
Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent

It's not often you get a second chance. Even less often that your second chance involves you being sent into a world where mythology is real and devils roam the world. Even less is that world being an anime you have watched before. That's right, I have been transmigrated into Highschool DxD. So, how does one survive in the world of Dragons, Gods and Boobs? Trough breaking the system of course! Because when life gives you a chess board you flip it over. Note: I do not own the cover nor do I have any claim over it

Bronz_Deck · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Chapter 40: Feels good to be (D)Evil

A/N: To clarify, I disliked how I wrote the Grayfia storyline in the original, not the storyline itself. I just felt like I went about it the wrong way and could have done way more with it.

I stood in front of Sirzechs and Grayfia with the smuggest, most punchable face I could muster. I knew they would accept. Well, they did not really have a choice.

Already I had texted Azazel about my decision to become a devil, getting some shock from him before he essentially said 'Sure, go ahead.' I knew he didn't really care for my race but the man is chiller than ice most of the time.

"So? Come to a decision?" Grayfia frowned, I could see a vein on her forehead as Sirzechs nodded.

"Yes, we have. We will accept your deal, in exchange for joining Rias' peerage my wife will be serving you for 10 years." Sirzechs said, putting emphasis on the word wife to show me what I was doing, as if warning.

Hah. I can't feel any fear. Either because my mother intentionally dropped me when I was a kid or I am just that mad.

Here I am, two months before I was delivering food on the side to cover my bills. Now?

I was asking Satan for his wife in front of him and he couldn't do anything about it.

Well, he could but I am too valuable, he can't pass up on an alchemist Ajuka and he can't afford to antagonize me either since you don't want alchemist Ajuka against you. And he can't kill me because Azazel is definitely not the only one in the Grigori who knows me, probably all scientists there and the cadres know my existence so killing me is out of the question unless you want to risk war.

I smirked.

"Alright then, how are we going to do this exactly? I don't think Rias is strong enough to revive me with any of her pieces." Not to toot my own horn or anything but Rias was nowhere strong enough to revive me as a Devil even with a mutated queen piece.

"For that, we will simply revive you using Grayfia's evil pieces and trade you to Rias, Grayfia has never touched her evil pieces. It will obviously be a Bishop piece as you would want I assume."

I nodded, that much was acceptable. I would prefer a queen piece but you can't really trade two queens into someone's peerage. Besides, my physicals aren't so high that I would benefit largely from it.

"That's alright I guess. But before that. I want my end of the deal fulfilled, as you might imagine I would not want to get fucked out of my end of the deal after becoming a devil." Sirzechs raised an eyebrow.

"And how would you do that? I don't plan to not fulfil my end of the deal and neither does Grayfia, it will be written on paper." I scoffed shaking my head.

Poor Sirzechs, he really takes me for a fool, doesn't he?

"Do I really seem that much of a fool? What's stopping Grayfia from not obeying my orders? She could just say no and what could I do about that? Slap her? I'd break my hand. Punish her how? I wouldn't be having a servant just another piece of living spyware in my house."

Grayfia looked angry at my doubting of her capabilities as a maid while Sirzechs simply raised his eyebrow.

"And how do you plan to ensure that?"

"Oh please. Do I really seem that inflexible? I am not just an alchemist you know? I am also an enchanter and sealer in my free time. Before I get transformed into a devil she has to accept a seal of servitude." I stated firmly as Grayfia scowled and Sirzechs frowned.

"A seal of servitude? What is that? And will it harm Grayfia?"

"Hah! If I could harm her with my seals I already would have don't you think? A seal of servitude is a seal that can only be placed with consent, which allows it to enact its penalty regardless of the resistance of the

other party since they already allowed the effects to affect them since they gave consent. I will not accept the deal without this condition I thought I should inform you."

Sirzechs thought for a moment and replied with a straight face.

"And how can we trust this seal? And how can it be removed, you could put it on and not choose to remove it as far as I can tell." I

I sent him a look that conveyed my questioning of his intelligence.

"Well, you can't tell much I can see that. First of all, I never said it couldn't be removed. She" I pointed at Grayfia "Could just brute force its removal. And for fucks sake you guys have goddam Ajuka on speed dial, if you guys fear the seals of a man who has been in the business for less than a month you guys have bigger things to worry about."

Sirzechs at least had the decency to look a tad embarrassed as he scratched his cheek while Grayfia sighed.

...How the fuck did these people make it to over 300 if they miss such a simple line of thought?

"...Fine, go ahead." Grayfia said as I nodded getting up and motioning her to follow me to my basement. She begrudgingly nodded and started following me with Sirzechs in tow before I stopped him. Making him look at me with confusion.

"Sorry no sorry, but confidentiality, once I put the seal on her she can't spill the beans about my seals but if you were to see it I would see it reproduced by Ajuka by the hour. So no thanks, I prefer to keep my secrets." Sirzechs nodded with apprehension sitting back down on his chair while I wordlessly led Grayfia into my enchanting cum sealing room. Pulling out a brush I prepared beforehand I faced her.

"Alright, skirt up and panties down please."


Grayfia's expression dropped into a chilling glare as she looked down on me while I roused up my dragon aura, not affected by her killing intent.

"What are you implying?" I just gave her a smug smile in response to her anger.

"To apply the seal dummy, what do you think the penalty is? I can't exactly hurt you. Well, it's okay if you do not want to do this, we can call off the deal, I am sure the Grigori is hiring, maybe Kokabiel could even teach me how to use light powers that would be cool."

I gave her the illusion of a choice and a thinly veiled threat, as she glared at me, if glares could hurt, I would be a limp corpse right about now, but unfortunately for her, they don't. She huffed in anger but I could see the resignation in her posture.

But reluctantly and giving me a death glare she reached down and lifted her skirt as I preened under her spite.

She was wearing black and white frilled underwear, I was given a full window of view into her supple thighs semi-covered by stockings held up by a garter belt.

"Hmm, nice choice of underwear but a bit plain, the presentation is also rather lacking. Overall I rate it a 6/10, nice." Grayfia scowled, I could tell the words also hit pride even though she hated me, no woman wanted to be rated subpar, especially a devil.

"Do not mess around! Just get it over with!" I shrugged pulling her panties down slightly to the extent that while it hid her pussy but nothing else, I wanted to save that present for later. Reading the brush I started working on drawing the seal.

"Tsk, tsk, that impatience of yours is what got you into this mess in the place you know?" I tsked as Grayfia trembled from anger and humiliation, it would be so funny if she burst a vein.

Regardless, I drew the seal immaculately, I did prepare for this a decent lot, modifying the seal and making the paint specifically, Hydra Blood, Vitality Banana, refined devil blood mixed with refined Takumi blood and then Boosted by the Boosted Gear. This seal was a strong one.

When I was done with drawing it I put my hand over her soft mound as the sound of her scowling rang out, imbuing my mana to make it take effect the womb tattoo was finally finished, and the moment it was Grayfia immediately pushed down her skirt.

"There. Now anything else I should be aware of?" Barely concealed spite laced her voice as I nodded getting up I snapped my fingers.

"Yup, let's confirm it works. I know pain wouldn't hurt you much and I can't damage you so I went for another penalty." *Snap!*

Immediately when I snapped Grayfia's expression went from stoic anger to bewildered and flushed as she bent over slightly, her breathing ragged.

"What did you do!" She growled, unfortunately, the seal recognized that and turned the punishment up feeling the hostility.


Grayfia quickly covered her mouth looking slightly mortified that she moaned as I laughed.

"The penalty is aphrodisiac effect. I suggest you stop acting so hostile unless you want to experience what it can fully do. But if you really want to I guess Sirzechs can wait." Grayfia closed her eyes in scorn before returning to a prim and proper stance, but I could still see the slight flush and ragged breathing.

I am a genius beyond compare, truly.

With Grayfia quietly seething in tow, we made our way back up to see Sirzechs quietly sipping tea, putting it down when he saw us arrive.

"I suppose you are finally finished?" I nodded smugly while Grayfia scowled like always.

"Yup, time to pull the devil trigger and become a dweller of the night I guess." Sirzechs gave me a reproachful look at the seemingly nonsense I spouted but clapped his hands regardless. Grayfia summoned a red crystal bishop piece into her hand. She held it while I signed the contract with Sirzechs.

Basically, it stated some things like allowing Grayfia to return to Sirzechs side for important things like official meetings and some business and such, since I had no intention of making this public, it would humiliate her but I don't want that attention on me right now.

Also, it also gave her some time off to see her son and stuff, I had no intention of separating a mother and child, plus doing that would guarantee Grayfia's eternal scorn. The good news was that I could call Grayfia to my side whenever as long as she wasn't busy.

Once I was done signing the contract, I looked up to Sirzechs.

"So, how do we do this?"

"You don't need to do anything, just relax and try not to resist." I nodded my head in acknowledgement as the crimson crystal bishop piece floated over to me and entered my body like it wasn't even there. Then I felt foreign energy permeate throughout my entire body.

The changes felt so smooth and natural that I almost felt like I wasn't changing at all(I need to meet Ajuka). After only a few brief seconds I felt the changes come to a halt as I felt my new body.

I felt... stronger, faster, and my magic power almost tripled. So not really anything new, if anything it's weaker than a 3rd stage boost but the base magic power getting tripled was worth way more than that and I knew it.

I also felt a tingly sensation on my back, instinct said I could unfurl a pair of batlike wings from just below my shoulder blades. The sun felt brighter and a bit more annoying. And my magic power felt different.

So this was becoming a devil huh?

...I am feeling motivated...


You have changed your race to Reincarnated Devil(Bishop)

All stats have increased by 1.5x

Your magic power and mana have increased by another 2x.

Vitality: 154 -> 231

Mana: 218 -> 654

Endurance: 50 -> 75

Strength: 50 -> 75

Agility: 50 -> 75

Magic Power: 239 -> 717

You have acquired the ability {Demonic Power}

You have acquired the ability [Tounge]

You have acquired the ability [Flight]

You have acquired the trait [Holy Weakness(Major)]

[Light Resistance(Minor)] has been downgraded to [Light Weakness(Medium)]


I looked at my hand, instinctively calling upon my demonic power as energy crackled in my hands, and a smile crept up to my face. Seeing this Sirzechs smiled smugly.

"How is it? Becoming a devil? Feels good doesn't it?"

I made a non-commercial noise and gave a shrug.

"Eh, 4 out of 10. Could have been better."

Seeing Sirzechs and Grayfia's eyebrows twitch in irritation was worth it.


~3rd Person - ORC~

Rias frowned deep in thought behind her desk.

Nothing was going her way recently and her life seemed bleak. She needed to apologize to Takumi for putting him on the spot like that but she didn't know how to, his expression of pure hatred made her hesitant to approach him.

As if that wasn't enough, her father pushed the wedding from several months to basically right now. Her only hope right now was challenging Riser to a rating game that she knew she would lose.

Sighing from the feeling of helplessness Rias started thinking about what to do when suddenly.


Her door was slammed open and entering into the room in a bold and brash manner was Takumi wearing the confident smirk that she loved on him.

"Local Dragon Alchemist here! Did someone order a bishop?"

And he had... wings!?

A/N: Time to conduct (D)Evil!

Takumi has finally become a devil and fitting as his first act of becoming a devil he has started taming the ferocious milf maif waifu. Slowly but surely, of course, haste makes waste after all.

And luckily for Rias her knight in white armo- err, Alchemist in strange clothing has arrived to save her from the clutches of marriage. Things are finally kicking into high gear and we will now start cooking with some real gas.

What did you guys think about this chapter? I would love to hear your thoughts about it.