
Highflayer:Lite Night

In the dark continent of Elder Dan. Where the words of light is preached the most. Forests containing beast's that thrive on the weak could be found scattered all along this continent... And within one such forest a new force has began it's reign of terror, death and plague Watch as this force takes the world of Highflayer by storm

James_Piter · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 12

'Who would of expected the guys I sent away. So i could have some privacy. Would actually bring back alot of capture points' Thought a beastly figure. As it looked down at the large group standing under the tree branch he was one

"Great job. You four will be greatly rewarded" Said the beastly figure. As it jumped of the tree branch it was sitting on 

*Tump* "Come forward. Gra Dra Krack, Har Ja Tok,Etan Lure Quirin And Alaric Jonathan Jones" Said the beastly figure. While he looked at the four figure that seemed to be in charge of the small army composed of, Six undead bears, five dark skinned women with pointy ears and a dozen male dark skinned undead humanoids with pointy ears 

"At your command. Master" Said a dark hair man with pale skin. While moving towards the seven feet tall figure that stood in front of it

"#R&@# #&@#"(Gra Dra Krack. Shall always answer your call. Great Leader) Said a muscular green giant. While following behind the dark hair man from before 

"#@R #@&*#"(So shall. Har Ja Tok. Great Leader) Another green skinned giant said. Before looking at the figure dressed in a black robe

"Thank you for your generosity" Said a pale skinned figure. As it smiled and begun to follow behind the other three people called 

[Cyoa Interface link: Activated ]

[[Heritage]] [[Talents]] 

[Talent Share:Sharing is caring after all] (Grants the ability to borrow talents between captured individuals.Keep in mind you can only use the borrowed talents for a limited time of seven days)

[Kin Maker:You now have the power to remake living beings in your image] (Gives you the power to transform any bipedal beings) 

[Alpha:To them you're god] (Any being transformed by the use of [Kin Maker] shall treat you as their God) 


[1.] [Name:Gra Dra krack] [Origin:Krack Orc Camp](NEW°)(Captured)

[Crystal Rank: E9] [Sex:Male] [Race:Shaman Orc] [Enslaved/Familiar][Evolved]

[2.] [Name:Jirer Dra zel] [Origin:Krack Orc Camp](NEW°)(Captured)

[Crystal Rank:E9] [Sex:Female] [Race:Shaman Orc] [Enslaved/Familiar][Evolved]

[3.] [Name:Qhr ek] [Origin:Krack Orc Camp](NEW°)(Captured) 

[Crystal Rank:E9] [Sex:Female] [Race:Shaman Orc] [Enslaved/Familiar][Evolved] [Possessed]

[4.] [Name:Har ja tok] [Origin:Krack Orc Camp](NEW°)(Captured) 

[Crystal Rank:E8] [Sex:Male ] [Race:Forest Orc] [Enslaved/Familiar] [Evolved]

[5.] [Name:Orhe ju gra] [Origin:Krack Orc Camp](NEW°)(Captured) 

[Crystal Rank:E8] [Sex:Female] [Race:Race:Shaman Orc] [Enslaved/Familiar] [Evolved]

[6.] [Name:Lily Lure Quirin] [Origin:Noble House Of Quirinus](NEW°)(Captured) 

[Crystal Rank:E4] [Sex:Female ] [Race:Spirit/Undead] [Enslaved] 

[7.] [Name:Etan Lure Quirin] [Origin:Noble House Of Quirinus](NEW°)(Captured) 

[Crystal Rank:E3] [Sex:Male ] [Race:Human] [Enslaved/Familiar] 

[8.] [Name:Alaric Jonathan Jones ] [Origin:The Jones Family](NEW°)(Captured) 

[Crystal Rank:E3] [Sex:Male ] [Race:Human] [Enslaved/Familiar]

"Now that you've all received your rewards. It's also about time i reward my new subordinates... After all since they've willingly became apart of my army. They naturally need to be rewarded " The beastly figure said. As it started walking towards a group of dark skinned women

"Those who come forward. On their own accord will be blessed handsomely" The beastly figure said. As it stopped a meter away from the dark skinned women with pointy ears'

[Cyoa Interface link: Activated ] 


[Spirit Speech:What does it truly mean to speak to the soul](Borrowed) 

Tremble* "I-I'll go first. So please don't hurt me. Grate one" *Tremble* Said a trembling figure with a petite figure with neck long black hair and emerald green eyes 

"Tell me. Girl. What would you like to be called. Aiko or Akari, And keep in mind the lives of your friends depend on your answer" 

"wh-" Before the trembling figure could even begin her sentence. A deep voice was heard

"Don't worry that was a justs. Though if you don't mind me asking what name would you have picked " 'I said as I deepened my voice even more. Making her trembling might just become my favorite hobby' 

"A-Aiko. I like that name" 'The dark skinned girl said. As she began to walk towards the beastly figure 

"You've picked a lovely name. Aiko~" The beastly figure said. Whilst also using it's intent to activate a set of abilities 

[Cyoa Interface link: Activated ]


[Kin Maker:You now have the power to remake living beings in your image] (Gives you the power to transform any bipedal beings) 

[Alpha:To them you're god] (Any being transformed by the use of [Kin Maker] shall treat you as their God)

"Come forward. And receive my blessing" 


[Cyoa Interface link: Activated ]


[Talent Share:Sharing is caring after all] (Grants the ability to borrow talents between captured individuals.Keep in mind you can only use the borrowed talents for a limited time of seven days)

[[Talent Share:Nyrala Sindrilel Lothura]] [[Talent:Mana Sense(Mid Grade)+Mana shield+Mana Aqumilation (Low Grade)+Higher Learning(12%)]+Mana Affinity+Spirit Flame Creation (False Mid Grade)+Spirit Flame Manipulation(False Mid Grade)+Spirit Speech+Spirit Manipulation(30%)+Minor Undead Creation(Low Grade)+Spirit Sight(27%)]+Kobold Speech+Orc Speech+Orc Combat(Mid Grade)+Club Master(Low Grade)+Hunting Talent(40%)+Internal Map+Orc Breath+Fire Starting+Mating Art(Mid Grade)+Wood Crafting] [Select Again] 

[Time Limit : 6 hours ] (The individual you share this talent with can borrow it for a set time) 

[Increase Time Limit] (One point for an hour of added time ) [Current Points Consumed:0]

[Talent Share In Progress: 1..2..3..13]

"Aiko. I'm giving you a special task. Try to use and memories the talents i just gave you" Said a beastly figure as looked at the petite figure in front of it

"If it's okay to ask... What do you mean by that. Master? " Asked a petite panther like figure. As she looked directly at the soul of the beastly figure

"Oh. I guess i wasn't clear enough. I want you to focus on remembering what happens to your body when you use the talents i gave you while also trying to use those talents after your body forgets them after six hour. But if you fail to remember how to use them for a long period of time you'll have to come back to me so i can give them to you again. Before you repeat the process again and again, Until you can still use them after six hours" Said the beastly figure as looked down at the petite figure

"I think I get it now. Thank you for indulging me" Said the petite figure. While wearing a confused expression on her face

"My pleasure. But i still have work to do" The beastly figure said. As it looked at the group of dark skinned women 


*Ahh~* "Master~" *Ahh~* "Master" 

"Who would have thought. The trambling dark elf would become like this" *SPLAT* 

*SPLAT* *Ahh~* "Faster~" *Ah~* 

*Ahh~* "I love this feeling. Master~" *Ahh~* 

"Oh is that so. The why don't I make it even more enjoyable for you" A beast like figure said. As it began to increase it's speed 



*SPLAT* *squirt* *AHHH~* "MASTER!!!" *squirt* *AHHHH~*

*squirt* *AHHH~* "MASTER~" *SPLAT* *AAHHH~* *squirt*


*Ahh~* *Haa* "Master. I-i love you" *Haa* *Ha* "I love you" *Splat*

"I already know. My love. My Aiko~"