
Highschool DxD- The tale of the gutsy sekiryuuti

Not all grand heroes started off great and Michael Hanamura is an example, he is a regular student with no redeeming qualities nor features which would gain him attention and he was an orphan to some no name people who don't even matter. Basically his life and existence in a nutshell was destined to be boring which leads him to death but also led him to another chapter of his life!

Mgr11 · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs

3) My first date (2)

(With Michael)

Running with his two legs giving it their all, Michael was finally able to reach the shopping district of town to which the date will take place. But sadly, he's too much that he couldn't stop his ability to stop as he crashed into an attractive woman with a bat like designed dress with brown hair.

"Ouch, my ass!" Michael grunts in pain then realized he dropped his surprise and quickly picked it up.

"My, it seems like you're in a rush." The woman smiled down at the boy.

"Huh, oh, I'm sorry miss and, uh..." Michael looks to see that the fliers she had flew everywhere on the ground, "I'll get these for you." With quick haste, Michael picked up every single one he could grab as the others flew in the wind.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, the other ones flew off somewhere, but I hope your satisfied with this amount." Michael looked apologetic as he handed The woman the fliers while scratching the back of his head.

"No worries, young man, and may I say your effort to gather all of them was incredible." The woman praised.

"Huh?" Michael questioned.

"I mean an ordinary person would've tired out at only 10 fliers while picking them up, but you got me the rest of the 30 fliers that I need as the other 5 flew away." The woman smiled.

"Hehe! Well, I am the Great Michael Hanamura after all, so its no wonder your so bewildered." Michael grinned and jabbed his thumb to his chest.

'I'm so glad that I got that word a day calendar.' Michael thought to himself as he spoke the word 'bewildered.'

"As a reward, I would like to give you something which could make all your wishes come true." The woman said.

"Oh really, I wonder what it could be it must be something very specia..." Michael stopped when he saw the flier she was giving to him, "Oh, one of the fliers, I got for you how nice." Michael said in a dull tone.

"It may not seem much, but it will grant you a wish you may need for the future so just hold onto it." The woman gave Michael the flier.

"Okay, miss, thanks." Michael pocketed it then bowed to the woman but as he looked back up he saw that she was gone, "Huh, where did she go?"

"Michael-kun!" A cute voice called out for Michael.

"Yuuma-chan?" Michael looks over his shoulder to see his date for the day. She was still attractive as ever as the only difference was her clothing which was a short black dress with a small, light purple jacket on top.

"Michael-kun, sorry that I was late." Yuuma panted upon stopping.

"Don't worry about it. I'm late all the time with everything so any tardy with me won't count, so don't be so uptight and relax." Michael grinned while patting Yuuma's head which gained a blush from the girl who seemed to enjoy a little too much than she actually should.

"M-Michael-kun?" Yuuma called his name while her hair covered her eyes.

"What is it?" Michael smiled.

"What do you think of my dress today? Do you like it?" Yuuma suddenly gasped after hearing what she said and pondered to herself why she would even ask that.

"Well, you look really nice, Yuuma-chan, is that okay?" Michael scratched his cheek.

"Hmph!" Yuuma turned away while pouting, 'Just nice?'

"What?" Michael questioned.

"Nothing, its nothing." Yuuma sighed then returned to her usual smile and asked, "So what shall we do today, Michael-kun?"

"Okay, that's right. First off, we're heading towards the arcade, then the..." Michael went on as Yuuma simply smiled and nodded to the thorough destinations while internally going over her plans of action.

'This day will go longer than I'd expected, but I just have to wait until its over, so I could gut him and be done with this mission once and for all.' Yuuma sighed then looked at Michael while blushing, 'But did he really think that my dress was just nice or was trying to say it was nicer than my school uniform which would be a fine contrast due to him seeing me in that only which is actually a nice-!' Yuuma stopped herself with a growl then thought, 'Why am I thinking this? I'm supposed to kill this bastard after this stupid date just go along with it.'

"Oi." Michael balled a fist and lightly taps it onto Yuuma's head, "What was that?"

"Eh?" Yuuma looked at the half lidded eyed Michael who was dumbfounded by Yuuma's complex expression.

"You look like you're troubled or whatever, so I just wanted to know if you were okay." Michael explained.

"Oh, I'm fine, Michael-kun. Don't worry!" Yuuma waved her hands in front of herself rather timidly.

"Okay, just tell me if anything's wrong like if your sick or hurt and I'll carry you throughout the date." Michael grinned and points to himself.

"What!?" Yuuma blushed and shuddered at the teen's kindness.

"Oh, don't worry, I have been working on upper body muscles to the extent that I can do 50 push ups without catching a sweat." Michael chuckled while leaving out the part that he passes out after doing said 50 push ups with no breaks.

"No, that's not why I'm stunned. It's just...thank you for the offer, Michael-kun." Yuuma blushed while looking away.

"No problem." Michael gave her a thumbs up.

'Why is he so god damn kind!?' Yuuma screamed in her head.

And then from there their date commenced as they went to the arcade and played a variety of games, Michael was a pro in but lost to Yuuma in every last one thus losing his pride as a game geek and a man to the girl. Next they went out to a café where the pair shared a single piece of cake due to Michael having enough money for only one to which Yuuma didn't mind at all. And lastly a walk through the park as the setting sun ended the day.

"So how did you enjoy the date?" Michael smiled as he clasped his hands together.

"Today was really fun, Michael-kun!" Yuuma giggled.

"Really?" Michael smiled brightly.

"Yeah." Yuuma nodded happily as she thought, 'Today was actually so boring that I almost want to shoot myself from the sheer boredom, but I'm just glad the date is almost over and done with.'

Approaching the fountain which was in the park's middle, Michael and Yuuma indulge in the sunset which glows across the sky above.

"I'm actually happy right now." Michael smiled.

'Of course you're happy, stupid human you're have the gall to think that since your with someone beautiful with you means you can use them to your own desires.' Yuuma thought as she remembered the past humans she had met before either them wanting to take advantage of her for her body or downright resented her for being different from them, 'You humans are really all the same after all which will make this the more enjoyable.'

"Michael-kun?" Yuuma walked to Michael's side while smirking, "You would do anything for me, correct?"

"Yeah." Michael answered while rubbing his chin in thought.

'I hope you rot in hell, bastard.' Yuuma cackled in thought.

"Would you mind dy-?" Yuuma would have finished until Michael screamed.

"OH, RIGHT! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I ALMOST FORGOT!" Michael screamed while scratching at his head roughly with both hands.

"Come again?" Yuuma blinked as her tone was somewhat mature than her old one.

"I forgot to give this to you." Michael reached into his pocket to pull out a black box.

"What do you intend to give me?" Yuuma asked suspiciously.

"Its a gift that I got for you with all the money I could scrounge up from my savings." Michael chuckled as he opens the box to reveal a pure silver bracelet with a red and orange sunset encrusted emblem in the middle. Yuuma gasped as she couldn't tear her eyes away from the bracelet still in shock that such a thing was being handed to her.

"Are you just going to stare at it because I did get it for you in hopes that you'll actually wear it." Michael said while quirking his eyebrow.

"S-Sure." Yuuma nodded quite embarrassedly that she fumbled to get the bracelet and put it on her wrist with almost dropping it 5 times.

"Michael, did you really get this for me?" Yuuma asked with her voice breaking.

"Of course, since you did put up with me for the whole day because of some bet your friends might have made you do." Michael scratched the back of his head.

"Wait, a bet? What do you mean?" Yuuma questioned now concerned about the boy's meaning of words.

"But never mind that. I also got the emblem to represent your name as it does mean "Evening Daze" and also we also met on a sunset so its pretty clever for someone like me if I do say so myself." Michael went on about the details of the bracelet as Yuuma was still hung up on the words Michael used before he even went off topic.

"Michael-kun, what do you mean a bet?" Yuuma asked as Michael's smile turned a little sad.

"...Well, I mean not that many people who go up to me and ask me out and thinking on how your so nice and a good listener you might have been pushed to do something you didn't want to do so I tried to make it the best day ever for you so it wouldn't be lame." Michael explained.

"You thought that I was playing a trick on you for fun?" Yuuma covered her mouth.

"Yep." Michael nodded.

"And you still tried your best to make it a great date just for me?" Yuuma trembled.

"Of course, I might not be great yet, but I do know how to be kind to others who need it since I don't want others to ever feel let down like I have." Michael walked to the fountain and looked at the flowing water, "You see, I'm not well known at even my own school let alone a handful of people since there's nothing really interesting about me."

"But even if many people don't know me. I'm still happy because I got to know only a few who were willing to be my friend." Michael turned around to see Yuuma who was close to tears, "And it may have been a fake date, but I'm still happy I met you so Yuuma Amano, I'm glad that I could meet you and hope we can be friends."

A nice breeze passed through the park as Michael smiled down at the crying girl, who was still staring at him with admiration.

"Uh...isn't this the part where you say thank you, and leave?" Michael chuckled nervously since its the first time he's been in this situation.

He's a human and he didn't think about himself through the entire day only about me?' Yuuma slowly walked towards Michael with her hair covering his eyes, 'A human like this really exists, a human who didn't resent me even being half right that this date was a fake, a human who didn't see me at all for my appearance, a human who even tried to make me have the best day ever without considering his own self in the process.'

'Uh-Oh, she's getting pretty close what should I do?' Michael stepped back until a pair of arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him into a hug.

"Huh?" Michael blinked completely dumbfounded.

"Thank you." Yuuma smiled with streams of tears falling down her face, 'There's no way that I could ever kill a boy such as him so heartlessly.'

"Um, no problem." Michael hugged Yuuma back almost hesitantly as the moment went by a little fast until...

The sky suddenly turned a dark shade of purple as something felt wrong within the area.