
Higurashi no naku koro ni X Classroom of the Elite

Welcome to the world of "The Cry of the Cicadas." The "Kidnapped by Destiny" arc will be the opening inviting you into this world. Don't play tough, just enjoy life in Hinamizawa to the fullest. The difficulty level is extremely high, but I hope you'll enjoy the reward... ... Wait, doesn't this remind you of something? It seems that something has changed this time, hasn't it? Talking about difficulty? But who are you exactly? Haven't you already experienced all of this in the past? Will things unfold the same way, or will it be different? The difficulty is high, but that's what makes it exciting.

Phoenix_Lore · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

CHAPTER 4 (PART 1/3): Daily Constraints

POV : Keiichi

Aiko: Keiichi, hurry up! Rena is already in front of the door!

Keiichi: Oh yeah, I'm coming, Mom! I woke up too late!

Upon hearing my old lady calling me, I dashed like crazy with my bag towards the entrance, speeding as much as possible.

"Darn! I lounged around like a king in my comfy bed, didn't even have time to grab a quick breakfast!"

Aiko: Wait, sweetheart, you haven't even had your breakfast yet. At least take the time to eat a bit, okay?

Keiichi: Oh sorry, Mom, but right now, I really don't have time! I'll eat well at lunch, don't worry. With Rena, we always manage to figure things out, hehehe!

So, slipping on my shoes at a speed that defies all competition... I swung open the front door in one go, immediately pulling myself outside while closing it behind me after letting out a final laugh. The closed door seemed to have cut short my old lady's response, who sighed in exasperation as she called after me.

...Finally, as I was about to sprint towards our usual meeting point, a silhouette stopped me in my tracks, clearly surprised to see me rushing like crazy. Letting out a small cry of surprise, I turned around after coming to an abrupt stop in a skid.

And there, bam, in front of me, this silhouette, shining brightly in the sun with a rather astonished expression due to my sudden onslaught. It was Rena, as cute as ever

"Awww... Watching her like that, I can totally understand how Kyitaka could have fallen for her. She's so adorable when I look at her that way! Hehehehehe!"

Rena: Eh? Keiichi? Why that weird expression and drooling, huh? Are you okay, huh? Hau...

Huh? Oh darn, it looks like I couldn't help but scrutinize her like that. If this continues, she'll notice, and I don't want to get hit with one of those supersonic punches AGAIN! I need to regain control, quickly!

So, at lightning speed, and probably in a completely unnatural way, I ended my observation, um... of Rena, and burst into laughter in a somewhat forced manner, scratching my head.

"Stay natural, Keiichi, stay natural, and everything will be fine!"

Yet, I could see Rena staring at me with a certain confusion in her eyes, tilted to the side... I could almost see a question mark forming above her head.

Keiichi: Hehehe, yeah, sorry, maybe I caught a little cold yesterday hanging out in Okinomiya, it's nothing.

Rena: Huh, but, Keiichi, yesterday the sun was shining brightly. You couldn't have caught a cold, really, ahahaha!

Huh... Huh? EeeeeeeEEEEEEEeeeeeh! What's going on here? Since when does Rena start seriously pondering such basic things... Phew, she's a club buddy, huh, she must be hiding some spare brainpower! Alright, I need to think, Keiichi Maebara, find something to say about this! Otherwise, I'll end up on the ground again with a bruise, and I can already see it coming... Rena will spill it to Mion, who will of course enjoy teasing me non-stop all day. Satoko, I can already imagine in my head, making fun of me with her "Ohohohohoho" on repeat! And Rika, she'll add insult to injury by patting my head... And let's not even talk about Kyotaka, my bro!! I can already picture him giving me that icy look that says it all...

Keiichi: What are you talking about, Rena? Of course, you can catch a cold, even in summer with scorching sun, you see! I sped to Okinomiya on my bike, full speed... The wind was hitting me right in the face, and I was going against the current. So, I must have caught this damn cold, either on the way there or on the way back!

Rena: H-Huh? But, Keiichi, there wasn't even any wind... So, you must have just taken in warm air, right? Right? And why are you acting all weird suddenly, Keiichi? I don't get it... Did something happen? Did something happen? Hau...

And then, suddenly, I realized Rena was still in front of me... And she probably hadn't thought anything perverted about my gaze. In fact, she probably figured it out and is beating around the bush, too embarrassed to say anything.

Sorry, Rena, I really didn't intend for it to go this far... But well, now I can't turn back, sorry for what I'm about to do.

Inside, I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth in anticipation of what I was going to do to get out of this situation... I had to divert Rena's attention to another topic, something more delicate than what we were talking about. And then, only one idea came to mind, the formidable weapon I had just found to get out of any situation! A formidable weapon that might even defeat Rena's "cute" mode.

... ... ... ... ...

So, I took the most serious and solemn tone I could, after clearing my throat once in my fist, before finally starting to walk towards our meeting point to meet Mion and Kyotaka... While Rena looked all lost by my abrupt gesture, she quickly hurried to join me in the walk. Then, I waited for the moment she would speak again, with that confused and embarrassed expression on her face. Finally, I cut her off after seeing her lips part, and I spoke in her place, with a sincere voice.

"It's the moment! Sorry, Rena, but my reputation and dignity are at stake!!"

Keiichi: Speaking of Okinomiya. By the way, Rena... did your date with Kyotaka go well yesterday? Seems like you guys stayed there all day, huh?


While I remained stoic, frozen in my pose after throwing out that simple question, it seemed to genuinely unsettle Rena. She probably didn't expect me to hit her with "that" specific question at this exact moment, cutting her off and changing the subject.

For a moment, she continued walking by my side, stammering slightly, clearly surprised... And I could see her blushing more and more. Looks like she's starting to grasp the meaning of my question, right?

Hehehehe, my tactic seems to be bearing fruit! Now, it will take her some time to recover from this sudden shock and this more than indelicate question, along with my slightly bizarre behavior. I bet it will take her at least the necessary time to join Mion and Kyotaka at the meeting point before she completely gets over it.

"Ahahaha, well played, my brother... It's also thanks to you that I was able to get out of this situation."

Rena: H-Huh? Eh? W-What, well, I... It was...

Then, my stoicism gradually crumbled to make way for my more usual expression. I felt like I was smiling slightly in a teasing way while laughing softly towards Rena, who seemed to want to avoid my gaze at all costs, lowering her head to the ground. Her cheeks were getting more and more crimson as we moved forward.

"Wow, seriously, I'm completely impressed. Looks like she's really into you, bro, you're lucky, huh? Hehehehe!"

... ... ... ... ....

In the end, we just continued our way, the two of us, in total silence... While Rena slowly recovered from the event that had just unfolded. To say that it worked would be an understatement, wouldn't it? On the other hand, it's a bit like an ultimate weapon... Unfortunately, I doubt it will work again on the same day. After all, she will probably have recovered from this little incident, and then she can likely counter with just the usual embarrassed Rena... She might even switch to "cute" mode, which would be really dramatic!! Yeah, it's decided... From now on, this weapon will be reserved for the most urgent moments!


Mion: Well, look who finally decides to join us, Rena and Keiichi! Hey, you two, it looks like you took your time, huh?


After a brief moment of walking, just a few minutes, we finally spotted Mion waving enthusiastically, already sporting her usual sarcastic smile... While Kyotaka stood casually beside her, also watching us, hands in his pockets, with his usual impassive and expressionless face... Yeah, it seems like it's my new routine now, and it's not too bad, actually. And now, with the arrival of this new guy in the club, it's even better! Even if he seems a bit cold and all, I know he's genuinely nice and a good guy, or he wouldn't be my brother. The joy I've had since I came to Hinamizawa, I wouldn't trade it for anything... And yet, despite all that, I still feel, how should I put it, a little bit left out...


Keiichi: By the way, Rena, what was going on there exactly?

Rena: It seems he was building a dam. I don't really know the details... hau...

Keiichi: But then, why did they stop? Did something happen? An accident, or...

Rena: I don't know.

The abrupt tone of her response left me speechless. It wasn't an answer: I could sense she didn't want to talk about it.


Yeah, I vividly remember Rena's instant change in attitude when I asked her something... But well, I guess it's just a small insignificant thing! No need to dwell on it too much, Keiichi, you're having fun here after all!

Rena: Hey, good morning Mii, Kyotaka!

I saw Rena regain her usual sparkle, displaying her sunny smile as if nothing had happened. She quickly changed the subject upon seeing them, huh? Perfect for me, my move worked perfectly! Hehehehe!

Keiichi: Hey Mion, we're barely late, you see! And besides, everyone can oversleep a little, right? I was so comfortable in my bed, after all.

Mion: I see her dismiss with a finger wagging in refusal, wearing a sly smile. Hehehe, no, little guy! You can't get away with that, you know! Every second counts when it comes to making a lady wait, don't you think?

Keiichi: I started raising my voice, as usual, and responded strongly to what she had just said. So, Mion, what are you talking about? Where do you see a lady here, huh? Kyotaka doesn't look like a lady at all, and neither do you! Plus, it's not even like you had to wait alone here, he was with you... And don't tell me you waited a long time, coming from you, I wouldn't believe it for a single moment.

Mion: Well, Kei-chan, what are you up to, huh? I'm a much more refined lady than it seems, and I'm sure you know that deep down... And this little reaction, huh? Could it be that you're a bit jealous because I spent time with Kyotaka, mmmmmmh? Come on, don't be shy, you can tell me, it's not the end of the world, you know! I'm well aware of my own greatness, so it's normal that you'd want to hang out with me more and that it stings a bit, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!

Keiichi: What? What's with this convenient change of topic, and we weren't even talking about that! You totally changed the subject, actually... And why on earth would I be jealous of that, Mion? I have Rena by my side, you know, an extraordinary girl that any guy would be thrilled to have, the ideal companion! So why would I settle for our great and magnificent Mion, huh? Ahahahahahaha!

I finally burst into laughter seeing Mion with an expression that seemed to be a mix of embarrassment and anger directed at me. It's funny to see that roles can sometimes reverse, but I never thought the great Mion would even be affected by something like this, hehehehe! Have I found a little weakness in her? All of this is getting really interesting! Perfect for me!

Mion: Huh? Hey, come on, little guy!! What are you saying, that I, the great Mion Sonozaki, am not a refined woman? Pfft! This is coming from the guy who just arrived trailing behind and dares to say that. Boo, boo, Kei-chan! You're just trying to hide your love for me, it's repressed love anyway!

The roles were completely reversed, and there I gave her a somewhat smug smile in return... She really knows how to maneuver to steer the conversation away every time, no matter how off-topic it is, just to get out of this mess, right? Hehehehehe, well then, Mion! Sorry, but you'll need to bring out the big guns to counter me.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Kyotaka observing the scene with total disinterest, as if this whole affair bothered him, and he let out a small sigh. Honestly, if we didn't know him even a little, we could really think he's not having any fun with us at all! But now I know him, and I know he's enjoying it. I even remember that smile from the day before yesterday, it wasn't planned, but it was nice to see him smile for the first time... Even though it's only been four days since we've been hanging out, he's integrated so well that you could think he arrived here at the same time as me.

Kyotaka: Well, I didn't even get the chance to greet both of you... And Mion, it's quite audacious of you to mention that, isn't it? I mean, considering we arrived here just a few seconds before Keiichi and Rena.

And bam! A good hit right in the stomach, well played, my brother, that's perfect! It's not for nothing that he's my spiritual brother after all, right? He just delivered a direct uppercut right to Mion's jaw, a way of showing that what she's saying is complete nonsense. Ahahahaha! And there, I saw Mion becoming more and more confused and embarrassed, caught between the two of us, shifting her gaze from one to the other, me and Kyotaka, alternately.

Mion: EH? What's with this madness? Why are you suddenly butting in, little guy, huh? This is betrayal, Kyo-chan, a real betrayal! I swear you'll regret this at the club... No, I'm going to inflict on both of you the worst penalties the Hinamizawa game club has ever seen, you have my word as the club president!

Keiichi: Pfff-

After Mion's distinct shouts, I couldn't help but suppress another even louder burst of laughter that was threatening to come out... Sorry, but it was impossible to hold back, Mion. Seeing you in this state is definitely worth the look, it's just way too funny!

Ah, what would I do without you, huh, my brother? It's thanks to you that I could witness such a spectacle, after all, I'll owe you one for this, promise! But tell me, how do you manage to stay so impassive in the face of something like this? Dude, are you a superhero or a guard at Buckingham Palace, I don't know, but it makes the scene even funnier!

Keiichi: Ah ah ah AH AH AH ah ah ah!! Ahahahahahah!! So, Mion, isn't this a bit hypocritical, huh? Hehehehehehe! Come on, Mion, I'm waiting for you in that case! Now I know how things roll in the club, no chance I'll be fooled again by you!

Mion: Meanies! You two are really naughty. I'll show both of you what it means to provoke Mion Sonozaki, you'll regret it quickly! I'm warning you, you'd better get ready!

Kyotaka: Do I really have to be involved in this? After all, I haven't done anything particular...

Mion: You haven't done anything particular? You betrayed me! I specifically told you not to open your mouth! Fool, baka, mean Kyo-chan!

In response to Mion, I saw Kyotaka simply turn his gaze away with the same indifference, hands in his pockets, as if he was provoking Mion even more... In a way.

Well, Kyotaka, I wouldn't have thought you were capable of that! It's even better now; we might see Mion blow a real fuse at some point. I couldn't take it anymore; this day is starting really well... With these bursts of laughter. Yeah, everything is perfect, and everyone is as they should be, each with our own personalities and characters... That's all that mattered!

Mion: Hey, what's this again? You're not even listening when I'm talking! Raaaaaaah! Later, at the club, I'll really show you both what I'm made of! I'll get my revenge, stupid Kyo-chan!

Keiichi: Pfffff- AhahahahahahAHAHHAhahaha! Mion, I'm cracking up seeing that expression on your face, it's too funny, ahahahaha! It seems that even the great Mion can be vulnerable to teasing, mmmmh? Hehehahahahaha!

Mion: Grumble. And you too, Kei-chan!! Aaaaaah! I told you it was not a good idea to let them get closer like that! You'll be less smug later! Then, suddenly, she burst into forced and sarcastic laughter, a sardonic smile stretching her lips. Oh yes... Keiii-chan, Kyooo-chan, I already know what punishment I'm going to inflict on you, eh heh heh... Ahahahahahaha!

She started laughing demonically, her head bowed to the ground, revealing only her half-open mouth stretching along her cheeks, all the while chuckling maliciously, like an anime or manga villain... I gradually stopped laughing, feeling a strange shiver running down my spine. I could even feel the sweat starting to bead on my forehead.

"O-Oh oh, I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about this after all."

Glancing at Kyotaka next to me, I could see him staring intensely at Mion, still impassive... But I could still guess what he was thinking. It seems I'm not the only one who felt this impression, huh? This feeling that screams in big letters "DANGER" everywhere, all around you...

Kyotaka: I catch him sighing once again... Honestly, this guy is a true sighing professional. I think provoking her so much wasn't the best idea. I have a feeling this is going to become rather tedious...

Keiichi: Yeah... Don't worry; I've come to the same conclusion... Maybe teasing Mion so much wasn't a great move... Get ready for the club, my brother; we'll need all our combined skills to overcome this.

Kyotaka: Yeah... It's rather cumbersome, after all... But I suppose that for the "KK brothers," it's just a simple trial, isn't it?

Keiichi: Hehehehe, of course it is... Looks like you're already learning, huh? Maybe you don't show it too much, but I'm sure you're as motivated as I am to show that together, we can face anything.

Kyotaka: Yeah, I guess you're right... Together, then?

Despite our obvious differences in attitude, expressiveness, and everything that generally defines us, I could already see the birth of two true spiritual brothers at that moment... I felt the connection enveloping us, yeah, no matter what happens! Whether it's Rena's "kyute" mode, Mion in serious mode, or even Rika the manipulator, or Satoko the mistress of traps, nothing can defeat the "KKeeeeeeeeeeeei" spiritual brothers. Absolutely no way, ehhehehehe.

We then continued chatting, the four buddies, while walking toward Hinamizawa School... I was already looking forward to finishing classes so I could meet up with the club and have fun together.


After a few more minutes of walking, the four of us finally arrived at Hinamizawa School, where we all had our classes.Then, as we were all about to enter, Mion abruptly stopped at the door handle before pulling her hand away abruptly, as if she had seen something. Hmmm? What's going on?

"Oh? I see, hehehehehe..."

Of course, it was predictable. When I directed my gaze to the gap in the door and then placed it just above, and then on the handle, it becomes more predictable each time, right? I remember falling for this before, so I know what's coming next... Although, knowing this little troublemaker, it wouldn't be illogical for her to make us think that to surprise us just after.

Hehehehehe, sorry, my dear, but today, it won't work against me. I then started chuckling to myself.

Mion: Oh? Hehehe... She starts chuckling slightly while stepping back a few steps. So, it's your official first day at school, huh? The beginning of a new week... Come on, little guy, why not take the lead?

I can see what you're scheming, Mion... So, the idea would be for Kyotaka to open the door first, mmmmh? Moreover, unlike me, he hasn't yet had the honor of discovering Satoko's true mischievous nature.

Sorry, but I'll have to thwart your plans. We're siblings, and I won't let you play Kyotaka like that, hehehehe! Don't worry, buddy, as you've already gotten me out of a jam... I'll return the favor because between us, it's more than just a blood brotherhood; it's an unbreakable alliance! I'll show you, Mion, and I'll outsmart all your little schemes. Ahahahhaha!

Keiichi: Oh, you're going to let him go first? It's cute that you're so concerned for him, Mion... But today, I'd like to take the lead, just to show him how things work, you know?

Mion: Well, Kei-chan, why bother doing that? Honestly, he doesn't need us to explain how to open a door, right, Kyo-chan? It's just a door to open to get into the classroom, after all. Why make such a fuss about it? She now wears a demonic and mocking smile, probably enticing Kyotaka to step forward, perhaps to fall into a trap.

No need to exhaust yourself, Mion, I understood what you were trying to do from the start... And it won't work a third time! I'll show Keiichi how to be cautious and rock-solid here in Hinamizawa... He already has all the skills; we just need to make him aware of the deadly dangers around us. I won't let him fall into the same trap as me, Mion, be sure of that!

As I shot a defiant look, smiling with determination in return, I saw Kyotaka simply sigh and approach the door to open it... Seeing that, I could almost imagine Mion getting ready to savor the spectacle, ready to enjoy her popcorn with a demonic smile... But my smile faded abruptly, and time seemed to stand still.

Kyotaka's hand was dangerously close to the handle, getting closer and closer... And when I saw it, I rushed immediately to stop him... Just in time to prevent him from grabbing the door handle, covered in tape and thumbtacks all around. If I hadn't stopped him in time, it would have been much too late.

"Phew, that was close... He almost got a good one."

Hehehehe, sorry, Mion, no show today, put away your popcorn... Removing my hand that blocked access to the door handle, I could breathe a little easier and resume my smile towards Kyotaka... He seemed slightly surprised by my gesture, emitting a small gasp of surprise, very discreet, while his head turned to me with his usual expression of impassivity.

Kyotaka: What's going on? Do you really want to open the door that badly...? I mean, it's not like it's trapped or anything. He says it in a monotone manner, but with a perceptible hint of sarcasm.

Hey, what just happened there? Seriously, he knew, right? He must have deliberately headed straight for it. But why... Wait, maybe he just planned to act clever by pretending he didn't see anything, and then throw Mion off guard, who didn't expect it at all! Ahahahaha, yeah, that's even better... I love it!

... But this little troublemaker always has one step ahead. I bet it's not the only thing, even counting the eraser I see stuck up there, in the door gap. I've already tasted that last time... And now, I know how to outsmart her. In other words, I've become a pro at spotting Satoko's traps, and she'll never get me again!

But for Kyotaka, it's different... I can't let him take that risk. I have to intervene and show him how cruel this little mischief-maker can be. She's just waiting for one of us to get caught to mock us, play innocent afterward! I won't forgive her if she plays this game with my brother, an innocent kid. No, as the older brother, it's up to me to set an example. Don't worry, little bro, I'll protect you from this little troublemaker!

I finally let go of Kyotaka's hand and gave him a warm smile... He just looks at me; he probably doesn't really understand, huh? Honestly, there's not much I wouldn't do for my beloved brother, hehehehe!!

Get ready, Mion, today again, you won't have the pleasure of humiliating us or making fun of us!

Keiichi: There's a lot more to it, so stay here and let me show you... I won't let Mion fool you, don't worry, buddy! Hehehehehe, step back a bit and watch closely!

Kyotaka: I see him sigh once again. It's not really necessary, I suppose... I mean, even if something were to happen by chance, I doubt it would pose a real danger, right? Don't worry too much about me, "big brother." And then, it seems superfluous to debate so much just to enter a classroom.

Keiichi: Huh? What are you talking about? It's quite risky, you know; you don't realize how formidable this troublemaker can be! I have to show you; I don't want you to get caught, so listen to me, little bro!

Is he completely clueless, isn't he?! Yet, with the way he expresses those words... It seems like he's already aware but doesn't care. But I absolutely can't let him continue; it's too risky! My brother, trust me, and don't let yourself be fooled by the demonic Mion and Satoko, please! From the corner of my eye, I could still see Mion's mocking smile intensifying...

Mion: But of course, Kyo-chan, don't mind this paranoid guy. No need to make a big deal just to open a door and get into a classroom, right? Hehehehe...

Keiichi: Hey, Mion, stop your influencing maneuvers a bit! I see what you're trying... And I won't let it happen! It's my responsibility, not only as the older brother of the "KK" spiritual brothers, but also as a buddy, as a guy, to show him the dark side of the girls hanging around in this village!!

Kyotaka: What are you talking about? It's almost like you're talking about a lethal weapon or something...

Oh yeah, Kyotaka, you have no idea how lethal this can be! So please, for the umpteenth time, trust me! Don't tell me my spiritual brother has more trust in this demon Mion than in me after all? Huh? That can't be true!!

Rena: Well then, what's going on with you three?

Kyotaka: I'm also in the dark about this... It seems like Keiichi doesn't want me to touch the door, or something like that. It's as confusing for me as it is for you.

Rena: Huh? What's going on, huh? Is something happening? Mii, Keiichi?

Keiichi: Stay back, Rena. It's dangerous...

Rena: Huh? You mean... Satoko would have...

Public enemy number one in this school is Satoko Hôjô. Pfff, that girl, a real little cheeky troublemaker, you know? She speaks in an irritating tone, but if I get upset about that, people will think I'm more childish than her. No, the real problem... it lies elsewhere.

"Today, Satoko, sorry to say, but you won't trap anyone!"

Keiichi: The trap is so obvious; you can see it from 100 meters away. The chalk eraser is there, balanced on the edge of the sliding door. It's exactly the same plan as last time; there's probably a string waiting for us just behind this one, when we open it. Too easy, Satoko! Looks like you don't have much imagination for your traps, huh?

Muffled laughter reached us through the door.

Mion: Well done, my little Kei-chan! Today, you're the winner. But it was supposed to be a challenge for Kyo-chan, you know. You should've let him go; it would've been funny, and I'm sure his reaction would've been just as entertaining.

Keiichi: I'm not letting my brother fall for the same traps as me! And seriously, you know Satoko, right? There are probably other traps; I'd be really surprised if it's exactly the same trick!

I got caught on the first day, so since then, I stay on guard. This little demon combines all sorts of traps with some clever decoys that lead you straight into other pitfalls, triggering a chain reaction. The thing is, she doesn't use them every day. You think it's over; you forget the incident... and bam! In your face. You have to be constantly vigilant. So, I have to teach Kyotaka how formidable this little mischief-maker is and that you have to be wary of everything! I have to show him first, especially since it's a trap I've experienced recently; I know what happens next... Well, apparently, it's Satoko. That's probably what she wants us to believe, while in reality, there's something worse behind it. I have to be careful; as soon as I open the door, I stop and scan my entire surroundings!

"Hehehehehe, sorry, Satoko... But today, you go home empty-handed!"

Keiichi: The eraser looks normal; she hasn't weighted it down... And the adhesive tape stuck to the door with thumbtacks is exactly the same as last time.

The first day, she dropped a huge tile on my head. Believe me, it feels weird when it falls on you. And last time, just when I thought I had completely thwarted her trap with that tape of thumbtacks and the eraser above, I experienced instant karma by taking the rope just behind the door, right in the legs. I found myself headfirst on the ground, next to the India ink that was probably placed there for me to take it right in the face.

Rena: So, all you have to do is gently peel off the tape full of thumbtacks from the door handle, stay back like this, and then open the door wide, you see? The eraser, hop, it falls, and we don't talk about it at all...

Kyotaka: Yeah, and even if there's something behind, you just need to observe... Anyway, let's put an end to this quickly. It's probably time to start classes soon, and I'm not sure we want to see our teacher fall into these traps.

Keiichi: Huh? Hey, stop, Kyotaka, wai-

But unfortunately, everything was already in motion...

Time seemed to stretch endlessly as I saw Kyotaka grab the sliding door handle and open it slowly, inevitably... I didn't want to witness this scene, so instinctively, I rushed toward him, arm outstretched, desperately trying to stop him before he suffered this tragic fate!

"Kyotaka, it's still time, stop!"

... ... ... ... ...

However, once again, it was already too late, and time resumed its normal course as the sliding door suddenly opened, dropping the eraser located above directly onto Kyotaka... who seemed to barely care, continuing to walk with his hands deeply in his pockets.

Then, I saw the disaster unfold before my eyes, while Rena's eyes widened, and Mion's mocking smile widened even more.

"Sorry, my brother... I couldn't prevent this catastrophe, forgive me."

My fists clenched tightly; I gritted my teeth while looking away, anticipating the inevitable sounds. At the mere sound, I imagined Kyotaka falling to the ground, accompanied by a metallic impact noise... a violent head shock.

Mion's demonic laughter grew louder beside me, Rena's surprised screams echoed, as did the annoying laughter of a third person. I slowly, very slowly, opened my eyes.

In front of me, Kyotaka lay on the ground, an eraser just to his left, probably falling during his descent, a basin comically placed on his head.

"I swear to avenge you at some point, my brother... I promise you didn't fall in combat in vain."

Satoko: Well, well. What do we have here? Good morning to you, dear Kyotaka! Look at this overflowing energy in the morning! It's quite unexpected from you... I would have imagined such enthusiasm from our dear Keiichi, but you? What a surprise!

Kyotaka: ...


A mocking laugh greeted Kyotaka, lying face down on the ground, completely silent and still. The person was thoroughly enjoying the spectacle of his fall.

"What's he doing? You're not telling me he fainted, really!"

Keiichi: Well, Satoko, you really went all out this time! It was even worse than last time; you could have gone a bit easier on him... He knew nothing about all this. Grrrr, you little troublemaker, I'm going to avenge my brother, don't worry about that!

Satoko: Oh, forgive me, dear friend, but I am completely in the dark about your reference. The morning troubles of our dear friend here sadden me as much as they do you, rest assured.

Kyotaka: ...

"That kid... I promise she's going to pay for the crap she dares to pull! Yeah, be sure of it, I'm going to avenge her!"

On the other side, I was watching Kyotaka still lying in that way, and suddenly, he moved his hand to remove the basin from his head and began to get up. Finally, he sat comfortably on the floor, placing the basin next to him, and then sighed as if expressing a form of exasperation.

Wait, is he really getting up like that? As if nothing happened?! What is he made of, seriously, did it really not affect him at all? He didn't even say a word; it looked like he had fainted... Well, at least it seems he didn't suffer too much. You're lucky, Satoko, or you would have really seen what I'm capable of, whether you're a brat or not!

Then, as Kyotaka stood there, I saw another little girl approach him. She began to gently stroke his head like a cat, while Kyotaka seemed momentarily surprised before turning his head to see Rika smiling at him, gently caressing his head as if reassuring a little cat. Aaah, Rika, she's the perfect opposite of that little pest!! If Satoko is a demon, then Rika is a pure angel straight from heaven! She's so sweet it moves me. At least today, I won't need to endure a scolding from Rena for trying to stand up to Satoko before she cries in Rena's skirts... All's well that ends well, right? Easy, my brother... We'll get our dose of revenge at the club!

Rika: Kyotaka? It's really nothing, it doesn't hurt anymore. Everything's fine, okay~? Look, the little bump is already going away. You see, everything's getting better, mii~!

Kyotaka: Yeah. Thanks for your concern, I guess...

Rika: Did you hit your head? When you massage like this, it helps, you'll see. It's a magical remedy for all the little hurts.

Kyotaka: Really? Well, indeed. Miraculously, I don't feel anything anymore, it's quite effective, isn't it?

Rika: Yes, it's super mega effective! It works every time!

"Oh, Rika is too adorable when she acts like that... I want to take her home, Hau☆!"

Hang in there, buddy... I know you must have felt that humiliation; I've been through it too, and I know you can handle it! After the club, we'll show them what we're capable of... Hehehehe, they won't stand a chance.

Anyway, I could see Kyotaka watching the scene, as usual, with an impassive expression, before finally getting up and standing. He put his hands back in his pockets after Rika finished stroking his head. I saw her smile at him in an innocent and sincere way.

"Oh, now that I think about it..."

That said, now that I think about it, there's something odd about the way Rika treats Kyotaka. I mean, she's always like this and acts this way, but she seems even closer to Kyotaka... A bit like a little sister, you know. I had noticed that, even on the first day he showed up; she seemed more drawn to him... Well, Kyotaka is someone reliable... So I'm sure he could become Rika's big brother, hehehehe!

Rena: Ooh... Hi, Rika!

Rika: Hello, Rena. Hello, everyone.

Kyotaka: Yeah, I didn't really get the chance to offer a "hello" with such a "warm" welcome. So, hello Rika, Satoko.

Satoko: Oh, I'm delighted that you found this warm welcome, my dear. You have a taste for the finer things, don't you? Oh-oh-oh!

Keiichi: Yeah, hi Rika~! And you, Satoko, forget about getting a greeting from me!

Satoko: Well, well. It seems our dear friend doesn't appreciate the finer things as much as our dear Kyotaka. And furthermore, I don't think I need greetings from you!

Keiichi: Grumblgrr... You little... My right fist clenches as I try to resist Satoko's teasing.

Mion: Ah ah ah ah ah! Hi to you both, Satoko and Rika! I then see her turn her head to Kyotaka, laughing mockingly. Nothing can shake you, hmm? Hehehehehe, but it's still funny! You willingly fell into this trap, I didn't know you liked this kind of thing... Kyo-chan. Ahahahahahahahaha!

Ignoring the taunts from Satoko and Mion, these two demonic troublemakers, after growling at them, I turned back to Rika, speaking to her in a tone that was both gentle and slightly sarcastic.

Keiichi: Rika, you're really an adorable little girl... But Satoko, you, on the other hand!

Satoko started whistling innocently, avoiding my hateful gaze.

Satoko: Oh, but I'm just as nice.

Keiichi: No! REAL nice little girls don't set up such risky traps! Or traps at all, actually!

Satoko: I won't allow it! You have no proof, these are nothing more than unfounded claims!

What? What is this nonsense she's talking about now? She casually suggests that Kyotaka knows how to appreciate the pleasures of life after talking about this "warm" welcome! And now she dares to say that to me? Raaaaaah, this kid is really a nasty brat!

And why doesn't Kyotaka react even a little? He just sighs in exasperation, calm. If it were me, I would have grabbed him by the collar right away and forced him to apologize, kid or not, whether she likes it or not.

Kyotaka: Still in a monotone voice, hands in his pockets, Kyotaka spoke again. This trap was quite well designed. I imagine you precisely anticipate where the person will land when falling, allowing you to deduce the optimal location for the basin, right? Well done, Satoko, it was quite successful.

Satoko: Oh, look who's paying attention, huh? Not like that other one, who seems to miss important things. You really know how to appreciate the good things.

Keiichi: What? Hey, Kyotaka, why are you agreeing with her?! If you keep it up, she'll target you again and again, seeing that you show no reaction!

Rika: Don't worry, Satoko! He might just be a little jealous because Kyotaka missed you more than Keiichi... Next time, you can set even sneakier traps just for him.

Keiichi: Huh? Huh? Rika, why are you saying that...? What are you talking about?

Kyotaka: I tend to agree... I think it would be unfair for him not to enjoy such a warm welcome. If you want, I could help you next time, Satoko.

"What- WHAT???"

Keiichi: Hey, but what's going on now! My brother, this is betrayal, total betrayal, I swear! No more holding back, even with you, now, you'll all see at the club later!!

Mion: Well, little guy, it looks like you're entering your popular phase. I bet you're secretly dying for it deep down, right?

Satoko: But of course, of course. No need to make such a fuss, my dear. Next time, you'll have the privilege of such a reception.

"Hey, you know what? I've had enough! Why does everyone seem to be turning their back on me? Even my brother let me down, it's crazy!"

Well, I'm going to show you today that I'm not someone to be underestimated, especially at the club. I've decided to look at everything from all angles, even in four dimensions! I've become super paranoid, especially with Satoko's traps. Now, I scrutinize every corner where I know she could be, every day. You never know with her.

The situation continued to escalate a bit until Mion finally spoke up in a loud voice.

Mion: The teacher is coming. Come on, let's put everything away!

Suddenly, everything became calm and ordinary again.

"Come on, we have to get rid of these pins on the door!"

I removed all that carefully, being careful not to hurt myself. Even though it was Satoko who set up all these traps, we all helped her clean up everything. And when the teacher entered the classroom, you would never have guessed what had happened.

We went back to our seats in complete silence.

So, we were all standing at our desks, with Chie-sensei now at her desk in front of us. She seemed to be in a good mood. Well, she's always in a good mood, but today it was even more evident than usual.

Chie-sensei: Hi, everyone! I hope you're all doing great! She took a short pause after giving another smile. Class representative, if you please.

Mion: Attention! Stand up!

Once everyone was finally settled, Chie-sensei didn't start the lesson right away. Instead, it seemed like she had something to tell us... and honestly, with her expression, it seemed like it was rather good news. It put me a bit more at ease, at least. So, everyone in the class started listening, you know.

Chie-sensei: Well, dear students. I have some extraordinary news to share with you today... This school has finally obtained official recognition as an educational institution. This means that from now on, exciting changes are to be expected!


"Wait? What? The school wasn't officially recognized before?"

Honestly, I didn't get what she was saying, but well, I guess it's good news, right? Well, I didn't really know what to think about it, just a simple student and a newcomer here.

Scanning the room, Mion had her usual smile, like she already knew everything. Well, with her position, she probably did, right? Then there was Satoko, calm, probably not catching much. Kyotaka, he seemed completely uninterested, normal, he's only been here for four days after all. I guess it doesn't matter much to him. And if the guy starts expressing something just for this, I'll start doubting if he's really our Kyotaka, hehehe...

Next was Rena, just looking with a curious glance, head tilted to the side, a sweet smile on her face. She's the opposite of Kyotaka, everything intrigues her. It's normal to see her like that.

But the weirdest reaction came from Rika... She was staring at Chie-sensei the same way she looked at Kyotaka the first day he arrived, like shocked. As if something was wrong, as if it shouldn't happen. I've never seen Rika react like that for nothing, so I was still wondering why she was making that weird face.

Well, it can't be much, she's just a kid, hehehe! She's probably wondering what it all means, it's funny to see Rika like that, shocked just for news like this.

Chie-sensei: First of all, starting today, a new teacher will join me to teach two days a week! After another smile, she turned her gaze toward the door. Miss Chabashira, would you join us now?

"Wait... did she say we're getting a new teacher?"

Among all the possible news, honestly, I didn't expect this at all. I mean, we're a single class in a very small school, in a very small village. So yeah, logically, we should have multiple teachers for each subject, but I didn't think it would happen here. What's even more bizarre is that she's going to teach two days a week? So not a single subject, but just a kind of permanent substitute two days a week? Nothing should surprise me in Hinamizawa, but well, I should be used to it. Well, it's pretty cool, actually! I hope she's as awesome as Chie-sensei.

"Chabashira-sensei, huh? That's a quite peculiar name, hehehe!"

The door opens, and there, a mature woman appears, her high heels echoing on the floor as she moves gracefully, arms crossed, standing next to Chie-sensei. She has a stern look.

Wow, she's really beautiful, and she has big... hehehehe... With that stern look, she really reminds me of one of those dominatrix teachers you see in those adult magazines. Ah, I can say I'm lucky to have witnessed this at least once in my life! I can die in peace now, hehehehe...

Chie-sensei: So, I present to you your new teacher, who will lead your classes every Monday and Wednesday, Miss Chabashira-sensei. She is known for her teaching at a rather prestigious school, and I am convinced she will be a wonderful teacher. In return, I ask you to welcome her warmly here in Hinamizawa!

Chabashira-sensei: Good day, class. I am Sae Chabashira, your new teacher.

She spoke with a super authoritative and stern tone... I could already tell she was the strict type of teacher, you know...

"Well, I hope she won't be 'that' strict, huh?"

Glancing around me... Rika seemed to be outright watching her with a mix of shock and confusion. It was really weird to see, even more intense than when she saw Kyotaka for the first time. Then, besides Rika, Kyotaka surprised me a bit too... Not that he displays a lot of emotions or expressiveness, but he looked quite uninterested, a somewhat more complex expression on his face as he stared intensely at Chabashira-sensei. Is that his type of woman, maybe? Hehehehe, I didn't expect that from you, my brother. Rena might get jealous, you know!

Chie-sensei: Well, everyone, if you have any questions, feel free to ask her! Don't overwhelm her either, okay? Well, if you need to see me, I'll be in my office next door, so feel free to come knock on the door! She began heading toward the door, which she opened. See you later for lunch, Sae, see you soon!

Chabashira-sensei: I saw her sigh slightly, as if she was hoping for something. Then, she turned back to us, arms crossed. All right, Rumiko, see you later.

After that, Chie-sensei gave her a warm smile before waving to us, then she left the classroom, closing the door behind her. So, we were left with this new teacher, Chabashira-sensei.

"Hehehe, I must say she's really sexy... Cough Cough Well, I mean, she seems pretty cool!"

Chabashira-sensei: Before we start today's class, I would like to address a few points. But before that, are there any questions you would like to ask me?

Strangely, no one raised their hand, and the class remained in silence... Not really the usual tone of this class, you know. It's probably the effect of the new teacher, huh? Yeah, she has that charismatic aura around her.

I didn't really have a question to ask, so I just sat there, thinking about what she might throw at us... maybe things about her methods or something. Well, it looks like a calm day ahead, hehehehe!

Once again, I glanced around, and nothing had really changed... But what annoys me the most is still Rika's reaction, looking at her as if she's from another galaxy. Kyotaka, he has a darker and icier look in her direction, it's downright creepy! If I didn't know him a bit, the first idea that would come to mind seeing him like that is "Whatever you do, don't get close to him, Keiichi!" Fortunately, I know him a little... But seriously, when he gives me that look, I already feel shivers running down my spine, so I decided not to look at him for now.

Then, as usual, Mion was the only one to raise her hand. She acted as usual.

Chabashira-sensei: If I remember correctly, you are Miss Sonozaki, the class representative, right?

Mion: Yep, that's me, the representative, Mion Sonozaki! You've remembered our names well, it seems. I'm sure you'll be an excellent teacher, hehehe! And so, I have a little question for you.

Chabashira-sensei: Very well, go ahead, ask your question.

Mion: Well, I heard that you come from an excellent school. Could you tell us which school it is? I'm quite curious to know.

Chabashira-sensei: I see, very well then. I don't mind telling you. I teach at St. Lucia Academy.

Mion: Oh? St. Lucia Academy? It's quite intriguing, actually. Could you tell us what you taught there?

Chabashira-sensei: I taught Japanese history, and that hasn't changed. I am here on Mondays and Wednesdays, but on other days, I continue to teach there. Any additional questions?

Mion: Nah, it's good! Thank you, Chabashira-sensei!

Meanwhile, I whispered to Rena, right in front of me, to get an opinion... Especially on the quite strange behaviors of Rika and Kyotaka.

Keiichi: Hey, psst, Rena!

Rena: I see her turn her head toward me, giving me a somewhat confused look. Huh? Yeah? What's up, Keiichi? What's up?

Keiichi: Ah, sorry to bother you like this, hehehehe. But did you see the faces of Rika and Kyotaka? Look, it's weird, isn't it? Rika looks like she saw a ghost. And Kyotaka looks like he's about to pounce on prey, it's even quite scary!

Rena: I saw her face quickly become serious, then she cast a brief glance at Rika and Kyotaka before focusing on me again. Well, maybe they were just taken by surprise, you know? Rika had a bit of the same reaction with Kyotaka at first, right? Then, she returned to a softer smile. She's just a little girl inside, and now, she's even the head of one of the three big families! So, she must not be used to this kind of surprise, you see? Normally, the three big families are informed about this kind of stuff in advance. Did you see, even Mion seemed to know that something was going to happen today... So, no need to worry, Keiichi, it will pass, like with Kyotaka, you'll see. And there, she gave me an even warmer smile that made my heart beat a bit faster... Awww, how could any man resist that?

Keiichi: Yeah, I see... I feel a bit silly now for asking, hehehehe! And for Kyotaka, there must be a reason too, right? I mean, he's not the type to react like that for nothing, I think... But I have to admit, he's a bit creepy to look at like that.

Rena: Mmmmh... Well, Kyotaka probably doesn't even realize it, you see. I think you've already noticed, but he really struggles with emotions. I don't even think scaring you was intentional on his part, honestly, ahahaha! She emitted a gentle laugh. And then, we don't know much about him, so we can't really judge what he went through, you know? So, the best thing is to simply accept him as he is, right? She offered me another of her sweet smiles. Hau... We can never be sure what people are hiding, right? Right?

Keiichi: I scratched my head in a somewhat embarrassed and awkward way. I feel a bit silly now for thinking all that, ahahaha... Sorry for that, Rena.

Rena: Don't worry, Keiichi! I can totally understand why you were a little worried, everyone makes mistakes after all... But try to take a little time to get to know the person before jumping to conclusions that could even make you uncomfortable, okay? Hau... You never know what people are hiding behind their behavior.

Keiichi: Yeah, I understand better now... Thanks, Rena! I'll pay more attention in the future, I can promise you!

Yeah, Rena was damn right... I freaked out about him, without really understanding why he was in that state. Come to think of it, yeah, he's only been here for four days... We know nothing about him. Well, we just have to integrate him well and pull some smiles from him, like we told him the day before yesterday. I'm sure he won't resist for long, hehehehe!!

And Rika, she was right too. She's just a kid. No need to panic about these kinds of reactions, right?

Now, I feel a bit silly for confusing all this in my head with my friends. I should follow Rena's advice for the future... Mmmh, yeah, I would never have imagined this kind of speech from Rena. Is she hiding some talents in this area? It looks like you too, you hide your game well, huh? Hehehehe!

... ... ... ... ...

Finally, a sound breaks out, capturing everyone's attention. This sudden sound even startles a few people, including me. Looking at the source of the sound, I see that it's Chabashira-sensei clapping her hands on the desk, ready to speak again.

"She really knows how to get attention, huh?"

Chabashira-sensei, she's quite the opposite of Chie-sensei, in every possible way... I think everyone wonders what's going to happen here. Plus, when she mentioned that she taught at St. Lucia Academy, Mion looked a bit surprised at first... What's that thing, some kind of elite school or something?

Chabashira-sensei: Very well, before we continue, does anyone have any other questions?

After throwing the question, she leaves us hanging in this silence, like she wants to see if someone will draw a question before delving into the heart of the matter.

I don't know why, but suddenly, I feel all excited, as if there's something super interesting about to happen! I wonder what she's going to pull out before starting the classes...

Around me, there's just silence hanging in the air during this moment. Mion, on the other hand, seems as hyped as I am, staring at Chabashira-sensei with a smug smile, as if she knew something really cool and intriguing was about to happen. Rena, on the other hand, is focused on Chabashira-sensei, an expression more serious than usual... In fact, it's determination, I would say? It's strange, considering she hasn't said a word yet. Satoko, she's scrutinizing with an intrigued look, probably just wondering what's going to happen to us... She doesn't seem to grasp much. Then, Rika, she always looks a bit lost, but now, she has an expression of... "resilience"? Or rather, acceptance? It's strange to see her like that; she's looking at Chabashira-sensei in a way she never did with us, more mature than usual, almost too mature for a girl her age. And finally, Kyotaka... He has his two arms on the table, hands supporting his head, staring at Chabashira-sensei with a rather... complex expression? He no longer has that dark look from before; he's back to his usual impassive expression, but now, he might look... a bit more serious? Or determined? I'm not sure; that guy is a real mystery!

I can feel the excitement in the air, I can even feel my heart starting to pound.

"Oh yeah, I can sense that it's going to be interesting!"

... And finally... Chabashira-sensei resumes, with a sadistic smile gradually forming on her face; she places her two hands firmly on her desk.

"Huh? What's with that sadistic smile?" At that moment, I feel a bit of stress tickling me... I didn't see this coming, seriously.

Chabashira-sensei: Well, I will simply talk to you about my special methods. Only those whose names I will mention will be involved; the rest, I ask you to work independently on your studies in the meantime. Those I will call, raise your hand. I call Mion Sonozaki, Rena Ryuguu, Keiichi Maebara, and Ayanokoji Kyotaka.

"Huh? Wait, wait!! What does she mean by special methods?"

Damn, in this damn moment, my mind is in chaos. I was ready to go, but now, anxiety and stress sneak up on me out of nowhere... I can't stop wondering over and over what's going to happen. And then, I have to say, her sadistic smile really doesn't help with all of this!

Why is she calling us, specifically the four of us, for these exams? Just because we're the oldest in the school? That's the only reason that comes to my mind... But well, I can't stop wondering what she means by that.

The sweat, there, it's starting to drip from my forehead, between the stress and the excitement for what's probably going to happen.

Mion, she's completely ecstatic, with a smile that stretches to her ears, she suddenly stands up while swinging her arm in the air, already overheated... Even more than during the club games, it's not good for us to see her like this, it adds to my stress.

Rena, she follows suit, she also stands up... She wears a super serious and determined look on her face, something quite rare for Rena...

"Hehehehe, guys, no need to take all of this too seriously, right?"

I follow her, my legs trembling a bit, I scratch the back of my head, and now, the stress rises another notch as I raise my arm lazily.

Kyotaka, he didn't really stand up. He just raises his arm lazily, not following the movement. He's the only one remaining completely indifferent. "I'm at least glad he's not as pumped up as Rena and Mion by this announcement..." Yeah, it reassures me a bit, but I have the feeling that all of this won't be a walk in the park.

Chabashira-sensei: Well, you can now lower your hands. She waited for all of us to lower our hands before continuing. The four of you, about to enter high school, will be trained to become true elites, under my "elitist" guidance. Starting Wednesday, you will undergo special exams, confronting real physical and mental conditions to ensure your survival in our society. I will prepare you for all eventualities, but be warned, it will be demanding. Her sadistic smile intensified. I was also informed that you are the only club in this school and that you like to challenge yourselves... Are you ready to take on this challenge?

"Wait, did she just say what I think she said?"

Damn, my heart is beating faster and faster, and all this stress and anxiety transform into pure excitement, causing a huge smile to bloom on my face.

Elite training? Special exams? Physical and mental tests to prove our worth in society? It strongly reminds me of the speech they gave to me and Kyotaka when we joined the club... Hehehehe, it smells interesting!

Challenges up to the club's standards? She already seems to know us inside out... None of us would refuse such a tempting proposition! It's much better than attending classes, that's for sure! So, two days a week, we can officially have fun as a club? Well, Rika and Satoko won't be able to participate, but if it's elite exams as she calls them, I suppose the little ones won't measure up... No matter, the four of us are still going to have a great time, I can feel it!!

Ahahahahaha, impossible to miss out on this! My blood is boiling in my veins, excitement reaches its climax, my fist clenches with determination.

Around me, Rena and Mion seem to share my opinion... Kyotaka remains seated, simply observing the scene, but, hehehehe... You're not fooling me, "little guy," I can see that look on your face! Don't pretend you're not as excited as we are!! Ahahahahaha!

Yeah, the arrival of this new teacher is damn good news... Fantastic news!! I can see the challenge in her eyes, a sadistic smile that clearly announces that we're probably going to struggle... But hey! You don't know who you're dealing with yet, Chabashira-sensei. We're going to show you what the special club of Hinamizawa is made of! And especially, when we're all together, nothing can stop us! I'm not going to let myself be beaten down; I'm going to accept this challenge with open arms!!

Thus, with an expression of immense excitement, Mion calms down a bit and takes a pose, shaking her finger in Chabashira-sensei's direction before speaking.

Of course, she's our club leader, so it's up to her to speak for all of us first! And there's absolutely no chance that Mion would refuse such a proposition.

Mion: Hehehe! Now, that's an interesting proposition, Chabashira-sensei... Not sure I saw that coming. She chuckles slightly before continuing, lifting her head towards Chabashira-sensei. As the leader of this gaming club since its inception, I can't pass up such a captivating challenge. Then, she concludes her statement with a sly smile. Before sealing this agreement, I have a small request as the representative of Hinamizawa's game club.

Chabashira-sensei's sadistic smile stretches even further, abandoning the severity displayed earlier. She crosses her arms again, adopting a determined stance, and shoots an intense look at Mion before responding to her request. It felt like I was in the midst of a psychological showdown, a true challenge! Excitement shivers were already running through me, giving me a cold thrill.

Chabashira-sensei: Oh? Have I piqued the interest of our dear delegate? Very well, state your request, and I'll decide whether I'm willing to accept it or not.

Mion: Ahahaha! Well, you know, you're quite an interesting teacher, aren't you? You've got quite a lot of audacity, that's undeniable. No chance we'd pass up a challenge... especially one thrown by our new teacher! She chuckles mischievously, then continues. But hey, we have a really tight-knit club, and I can guarantee that each member individually surpasses any army or battalion... In our club, let's not forget Satoko, our brilliant trap expert, and Rika, the cute-looking but exceptional manipulator! So, I'd like us not to forget them; could you include them with us, please? And then, the club will truly be complete to face these challenges and special exams you're cooking up... hehehe, I can't wait to show you how impressive this old man is.

Chabashira-sensei: For a brief moment, Chabashira-sensei's stern gaze reveals some contemplation... before her even more sadistic smile returns. Well, it really doesn't bother me if they agree and are ready to face the consequences. I can confirm the participation of two more people in my special training.

Mion: Pfff- Ah AH AH AH ah ah ah! Mion bursts into laughter, her overflowing energy slightly distorting her words. She regains composure by casually wiping a tear from the corner of her eye, as if the situation amused her beyond expectations... She seems to have completely forgotten that she's talking to her teacher. Honestly, Chabashira-sensei, you've got guts to throw us a challenge like that! Hehehehe, of course... No one in our group is the type to back down, so everyone's on board!! Right, guys?

"Well played, Mion!!" No one here intends to back down from a challenge like this! No chance, absolutely none! Chabashira-sensei, you haven't realized the true potential we have, huh? Hehehehe... We'll show you that we don't joke around with learning!

These supposedly tough special exams, we'll conquer them in the blink of an eye! It'll be a piece of cake, and you'll be left speechless in front of our talent.

And if there are challenges, that implies penalties, right? Hehehehe... And if she joins us? Mmmmh? She might get penalties too, right? Even if she doesn't participate, it's not impossible, huh? I can totally see her wearing sexy costumes in Mion's locker... Yes, hehehehehehehe!!

Anyway, I'm more fired up than ever! I clenched my fist until the knuckles turned white, proudly holding it in front of me, staring at Chabashira-sensei with unwavering determination before speaking after Mion.

Keiichi: You said it, Mion! Since earlier, I've just been super excited! Hehehehe, if someone had told me that school could be this interesting one day, we really have to thank you, Chabashira-sensei!

Rena: And I won't back down either, even if I'm not super skilled... But I'll do my best, you'll see!

Satoko: Ohohohohoho! For a moment, I almost stood up myself to oppose this insulting omission towards Rika and me. We're not just "little girls," and I'll prove it very soon. She bursts into a haughty laugh before continuing, a determined expression on her face. Finally, a challenge worthy of my presentation, it seems.

Rika: Mii... Chabashira-sensei was really naughty to forget about us, Satoko and me... But we just need to make her understand that we're as formidable as any member of our club~! Courage, everyone, let's not be discouraged! Nipah~! ☆

Yeah, a real atmosphere is taking shape!! Everyone is really on edge... but well, it's normal; no member of the club would back down from such an exciting challenge! Thank you, God, for sending us this gorgeous teacher and making her so captivating, hehehehehehe!

My determination reaches new heights, and I see that Chabashira-sensei doesn't let go with her sadistic smile... We'll show her that we can make this smile even more striking; I can't wait to see her shocked expression! Hehehehehehehe, I can't wait... Aaaaah! Can't wait for it to start!

But Chabashira-sensei's sadistic smile suddenly fades, her gaze fixed on something... or rather, someone. Following her gaze, I realize that she's staring at Kyotaka, still sitting there, both arms resting on his desk, hands supporting his chin as he looks her straight in the eyes. A gaze that gives downright chills, creating a palpable tension between them.

"What the heck is this atmosphere? It looks like there are sparks flying between them!" Everyone turns to Kyotaka, each of us with a serious expression, waiting to see what he'll do...

... Then, finally, we see his arms relax, he calmly stands up from his chair with a sigh of exasperation, a sarcastic resignation. He puts his hands in his pockets, as usual, then raises his head to look at Chabashira-sensei again, straight in the eyes.

"Of course, I knew you wouldn't back down! You're not my brother for nothing, after all, hehehehe!" No matter how much you pretend you're not interested, we know you well, man!!

Kyotaka: His intense gaze fixed on Chabashira-sensei, it was clear that he was also present among us, equally determined. I guess I don't really have a choice... right? With this proposal, I already knew how all of this would unfold, as awkward as it may be. He let out a new sigh, but this time, it was as if he was forcing a feigned weariness. But I'm also curious to see what will happen. I can't deny that your proposal has sparked my curiosity. And then, after all... I am now an integral part of this club, aren't I?

Mion: After Kyotaka's response, Mion's sly smile gradually returned... Before she burst into laughter with obvious pride. Well, of course, you're in our club now, little guy! If you had even thought of refusing, I would have stormed straight to your desk, pulled your ear, and made you accept willingly or forcefully, believe me! Ahahahahaha! No true member of our club plays the coward, you get it? So being drawn to this proposal is the bare minimum for us, hehehehehe! Then, she approaches Kyotaka after leaving her office, sporting an even more sly smile. And you know what? You really have style like this, huh? Maybe you're hiding it, but no chance you'll fool us, little guy!!! Hehehehehe! Mmmmh? Or maybe, are you trying to impress a certain someone, mmmmh?

Kyotaka: Kyotaka remained impassive, his gaze briefly turning towards Mion. I don't really grasp what you're talking about, Mion. I'm just a little curious to see how things will unfold... And anyway, I'm not sure I'm really up to it; it seems quite complex after all.

Mion: Yeah, yeah, sure~! Hehehehehe! After a few more teasing jokes on her part, she returns to her desk, crosses her arms with determination, then shoots a provocative look at Chabashira, still wearing that mischievous smile. No one in our group will falter in the face of a challenge like this, right! What do you guys think?

No need to play modest, bro! We know better than anyone what you're capable of, so no need to pretend! We can clearly see that you're as excited as us, not overtly, but clearly internally!

And there, at Mion's last words, we all turned, more determined than ever, towards Chabashira-sensei, and shouted in unison, all together.

Rena, Keiichi, Satoko, Rika, and Kyotaka: Yeah, we're ready!

After this unanimous shout, an even bigger smile appeared on Chabashira-sensei's face. She observes all of us with a challenging gaze.

The sun still floods the room through the windows, but above her desk, where the rays can't reach, a shadow falls over half of her face, accentuating her sadistic and challenging expression. With crossed arms, she faces us, but none of us are intimidated. On the contrary, we accept this challenge with enthusiasm.

"Oh yeah, I feel the excitement building more and more!" I sense that all of this is going to be entertaining. Yes, I feel it deep within me! Hehehehehe!

Chabashira-sensei: I must admit that you truly pique my interest... I sincerely hope you live up to your words and don't disappoint my expectations. Now, I expect a lot from you. I'm rather pleased I agreed to come here. I am convinced that the result will not disappoint me. A slight laugh escaped before she continued, in a more serious manner. You will be tested this Wednesday. For now, let's focus on the usual lesson. Please, sit down. We will finally start the lesson.

And so, this little interlude concluded smoothly, and we returned to our classes, under Chabashira-sensei's guidance. She clearly stood out from Chie-sensei... Much stricter and serious in all circumstances, but her character was also quite transparent.

"Chabashira-sensei, huh? In the end, it was really good news!"




"Aaah, finally lunchtime! I haven't eaten anything this morning, so I'm literally starving!"

In unison, the whole club gathered, bringing the tables closer to share this mealtime moment. Our bentos are lined up on the table, with a small novelty this time: Kyotaka's, who joined us for lunch.

Kyotaka: So, if I understand how this works here... we gather all our bentos together, and everyone takes what they want from each one? It's quite unusual... or at least, I've never seen anything like this before.

Keiichi: Yeah, I know those strange feelings at the beginning... I can guarantee you, bro, I wasn't used to it either at first... But unlike me, you didn't dare ask directly!!

Mion: Well, here we're not as uptight as city folks, you see! We all gather together, and everyone picks a bit from each other's stuff!

Rena: Oh, that's true, we haven't had the chance to taste Kyotaka's cooking yet! I'm really looking forward to it, I'm sure it will be really good.

Mion: Don't trust that too much, Rena! He's a guy, just like Kei-chan, so his cooking might be at best mediocre.

Keiichi: Hey, Mion! What's with the random shots at me like that! And what's with these prejudices too? Maybe I'm not a gourmet chef, and my mom prepares my meals, but that's not the point!

Rena: Mii... Don't say things like that. I'm sure Kyotaka's cooking will be really fabulous!

Kyotaka: Well... I don't consider myself very skilled or terrible at cooking... I just know how to prepare the bare minimum to survive.

Keiichi: What? But that's already amazing! I mean, if I could at least do that... I could survive normally when my parents are away! Oh... Now I feel bad, I'm supposed to be the older one, the one who teaches you things... But what can I teach someone who already knows everything!

I blurted this out while crying and holding my head.

Honestly, but this is not possible!! What can I possibly do... I feel totally useless! And on top of that, he just throws it out there as if it's the most normal thing in the world... Aaaaah! Please, Master Kyotaka, teach me your secret!

Satoko: My dear, I would suggest you go shed your tears elsewhere and get rid of this inferiority complex at the same time! You might spoil the food with your incessant whining and spittle.

Keiichi: What? Satoko, you really have no heart! Instead of comforting me, you just keep insulting me! You're just a nasty brat!

Satoko: Stop blaming me for your lamentations! In no way am I responsible for your misery, however deplorable it may be... If you were a little less lazy, I'm sure you wouldn't be in this situation, right? Oh oh oh!

Keiichi: Satoko... You don't realize how much it hurts to say that to a guy like me!! Raaaaah, but I'll show you the opposite! One day, I'll reveal my cooking skills, and you'll seriously regret what you said, don't worry about that!

Satoko: Oh, really? You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to seeing you in action!

"Seriously! Satoko really has this gift for getting on my nerves in three seconds!"

One of these days, I'll show that little rascal. As I heated up against Satoko, who continued to mock me with her haughty laughter, I noticed Rika, sitting next to Kyotaka, gently pulling his sleeve to engage in conversation. He, still impassive, simply turned his gaze towards her.

By the way, thinking about it... Rika really seems to enjoy Kyotaka's company. It's quite unusual to see her act like this.

Rika: After discreetly savoring a tiny bit of Kyotaka's bento, she started talking to him in an innocent manner. Kyotaka, this is really delicious! You cook quite well, actually. I'm totally impressed~!

Kyotaka: Well... I don't consider myself very skilled or terrible at cooking... I just know how to prepare the bare minimum to survive.

Rika: Mii... Stop underestimating yourself, I really loved it... And it's already great to be able to cook and even live alone! Hehehehe! Yes, you're really great, Kyotaka~! She said with another one of her innocent big smiles.

Kyotaka: Kyotaka stared at her with an impassive expression for a brief moment before sighing and simply responding to her, picking up chopsticks. Well, thank you, I suppose... But in that case, following this logic... You and Satoko are particularly talented, aren't you? Since you're younger than me.

Rika: That's true~ That's true, I know it! Satoko and I are really amazing, right? Hehe! We can do lots of super things!

Watching how Rika interacted with Kyotaka took me by surprise, I must admit. It was like an attitude I recognized, but at the same time, it had a kind of strange novelty.

Keiichi: Mmmh... I already had a hunch, but seriously... Rika seems to have a crush on Kyotaka, doesn't she? I don't know... She's a bit different when she's with him.

Mion: Oh? Well, little guy, I didn't know you were a loli fan, hehehe! So, you're jealous of Kyo-chan because Rika doesn't treat you the same way? Mmmmh? Come on, spill the beans, how would you like her to behave with you exactly?

Rena: Huh? Mii... What's this story? Huh? Keiichi, a-are you jealous of Kyotaka? Huh? But why, tell me, why?

Satoko: Well, I could totally understand why Rika pays more attention to our dear Kyotaka than to our dear Keiichi, who does nothing but eat instant noodles! If you intend to get closer to our dear Rika, you'll have to do much better than that... Oh oh oh!!

Keiichi: What? Hey, how did I end up here!! I was just wondering why Rika got close to Kyotaka so quickly, I never said I was jealous or anything! Stop doing this to me at every opportunity, all of you, you're really not cool!

Mion: Hehehehe, well, little guy, why do you suddenly look so bitter? Well... no need to worry about that. It's quite normal, actually, that Rika gets closer to Kyotaka. They have a certain resemblance, you could say.

Keiichi: Huh? I don't get it... Resemblance? I mean... Rika and Kyotaka clearly have opposite personalities! Kyotaka is rather cold and expressionless, while Rika seems to be the comforting and joyful type all the time.

Rena: Well, maybe... But you know, among us, Rika was the calmest and most peaceful, right? In a way, Kyotaka, he has a little resemblance to Rika in terms of personality, don't you think? She gave me a sweet smile before continuing. Honestly, it doesn't surprise me much. She might even consider him as an older brother later on, and that wouldn't surprise me at all.

After Rena's response, I quickly glanced at the scene between Kyotaka and Rika... Rika seemed really happy, and their closeness almost gave the impression that he was her big brother. Kyotaka, on the other hand, responded in his usual simple way. It was strangely a scene that could be plausible between a brother and a sister. If I didn't know them, I would probably think they were very close and had known each other for a long time.

Keiichi: Oh, yeah, I can see that now... I hadn't really thought about it, I must admit. But now that you mention it, it makes sense. Well, I think Kyotaka would make a perfect big brother for Rika, right? Ahahahaha!

Rena: Isn't it? Look at them, they're so cute together, hau... She observed them as if she had discovered little kittens on the street, then she continued responding to me normally. You know, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover... From the outside, Kyotaka seems really cold and distant. But if you delve deeper, into the very core of his being... You might discover a really sweet and understanding person. Just by watching how he acts with Rika, you can see that side of him, right? She gave me another of her big smiles, leaving me momentarily perplexed.

After Rena's words, my eyes lingered more on the scene between Kyotaka and Rika, observing every detail carefully. A embarrassed sigh escaped me.

"Apparently, I'll have to follow Rena's advice, right?"

... The meal then proceeded, still lively and cheerful, until it came to an end.


POV : 3ème Personne

While the students enjoyed their lunch peacefully, two other individuals were also sharing a meal in tranquility, establishing a friendly bond among their colleagues.

Chie-sensei and Chabashira-sensei were peacefully enjoying their meal in the calm of their office, engaging in a discussion about Chabashira-sensei's first impressions of her new class. Although a strict expression persisted on her face, it was softened by a faint smile, revealing clear satisfaction with how things were unfolding.

In contrast, with a face that still animated a radiant smile, Chie-sensei was quietly savoring her curry rice, exchanging peaceful remarks with her new colleague, with whom she seemed to share mutual appreciation.

Chie-sensei: So, Sae, what's your first impression of this class?

As Chie-sensei skillfully took another bite of her curry using chopsticks, Chabashira-sensei, seated beside her, completed a delicate portion of her own curry, meticulously prepared by Chie-sensei. Subsequently, she seemed to delve deeply into intense contemplation, likely mentally revisiting all the observations she had made about her new students during this single morning. Only after this moment of deep reflection did she finally respond to Chie-sensei with a serious tone.

Chabashira: They are quite noisy, but... it's an interesting class, I must admit. Yes, I think I can do my job properly with them. And especially with this "club." A slight smile appeared on her face, a determined smile. Yes, I can say that each of them has potential to be tapped into... With what I have planned for them throughout the year, I am confident their talents will be utilized to the best of their abilities.

Chabashira-sensei's detailed response captivated Chie-sensei's full attention, and she couldn't ignore the smile forming at the corners of her lips. This elicited a slight giggle from Chie-sensei before she responded to Chabashira-sensei once she had finished savoring her bite of curry.

Chie-sensei: See, I told you they were all great, didn't I? I hope you'll enjoy the time you spend with us on Mondays and Wednesdays!

Chabashira-sensei: Hmm, yeah, I think it's undeniable that I'll get used to it... It's a rather radical change, but well, it doesn't bother me. I'm pretty happy to have taken this contract, after all... even though, at first, I was a bit skeptical, to be honest.

Following Chabashira-sensei's candid response, Chie-sensei let out a slight giggle while offering her a sincerely warm smile. She was delighted to see that her new colleague's first impression was positive. However, just moments after this reaction, she seemed to notice something that caused a slight suppression of her smile, indicating her intention to share something more serious with Chabashira-sensei, a concern that was slightly bothering her.

Chie-sensei: Don't be too harsh, okay? They're still kids, after all. I trust you, but... make sure these challenges are suitable for their level... She flashed a slightly embarrassed smile at Chabashira-sensei.

Chie-sensei's response prompted a brief moment of contemplation from Chabashira-sensei. She finally set down her chopsticks, adopting a more relaxed posture by leaning back in her chair, crossing her legs and arms. A faint smile gradually softened her usually stern expression. She then responded to Chie-sensei, sharing her thoughts after this short interlude of contemplation.

Chabashira-sensei: No need to worry about that, I'm aware... These "exams" will be challenging, but at their level... I'm sure they'll adapt perfectly.

Satisfied with Chabashira-sensei's response, Chie-sensei seemed to relax slightly. Deep down, she recognized her colleague's reliability and felt a deep desire to trust her entirely in this matter, opting for an approach without excessive questioning.

After another bite of her curry, she offered another smile toward Chabashira-sensei before speaking again.

Chie-sensei: I'm curious about the kind of challenges you plan to set up starting this Wednesday. I imagine it won't just be conventional written tests, right?

Chabashira-sensei: A mischievous smile appeared on Chabashira-sensei's face in response to Chie-sensei's inquiry. Of course not, otherwise I wouldn't call them "special exams"... Well, they are games, but games that will teach them lessons, games that will serve as authentic trials... Real challenges that will test both their minds and bodies.

Chie-sensei: Chie-sensei seemed briefly surprised before letting out a light laugh. Well, I must say that's really interesting... It's the cream of teaching methods, don't you think? Teaching students while making them play. She took another bite of her curry before continuing. I'm really thrilled that you joined the team. I think it will truly enrich our approach... and I'm sure I can also learn from your methods! I can't wait to see how it turns out; I'm sure the results will be truly rewarding!

Chabashira-sensei: Well, I also want to express my gratitude for allowing me to teach here, in this school and in this class, and for letting me work in this way. All of this holds a certain significance for me, and even though I was skeptical at first, now... I'm convinced that this arrangement will be essential in achieving my goal.

Chie-sensei: Well, it's fine, no worries! It's completely normal between colleagues. In any case, I can say that I'm really grateful that this school is finally recognized as a real school. I've always fought for that, and finally... we can say it paid off. That's why I'm in this profession here, you know, because I wanted these kids who can't go too far into the city to have a decent education here, in Hinamizawa!

Chabashira-sensei: So, this contract is beneficial for both of us, isn't it? It's the best opportunity, and that's what this contract is supposed to signify, after all. Chabashira-sensei straightened up in her chair and resumed her chopsticks, continuing with her meal.

In response to Chabashira-sensei, Chie-sensei offered her a reiterated smile. A shared sense of satisfaction and happiness emanated from both of them regarding this new agreement, a significant evolution in their lives and respective goals.

Together, they peacefully continued their meal, exchanging tranquil remarks like true comrades.