
Highschool DxD: Findings

"Live...For the both of us..." Lying on her death bed, she uttered her final words, before closing her eyes...forever. _________________________________________________________________ I emotionlessly stared at the person lying beneath my feet as he continued to bleed as he begged "Please... forgive me... I won't do it again. Aren't we friends...!" _________________________________________________________________ Klein Scardon: A psychopath died and found himself in the void of nothingness. Presented with another chance of life in the magical world of Highschool DxD. He accepts it, all in the hopes of finding the meaning of a word he hears every day but fails to understand- Life... Will he succeed in empathizing with the other, or will he continue to tread the same path of solitude and boredom...

Dreaming_CAT_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs


Just as he was about to analyze Rias' PoD, A deluge of information flooded his mind. It was something that was always contained within his SC… Something that he thought never existed till now, especially with his flawed and nerfed wish

Every magic or ability has a special aura, so when he asked for the wish of a spiritual object that could generate every form of energy- he would essentially be able to copy any ability, just by imitating the aura associated with the said ability. 

How did he know that everything has a special aura? Wasn't he a normal human before reincarnation? The answer to both questions is Yes, he was a normal human, but the moment he stepped foot into the garden when the ROB brought him out of the Void, He could somehow sense it. Every special Plant in the garden was mystical and had a special 'feeling' that he couldn't exactly describe with the five senses, but was more akin to an Extrasensory perception or instinct.

Ken was sure that the 'old man' had intentionally brought him to the garden. He was also sure that the 'old man' knew what he was thinking, But Ken couldn't care less…He wanted entertainment… ken was more than willing to work as an actor… for an appropriate amount.

Hence, the first time he opened his eyes, and the Boosted gear appeared in his hand, Ken tried to analyze the gear to see if he was able to replicate it using his own SC. The biting, and inspecting of boosted gear was also under the same assumption.

He was disappointed, however, when he realized that his nerfed core was unable to completely copy it, so he tried to joke with his new 'friend' Ddriag. And Yes, From the first moment, Ken was capable of shielding his thoughts from Ddriag. The Dragon was only able to read what Ken wanted him to read and believe that was all there was to it.

Since then, Ken thought his nerfed wish only contained a good perception and control, as well as generating other powers. But now…

'Colorful' Ken opened his eyes to gaze at particularly nothing in the distance. His vision was bathed in a vibrant polychromatic. Till now, he could feel the different forms of energy, but now…Now he could 'see' it. The mana floating in the air, Ki saturating the trees and land in the distance, and the overflowing Divinity filling the sunlight and sky. He could also perceive the flow of energy within someone as well as within the surroundings.

'Wait a sec…Divinity…!' Ken's eyes briefly widened, wondering if he had seen correctly. His hyperfocused eyes zoomed down to the photons contained within the light rays– and there he saw it, the overflowing faith within the supernatural. 'I see… No wonder the planet still survived even after so many wars among the supernatural' 

Yes, Everything was flooded with divinity–The power of faith, closely held together by an incomprehensible force to always resist magical phenomena. It also explained why even after so many wars the world is still holding itself together despite countless people walking the face of the planet capable of shattering it with their overwhelming might. 

The Earth, Nature, Sun, Sky, and Storms–these aren't merely part of nature, but also important concepts and authorities concerning the respective gods–The Shinto gods in his case. If, for example, We're to talk about the sun, it is also the holder of beliefs such as Fire, Heat, Burning, and Daybreak–End of despair, etc…

Likewise, the same can be said for other abstract aspects.

But that wasn't the end of changes he felt, His flawless control of magicles had also vastly improved. Earlier when he blocked Rias' PoD, He realized one thing–Her demonic energy was different than Akeno's, koneko's, or even his own, which should theoretically be the purest demonic energies ever created.

Her demonic energy was different in the sense that it was 'mutated'. Ken had his doubts and hypothesis about how her PoD may work, but now with his nigh impeccable perception, He was sure that it was this 'mutation' that translated to the formation of her genetic PoD. This means…the Clan Trait of the so-called pillar houses was nothing but a unique mutation of their Demonic energy.

What if, He, who had an uncanny precision in controlling his own energy forced his own Demonic energy to mutate? 

Wouldn't he be able to create a new never-seen-before clan trait by himself…?

And now imagine doing the same to other power systems that exist in this world, Let's say he created a Reality marble out of his mana-a power system unique to humans. 

A unique form of magic with his Draconic energy–power system of Dragons, Like Boost and Divide of the Heavenly Dragons.

Heck, He was sure that once he got his hands on the senjutsu of Youkai, He would be able to create a unique dōjutsu out of it.

'Nah…Those flashy eyes are kinda overused and boring…' Ok! Maybe not a Doujutsu, but something like a Kekkai Genkai, or Kekkai totta.

Theoretically, he could have as many different abilities as the world allows now, And from experience, Ken knew this world has a lot of it…

The downside was that he needed to properly understand any ability first and only then he would be capable of 'guiding' mutation in that direction. The stronger and more versatile an ability is, the harder and more complex it will be to understand the ability. But Ken wasn't worried about it, he was sure that with his new perception–He would be capable of producing broken abilities over time.

The other downside was that he could only assign one ability to each power system and that ability would be permanent–Forever etched into his Core, so once he assigned an ability, He could not change it depending on the situation. 

Ken chuckled when he thought what kind of face the 'old man' must have made when he discovered this ability without any life-and-death fight….Or perhaps He already knew this as well?

'Meh…who cares…'

"Kenny! Kenny!! KENNY!!!"

"Hmm…" He felt someone shaking his shoulder vigorously, He turned towards the said person, She was pointing her finger at my eye as she stuttered "Y-Your eyes…!"

"Is there something wrong with my eyes?" 

"They're different from before…" Her voice was shaking slightly. He lifted his hand and conjured a block of ice, the magicles flowed effortlessly throughout his body as a ten-inch ice block Nigh instantly appeared in his hand.

"Let's see…" He angled the block such that it reflected his eyes back to the retina "They've really changed" He idly muttered, His once dark blue eyes were much lighter in shades and now they had a slight shine to them 'The same as the Six eyes' He mused.

Turning towards the slightly anxious Rias, he gave a charming smile and jokingly asked "This is my new look, What do you think Buchou?"

"They're mesmerizing…" Without realizing herself, She unconsciously blurted out.

"Ehhh…They weren't good before…" Ken faked a sad expression as he said that.

"N-No! I didn't mean it like that…Mou! You're teasing me just like Akeno!" She humphed and turned around when she noticed the smile on his face.

"Well, it's your fault for showing such cute expressions" Rias threw a sideways glance, her cheeks taking a slightly rosy tint over fair skin "Hmph, Flattery will get you nowhere"

" Anyways, let's talk about your performance shall we?" Ken's face grimaced slightly about how to approach this topic, Rias noticed this "You don't have to sugarcoat it, Just say it"

Ken took a deep breath "Honestly…You suck, Buchou?"

"Wh-What…?!" She knew she just said to not sugarcoat it, But wasn't he being too Blunt…Or rude? She was about to fiercely rebuke him, but he beat her first…

"Your ability itself is great–terrifying even, But…You are like a toddler with an extremely sharp stick, you may be able to cut everything in a single slash–Only if you learned to properly swing it. Currently, You don't have enough muscle to even lift the stick, let alone swing it decently.

Essentially what I am saying is that–you don't have sufficient demonic energy to fuel your own ability. And also…" He facepalmed, thinking about the geysers of demonic energy leaking into the surroundings at the mere attempt of creating a simple ball of PoD"... Your control over Demonic energy is Atrocious"

"B-But I am a pure-blooded devil…" 'How can I have deficient demonic energy' The last part got stuck in her throat when she looked up at his new crystal blue eyes, narrowed in a stern countenance. 

"Let me finish…" She gulped "Power of Destruction is essentially the power to erase everything right?" She nodded at that. "Then How do you think people can resist this seemingly infeasible task"

'They can't resist it, simple…' She was about to say that with full confidence when she remembered he had just blocked her attack with his bare hands. She couldn't help but double-check his arm, which was unscathed by her unblockable attack.

'Wait, What?!' She just realized that he had stopped her attack with his bare hand. With his BARE HANDS….She hadn't registered that event till now since her attention was purely focused on his health when he suddenly stumbled on his feet. But thinking back to the topic at hand, How did he stop her attack?!

Ken sighed helplessly when he realized what she must be thinking 'She is a spoiled princess all the way huh…I am surprised she asked me out for a training session,'

"I classify every ability into three broad categories–..." "But this has nothing to do with—"

"Shhh…Sit tight and listen to me, little child" It was funny to see Ken acting as Father preaching the Gospel. Rias found herself barely containing her laugh at the sudden transition in his attitude, but she decided to play along and sat down in a Seiza position. "Yes Father…!"

"Good!" Ken nodded his head in acknowledgment, He swiped his hand through the air as if flipping a page "As I was saying, I classify every ability into three broad categories–

i) Water/ Flowing ability– As their name suggests, these abilities act like water, they flow with the minimum push and never have the possibility of harming the allies or the caster themselves, until directly targeted"

"Father!" Rias excitedly raised her arm 

"Yes, Dear Child,"

"What does that have to do with the training"

"Curious one, Aren't you?" Ken ambulated back and forth in small steps as he gave her an amused smile "Yes, The first category has nothing to do with our training. These abilities have a low cost of producing spells after spells, So…We'll ignore it for now"

"Yes! Father"

"ii) Fire/ The controlling type of ability– These abilities do not distinguish between allies and enemies. It is equally dangerous for both, hence, the caster must make sure to control it and properly guide it towards the target.

The cost of generating these abilities is generally high and it requires a great deal of control for the caster to not hurt itself or their allies.

iii) Thunder/ Unpredictable abilities– everything else other than the first two comes into this category. Since It's so vast and uncertain, There is not much to study about it.

Do you follow till now? Fellow worshipper"

"Of course, my dear Kenny!" Rias giggled, Looking at his back, as he faced away from her to add more mysticism.

"Wh-Wha–...? How dare you call me as such?!" He tripped, his head snapped towards her as he glared at her over his shoulder. 

But then both started laughing at their poor attempt at playing churchmen. 

"But seriously Buchou, Your ability comes under the second category, whose strength is exponentially proportional to the amount of demonic energy provided for the spell. So tell me Buchou, How did I counter your sphere of PoD"

She fixed her shirt and answered " You wrapped your hand around even more demonic energy to counter it"

"Corrrrrect!" He clapped his hands "Then, What is the best way of training your PoD"

"To increase my pool of Demonic energy" She answered in a not-to-confident tone, before adding "Then, what was that about my control being atrocious"

"Oh, That! I almost forgot…" He wondered how to tackle that, He had no idea how to perfect someone else' control over their magical powers. It always came naturally to him, Like an instinct of hunger, He could just do it without thinking about it. But what about those who are quite literally Amateurish at the job? 

"Eh…We'll be fine. It's late shall we wake everyone else now?" with that he extended his hand towards Rias who was still sitting in the seiza position "Yeah, Let's!"

They started walking back to the mansion, while laughing and joking, as Ken continued to think about the new possibilities of his new 'awakening'.


World Building goes Brrr.....

And about the first part, Hey! It's not my fault that you just skimmed through those chapters. I have to make sure people understand that the MC is smart not only in name but also in work.

With that being said, I, Myself, have no interest in delving into politics, because, well...It's DxD.

Also, what do you think about the romance...I know it's bad, But like, How bad? 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Dreaming_CAT_creators' thoughts