

I glance at Raiser who doesn't seem to show any movements and then I walk towards Buchou.

Then someone gets in my way. Its Raiser's sister.

She glares at me silently and seems like she wants to complain to me.

I point my Dragon arm towards her and then say,

"If you have a complaint, then come to me. I will take you on any time!"

Raiser's sister backs down because of my intensity and makes a path for me.

I went past Raiser's sister and stand in front of Buchou. I say it to her while smiling.

"Buchou, let's go home."


I then look at the person next to Buchou.

It's a dandy man with crimson hair. It's Buchou's father. I walk in front of him and bow my head down. Then I say it clearly.

"I will take back Buchou, Rias Gremory-sama. I'm very sorry for my actions. But I will be taking Buchou with me."

Buchou's father doesn't say anything and closes his eyes.

Maou-sama who is supposed to be sitting next to him isn't there and is gone.

I want to thank him... I will, the next time I see him—.

I take Buchou's hand.

I then take out the magic-circle that Grayfia-san gave me. I think she told me to use the magic-circle on the other side of the teleporting one after I retrieve Buchou...

When I turn the paper around, there's a glow.


What appears from the magic-circle is a four legged beast with wings that I can't even tell whether it's a lion or an eagle


I heard someone in the hall saying that. Oh, so this guy is called Griffon.

So is Grayfia-san telling me to escape from here by riding this?


Griffon makes a roar and then starts to move towards the hole I made earlier. I say it to Kiba and the others before I left.

"I'll be waiting at the club room!"

With my words, everyone waves their hands at me with a smile. And the Griffon flies up to the sky of the Underworld while carrying me and Buchou.