
Higurashi no naku koro ni X Classroom of the Elite

Welcome to the world of "The Cry of the Cicadas." The "Kidnapped by Destiny" arc will be the opening inviting you into this world. Don't play tough, just enjoy life in Hinamizawa to the fullest. The difficulty level is extremely high, but I hope you'll enjoy the reward... ... Wait, doesn't this remind you of something? It seems that something has changed this time, hasn't it? Talking about difficulty? But who are you exactly? Haven't you already experienced all of this in the past? Will things unfold the same way, or will it be different? The difficulty is high, but that's what makes it exciting.

Phoenix_Lore · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

CHAPTER 2 (PART 2/2): Excitement in Amusement

POV : Mion

This day has been super awesome, as usual. We had a great time, once again, all together. These days are really cool, and with our two new members in the group, it's even more fun. Kyotaka might seem a bit strange and uptight, but we're getting used to it, and he seems nice. I can understand why he's like that. Everyone has a past they don't necessarily want to talk about, and he probably came here to start over, well, that's what I assume. So, I've decided not to dig too deep into his past...

But all good things must come to an end, right? Well, this day really rocked, no doubt!

Mion: Alright, Rena, Kei-chan, see you tomorrow!

Kyotaka: Goodbye, Rena and Keiichi, see you tomorrow.

Keiichi: Mion and Kyotaka, thanks for today, it was really fun!

Rena: See you tomorrow!

Satoko and Rika left as well, leaving me alone with Kyotaka on the way back. Well, now I'll be alone with this guy, won't I? It'll be a chance to get to know him a bit better. Having one-on-one conversations is nice, and since his house is on my way, just like the others, I'll have a companion for the journey! It's not bad at all, in fact, I could get used to it quickly.

Kyotaka is quite mysterious; he arrived in quite an unusual way... But he seems nice, even if he has a somewhat dark side. It looks like he knows nothing about romance and dirty stuff, things most guys his age think about. My grandmother told me to keep an eye on him because his arrival here was really strange, and there's no information about him anywhere. Well, I can keep an eye on him while having a bit of fun! Besides, he gave us quite a bit of information about himself earlier; yeah, I think he's trustworthy.

Mion: Well, Kyo-chan, now I have a companion for the journey too, so I won't feel so alone. My house is on your way; it's pretty cool, isn't it? You'll have to spend a bit more time with me, happy to be alone with a beauty like me?

Kyotaka: It's true; the journey back will be less lonely for me as well. And in response to your last question, physical appearance doesn't matter much to me here, though I acknowledge that you have a pleasant appearance.

Just like always, this little guy, impossible to unsettle, he remains composed, nothing fazes him... My teasing doesn't seem to affect him; it's as if my words are just slipping off him like water off a duck's back! He even told me that I'm beautiful in a downright bizarre way without blinking an eye... Well, it adds a bit of spice, but it's alright. I have a few tricks up my sleeve to ruffle his feathers. I've seen that he can smile, so he must also be able to blush, for sure. I won't miss a chance to get on his nerves as soon as I have the opportunity.

I know very well what transpired just before Rena and Keiichi left... And I'm going to take advantage of it now that we're alone. I put on my best mocking smile and got closer to him... I saw him fix me with a cold gaze, his usual impassive look. It seems like he's starting to wonder what I'm up to... That's perfect; let's see how long he can hold out. And as a bonus, no Rena to hold me back, hehehehe!

Mion: Well, K-y-o-c-h-a-n ~? I saw you talking alone with Rena just now, behind everyone else, what happened between you two? Mmmmh? What exactly did you say to her? From where I was, Rena seemed to be really blushing, you know... So, little guy, I didn't know you'd make a declaration like that after two days!

Kyotaka: Indeed, I approached Rena to accompany me to Okinomiya tomorrow. My knowledge of that town is limited, and I need to explore the available shops. I made sure to ask her if she'd be available to spend Sunday with me, as we don't have anything planned.

I have to admit; this guy is really good at concealing his emotions. He just said it without flinching, especially for a guy like him... If he were in Kei-chan's place, he'd already be panicking. But I won't let myself be walked all over so easily; I won't give up like that. Even if I didn't win today, there will come a day when I beat him. The duel between him and me yesterday fired me up. Now I know what he's capable of, and I won't hold back anymore.

Mion: A date? Pfff- Ah ah ah AH AH ah ah ah! Well played, little guy, really well played! I didn't expect you to have the guts to ask Rena out on a date in just two days, hats off, seriously! But I don't mind entrusting my daughter to you; I'm sure she'll be safe with you... But you'd better take your responsibilities, and, above all, be safe, alright, little guy? Otherwise, you'll be in hot water!

Kyotaka: Be safe? What do you mean? I suppose I can defend myself in my way, although I doubt Rena really needs protection. In the end, it's just a date to visit Okinomiya; I don't think it requires a great deal of courage to ask for something like that.

It seems that, even today, I won't be able to unsettle him as much as I'd like... But don't worry, little guy; I can guarantee that I'll win another time! Hehehehe!

Honestly, I think I've never seen a guy his age so disconnected from all this; it really looks like he knows nothing about these things. At first, I joked that he must live in a cave... But now, that joke doesn't seem so far from the truth. He said he has no parents and that his impassive face is probably not natural for him... I wonder what he's been through. Well, we'll give him time to tell us all about it; there's no need to ask him all at once; it wouldn't be very nice. Besides, I doubt he'd give me a detailed answer, and we've only known each other for two days; we have to give him some space. Anyway, we all have our little secrets.

Well, anyway, let's drop that thread and move on to a more ordinary conversation.

Mion: So, Kyo-chan, it's only been two short days, but are you starting to like it here, in Hinamizawa? And with the rest of us, I mean... It's really hard to tell with your face that shows no emotion.

Kyotaka: Well, it's very calm and peaceful here, I must admit. The chirping of cicadas filling the air adds to the tranquility. For now, I find it much better than I expected. As for all of you, I can say that I'm not used to this kind of experience, but I have to say I had a pleasant day.

Mion: Haha, I'm pleased to hear that, Kyo-chan! We're really happy when someone new arrives here and fits in well. Don't worry; you'll quickly get used to all of this; it's a unique experience! And you're surrounded by beautiful young ladies, with only Kei-chan to share, but I'm sure you'll get along, right? After all, you seem to get along quite well.

Kyotaka: The use of your manners is primarily what makes integration easy. Well, I have no particular issue with it. Keiichi is quite sociable, and it's easy to befriend him, in reality.

One thing's for sure; there's a huge mystery surrounding this little guy. It really seems like he's been through some tough things. But don't worry, little guy; here, we'll make you smile like no one probably ever has, I guarantee it! We'll surely manage to make you smile every day; there's no problem, I'm convinced of it... Plus, he's really a great addition to the club, so I won't let him go so easily.

I think my grandmother is just a bit paranoid, but well, in any case, I can look after him by just being by his side; it's not a problem. It also seems like a new friendship between guys is starting to blossom between him and Kei-chan. I'm really happy for him to have a friend his age. It's true that always being surrounded by girls, for a guy his age, must be a bit lonely... Maybe I could also ask Kyo-chan some things about Kei-chan to tease him even more, ahahahaha!

Anyway, we continued to chat normally and peacefully while walking with Kyo-chan, and it was a really pleasant conversation, I must admit... Yeah, I quite like this little guy too. But he's completely different from Kei-chan, though. It was a bit strange at first to see him still so impassive. Initially, I thought he was too uptight or not comfortable with us, but I've learned to deal with that... Everyone has their flaws and problems, so I won't create more for him because of that. I think everyone agrees with that among us, especially after seeing him smile earlier. Seriously, if he smiled like that all the time, Rena would be crazy all the time... Come to think of it, it gives me shivers. In the end, it's not a bad thing that he's not as expressive as the rest of us.


POV: Kyotaka

As we approached our respective homes and the end of our conversation loomed, I seized the opportunity to learn more about Mion. I had already gleaned some interesting information during our discussion, but I thought that a one-on-one conversation, away from the rest of the group, would be conducive to learning more about her.

However, I was aware of the importance of not asking direct questions that might seem intrusive or strange. My goal was not yet to delve into the mystery surrounding this village, but rather to build connections and better understand its inhabitants. I chose a subtle approach, aiming to avoid abruptly pushing our conversation. My intention was to gather information about Mion and discover details about life in the village. I also reserved a similar moment with Rena for the next day.

Kyotaka: I was wondering, how long have you been living in this village, by the way? You must have been here for quite some time, judging by the rarity of visitors "around here."

Mion: Oh yeah, you see, this old man has been living here since he was born! It's quite surprising, but in reality, I'm sort of the heiress of a rather influential family in the whole region. My grandmother, she's the one who runs the whole village, you know. So, I'm the heir of the Sonozaki family. She scratched her head as she said that.

I didn't expect her to provide a direct answer, but upon reflection, her status as the village's heir was likely well known to all the inhabitants. This information allowed me to learn some interesting details. Mion Sonozaki is, in fact, the heir of the village's leader, who, from what I understood, held significant influence not only within this small village but also throughout the surrounding region.

The prospect of befriending someone of such importance could prove very useful. So, I decided to continue this conversation to learn more about the village, its residents, and, who knows, perhaps gain clues or information related to the mystery that brought me here.

Kyotaka: I see, so you're somewhat influential yourself, aren't you? But, you said your grandmother is the leader of the village, so the heir isn't supposed to be your mother, in that case?

Mion: You're pretty sharp, huh? Normally, that was supposed to be the case... But my mother's family had its share of problems, and well, to cut a long story short, my grandmother excluded her from the inheritance. So, I'm the true heir.

Kyotaka: I see, well, I won't ask further questions about that then... But there's something that intrigues me nonetheless. During the picnic, when Satoko and Rika talked about their legal guardian, I thought I heard them say it was the mayor, Kimiyoshi, I believe? So, as he's the mayor, does that mean he's your grandfather or something like that?

Mion: Hey, you've really remembered it all, huh? In the end, this village interests you more than expected, it seems! Ahahahaha! No, he's not my grandfather; in fact, he leads another family clan in the village. He's supposed to be the most influential person here, but my grandmother, Oryou Sonozaki, she's much more influential than him, even though officially, he holds that title. He still has his importance in the village. In summary, there are three major families that lead this village: the Sonozakis, my family, the Kimiyoshis, who are the official leaders of the village, although in reality, it's somewhat symbolic, with the mayor, old Kimiyoshi, who's really nice and has always been kind to us. And finally, there's Rika's family, the Furudes, a family of priests. Unfortunately, she's the only remaining heir, so she's become the village's sole priestess. You'll probably see her dance at next Sunday's festival; it's beautiful! I can't wait for the festival to arrive so we can show you and Kei-chan.

I simply made a comment, noting that this day had allowed me to acquire a good deal of interesting information. Mion appeared willing to share these details with me, as if she took pleasure in shedding light on this world that was still unknown to me. It was indeed a valuable opportunity for me, as I had little knowledge of this place.

However, I felt that Mion might be misinterpreting my intentions. She could think that I was seeking information for personal reasons when my true concern was the mystery that brought me here. Nevertheless, I was grateful to her for sharing this information.

In my thoughts, I realized that I now had two friends among the heirs of influential families in this village: Mion and Rika. They could be useful to me in my quest to unravel the mystery. I planned to talk to Rika soon and get her perspective on the village and its inhabitants.

However, I had no intention of immersing myself further in the village's history for now because it didn't seem relevant to my primary goal. My purpose was to uncover the truth behind this puzzle, and until I saw a connection, I had no intention of delving into it.

In the end, I took a moment to contemplate my situation and my relationship with this group of people. I wondered if, with time, I could consider them as true friends rather than mere instruments for obtaining information. Part of me hoped that this would be possible, especially after involuntarily cracking a smile in their company over these first two days. But only time could answer that question.

Kyotaka: Yes, you mentioned the festival earlier today... So, it will be held next Sunday, if I understood correctly. Rika will play the role of a priestess by performing a religious dance or something of that sort?

Mion: Yeah, exactly, little guy! The only rule for this festival with us is to have a good time, and you'll see, everything will go well.

Kyotaka: What is the meaning of the festival, by the way? Usually, festivals have religious roots or a well-defined purpose... However, I find it challenging to determine the true significance behind this festival called "Cotton Drifting."

Mion: Well, your deductive sense is starting to frighten me, little guy! Ahahaha! In fact, it's pretty much like that. I'm not very familiar with the origins of this tradition, but the festival takes place every third Sunday in June to thank the cotton for protecting us all winter. At the end of the festival, you'll see that you'll toss a little ball of cotton into the river to purify yourself of all your sins. It's more of a symbol than anything else, but what's really interesting for us in this festival is that, with the whole club, we have a lot of fun with the stalls and play a bunch of games.

I just took a brief pause in the conversation, reflecting on what Mion had said about the Cotton Drifting Festival and the purification of sins. It was an interesting metaphor, but I had a hunch that it represented only part of the story. Mion didn't provide more details, and I knew I shouldn't press further. If she had wanted to share more information, she would have already done so.

It was clear she was keeping some things to herself, perhaps for reasons I didn't understand yet. Instead of persisting along this path, I decided to change the subject. Parting was approaching, and I could predict that Mion would steer the conversation toward lighter topics. After all, as Rubiscarl had mentioned, the enigma would come to me in due time. In the meantime, I had to enjoy the peaceful moments with my new friends in this new life.


I found myself lying on the low wall near the entrance to the area assigned to me, close to my house. With my legs crossed and hands behind my head, I contemplated while listening to the soothing chirping of cicadas. This tranquility was a stark contrast to the eventful day I had just experienced. I reflected on all the events of that day and the intriguing information I had uncovered, especially during my conversation with Mion.

The three major families, Rika, and Mion seemed to be at the heart of many mysteries. There had to be more than what met the eye. I doubted that Rika's parents, being priests, had simply died of old age or abandoned her. Moreover, Satoko's situation was just as enigmatic. Living with Rika and having the mayor as her legal guardian, there had to be well-kept secrets behind all of this. Each member of my group seemed to have significant secrets to conceal, mysteries as intriguing as the village itself.

I wondered if I would be led to learn more about these mysteries, but for now, I wanted to better understand each person in my group. I had already taken the first step with Mion today, and I planned to do the same with Rena tomorrow.

As I pondered my new life, this world, and the mysterious Rubiscarl, I felt a presence approaching, and footsteps drew near. I paid it no mind, thinking it was just a passerby. However, this person stopped beside me and cast their shadow over me partially. I looked up to find a middle-aged man, holding a camera, apparently eager to take a picture of me.

"An annoying person has just arrived... Why does he want to take my picture?" I wondered. I got up abruptly, causing the burly man to step back a few paces. He eventually put away his camera, a embarrassed expression on his face. Now that I looked closer, I noticed how burly he was.

I sat on the low wall and observed the stranger with my tired eyes. I couldn't help but wonder what he wanted. He seemed slightly intimidated, as if my reaction had caught him off guard. After a while, he finally decided to break the awkward silence and began to speak.

Annoying Man: Oh boy, you really gave me a scare, I swear! Sorry for interrupting your little nap.

I observed him closely, trying to decipher his intentions. There was nothing particularly suspicious about his appearance, but I still couldn't understand why he wanted to take a picture of me. My scrutinizing gaze and the heavy silence seemed to make him a bit nervous, and he scratched his head. Eventually, I sighed out of boredom and responded in a less enthusiastic tone.

Kyotaka: I think you've got it all mixed up. In theory, I should be the one worrying, being on my property and seeing a stranger show up to take my picture without permission. If I were to tell the truth, I'd say I'm still trembling, and my heart hasn't returned to its usual rhythm.

Annoying Man: Ah, sorry about that. It really wasn't my intention. And you, you're from the village, right? I think I met another newcomer, Maebara, I believe, not too long ago.

He asked if I was from the village and appeared not to know me. Could it be that he was just a visitor or a person who wasn't yet aware of my arrival here? I doubted it because he mentioned Keiichi as if hearing about him for the first time, even though Keiichi had been here for at least three weeks, and the whole village knew him.

The fact that he had also crossed paths with Keiichi intrigued me. I wondered under what circumstances they had met. Had Keiichi also left the village, or was it something else? In any case, this man seemed more complex than he appeared, or maybe it was just an impression. He immediately adopted a familiar tone with me, as if he had known me for a long time. I wondered if he had the same attitude with Keiichi.

Regardless, I decided to engage in conversation with him to learn more before heading home.

Kyotaka: Yeah, I arrived here yesterday. I'm Ayanokoji Kyotaka. As for you, I assume you're not from this village, are you?

Tomitake: Yesterday? I see, that's pretty fresh. I'm Tomitake. I'm an independent photographer. I drop by Hinamizawa from time to time.

I didn't sense any ill intentions from him, but it was clear that he wasn't sharing everything. That was understandable, considering we had only known each other for a few moments. So, his name was Tomitake, if I remembered correctly. I thought I should remember his name, as one never knew who might prove to be important in the future.

Kyotaka: I understand, do you specialize in photographing teenagers taking naps then? Everyone has their own hobbies, and I'm not passing any judgment.

Tomitake: Ahahaha! Yeah, sorry, usually, I'm more into bird photography, so you see, nobody really complains about that.

Kyotaka: Have you also taken pictures of Keiichi, since you mentioned meeting him earlier?

Tomitake: Keiichi... Oh, you mean Maebara, right? Yeah, he didn't seem too thrilled, to be honest... But, I understand, after all, ahaha!

Kyotaka: But where did you meet Keiichi, by the way? I thought he had gone home... Unless he made a detour somewhere, of course.

Tomitake: Oh yeah, I met Maebara at the old dam construction site with Rena. I thought they might be on a date, but little Rena seemed to be rummaging in the trash or looking for something, I'm not really sure. I had a little chat with Keiichi, but honestly, he didn't seem too happy to talk to me, let's admit it.

So, Keiichi and Rena went to an old dam construction site or a trash dump. It was really intriguing to wonder what they were looking for there. I wondered if it was related to the mysterious "enigma" I had been told about. I should visit that place one of these days, although I didn't know its exact location. Perhaps I could ask Rena to take me there on the way back tomorrow.

Apparently, Tomitake had a brief conversation with Keiichi while they were there, but knowing Keiichi's personality, I doubted that the meeting went well. I assumed that Tomitake made a bad first impression on him. At least, that was the conclusion I came to.

Kyotaka: In a trash dump, you say? I guess Rena might have been looking for dismembered body parts... Who knows? I don't really see any other explanation for what she could find interesting in a trash dump, which seems like the perfect place for a crime.

In truth, I said that in a joking manner, but knowing Rena, it was quite possible that she went there looking for anything she might consider "cute." As for Keiichi, she probably invited him to join her on the way back while he was still excited about today. It made sense.

However, one thing intrigued me more and more. Tomitake seemed very uncomfortable, even though he forced an embarrassed smile. He could be disturbed by morbid or similar topics, but his reaction was too exaggerated for what I had just said. I got up, hands in my pockets, and watched his reactions and responses closely, trying to get him to explain why this made him so uncomfortable. It was a growing curiosity, as something didn't seem right.

Tomitake: Well, I'd say you and Keiichi have a rather dark sense of humor, ahahaha! It was a really nasty story, wasn't it? They say the police still haven't found the second arm.

Suddenly, the chirping of the cicadas seemed to intensify, filling the air with their deafening buzz. They had become the only audible note capable of piercing the silence that had settled between us. Both of us were acutely aware of the heavy atmosphere, and tension hung palpably in the air.

My face remained as impassive and emotionless as always, but my eyes continued to scrutinize Tomitake intently, seeking to decode the meaning of his words.

The information he had just revealed was undeniably captivating. A murder involving dismemberment, nothing less, had occurred at that location. That was the only logical conclusion one could draw from our conversation. My suspicions and curiosity about the dump site intensified even further. It was evident that I should go there tomorrow, discuss it with Rena, even if I didn't expect to get clear answers from her. The way Tomitake had spoken suggested that this event wasn't so distant, at least not in the eyes of this village.

A connection to this "enigma"? Very likely. However, it might be wiser not to ask too many questions about this to Tomitake for the moment, as he might take it the wrong way. After all, it was crucial to maintain good relations with visitors, even if it meant keeping certain questions unanswered. I decided to end this tense conversation by heaving a sigh and stepping to the side, indicating that we were done.

Kyotaka: I see, I apologize if my words made you uncomfortable. Anyway, it's getting late, so I'll head back now.

Tomitake: Oh, yeah, sure. Sorry for taking up a bit of your time, but it was cool! Well, see you next time, Ayanokoji!

Kyotaka: Yeah, no problem. Have a great day.

I left him at that point, waving my right hand in farewell before slipping it into my pocket as I headed toward the door of my house. Tomitake also responded to my goodbye gesture by waving his hand before walking away.

This day had turned out to be anything but boring. It was filled with a series of fascinating discoveries and information that rapidly overlapped. In just two days, I had gathered a wealth of interesting knowledge. First, I had obtained details about Rika Furude and her family, as well as her roommate, Satoko. I had then collected information about the village's three major families and had even begun to unravel the mystery of Mion Sonozaki. To top it all off, I had explored a mysterious abandoned construction site, shrouded in an enigma, including a "missing second arm."

The day had unfolded peacefully, punctuated by discoveries and enjoyable moments shared with my new "friends." The world I was in now seemed far more interesting and harmonious than my previous universe. While I might feel a slight nostalgia for the Ayanokoji group and Kei, my friends from the past, that thought didn't matter to me as much as it used to.

Now, I relished total freedom to explore, learn, and savor life. I was curious about learning more about Rena Ryugu the next day, exploring the stores in the nearby town of Okinomiya, and solving the mysteries surrounding the construction site and the murder that had taken place there. Perhaps these elements would help me untangle the enigma that awaited me.

It would then be time to turn to the following Monday, with its everyday obligations that Rubiscarl had mentioned. I silently prayed that these duties wouldn't be more burdensome than what I had experienced so far. For now, there was no need to worry, and I simply savored every moment that came my way.

Hello everyone! It's me again, Auteur-sama. I hope you enjoyed this second chapter! Well, it was indeed quite lengthy, and I hope the wait wasn't too arduous. In any case, this time, I have several things to share, more than just the clues, of course.

This chapter was obviously not the most riveting, as you know, the early chapters of Higurashi are often like that ^^. However, I've always tried to make it engaging so that reading it isn't a chore. I don't know if you've noticed, but some dialogues (about 5% of the chapter, if not less) are identical to those from the visual novel because it still follows the plot of the first volume, so if a rewrite wasn't necessary, I didn't do it. Nevertheless, the main character remains Kyotaka. I hope the characters are still well portrayed, including Tomitake, of course.

In this chapter, we discover the first mysteries of Hinamizawa, and as you've noticed, I chose to have Mion and Kyotaka return together, allowing us to experience a few moments with other characters. And yes, the third chapter will be entirely original, created by myself! It's a sort of date in Okinomiya between Rena and Kyotaka, with a few surprises in store, of course.

At first, I had considered publishing the chapter at the same time as the clues, but in the end, I decided not to do so... without any real reason, it was just like that.

Furthermore, for the coming week, starting from Monday, I won't be publishing a chapter every day, there might be some skipped days... I want to follow the plot of the first volume and avoid publishing a chapter every day until the festival because, as in Higurashi, the festival will take place next Sunday, either in chapter 6 or chapter 7, I will decide in due time, as most of the events from chapter 3 of the visual novel have been integrated into chapter 1 xD.

To clarify a few points... Yes, all the information about Japanese food and other data provided by Kyotaka is real, and I won't hide the fact that doing this research took quite some time... No, a very long time!! But this chapter was still a pleasure to write, although the upcoming chapters will please me even more! Especially after the festival, of course. I can't wait to get there, but for now, I'm focusing on what happens immediately after.

Anyway, thank you for reading, and I wish you a fantastic day... The next part will be in the first clue after chapter 2, and then in chapter 3!

Phoenix_Lorecreators' thoughts