
Higurashi no naku koro ni X Classroom of the Elite

Welcome to the world of "The Cry of the Cicadas." The "Kidnapped by Destiny" arc will be the opening inviting you into this world. Don't play tough, just enjoy life in Hinamizawa to the fullest. The difficulty level is extremely high, but I hope you'll enjoy the reward... ... Wait, doesn't this remind you of something? It seems that something has changed this time, hasn't it? Talking about difficulty? But who are you exactly? Haven't you already experienced all of this in the past? Will things unfold the same way, or will it be different? The difficulty is high, but that's what makes it exciting.

Phoenix_Lore · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

CHAPTER 3 (PART 3/3): The 'Date'

POV : Rena

"Aaaah~! What an incredible day it was!"

The day had flown by in a whirlwind in the company of Kyotaka, to the point of completely forgetting the time. We had explored every nook of the village together all day, and despite a few minor hiccups, the day was simply marvelous! I really had a blast today, with Kyotaka... And I know that even if he doesn't show it, he feels the same way, I'm convinced!

As dusk settled in the sky, Kyotaka and I walked calmly through the streets of Hinamizawa, ready to head home. Meanwhile, I continued to sing, still excited about this incredibly fun day. Kyotaka, on the other hand, simply walked beside me, his face as impassive as ever, hands in his pockets... But that will change, I'm sure of it! After all, I made him a promise, assured him that I would make sure he's happy every day and smiling all the time. It might take a little time, but I'm convinced it will happen! After all... I desired more than anything to see his adorable little smile again. And besides... I know he probably hasn't had an easy life, so as a friend, I must help him as much as possible~!

Kyotaka seemed to be keeping many secrets, and although he hid a lot, it was clear he had no desire to discuss them. After all, these details might not be crucial. I certainly didn't want to force him to reveal aspects of his past, especially since I was in a similar situation. It would be hypocritical of me to reproach him for that. What had happened in his past wasn't the most important thing. It was better to focus on the present and the future, to work together.

However, I didn't understand why he was hiding his skills and constantly underestimating himself. It was an aspect of himself he should work on. Maybe I could teach him that he was exceptional and didn't need to conceal his talents. The demonstration he had given by defeating the delinquent at Angel Mort was incredible, like that of a martial arts expert. Everyone, from customers to waitresses, agreed on that.

Kyotaka was truly exceptional, almost like a genius capable of anything. The essential thing was for him to learn to recognize and accept it himself, right? As a friend, I was going to help him with that. And maybe... I mean... M-Maybe he saw me the same way? I wondered, questioned. Hauuu... Calm down, Rena. We've only known each other for three days. He can't... Hau, hau...

... ... ... ... ...

As we walked quietly together on the way back, lulled only by the last songs of cicadas before the evening crickets arrived, Kyotaka finally spoke, with his usual monotone voice, of course.


Kyotaka: Rena, from what I've heard, you've only been living here for a year. Where were you originally from before moving here?


"Oh, what's this? D-Does Kyotaka have an interest in Rena? Hau..."

I have to admit that his question surprised me a bit... Since he never seemed to engage in conversation unless necessary, let alone show genuine interest in others as he just did. So, I was a little taken aback, yes... But in a good way! I didn't expect that, but I was rather happy to see that Kyotaka was at least a little interested in my life... Unfortunately, I couldn't go into details about it, especially if he asked too many personal questions... Hau... But I could still answer that.

I had noticed that he already knew I had moved to Hinamizawa just a year ago. I could imagine that Mii had probably told him yesterday when they came back together, as they took the same path... But Mii would never say that randomly, Hau... D-Did Kyotaka ask for information about Rena to get to know me better, and... But why, huh? Why? H-Hau...

No, calm down Rena... You can't think about that now, but actually, maybe it wouldn't be so bad... Heh heh heh heh heh... Me and Kyotaka, just thinking about it gives me shivers. H-Hau! I-I mean, aaaaah... Calm down Rena, calm down! Breathe and calm down, he just asked where I came from, it's just a common question, after all... Right? So, I just have to answer him honestly. I simply replied as usual, trying to dispel my inner thoughts about me and Kyotaka by trying to smile as usual.


Rena: Well, actually, I'm originally from Ibaraki Prefecture. It's a bit far from here, but we moved with my father for personal reasons.

Kyotaka: I see. But tell me, Rena, why did you choose to settle specifically in Hinamizawa? It's a small village, even among villages. What attracted you here?


He stated this with a ease that betrayed a certain preparation, as if this question had been carefully orchestrated... It had the effect of significantly destabilizing me. Rather than just showing an interest in me, it seemed like he had just immersed me in an impromptu interrogation session, all orchestrated with a calmness that hinted at a hidden intention.

"What are you trying to do, Kyotaka... Don't tell me you're suspicious of Rena, huh? Huh?"

I tried to discern the reasons for my discomfort... In the end, I chose to relegate these thoughts to the background, wondering if it was just paranoia. I felt a little guilty internally for doubting Kyotaka in this way, especially after realizing his true kindness, despite some difficulty in communicating and displaying emotions. This was, logically, supposed to be a relaxed conversation between friends, right? Unless he was really in a hurry and felt an irresistible urge to dig into the "Rena" file... But then, w-why? Like... Does he... Does he... Hauuuu...

I tried to hide my embarrassment and fanciful thoughts, but Kyotaka, this unflappable individual, must have sensed that something was wrong, given his peaceful sigh... Before I could regain control, returning to my usual cool attitude after a moment of stepping back.

"Stop overthinking, Rena... You're making things complicated, seriously!! No need to mess everything up, especially when you're having a pleasant time with Kyotaka. So, let go a bit, just be grateful for the destiny that has brought you all this..."


Rena: Oh? Well, actually Kyotaka, I was born in Hinamizawa, I even had a little childhood here! But at some point, we moved with my family to Ibaraki Prefecture... only to come back here with my father about a year ago.

Kyotaka: I see... A silence settled between us before he spoke again. I apologize for asking this question, but did something happen with your mother? You mentioned moving with your family to Ibaraki Prefecture, but you didn't specify living with only your father when you talked about moving to Hinamizawa a year ago. One might think that you meant you lived with more than one person before, like a mother, and now you only live with your father...

Rena: Hehehehe... Still as sharp, aren't you? I let out a embarrassed laugh while scratching my head. Yeah, you could say that. Sorry, but I'd like to avoid talking about it more. You know, it's a bit like you, I also have a few little secrets that I prefer to keep to myself~! I gave him a little wink.

Kyotaka: A sigh escaped him before he finally replied, his monotone voice echoing in the air. I understand. I won't ask any more questions about that then...

Rena: Thank you for understanding, Kyotaka~. Maybe over time, as you start to reveal more about yourself too, I'll feel more inclined to share certain aspects of Rena with Kyotaka. Right, what do you say, what do you say?

Kyotaka: Well... it's a fair exchange then. I agree with that...


A silence enveloped the atmosphere after this little conversation between us, punctuated by the song of cicadas, interspersed with our footsteps echoing on the trail. "It's really a shame... We'll soon have to part ways, Hau..."

Despite the imminent reality of the end of our day, I still felt this pulsating excitement, a desire to spend even more time with Kyotaka... I really appreciate these moments with him... I-I mean!! I also appreciate moments with others, with the whole club, with Mion, Keiichi, Satoko, and Rika... B-But, it's different... It's only been three days, and yet, I feel different in his company... Rena has never felt this before, Hauuu!

I wonder what it is, huh? What is it, what is it? ...

...I can't decipher much from his unflappable face, but I wonder if Kyotaka also enjoys spending time with Rena... M-Maybe if I asked him, then it might work? We could just extend this moment, conclude this day with something special... Rena still has something to share with Kyotaka, Hau~!

"Come on Rena, you can do it!! Just ask him normally, like you usually do with everyone! Like you did yesterday with Keiichi!"


Rena: H-Hau, Kyotaka... Uh, there's something Rena wanted to ask you, by the way...

Kyotaka: Something you wanted to ask me? So, what is it?

Rena: W-Well, Rena was wondering, you see... If you enjoyed the day with her? It's just that, it's hard to tell with your expression and all... S-So, Rena wanted to know what you thought about the day spent with her... I-If you had at least a good time, you know...? Hauuu...


Upon making my request, I could feel my cheeks blazing, overwhelmed by the embarrassment and awkwardness that took over me... Kyotaka wasn't helping, and this silence he maintained was becoming more and more unbearable. My gaze was now fixed on the ground, my cheeks completely red as I awkwardly awaited his response. I could even feel his piercing gaze observing me, as if analyzing my reaction more meticulously...

Then finally, the silence was broken by none other than himself, his monotone voice resonating after another sigh, allowing me to escape from this embarrassment and look at him again, my cheeks still flushed.


Kyotaka: I see... To be honest, I had an enjoyable day with you today. Despite a few hiccups, I suppose that's also part of the experience, isn't it? Anyway, I can confidently say I had a great day with you...

Rena: H-Hau?! R-Really, so that means... You had a good time with Rena, then? So? Suddenly, I feel my cheeks heating up even more... As my thoughts loop. Hehehehe, Kyotaka's feelings for Rena are mutual then, hau~! Then I immediately realize what I'm saying, and I stop abruptly, feeling steam rising from my head. H-Hau Hau Hau! I-I didn't mean to say it like that, I meant... Like I was afraid you didn't enjoy spending t-time with Rena and so... So, I thought that... I-I... Um... Hauuuu...

Kyotaka: A sigh escaped his lips as he stopped by my side, noticing my halt. It's fine, Rena... I understood what you meant, no need to justify yourself further.


Eventually, I managed to regain my composure, resuming my peaceful walk with Kyotaka by my side, maintaining his usual impassiveness.

"Hau... I'm so happy, hehehehe~! Hau ~ Hau!"

His response, though nonchalant, surprised me with its completeness. Even if he didn't express his emotions flamboyantly, I could discern sincerity in his words, indicating that he truly had an enjoyable day with me. My heart was now filled with happiness at this revelation. Our feelings for this day were mutual, and that was all that mattered to Rena at that moment... No additional words were necessary; the simple fact that he expressed it was enough to warm my heart even more...

This warmth I feel, like a rush of warm air, is truly pleasant, hehehehe... Kyotaka said he had a good day with Rena~ Kyotaka said he had a good day with Rena! Hauuuuuu!!!

...And maybe he'll agree to spend a little more time with Rena to conclude this wonderful day, right? That would be really great! Plus, I still have some little cakes to offer him, after all, hau~!


Rena: W-Well, since Kyotaka said he had an enjoyable day with Rena... R-Rena wanted to make another request, in that case... So... I felt a bit embarrassed and shy saying this, playing with my thumbs while throwing occasional furtive glances.

Kyotaka: His scrutinizing gaze seemed to settle on me again, as if trying to analyze the nature of my next question. There's something quite scary about the way he does it. We really need to work on that, hau... So, what would you like to ask me next...?

Rena: S-So, well, you see... I was thinking we could end this day together, if you'd like... If you'd like? And Rena wanted to suggest if you wanted to follow her to a place, a place where few people pass but is really awesome to show... And to end this day... Together... I-I mean... Hauuu...

Kyotaka: He simply nodded. Well, if that's what you want, I don't see any objection. Besides, I don't really have anything better to do anyway. So, might as well go to that place to end the day. He paused for a moment before adding, I'm following you, then.

Rena: Hau~! Great then, follow me~ Follow me! Hehehehe, I'm going to show you an awesome place! It's the same place Rena showed to Keiichi yesterday, you'll see! It's full of treasures, it's really great!


Rena was genuinely thrilled that Kyotaka agreed to extend this moment, thus indicating that this happiness, this incredible day with Kyotaka, was not over yet~!

Without even realizing it, I started to walk while humming and bouncing on my two legs, sporting a wide smile, heading towards the old dam construction site. There, I planned to show him the potential treasure trove that could be discovered and even introduce him to the buried super cute general I had spotted yesterday while taking Keiichi with me.

"Mmmh ~ Mmmh ~ Mmmmh! What an incredible day, I hope it will be like this every day, hau!"


POV : Kyotaka


After some time of walking, following an excited Rena who was bouncing and humming invented melodies, we finally arrived at what seemed to be the dam construction site Tomitake had told me about yesterday as I was heading home.

Thus, I could accomplish the last objective of this day: explore the construction site and look for any possible clues. I had orchestrated the question Rena was supposed to ask me earlier, anticipating that she would likely come here at this time of the day. It was evident to me that this place held a particular significance for her, and that had been confirmed when she described it as a great place with a lot of work.

I hadn't needed to lie earlier, and that was probably why Rena hadn't reacted differently. Honestly, I had enjoyed a pleasant day in her company, which I couldn't deny. This construction site would be the conclusion of a peaceful and free day, just as I had always hoped for.

Throughout the day, I had uncovered some details about Rena's past. It seemed she didn't wish to discuss her history further, perhaps related to her mother. But for now, I had no intention of delving further into her life. She remained, for now, a friend, at least that's what I wanted to believe wholeheartedly. My wish was for all the club members to become true friends in the near future. For now, I'll act as if that's the case. After all, I had no obligations here, no real constraints that required the use of my skills. So, I'll just enjoy my freedom and the chirping of the cicadas.

Finally, we arrived at the old dam.

"So, this is what it looks like... It's indeed a construction site, no doubt."

Undoubtedly, it was an abandoned construction site, littered with heaps of debris. Is this what Rena really calls treasures? Everyone has their own perspective, it seems.

We approached the ditch that separated the path we had taken from the heaps of debris. Rena seemed even more excited...

"This girl is hard to handle..."

She was bouncing around, continuing to sing one lullaby or another.


Rena: Here we are! This is it, look. What do you think, Kyotaka? What do you think?

Kyotaka: I just observed the surroundings with a neutral expression. It's a public dump. People dispose of what they no longer need. A place where you can see society's rejection.

Rena: These aren't garbage! To me, it's a mountain of treasures, this corner...

Kyotaka: Okay, if you say so...

Rena: Keiichi wasn't really in his element with this kind of place, so he couldn't follow me. But you, you could, right~? Come on, I'll show you General Kenta-kun that I discovered with Keiichi yesterday in the pile over there.

Kyotaka: "General Kenta-kun," what is that... Some kind of figurine or something? And why would there be that kind of thing in a dump... Well, in these treasure heaps...

Rena: Yeah, General Kenta-kun~! Those super cute statues you find in front of KCF, they're too adorable! I really want to bring them home, hau~ ☆!

Kyotaka: Alright then, I'll follow you... Show me where this "General Kenta-kun" is... It must be stuck somewhere, I imagine. I'll try to help you with that...

Rena: Yeah! Let's free the buried general! Follow me, Kyotaka, I'll show you where he is~! And watch where you step, of course.


With that in mind, hands still in my pockets, I followed an excited Rena through the mountains of debris that separated us.

"Seriously... The more I get to know her, the more extravagant and strange she seems..."

This thought finally made me sigh once again, until Rena finally stopped above a pile of garbage where she pointed to what seemed to be a statue buried under tons of debris.

"Does she care that much about getting it out?"

The statue was very well buried, and digging it out was going to be a bit of work... Well, the troubles apparently continue.


Rena: Oh, look! There he is, the little General Keta-kun, all buried there, hau... Isn't he just adorable, huh? Isn't he cute, huh, huh?

Kyotaka: That's one way to see it, I suppose... So, you want to get him out of there, right?

Rena: Oh, yeah! I really want to take him home, and for that, I have to get him out of there. But he's really buried, so I don't really know how to go about it...

Kyotaka: Well, he is indeed well below... Maybe if we find something long and sturdy, we could try to slide it up. We could look around to see if there's something that might work.

Rena: W-Hauu! Something long and sturdy, huh... She starts to sway slightly while blushing strangely... What's happening now? W-Well, I think I have something f-for that... Yeah, it's quite long and hard, and you could hit the hole several times with it... H-Hauuu!! W-What am I saying, huh? What am I saying? A-Anyway, I think I have what we need, so I'll be right back!


Why this strange feeling, as if we were caught in a misunderstanding? Anyway, her mysterious reaction, baffling to me, elicited another sigh from me as I watched her run back, apparently to fetch something...

"I wouldn't even be surprised if she actually came back with a weapon, to be honest..."

Well, I guess she went to get something in that direction anyway. In any case, it's perfect, everything is going as I wish... I deliberately wanted to distract her for a moment from here so I could conduct my own investigations in this kind of dump. I had spotted something that had caught my attention as we headed towards that heap of trash where "General Kenta-kun" had been buried.

It was various magazines stacked in a single pile, bound together with some kind of elastic. So, I decided to approach this stack of newspapers and examine it more closely.

My first observation was that all these newspapers seemed to be organized in the order of news from each year. The other observation was that they all seemed to cover gruesome and macabre subjects, quite unsavory and rather alarming newspapers.

"It was really a dirty story, wasn't it? It seems the police still haven't got their hands on the second arm, huh?"

This information, coming out of nowhere, already surprised me somewhat because I really didn't expect someone, especially a stranger, to suddenly tell me this. It seemed as if he assumed I knew about this mysterious story, as if it were entirely logical for someone living in Hinamizawa to be aware of such a dark and obscure affair... Well, except for the fact that it happened in the village where I live now...

After scrutinizing the stack of newspapers for a while, I finally decided to crouch down after making sure Rena had left. I untied the numbers from the package and flipped through the damp pages, looking for any useful information that could unravel the mystery of the infamous dismemberment murder that Tomitake had briefly mentioned to me yesterday when I got home.

Unfortunately, the task could prove a bit complicated... I didn't know the date of the murder, the victim, the potential murderer, or anything else about the case, except that it was a dismemberment murder that apparently took place in this former construction site, and the victim's second arm had not yet been found.

As I flipped through the pages searching for what I wanted to find, I occasionally glanced around to make sure Rena wouldn't discover what I was doing... After all, I really didn't want to involve her, especially if she might be implicated herself. It was better to be cautious for the time being...

What made the task a bit easier for my research was that these newspapers contained photos of crimes or other incidents related to the morbid things they talked about.

"A worker lynched on the Hinamizawa dam! THEY CUT HIM INTO PIECES."


"Looks like I found what I was looking for, after all..."

There was a special file in the issue, with some color photos at the beginning of the magazine. The pages of the special file stuck together, and I struggled to separate them.

"That's all for now, I guess... I just wanted to make sure something did happen and that Tomitake wasn't lying to me..."

Rena will probably be here soon, and I don't want her to see me rummaging through these morbid newspapers again.

So, I gave up on the pages and focused only on the beginning of the magazine. You could see in the photo what I assumed were criminal police officers carrying a bag - probably the victim's body - while many journalists flooded them with photos. The photo was blackened, probably due to the age of the magazine and where it had been left, but the letters of the text were still white and therefore perfectly readable.


"A tragedy turns into a nightmare at the Hinamizawa dam! Lynched and dismembered!"

"The victim was the construction site manager. He was a rather angry and violent man who put enormous pressure on the workers every day and..."

"Fed up with daily bullying? Nevertheless, the construction site manager was found in a horrible state..."


"At least, if I didn't have it before... Now I have confirmation and proof..."

Indeed, it's not something really common, is it? So, something quite horrible happened right here, in this construction site... And to top it off, it was the construction site manager... In itself, now, I could better understand the motivations that could result from it, just from the title of the victim. After all, it was the construction of a dam, and he was in charge... And if the dam had indeed been built, then half of Hinamizawa, if not all of Hinamizawa, would have been completely submerged and flooded, forcing the inhabitants of this village to leave their village and home. It might seem trivial to anyone, but from what I've seen so far... The inhabitants of this village seem very proud of their living place, and I don't think they would be the kind to give up such a confrontation. But to go so far as to commit a dismemberment murder like this, isn't there a slight gap? I imagine there must have been protests from the villagers or something like that... But the murder seemed a bit too radical, given the circumstances.

But I guess it's possible, in itself... There are always people willing to do anything to protect what they hold dear, aren't there? I am even the perfect example, after all.

"So, this means at least Mion is aware of this case."

Obviously, as she said she has always lived here, since birth, and she is even the heiress of the most influential family in the village and the region as a whole, it would be impossible for her to miss a story like this concerning her village... Especially if it threatens the destruction of the same village and a case as big concerning the same village.

I might consult Mion to learn more about this dam and this case, without really mentioning this murder for now... I highly doubt she would talk to me about it, after all. And it must be the same for all the villagers in this village.

The details of the story started on the second page. So, after taking another look around me, I turned the page.


"After beating him to death with machetes and picks, they cut him into six pieces with an axe."


"Well, if that's not barbaric... I don't know what it is."

I only had to read that to understand the cruelty of the act. It was indeed, as Tomitake so aptly put it, a dirty business... But again, some details did not escape me. From the wording of the sentence, I could conclude that there were therefore multiple culprits, right? Or at least several accomplices... Maybe something like "each took a piece of the victim and hid it," I suppose. This would then imply that there would be either six culprits or one culprit and five accomplices... Which is quite surprising. There are rarely so many culprits or accomplices for a murder like this. They must have really hated him... Or the dam, or even both, I guess.

The term "lynched" also surprised me a bit, since generally, it is done with punches and kicks... But here, what makes this act even more barbaric and devoid of humanity is the fact that these people lynched the construction site manager with machetes and picks... How angry were they? I wonder. I couldn't imagine the state the poor victim was in after this lynching; it must have been quite deplorable, even for me...

A murder with aggravating circumstances then... This village hides much more than it wants to show on the surface. If I didn't want to investigate myself, then I would probably have remained in ignorance for a very long time... So I wonder, does this have anything to do with this so-called "mystery"? How boring... It's possible after all that it's just a murder that happened here, and the case is closed, isn't it? Well, I'll keep that in mind, and I'll decide later... Again, for now, I don't think I need to do more research than that... I was just curious after what Tomitake told me yesterday, so I just wanted to make sure... And I'm not disappointed, after all, it's a bit like a real-life detective novel... Maybe if I have time, I could try to solve this dismemberment murder; it could be a bit entertaining, don't you think?

... ... ... ... ...

And so, after sighing, I finally decided to place the magazine back where I found it and return to my seat... It was at that very moment that I saw Rena coming back with what seemed to be a machete, undoubtedly the weapon she had gone to fetch...

"What a coincidence... It almost sends shivers down my spine."

She still looked as excited as ever, and she even held something else in her other hand... It seemed to be some kind of box, and I could see through it that it contained small cakes or cookies.


Rena: Hey, Kyotaka!! I'm back, and I brought something to help free Kenta-kun from there~! And look, I found something else to assist!

Kyotaka: It's a machete, huh...? Unfortunately, it's starting to get dark. We'd better head home. Sorry, but we don't know how long this could take, so let's postpone it to tomorrow.

Rena: W-What? Uh... Okay... Her expression seemed disappointed as she lowered her head a bit towards the ground.

Kyotaka: This kind of reaction makes me sigh once again. Don't worry, Rena... We'll come back here tomorrow with the machete and get him out. Maybe Keiichi will be there to help too... And seriously, I don't think he'll have escaped by tomorrow. Not many people come around here, I think...

Rena: Yeah, that's not so bad! Ahahaha! I'll get him tomorrow! Tomorrow! And with Keiichi by our side, it should be a breeze with three!


This girl quickly changes the subject, prompting another sigh from me, actually, the umpteenth of the day.

"It looks like this day is coming to an end..." I probably could have stayed a little longer, but I intended to take time at home to thoroughly examine all the intriguing information I gathered today. A lot has really happened... Aside from the fact that I had a good time with Rena, of course.

Anyway, before leaving, it seemed that Rena had something else to tell me. I saw her fidgeting, becoming increasingly red, trying to avert her gaze while hiding something behind her back. It seemed to be related to the cakes, perhaps? But why such an exaggerated reaction in this specific case? Hands still in my pockets, I decided to turn to her, patiently waiting for her to reveal what she had to say.


Rena: She seemed to twirl the tip of her right foot on the ground, both arms folded behind her back, swaying gently from side to side. W-Well, I'd like to give you something, if you're okay with it... I mean, hau...

Kyotaka: It's not necessary, but if it means a lot to you, what would you like to give me, Rena?

Rena: W-Well, you know... I-It's... I-It's... Like you said you liked R-Rena's cooking and all... So... Um... Well....


Finally, in a sudden and very nervous manner, she quickly pulled out the small Tupperware filled with small cakes she had hidden behind her back. With both hands, she extended her arms towards me, simultaneously lowering her head, probably to hide her embarrassment and flushed cheeks. Once again, I struggled to understand the reason for her shyness... but I must admit that my interest was more drawn to those little cakes. Did she really make them especially for me, or was there another reason?


Rena: W-Well, you know... You said you enjoyed my cooking, so I wanted to make something for you... For you, you see... I-I mean... Hauuu, Hauuuu... I made little cakes especially for you, so... Hauuuuu...


Finally, after stammering in a very exaggerated way, as if she were making a confession, I simply observed the scene in front of me without intervening, creating a heavy silence where only the chirping of crickets could be heard. Rena's nervousness seemed to intensify even more, remaining in a tense position that probably wasn't comfortable.

Then, after a moment of deliberately letting this awkwardness settle, I sighed, took my hands out of my pockets, and took the small Tupperware filled with very appetizing little biscuits. It probably wouldn't be a problem for me to finish them in no time. Bringing the small Tupperware towards me, I could see, from my position, Rena's eyes slightly widening as my hands brushed hers. Then, in an exaggerated manner, she straightened up in barely a second, starting to panic even more and blushing more intensely, diverting her gaze from side to side incessantly.


Kyotaka: These are little cakes you made for me, right? Thank you, I'll appreciate them.

Rena: H-Hauuu...? You know... Do you like it? Do you really like it, Kyotaka? Seriously?

Kyotaka: Of course, why wouldn't I? They're little cakes made by Rena, right? So, there's no reason I wouldn't appreciate such a gift.

Rena: I noticed a new wisp of steam escaping from her head in reaction to my answer. H-Hauuuu... Kyotaka said he... liked Rena's cooking... and that he liked it... Hehehehehe.... Hau ~ Hau! So, I'll make lots, lots, lots~! Little cakes everywhere, hehehehehe!


This scene persisted for a while as Rena seemed to fantasize and daydream alone, as she usually did. Well, at least she's satisfied.

Finally, a bit later, as night began to set in, we agreed to go home separately to end this enjoyable day. Rena had taken out of her bag the items and groceries I had bought during the day. She still seemed excited, even after all this time. I swear, this girl is really unpredictable. So, hands in my pockets, still wearing my stoic expression, I walked away with many thoughts in my mind.

Hello everyone! It's me again, Author-sama. I hope you enjoyed this third chapter! Whew, well, it was a really long chapter, even longer than the previous ones, isn't it...? It took me a lot of time to write and release. But not because I was bored, more because some scenes were quite challenging to write, truthfully. I still hope that despite the length, you'll enjoy this all-new chapter with its numerous scenes... Feel free to let me know which scene you liked the most, your feedback, and if you have any advice or improvements ^^. I take all criticisms, of course.

Anyway, I also hope that all the characters are well transcribed at the minimum, as usual. And I don't know if you noticed, although I think you did... But I rushed the last scene a bit, not because I was tired or anything, but rather because I didn't want to extend the chapter any further, and also because I didn't see what else to add at the end. Anyway, there will be a clue on Kyotaka's summary.

I apologize for any potential typos present here and there in this chapter... There must surely be some, I think. For example, I believe I spotted that I mentioned "Keiichi" and "Satoshi Hôjô" incorrectly, and I couldn't find where I made that mistake... Anyway, just replace these two names with "Kei Karuizawa" and "Horikita Suzune" ^^.

A lot has happened here, and we have the beginning of some original Higurashi mysteries... And even some that I added, of course ^^.

Anyway, thank you for reading and wish you a great day. See you soon for the first clue after Chapter 3 and also for Chapter 4!

Phoenix_Lorecreators' thoughts