it's normal to want to find him. Especially since we don't know what really happened.

Ichinose: Okay, okay! If you say so, it must be that, then! Ichinose offers a gentle smile to Horikita, seeing well that her frustration seemed to intensify. But you're right, Kiyotaka is a key person, and he's always been so kind to everyone... He's helped me a lot, and I'm sure it's the same for you, isn't it? So, let's do everything we can to find him!

I realize... I had no idea Kiyo had managed to make so many friends who appreciate him so much, and even Horikita, who can be exasperating, seems to hold him in esteem and consider him a friend... even if she hides it behind her annoying superiority complex!

But as everyone says, he really helped... He might seem very distant and manipulative, seeing others only as tools and not allies, but... Deep down, I'm convinced he can change!! Yes, and I could help him with that... No one is born like this, something dark must have happened to him. But it doesn't scare me, I'm ready to help him, after all he's done for me! Whether you like it or not, Kiyo, I'll make you fall in love with me... And I'll make you smile!!

... ... ... ... ...

The conversation eventually shifted to lighter topics, each of us trying to cope in our own way! And the fact of not being alone in this ordeal is something really precious... It's what allows me to keep going, otherwise... I would probably be collapsed in a corner, crying endlessly.

In the end, the discussion turned out to be a pleasant moment... I would never have believed that this group, with these particular people, could work, but in the end, it's quite a nice surprise.

As we continued to talk... none of us noticed the heavy footsteps suddenly approaching our direction.


POV : Suzune

I feel a deep frustration with this pointless conversation. Wasting my time like this seems not only useless but also irritating, especially in a situation as critical as the disappearance of Kiyotaka. Every second wasted on trivial discussions takes me further away from the main goal. "Seriously, if this turns out to be a tasteless joke, I won't hold back from using my compass to make you deeply regret wasting my time," I thought, irritation mounting within me.

Since this morning, Kiyotaka's absence weighs heavily on my shoulders. Our only option is to follow all available leads, hoping that the authorities, supposedly competent, act with the required efficiency. For now, mysteries pile up without offering the slightest answer.

... ... ... ... ...

As the annoyance caused by this fruitless conversation grew, heavy and hurried footsteps were heard, drawing everyone's attention. Turning our heads towards the source of the noise, we discovered who was approaching with a determined stride.

Of all the people in ANHS, it had to be them coming our way. And I doubt their presence is coincidental, especially him, Ryuen Kakeru, who, unlike us, does not seem interested in cooperation. A heartless monster, indifferent to the disappearance of a classmate, as long as he can come out on top.

As Ryuen approached us, a smug, self-satisfied smile plastered on his face, my irritation only grew. With his hands nonchalantly stuffed in his pockets, he displayed a confidence that revolted me. At his side, Ibuki Mio wore a frustrated and angry expression, typical of her temperament.

I could already feel my eyebrows furrowing in anticipation of the nonsense he was probably about to spout. It was clear he would offer no help in the search for Kiyotaka. So why waste our precious time with him?

Around us, I could sense the wary gaze of everyone, directed at Ryuen. His arrival was clearly not welcomed, proof of the reputation that preceded him.

Ryuen: Ah, look what we have here! Are you having a little secret gathering? You don't mind if I crash it, do you? His arrogant smile widened as he let out a mocking chuckle. I bet you don't mind at all, right?

His annoying voice caused an involuntary click of my tongue. I glared at him sternly, attentive to each of his movements. Mio, positioned at his right, shot me a contemptuous look before quickly averting her eyes, saying nothing.

"Seriously, what's his intention in coming here?" I wondered internally. The last thing we needed right now was additional complications, especially from someone like Ryuen.

Horikita: Sorry, Ryuen, but we currently have better things to do, and classes are about to resume! You're not welcome, and that's not likely to change.

Kei: Yeah, and as if you really care about Kiyo! You don't care at all, admit it, it even suits you, I'm sure!

Ichinose: Ichinose looked at Ryuen, slightly furrowing her brows. I guess Kiyotaka's disappearance concerns you too, Ryuen. So, why did you come to see us? We're all really worried, and we don't have time to waste.

Despite our responses, Ryuen's attitude remained unchanged, his smug smile even broadening in our direction. Knowing his character, I expected the worst. With Ryuen, one must always expect the unexpected... There must be a specific reason for his presence here. He probably couldn't care less about Ayanokoji's disappearance. There must be another motivation behind his behavior, but I couldn't figure out what it was.

Ryuen: Ah, come on... What makes you say that? Of course, his disappearance shook me up, I'm still trembling, you see?! Kukukuku! His laugh became more mockingly sarcastic. We're in the same boat, right? A great pal has disappeared, why wouldn't I help you, huh?

Seriously, this guy has a knack for exasperating people, maybe even more than Ayanokoji. His game is to beat around the bush, to play with us, which only increases my irritation. We cannot afford to waste more time on trivialities. This isn't one of those special exams or a game; it's a serious matter! And Ryuen, does he always behave like this? Incapable of the slightest compassion?

Horikita: If you have nothing interesting to say, then please leave, Ryuen! You have nothing to do with us, this is a matter that concerns only Class D and people who genuinely care about Ayanokoji!

Facing Ryuen, I stood, arms crossed, glaring at him sternly. My irritation and exasperation erupted into sharp words, but all it elicited was a mocking and somewhat sadistic laugh from him. As he stepped forward to brush my hair, taking it in his right hand, his sadistic and sarcastic gaze only intensified my revulsion.

I really detested Ryuen. From the start, he had resorted to more than dubious methods. His attitude is not only infuriating but also crosses all bounds of decency and morality!

Ryuen: Come on, my dear! You know, the monster and I, we're like two fingers on a hand, right? We get along super well, makes us long-time pals, don't you think? And so, that places you in the circle of my 'friends' too, you know? He chuckled, still looking at me with that sadistic air. And believe me, I take really good care of my 'friends,' you know?

As Ryuen brought the hair he held in his hand to his nose, sniffing it in a frankly sadistic manner while maintaining his gaze on mine, I felt my disgust for him skyrocket. This guy is really repugnant, he revolts me to the highest degree!

With a quick and decisive gesture, I pushed his hand away with mine, letting the strand of hair he held fall. I then fixed him with a gaze filled with frustration and fury. His behavior was not only inappropriate but also deeply despicable.

Horikita: Don't touch me! I already told you to leave if you had nothing interesting to say, so do it!

Hirata and Ichinose seemed both ready to intervene. Hirata, true to his habit, tried to calm the situation with his embarrassed smile and conciliatory manner. On her part, Ichinose fixed Ryuen with a stern look, adopting an almost maternal attitude, as if reprimanding a disobedient child.

Observing them, a thought crossed my mind: "As if I needed their help..." Although aware of their good intentions, I couldn't help feeling a certain irritation at their intervention. After all, dealing with individuals like Ryuen was part of my skills, and I didn't need anyone to come to my aid.

Hirata: Let's calm down, okay? No need to argue here! We're all in the same boat. Ryuen, please, let's try to keep our calm, classes are about to resume and...

Ichinose: That's enough, Ryuen. It's clear you're not here to seriously talk about Ayanokoji or to discuss something useful with us. If you have nothing constructive to bring, then there's no reason for you to stay here with us.

Ichinose's reprimands only amplified Ryuen's laughter. With a casual air, he put his hand back in his pocket before turning around. Making a sign to Ibuki, he indicated it was time to leave. Ibuki, for her part, cast me a contemptuous look that I returned without hesitation, before following Ryuen.

His provocative attitude and total lack of respect were typical, but that did not make the situation any less irritating. It was clear Ryuen would not change, continuing to act according to his own rules, indifferent to the consequences or feelings of others.

Ryuen: Oh, don't worry, I didn't come to do much, you know? I was just intrigued by your little advances... And as I thought, it didn't fail to amuse me! Kukukukuku! After laughing mockingly, he began to walk away. Let's go, Mio, classes are about to resume, and our little interlude here is over.

Even in such a serious situation, Ryuen seemed to take it all as a game. His behavior was disconcerting, and I couldn't help but wonder if he possessed any compassion or even a heart.

Anyway, he was now walking away with Ibuki. Fortunately, as the situation could have escalated further. I wouldn't have been surprised if he had tried some other stupid maneuver or decided to prolong this unnecessary confrontation. His departure was a relief, even if his attitude remained frustrating and puzzling.

Horikita: Sigh... That was just a waste of time. I sighed at the thought, then began to ponder. But what did he really want? He's not the kind to act without reason... That guy, it's impossible to understand his motivations and what he's trying to do each time!

Kei: Yeah, for once, I agree with you... All of that was just a waste of time. Seriously, how can he act like that in such a situation? Does he find the disappearance of a student funny or what? It wouldn't even surprise me if he was involved in Kiyo's disappearance!

Hirata: Let's remember, the important thing is that everything ended well in the end, right?

Ichinose: Yes, I'm relieved he didn't go too far this time... She sighed, visibly releasing the tension. Well, I think it's time for us to go to class, it will be starting soon. Could we all meet after class in front of the girls' dormitory, do you agree?

Hirata: Then Hirata spoke up. Ah, just one thing... Do you mind if I come with you? I mean... being the only guy here, I wouldn't want to cause any discomfort by going to the girls' dormitory with you.

Ichinose: Turning to Hirata with a mischievous smile. Well, I don't think there will be a problem if it's you coming... There are quite a few girls who will be happy to let you in, you know.

Kushida: Yes, exactly! And honestly, I doubt anyone would even notice. She offered a complicit smile to Hirata.

Hirata, with an embarrassed smile, scratched his head in response. Me, after a weak sigh, decided to speak up to end these pointless discussions. It was time to return to class.

Honestly, I doubted my ability to concentrate in class with all these disturbing events. I just wanted all this to end. However, I didn't believe Ryuen was the culprit in this matter. Apart from being a far too obvious choice, he had no interest in acting in such a way. Cruel and heartless, maybe, but Ryuen's actions always had a purpose or interest. Moreover, it would have been more plausible if he had mingled with the others, pretending that all this was just a game for him, as it's clear that only those close to Ayanokoji are affected by this exasperating situation.

Horikita: Alright, anyway, let's move on. We have nothing more to discuss for now. We can really start the investigations and develop theories tonight, in one of our rooms.

So, we decided to return to class. Before we parted, Ichinose gave us one last salute. Then, we headed to our classroom to meet Chabashira-sensei. The day had to continue, despite the disturbing events and frustrating interactions.


POV : Arisu

Sitting in a secluded room, there I was, Arisu Sakayanagi, with my cane nonchalantly placed beside me. Before me, a chessboard, a battlefield where I waged a silent war against an invisible opponent. In my delicate fingers, I held a white knight, the messenger of my triumphant strategy. The current position of the game revealed a clear dominance of the whites, and we were approaching the final coup de grâce.

With calculated precision, I moved the white knight to d7, orchestrating a decisive move. This cunning displacement encircled the black king, trapped at a7, flanked by its powerless pawns at b7 and c7, and its rook at c8. My rook, meanwhile, dominated from a1. The black king, now besieged on all sides, could only succumb to the inevitable. A subtle smile formed on my lips as I gently placed the knight on its new square. In this world of chess, as in life, each move was a step further towards an undeniable victory.

Arisu: Thus, the Anastasia's mate, a classic move, but always so elegant. It seems the whites have the advantage this time. I let out a subtle smile, amused by my own observation.

While immersing myself in my solitary chess game, a diversion to sharpen the mind, my ears picked up the distinctive sound of approaching footsteps. I already knew the identity of the visitor before even seeing them. A more pronounced smile lit up my face, as I slightly leaned back in my chair, preparing to welcome the person with that touch of refinement and control that characterizes me. My mind, always alert, was already anticipating the possible maneuvers of this encounter.

The person who entered the room was none other than Masumi Kamuro, a familiar and valuable figure in the complex landscape of my relationships at school. She stood out for the honor of being my first and true friend in this institution. Patiently, I had waited for her here during the entire break, knowing that our time was limited before we had to return to our academic obligations. Nevertheless, from my strategic position, I had calculated that we still had enough time for her to hand me what I had requested. In this school game, each piece had its role, and Kamuro played hers with an efficiency that suited me perfectly. 

Arisu: Ah, Masumi, you've finally arrived. Come closer, I'm eager to hear the information you've gathered for me.

As I gestured for Masumi to come closer, she complied without hesitation, positioning herself beside me as I discreetly observed her from the corner of my eye, still comfortably seated. Relaxing against my seat, I delicately picked up a teacup placed near the chessboard, taking the time to savor a few sips of this luxury afforded by the school. After all, why not enjoy these little refined delights?

Once Masumi was close enough, I began to speak, as I had initially planned. "Fufufufufu... This young girl is so delightfully adorable and loyal. It's rather rare to find such a precious pawn in this complex game that is our school life... I mean 'friend,' of course." I paused for a moment, a mischievous smile playing on my lips. "After all, she is my very first friend here, and her loyalty and obedience are unmatched. How fortunate I am, right?" My words, tinged with subtle irony, skillfully concealed the genuine affection I felt for this one-of-a-kind friend.

Masumi: Ah, they finished their discussion and went back to their classes. I followed and listened to them the whole time, just as you asked me. But I don't really see the point, you know. They just talked about Ayanokoji's disappearance from Class D, but it was all going around in circles, nothing really useful for me.

As my thoughts wandered, I realized that Masumi, like the majority of students, did not perceive the peculiarity of this week. Unlike them, I was part of those affected by this strange temporal phenomenon, experiencing these events as if they were happening in a single day, not an entire week.

"Honestly, I don't have many hypotheses about this mystery, maybe one or two ideas floating in my mind, but nothing tangible." My inner voice betrayed a hint of frustration at this unsolved puzzle. "However, one thing is for sure, it must be inextricably linked to his disappearance. That much is obvious."

I lost myself in thought for a moment. "It seems he has finally decided to make a move... I'm not yet sure what you're cooking up, Ayanokoji, but I'm ready to face you. Unless, of course, our dear prodigy has indeed been kidnapped? Fufufufufufu!!" A light laugh escaped my lips, laden with biting irony. "I wonder what Ayanokoji-sensei would think if he knew about such a thing."

Arisu: Don't worry about the details, let me judge what's important or not. My gaze fell on her, more intense and calculating. Please, time is pressing with the resumption of classes. Share with me your observations, I'm eager to hear them.

As I observed Masumi, a wave of anticipation passed through me. I was genuinely curious to discover what these naive classmates really planned, and their interpretations of recent events. Was Kiyotaka's disappearance just an unexpected incident for them, or did they have a different perspective? What were their plans? Impatience gripped me at the thought of receiving Masumi's detailed report of her observations.

Masumi, true to herself, simply nodded, with that docility that characterized her, showing no sign of protest. Although it was evident she did not fully grasp the complexities of the situation, she contented herself with reporting the information. In her role, she was a crucial pawn, even if she herself was not fully aware of it. My mind, always on the lookout, analyzed each piece of information, weaving the threads of a larger plan, a chess game where every move counted.

Masumi: So, there were Horikita, Hirata, Kushida, and Karuizawa from Class D, and Ichinose from Class B with them. They were discussing something weird, like for them, Ayanokoji has disappeared for only a day, not a week. She paused, sighing. Honestly, I don't know if they really believe what they're saying or if they're just pretending, but it all seems completely absurd to me.

Absorbed in listening, a refined smile lit up my face as I savored my tea with genuine grace. "Now that's intriguing," I thought. They seem convinced that Kiyotaka's disappearance isn't the result of a strategy. They don't even consider that possibility... As expected, their naivety will make the game all the more delicious.

They're also trying to decipher this temporal puzzle? The idea that they could unravel this mystery seems simply absurd, fufufufufu... Especially if they limit themselves to this one lead.

Arisu: Interesting, truly intriguing, isn't it? Fufufu... A light, controlled laugh escaped my lips. Go on, is there anything else to add?

Masumi: They also mentioned that they plan to gather in one of the girls' dorm rooms tonight after class to start investigating his disappearance, or something like that. She clicked her tongue lightly. Seems like they want to play detectives now... Well, I guess it's normal they'd want to do everything for their friend.

"Oh, really?" I thought, my interest growing with each word. So they intended to conduct their own investigation to find him? A secret meeting in the girls' dorm, is that it?

This development amused me even more. I could almost sense the increasing intensity of the situation, promising a game that would become more and more captivating. So many questions and mysteries hanging in the balance, waiting to be solved, and I was certain it would be extremely entertaining for me.

"Continue on, my dear naïves," I thought with a hint of amused irony. "How long will you last before succumbing to frustration and despair in the face of these enigmas? I look forward to witnessing this spectacle." A discreet and confident laugh, "fufufufufufu," escaped my thoughts, anticipating the unfolding of these intriguing events.

Arisu: They want to conduct an investigation, then? The situation is becoming more and more captivating... A thin smile formed on my lips. But we can't really blame them. After all, Ayanokoji was probably their best asset. Some must be feeling regrets, aren't they? Fufufufu! A discreet and calculating laugh escaped, before I continued. And what else? Do you have any other observations to share?

Masumi: Yeah, and then Ryuen and Ibuki from Class C showed up... I didn't really get it, Ryuen stayed like two minutes then he just left as quickly as he came. That guy, he's really weird, seriously.

"Mmmh? So, 'Dragon Boy' has also decided to get involved?" I thought with a bit of amusement. He seemed to take as much pleasure as I did in watching the futile attempts of our classmates. It didn't surprise me coming from him. "Fufufufufu... Naturally, knowing his capabilities, he must have come to a similar conclusion as mine." His understanding of the true talents of this fake prodigy could only lead him to such reflections.

... ... ... ... ...

The end of this captivating narration prompted me to place my now-empty teacup on the coaster next to the chessboard. I grasped my cane and slowly stood up, Masumi stepping slightly aside. I then turned to her with a smile, my thoughts still tangled in the threads of this intriguing web of events.

Arisu: I see. Well, thank you for these insights, Masumi. Come, let's go together. It's time to return to class.

Following my reflections, I began to leave the room, leaning on my cane that clicked against the floor with each step. My face remained adorned with an enigmatic smile, and with a gesture, I indicated to Masumi to follow me. I could feel her perplexed gaze weighing on me as she spoke up again, her voice betraying a certain confusion. Every movement, every expression, was an integral part of the chessboard on which I moved my pieces with calculated precision.

Masumi: And honestly, I don't get how knowing all this is going to help you! It's a Class D story, right? It doesn't even concern us, it was just a bunch of nonsense. Sometimes, I really don't get what you're trying to do... Well, most of the time, actually. She sighed. But okay, I trust you, after all.

Arisu: Who can say? This information may seem trivial for now, but it could prove useful in one way or another...

Naturally, your misunderstanding is expected, my dear, and I don't expect you to fully grasp the subtleties of my plans. Don't worry, just follow my instructions, and everything will go as planned... Fufufufufu!

After this thought, Masumi seemed to accept her role with resignation and hurried to join me. Together, we headed to our next class, ready to face the rest of the day in the complex and intriguing arena of our school life.

Hello everyone, it's Phoenix Lore here, or call me Lambdadeltash if you wish! Today, I present to you the 11th clue. Although it may not reveal much and seems not to have much use, it plays a role in advancing the plot of this level. Patience, as this aspect progressively gains importance, and I hope you are also enjoying this intrigue!

I am very interested in your comments and opinions, so please do not hesitate to share your thoughts with me. Your feedback is valuable to me, and I especially want to know if you find that the characters are well represented.

In the meantime, I wish you a great day or evening, and see you at the 12th clue, or the 2nd clue after chapter 4!

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