

Lily an ordinary was bitten by a werewolf

wisdom_udex · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

lily body changed

"I awoke to a world spinning out of control, the memories of our laughter and shared secrets with Mia and Emily fading like distant echoes. My body felt foreign, as every nerve tingling with an unfamiliar energy. Confusion filed my mind, and as I looked down, my hands appeared different – stronger, with sinewy muscles rippling beneath my skin.

"Panic gripped me as I realized something was terribly wrong. guttural growl escaped my throat, surprising even myself. I clutched the hospital bed's sheets, my fingernails digging into the fabric as an intense heat coursed through my veins. My eyes, once familiar shades of brown, now glowed with an unnatural, golden hue. I was changing, transforming into something I couldn't describe.

(Mia entered…..)

"Mia, noticed my distress immediately. Her voice, usually calm and soothing, cracked with fear as she shouted for a doctor. "Someone help! Please, we need a doctor in here!" Her words echoed in the hospital room, a desperate plea for assistance.

"Mia, who had been chatting animatedly just moments ago, turned to me with wide eyes, her expression mix of shock and concern. "What's happening?!" Mia exclaimed, her voice laden with worry.

"I don't know," I managed to choke out, my voice strained and unfamiliar to my ears. "Something's wrong. I feel… different."

"Mia, her hands trembling, reached out to touch my arm, her touch grounding me even in the midst of my confusion. "We'll figure this out," she said, her voice determined despite the fear in her eyes. "Stay with us. You're going to be okay."

"But I didn't feel okay. My body continued to change, muscles contracting and expanding beyond my control. The room seemed to blur as if I were seeing it through a haze. The pain was overwhelming, and I hold onto Mia's words like a lifeline, praying that she was right.

"Minutes felt like hours as we waited for the doctor, the air thick with tension and uncertainty. Mia and Emily remained by my side, their hands gripping mine, offering silent reassurance. Mia never left, her presence a steadfast anchor in the storm that raged within me.

"When the doctor finally arrived, his eyes widened in shock at the sight before him. He quickly assessed the situation, barking orders to the nurses as they rushed in with medical equipment. Needles pricked my skin, monitors beeped in disorder symphony, and voices melded into a discord of urgency.

Through the chaos, Mia's voice cut through, unwavering and determined. "You can do this," she said, her eyes locking onto mine. "Fight it. We're here with you."

"And in that moment, amidst the pain and uncertainty, I found strength in her words. I clung to the bond we shared, drawing on the love and support of my friends. Slowly, the muscular contractions subsided, the pain began to ebb away, and my body gradually returned to normal.

"As the medical team worked tirelessly to stabilize me, I knew I had faced something inexplicable and terrifying. But I had also discovered the unwavering strength of friendship – a force that could conquer even the most unimaginable challenges.

"In the aftermath of the ordeal, as I lay in the hospital bed, weak but alive, I looked at Emily, and Mia with gratitude in my eyes. Their faces reflected the same relief and determination that had pulled me through. We were bound not just by friendship, but by a shared experience that had tested the limits of our bond and proven its unbreakable nature.

"And in the quiet moments that followed, as the hospital room gradually fell silent, we held onto each other, knowing that whatever lay ahead, we would face it together. With the love and strength of my friends by my side, I found the courage to embrace the unknown, ready to confront whatever challenges the future might bring.

"I slept to allow my body to rest for a while while Mia look after me, so late at night I noticed someone watch on me. My hearing becomes fast and sharp that I can hear from a long distance, i smell him as he keeps coming closer to me. I immediately wake to make sure that Mia is safe. She was asleep, she look stressed out.

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