
High School DxD / Tiger DxD

Angels, Fallen Angels, Devils, Dragons and many other creatures populate the world of High School DxD but what would happen if a new antity from elsewhere arrived in this world? Are the people of this world ready to face the fury of the tiger? What will Dex Kid do in this new world?

toby_gwack · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

Tiger and Gods

In a clear sky, several people could be seen levitating in the air, each of them had an appearance that inspired power and dominance giving off a divine aura.

They were all positioned so as to encircle only one who stood in the middle of them but this one gave off a feeling different from the others, a feeling of calm but at the same time of devastating power.

He stood in the middle of them with his arms crossed and one of his eyebrows raised looking at the people standing around him with a look that showed no emotion.

He had messy brown hair, a rather basic face, and fiery orange eyes like flames.

- A/N: (To be more precise he looks like Tsunayoshi Sawada)

He was wearing a green hoodie with the Attack of the Titans Scout Legion logo printed on the back, black cargo pants tight at the ankles, and a pair of black and white high sneakers. He had black mittens on his hands and tiger fur around his waist (like Broly from Dragon Ball Super)

"The moment of your judgment has sounded wretched mortal!" One of the people exclaimed.

"Yes! You're going to regret thinking you could compete with us gods!" Another added.

The boy let out a slight chuckle before speaking.

"Really....you are truly pathetic! You believe that you are all-powerful and repeat it incessantly and yet look at you now, all gathered together to fight a wretched mortal like me....the gods have fallen so low."

"Silence! We'll make you regret your insolence!"

The boy uncrossed his arms and opened them while jeering at the gods with his hands telling them to come closer.

"You will pay for your insolence! Everyone, attack now!"

All the gods created several energy attacks and launched them right at the boy creating a gigantic explosion when they came into contact with each other.

"Here's what you deserve for defying us!"

The gods began to cheer amongst themselves as the cloud of smoke created by their attack lifted, revealing the young man still standing in the same spot completely unharmed with a barrier of golden energy around him.

"WHAT?!? How is that possible!!!"

"I have to admit your attack was quite intimidating but I hope it doesn't just stop there?"

"Let's all attack at the same time, he won't stand a chance!"

"Sigh....I don't know if it's the fact that you've felt for too long that nothing could compete with your so-called supreme power but that kind of stupid strategy doesn't work with me you fuckers. "

The barrier around him disappeared to give way to a golden aura that enveloped his body completely. He then screamed but his scream was merged with the roar of a tiger which shook the entire sky and created a colossal burst of energy that swept away all the gods that were hurtling towards him.

When the explosion stopped he looked around to see that several gods had disappeared, probably disintegrated by his attack.

Suddenly a magic circle appeared below and above him completely preventing him from moving.

"What the...what the fuck is this?"

"HAHAHA!!! It worked!"

The boy turned to see one of the gods who earlier threatened to hurt him badly with a magic circle in his hand that was probably controlling the spell he was trapped in.

"What are you planning to do? Even if I'm blocked, you won't kill me so easily given the state you're in."

"I know I couldn't kill you, that's not my goal!"


"You know what they say....desperate situation, desperate mean."

" What do you mean ? "

"What I mean is that this spell will make you disappear from this world for good! No matter where you end up, it won't be our problem anymore!"

"You filthy bastard!"

The two magic circles began to glow and began to approach each other while making the boy disappear until there was nothing left.

The god watched him disappear with a satisfied look on his face.

"I hope you will go to a world that will crush you like the miserable insect that you are, insolent little bastard!"