
Highschool DxD: The Ultimate

A simple young man was reborn in the world of highschool DxD with the greatest power in the universe. A world where the strong preys on the weak. But what was his goal? Conquer the World? Save the world? Acquire a Harem? His goals are unknown but there is only one way to find out. -------------------------- (Make sure to write a review about your thoughts about the story so I can improve the story)

NinjaKilla · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Unexpected Defeat

Two months later..

*Student Council*

"Sona Sitri prepare to lose!" I declared as I opened the student council's door and stepped in.

It has been two months since Rias, Sona and their peerage revealed themselves as devils. After I rejected their offer to join their peerage, they have trying to get closer to me which I didn't mind.

I have improved my relationship with Sona during this past two months and I'm improving at chess at an alarming rate but I never showed it to Sona.

Why? The reason was simple, I didn't want to show all my skills and I've been setting up a plan to finally defeat Sona which is the reason for my confidence today. My plan had a 100% rate of succuss and a 0% rate of failure. No, it's impossible for me to fail.

Anyways, I've so improved the relationship with the other devils namely Tsubaki, Kiba, Rias, Koneko and Akeno.

During my lunch break, I would spar with Kiba in the Kendo club. As expected, the first day I appeared there, the Kendo girls looked at me with dreamy looks.

I swear to god, being handsome and famous is tiring and I hate it when the boys call me a pretty boy. Everyday, I always fight the urge to turn into Four-arms on those idiots 🤬. Wait, that's not right. I forgot that the god of this universe is dead, hahaha.

Anyways, Kiba always won our sparring match because of the difference in strength between devils and humans. Although, I'm a little stronger than the average human, that doesn't mean I can take on a devil in direct combat. Well, it doesn't matter because I can easily defeat him if I wanted too.

As for Rias, Akeno and Koneko, I always chat with them when I visit the occult research club. Koneko even started sitting on my lap. Well, she wasn't like that in the beginning since she was always cautious around me. As for how I improved our relationship, I used a secret weapon that she wouldn't be able to resist. 'Chocolate'. Haha, classic.

Anyways, back to the matter with Sona. upon seeing my arrival, she smirked and said, "Looks like you don't learn your lesson, Idiot disciple."

"What can I say, I'm a stubborn man." I said with a smile. "I won't be so easy-going if I were you because today is the day you lose." I added.

"Oh, I wonder where this newfound confidence is coming from?" Sona asked, amused.

"Who knows?" I said with a wide smile.

Yes, our relationship has improved to the point where we play like this. During this time, I discovered that Sona isn't as strict as she seems. She's only strict when it concerns important matters but she still has a serious personality.

Sona just rolled her eyes at my comment. She seems she wanted to get this over with and be done with it.

"Pfft." I hear Tsubaki slip up and released a little chuckle.

"Oh hey Tsubaki-san." I greeted and she waved at me with a small smile on her face before getting back to her business.

Me and Sona set up the chess board and placed all the pieces in their rightful positions.

"Now, LETS GO!" I shouted inwardly with determination as I made the first move.


Three minutes later...

"Checkmate!" I said with a wide grin as I looked at the visible shocked expression on Sona's face. She looked like she had all of the blood drained from her face.

"Impossible!" Sona couldn't help but shout in utter shock as she stared at the board that portrait her defeat. For the time in her life, she has been bested in chess.

"But when did he become this good?" She thought deeply.

From what she could remember during this past few months, although Ben was getting better in chess, that doesn't mean that he was grandmaster level. Heck, even his playing style changed. It didn't make sense, can someone become this good over night? Impossible.

She was born with intelligence far greater than her peers and she also inherited the water manipulation from the Sitri Clan. However, her intelligence was nothing compared to Beelzebub whose intelligence was miles above her's and he had power to back it up unlike her who has only intelligence.

On top of that, she had a slight inferiority complex as her sister was a Satan who possessed great power while she only had her intelligence to rely on.

Thus, she decided to rely on her intelligence since she didn't stand out in other way. She wanted to reach great heights with her intelligence, leading her peerage as her strength.

Since her sister became a Satan, which resulted in her losing the right to inherit the clan, thus, she became the heiress of her clan and she even had a fiancé, but she broke off their engagement by beating him in a game of chess, claiming that she will not marry someone that is not smarter than her. But now someone has beaten in what she took pride in.

Ben just looked at Sona with a satisfied look, obviously not knowing what she was thinking.

"It feels so good to finally beat her in her own game." I thought with a smile but my victory wasn't actually pure. At first, I didn't what to use my watch abilities since I wanted to play fair but after taking so many L's during this past few months, I couldn't take it anymore. My pride won't allow it.

So I used one of my smartest aliens, Brainstorm. I learnt all the possible chess moves, openings and formulated a plan with 0% chance of failure. Was I pride of my work? Of course, Yes. Who asked Sona to be genius?

I dismissed my thoughts and noticed that Sona was staring at me intensely.

"What?" I couldn't help but ask.

"How did you do that?" Sona asked.

"A master didn't reveal his secrets." I said with a smirk. Omg, winning feels so good.

Soon, I heard the sound of the school bell, signaling the end of Lunch break.

"I'm afraid I must be on my way, Ms Sona." I said as I stood up from my seat and walked towards the door. Before I left i made a peace sign and left.

"What are you going to do now? Are you going to tell him?" Tsubaki asked from the side as she also had a slight shocked expression.

"I don't know." Sona replied to her queen's question. Honestly, she was quite happy since she liked Ben. What was there not to like about him? Although he can act silly sometimes. But that was not the problem, t

e problem was...

"What will big sis do if she finds out?" Sona couldn't help but sigh. Her sister loved her to the point where one could say she was obsessed. She didn't know what her sister would do if she finds out and meets Ben.

"It's decided, I can't let her meet him." Sona concluded.