
High School DxD: The Tale of the Gutsy Sekiryuutei!

Not all grand heroes started off great and Michael Hanamura is an example, he is a regular student with no redeeming qualities nor features which would gain him attention and he was an orphan to some no name people who don't even matter. Basically his life and existence in a nutshell was destined to be boring which leads him to death but also led him to another chapter of his life!

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94 Chs

Chaos at Kuoh Academy begins! Devils vs. the Khaos Brigade! Part 2


"…"- Speaking

'…'- Thoughts

[…]- Ddraig

{…}- Albion

(…)- Vritra





A bright flash of light filled the entire gym as a large explosion and smoke breaks through the building's windows.

Inside the now ruined gymnasium there radiated a sharp green aura which shined throughout, not just the inside, but the outside as well. Inside of it, the gym equipment was either torn up, blown up, or burned to a high degree. The walls were filled with craters and scared with the many missed attacks of the sudden assaulter who attacked the vulnerable Student Council.

Lighting the room was a green light which brightened the entire gymnasium court. While hiding inside one of the equipment rooms was Saji and the frozen bodies of his fellow Student Council Members. Panting heavily, Saji leans against the wall while placing a conked out Shura near him.

'That guy...what is kind of monster is he?' Saji remembers back to a large burst of power that Rallen made just by screaming, luckily the force wasn't too dangerous as it conveniently blew him and his frozen comrades closer to the equipment room near the stage.

'This guy is obviously bad news, and it looks like I just pissed him off even more by retaliating!' Saji slowly looks out the door and peeks through its crack to see the blood chilling sight of his opponent.

In the middle of the gym's court was a single shadow that stood in the green flamed covered court. The figure was revealed to be a smirking Rallen, whose eyes gleamed silver through the darkness that was illuminated by the flames.

Looking straight up, Rallen exhaled a gust of smoke before he mutters, "Vritra, where are you hiding~!"

"…!" Saji inches away from the door and tries to lower his presence.

"Awwwwww! Come on, you should be rejoicing, we finally get to meet again after all this time! So why don't we fellow evil dragons come out and give each other a right rousing reunion of beautiful BLOOD!"

Rallen sounded playful, but it obviously wasn't innocent and as the man continues to talk to Saji, the latter remained quiet and wasn't content in revealing himself without a proper plan to deal with the threat. There was also the fact that his friends were frozen and unable to defend themselves.

'Wait, Evil Dragon? I knew this tremendous power belonged to a dragon, but…I guess that explains this terrifying pressure. But what kind of evil dragon does he have inside of him?' Saji's mind raced with many questions, 'And if he can use an Evil Dragon, how can he even be able to invoke it's power without a sacred gear?'

Saji couldn't help, but shiver at feeling the presence of such a scary opponent so close, and he had to deal with this issue himself with no support to give him enough time to plan any moves out.

"Damn, retreat would be a good tactic right now, but everyone is trapped from time freezing them. There's also the fact that he's freaking insane and judging by that power I can tell I won't even last a minute against him…" Saji said his thoughts out loud while assessing the situation. He knew that if he could barely fight this guy in a sane or well, almost sane mindset then he had no chance of winning if he can't control his actions.

Looking up at the ceiling, nervously, Saji said,

"But knowing the leaders, they must be trying to deal with the issue as we speak, so if I can wait it out, then maybe we'll get help any minute now."

'But since I'm dealing with an Evil Dragon User things might not be easy, because of this freezing trap everyone is under. I can't effectively transport them anywhere with a magic circle. I can't even communicate with anyone on the outside because of some interference.' Saji walks towards a wall in the closet and touches it before he feels a dense sensation from outside of it.

'Wait a barrier? Then someone must be using this to protect us from something outside.' Saji wondered who would plan something like this without the Kaichou's knowing,

'But I guess that explains why I can't communicate outside. It must be an isolation barrier. Which has a thick shell which is hard to break for even a high-class devil, but the cost of using it absolutely blocks out the outside until something from the inside destroys it.' Saji rubbed his chin and thoughtlessly comments,

"I wonder if I can make something like it-no, this isn't the time to be thinking that. I have to focus on this problem."

Saji gulped as he heard the slow footsteps of Rallen approach one of the 4 equipment closets in the gym.

"Come out~! Come ouuuut~! Vritra, you pansy assed wuss, I just want to play with you for a while, that's all!" Rallen grinned as he stalked towards the equipment closet on the opposite side of the one Saji hid, "Or unless you'd rather play something different? I'm game!"

'Game? Wait, does he mean?' Saji's eyes widened as he saw Rallen raising his left arm in the air and started to create what looked like to be a dark green magic bullet infused with the dark properties of dragon aura.

"Here's my first guess!"


Flicking his wrist, Rallen threw the magic bullet at the equipment closet and made it explode leaving no remains as the outside was revealed through the gaping hole. Losing more color in his face in fear of Rallen's increased power, Saji leans more closely to the wall, he sat against and starts to breathe heavily at what just occurred.

"I'm fine with playing hide and seek especially with a wuss like you, Vritra!" Rallen cackled loudly as he snaps his head towards another empty equipment room, "Now onto the next one!"

Rallen charges another magic bullet into his hand ready to smoke out the, Prison Dragon or ¼ of the Prison dragon.

Scooting away from the Equipment room's door in terror Saji slowly stands up and begins to sweat, he was trembling. All of his plans from before

'He's trying to lure me out!' Saji gasped, 'Dammit! This isn't good at all. I have to think of a better way of escape…wait! I got it, the isolation barrier is weaker on the inside, so if I fire an attack on it and destroy it, I could use a magic circle to transport all of us out of here, but, gah! I forgot everyone's still frozen!' Saji clutched his head in many failed attempts to come up with a plan.


"!" Saji looks out the door's crack to see Rallen standing in front of a smoking destroyed equipment closet with an annoyed expression with no remains or showing of Saji at all.

"Tch! Seems like you weren't there either, damn you're so good at this, Vritra, but you should remember…" Rallen's smirk slowly turns to that of impatience with a slight furious scowl that Saji shivered at, "I hate to be kept waiting…"

'He's starting to get impatient too, now things are getting dire maybe if I act as a decoy and wake up Shura-sama, maybe, he can use one of his talents to move everyone out safely.' Saji gulped as he prepares to do that, but then hears the noise of firing from the large gaping holes Rallen made.

*PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!*

"What are those?" Saji gasps as he looks outside to see magicians firing at them but gladly the barriers are there to protect them. The same barriers which are keeping him isolated with this…


"VRITRA~! I'm getting bored now, so come out and fight or else I'll turn that room you're staying in into a burning pile of ash!"

Rallen's voice has now changed to take on a different tone as it wasn't his anymore, he also destroyed the last remaining equipment room with somewhat more power out of irritation. It seems Saji not being there to pop out made him more aggravated.

'Monster…' Saji's face turns completely white as he falls on his knees as all options for were falling apart, there was no way he could escape with all those magicians outside attacking the barrier, even if they escaped Rallen they wouldn't survive a relentless attack of those magic bullets pelting them.

"I'm going to count to 3. If you don't come out, I'll obliterate you, here and now, and since it'll be quick, I'm going to be lenient and count slow. One…"

Rallen's count begins.

'I can't think of a way to get out of this situation, it seems utterly…impossible.' Saji falls to his knees and closes his eyes, 'I'm sorry, Kaichou, I wasn't able to defend the gymnasium like you had asked.'

Clenching his fist in frustration, Saji grinds his teeth, "I just can't seem to think of a way out of here, and with this guy being obviously stronger than me. I can't seem to find a way to win. I guess as a Pawn, I wasn't able to do anything."


"Dammit! I just can't think of a way out of this!" Saji shakes his head and hurts himself to come up with an idea, "I don't know what to do. I can't do anything without a plan without one I can't win! There's no way any simple Pawn can ever win a fight alo-!" Stopping himself Saji gasps as he remembers someone who would have proved his words wrong.

"…No…Mike was…" Saji covers his right eye as he was starting to realize what he was lacking.

It was someone, who was his same age mate and close friend along with the same Evil Piece of Devil. Both of them started off the same and basically are the same in each of their separate peerages. But only one of them has been making any visible progress, the only one taking steps forward were Michael.

"Two and one quarter…"

'Mike was always a step ahead of me, even when I think I feel that I surpass him in knowledge. But in the end, when he does something mind-blowing it always made me question if my knowledge can even compare to his progress at all. First, it was the fight against the Phoenix Family where, he defeated the known immortal bird.' Saji remembers flashbacks on Michael's fight with Riser.

'But to do that the idiot had to give his eye away to the Welsh Dragon inside of him, but he still kept fighting.' Saji felt strange to almost crack a smile at his friend's stupid decision.

'Next, was his fight with Kokabiel, where he trounced the Cadre classed devil with the price of almost permanently breaking his arm to do so.' Saji felt a swelling of envy towards Michael as he continues,

'No matter how terrifying or impossible it was, Mike was always able to take on any fight without thinking of the effects and danger he'll be in, he just fought to prove himself and help others. While I just studied and did normal maintenance around the school.'

Saji smiles bitterly as he says out his thoughts about Michael, 'It's because he's an idiot, who can't even see the trouble he'll bring if he does things his way without thinking and… that's why I'm j-jealous of him.'

"He's a pawn, like me, who always gives it his all despite screwing up every time, but he was still able to gain the affection of his master so fast, while I barely get mine to acknowledge me from time to time. Even before he was a devil, I always wanted to think less of every problem and stop worrying about them. But that sort of thinking doesn't fit me at all and all."

"Two and a half." Rallen starts enlarging his magic bullet.

'That's right, he doesn't worry about anything but keeps moving forward even when we were kids and yet, I…wait, he didn't worry about anything when we were kids…?' Saji starts to realize why he always lags behind as he noticed one certain truth,

'That's true, he never does worry about any of the consequences. No matter if his plans lead to failure, he just doesn't worry. And this was before his reincarnation of becoming a devil and awakening of the Boosted Gear.'

Saji starts to realize that what's holding himself back from making an actual effort to win was himself. If he always hesitated then there would be no way for him to see the outcome on whether he was right or whether he was wrong. That's what made Michael accomplish the many things he's done so far not just because he had the Sekiryuutei within of him. But because he wanted to move forward because he…

"Has faith in himself." Saji said out his answer as he stands up and looks at his Absorption Line, "And that's what I lack…faith, if I put more trust in myself. Then I can change the outcome of an impossible situation as well."

Welling up inside, Saji was a lit flame which made him feel that everything would be okay despite the hopeless situation that was close to destroying the equipment room he stayed in.

"I don't have my complete Sacred Gear right now, so I won't make much progress, but I can manage with what I'm given."

Saji notices he was running low on power after his struggle with Rallen before,

"The way I am now, won't help me against that monster. I need more energy."

Saji knew it would be difficult to leech off strength from the crazed Rallen, who could easily dodge or destroy his lines.

"Two and Three-Quarters!" Rallen sounded pissed off with a hint of readiness to fire.

"C'mon, think! Think, I need another power source to borrow energy from!" Saji whispered to himself, then looked back and forth before, he stops, "Wait, I already have a power source, or, in fact, I have a group of them right here."

Saji looks back towards his frozen friends and frowns, he didn't want to take their power without permission, but weighing the choice against fighting Rallen on half empty power and going at him with everything he has, he had to make the right decision. Closing his eyes before opening them, Saji nods with eyes full of hope to find another conclusion to this crazy fight.

"All right, here goes nothing. Line Go!" Saji shoots about 3 lines at Momo Hanakai (Rook), Tsubasa Yura (Rook), and Tomoe Meguri (Knight). Informative about his allies and their stats, Saji chose these three first since they are more adept in their demonic power than the others. If things weren't as bad as they were now he would use the others before resorting to use the more experienced devil's power.

'Forgive me, but I'll need half your demonic energies to do this.' Taking in the power from his comrades, Saji's body is coated with a much thicker aura as he clenches his fist.

"Alright, I'm all charged now." Saji smiles and pumps himself up and turns to the door ready to face his next challenge, "Now time to take care of that monster."

Still outside waiting to smoke out his squirming prey, Rallen simply sighed in irritation as he realizes his patience has run dry and the fun was now gone. What was the joy of having to wait for a bellyaching opponent, who won't even try to prove to be entertaining?

"Chi! No fun at all, maybe if I faced Ddraig then I would have gotten a real challenge, at least, but I shouldn't have raised my expectations so high," Rallen's charged dragon magic bullet prepares to fire as he mocked,

"After all you do hold only ¼ of that Pansy Prison Dragon's soul in that little weapon of yours."


"Not so fast, you bastard, what the hell do you think you're doing!"




Firing the blast it directs itself to destroy the room completely if it had hit. But breaking down the door and reflecting the blast back at Rallen; Saji was able to make it just in time. Not alarmed by this Rallen grew a smirk finally happy that this fool revealed himself.

Even with the blast of his own attack flying past him by a few inches from his head which soon exploded in the background, even after grazing his cheek, Rallen was still unmoved as he simply cracked his neck in readiness. Landing across from the demented man, Saji starts to release cover his body in Demonic power to stabilize his power and harden his defense and offense.

'Good, I was able to make sure no one got hit by that blast.' Saji relaxes his hand, now burned from the brunt of that energy blast. Rubbing his hand, Saji now realizes the intensity behind Rallen's attack.

"So you've finally decided to show yourself, huh, Pansy Vritra?" Rallen getting way over excited flexes his muscles with enough pressure to break the air pressure. Around him, the dark green dragon aura starts to spike out his body as its pressure intimidates Saji.

'Such power...it has too much killing intent inside of it, so this is the power of an Evil Dragon it seems much more terrifying than a cadre class Kokabiel.' Saji gulped as he prepares himself for the worst.

"Here I cooooooooome~!" Rallen roared catching Saji off guard as that confirms the man's personality switch. Using Saji's lowered guard as his chance Rallen charges at him at blinding speeds head on to catch him off guard.

'Here he comes!' Saji readies himself as Rallen brings himself to appear but then disappear.



Suddenly, appearing behind Saji with his fist cocked back, Rallen laughed,

"Your too slow, you pansy Prison Dragon!"




Getting sent flying by Rallen's dragon aura coated fist, Saji slammed into the gym's floor and creates a large crater with his body. The blow forced Saji to hack out a moderate amount of blood. Getting himself up, Saji is up on all fours with his forehead bleeding.

"Hahahahahahahahaha! That was impressive, you're still alive! I honestly thought you were going to die with just that one hit." Rallen stood over Saji with an entertained smirk as he let out a twisted laugh.

'I was able to coat the part this guy attacked with all of my demonic power, I used almost all of it to prevent too much damage, but it's obvious that he wasn't even using his full strength to do it.' Looking a little frightened, Saji swallowed his fear and stood up once more,

'No, I just steeled myself to do this. I can't give up now, even if he does have immense power. I will find a way to break through it and find his weakness.' Saji raises both his fists as he prepares to go into close combat.

"Ooooooh~! So you want to fight, eh? Well, come on. I don't got all day let me show you how strong my vessel's body really is Vritra!" Rallen roars as he starts to engage Saji again.

'Fighting in close range combat isn't really my suit point, but I have to do this to make finding any weak points in his stance, form, or power.' Saji thought.

"I'll just have to find any weak points he may show..." Saji raises his arms and coats them with demonic power to harden his defense as he blocks Rallen's blows.

"Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!"

*BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!*

Rallen laughs uncontrollably as he launches a full scale of piercing punches.

"Gugh! Nugh!" Saji grunts.

"Your open!"



The punches Rallen fired were so much stronger, that they were able to break through most of Saji's guard and push him back before he was able to catch himself. As Rallen took this opening to do an uppercut, he sent Saji spinning through the air.

"Damn!" Saji winces as his jaw felt a little broken from that punch.

"Woohooooooo! Yeah, it's not over yet! Come on, you're a fellow Evil Dragon too, if not, your part of one. So stop acting like a pansy and give me a fight, or I'll just kill you, right now!" Rallen jumps after Saji and covers his arms with dragon aura which formed into sharp dragon claws.

"Tch!" Saji quickly finds a vantage point to use his absorption line on to see one of the steel beams still remaining. At first he hesitates wondering if the same trick will work twice against Rallen, but seeing that he hasn't the time to hesitate, he decides to take action.

Gaining distance, Rallen was close to tearing his claws through Saji's abdomen with the intense burning will to kill him. But was taken by surprise as Saji was able to remove himself from Rallen's reach and retract himself to a steel beam from above.

'He didn't expect me to do that again?' Saji started to wonder, why Rallen didn't just use his speed to cut him off, but shakes his head as he realized Rallen had a big opening.

"Take this, Hah! Hah!"


Firing black demonic magic bullets at Rallen with his borrowed power, Saji was able to make contact with Rallen's body as he was too slow to react.

'Did I get him?' Saji questioned as he looks at the smoke which collected after impact, but was soon stirred to blink as Rallen soars out the smoke to strangle him within an instant.

"Grck!" The sudden pressure applied to his throat was dangerous it was close that it made Saji cough enough blood to escape his mouth.

"Ahahaha…hah…you almost had me there, Vritra, almost, but that was nice what you did there. So let me take you for a SPIIIIIIN~!" Grabbing Saji's hair Rallen starts to spin around and wave Saji around like a rag doll.

"Now fly! Fly, you, son of a bitch!"

"Aur-blurgh!" Saji coughs out a large amount of blood and extends his absorption line at Rallen attaching it to the man.



Saji felt the crushing pressure of the spin end as he hurls to the right through the air before Rallen's blinding speed appears to go to his advantage once again as he appears behind the thrown Saji. Stabbing his elbow into Saji's abdomen with bone crushing impact, Rallen sent the Pawn crashing into the gym floor creating a large crater in the middle of it.

"*HACK!* *COUGH!* *COUGH!*" Coughing up a fit, Saji gripped his bruised stomach as more blood expelled from his mouth.


Landing with enough pressure to crack the ground, Rallen looks over at Saji and puts on that same old comfortable smirk he had before.

"You know even though it's not that much of a fight anymore, it's still satisfying to beat and hear the cries of a pathetic opponent!" Rallen laughed uncontrollably before stopping to breathe in.

'His attacks are lethal with each hit. I have to reexamine the common mistakes, he made during the fight before I actually die. Good thing, I managed to recharge my power with his Dragon aura.'

Unaware of it Saji's Absorption line gleam a bit as black aura starts to exude from it

Saji reviewed over Rallen's single track mind to kill him, 'He didn't notice my earlier attack like before, so that must mean his bloodlust is overclouding his sense to think properly.'

Noticing Rallen has been breathing for a long time, Saji ten gasps, 'He's been breathing in for a while, what does he think he's doi-? Wait, he has an Evil Dragon and all dragons, who inhale that much air-!'



Filling almost half of the gym was massive gouts of green flames which threatened to burn down the entire gym. Thinking about dodging, Saji stops himself when he sees the equipment room filled with his friends. If he were to avoid it then the flames would kill them.

'No good! I have to put up a barrier with all my power to block these flames!' Saji raises both his hands and summoned a barrier big enough to protect his half of the gym. This costs him more stamina and power to which he fell to a knee from exerting himself.


'It's still too strong to hold back!'

As soon as the flames made contact they were strong enough to leave cracks on the barrier as some flames burned Saji just by a bit. If the onslaught were to continue, Saji would have fainted from exhaustion, but luckily for him the attack was soon ended.

Lowering the barrier, Saji pants heavily and looks back to see the equipment room.

'Still intact no one got hurt.' Saji pants as he looks back at the door smiling grateful for his attempts to protect it. He felt exhilarated to know that his efforts of taking on the opponent head while protecting the others was going to plan even though it felt hopeless in the beginning.

Energy still entering his body, Saji starts to stand up and get himself together there were still the opponent in front of him, he still needs to detain. But the behavior of his opponent has changed so much that the attacks he used before had no problem at making direct hits.

'His attacks are more dangerous and ruthless, as before they were more planned and patient, so I can only assume he's being influenced by that Evil Dragon. This could be helpful because now I have a plan to capture him, but I have to keep charging my energy up to the maximum output.' Saji then looks up to see Rallen was gone.

"He vanished!" Saji gasped.

"Nope…" Rallen whispered from behind using his speed to disappear from Saji's frontal view.


"I'm just behind you~!"


"Gaaaaah!" Saji cries out in pain as he received a magic bullet to the back which burned a hole through his school uniform revealing his burnt back.

"Now come on, let's play some more~!" Rallen engaged Saji in close combat, well, it was technically Rallen beating up Saji, who continued to take the blows, while waiting for each of his lines to get charged.

'I have to focus my power into my absorption line, I haven't tried to use this, so now will be a good time to test it!' Saji's absorption line gleams brighter without his knowledge. The line still connected to Rallen that was still focused on pummeling Saji.

"YEAAAAAAAAAH~! This thrill of killing is so much fun! Don't you think~!? DON'T YOU!? DON'T YOU~!" Rallen's cackle made Saji sick to his stomach.

*BAM!* *BAM!* *THUD!* *THWACK!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!*

'Just a little more! I know trying to evade will tire me out so I have to try and stay conscious while preserving my strength.' Saji was knocked back a little then stops as he raised his fists, 'Shit! This will probably hurt more, yet this is the only way to get things done quickly.'

"I-Is that all you got? Hah, my mom, could hit harder than that, you wuss!" Saji charged at Rallen who was amused by the taunting.

"Oooooooh! So you're deciding to talk back and fight? Interesting, show me what you got Vriiiiiiiiitra!" Rallen roared as he charges.

"Then try me you creepy looking bastard, watch as I…!" Saji begins to shout as he starts to curse to himself for even saying something like this. It was actually below him, but if he intends to act on the ball like Michael then he might as well say it,

"The Spectacular Saji, amaze you with my well thought out spectacular attack!" Saji proclaimed himself in the third person.

(With Michael)

'Whoa…' Michael puts a finger to his head.

[What is it, Partner you having another splitting headache from thinking?]

'No, I…I just felt someone out there just took my shtick.' Michael's eyes widened.

[That's interesting, but you should really be paying attention to the mages trying to kill you.]

'The what about mages?'


Michael asked then a magic bullet zooms past his head as he screams,

"Holy Shit!"

"That was for Magnus!" One of the mages cried out for revenge.

"Hey, lady! No, need to get hostile it's not my fault, she was crushed by the door and got a concussion." Michael shook his head.

"Yes, it is!" The mage cried.

"Well then, why don't you try being the bigger person and letting it go like Magnus here?" Michael nudges his head towards Magnus, who was not moving and only groaned.

"That's because she's unconscious!" The mage shouted.

"So? It just proves how much of an immature magician you are, for even pushing a subject that had already passed, on me." Michael shrugged.

"That was 5 minutes ago!" Even Michael's illogical thinking made the other mages yell.

"Really, because to me it felt like 6…" Michael grinned then made an exploding noise, "The Great Hanamura just blew your mind, didn't he?"

"Oh dear…" Rias sighed and placed a hand on her forehead

"…" The mages looked to one another and focused their sights on Michael instead of Rias as the leader of the group nonchalantly said,

"Kill him."

*PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!*

The mages concentrated their magic bullets at Michael who continued to dodge them in a panicked fashion

"Aaaaaaaah! Aaah! Aaah! Aaah! Why only me? It's not like I hurt your friend or anyth-oh wait, I take that back!"

Michael was hopping as the beams were fired at his feet as he almost lost his feet to the barrage.

(With Saji)

Saji continues to taunt as he punches Rallen unexpectedly before getting a sock to the nose in return. It seems his punches weren't hurting him, just urging him on to hit harder. In fact, it turned into a pattern once Saji tried to hit back, if he hits hard then Rallen will hit even harder. If he tries to break something, Rallen will try to break something that won't be healable.

"What's wrong? I thought you said you were going to show me how spectacular you are!?"

Saji's face got more bruises by the second as he allowed himself to get smacked around, but this isn't working as the blows were growing more lethal and might probably kill him. But he has to hang in there or else, he won't be able to show off this cool side of himself again. Yes, he at least wanted to show this side to the Kaichou and everyone else and dying wasn't an option.

'I-I don't know how much I can withstand…Guh! No, have t-to k-k-keep on going I c-can't lose!'

Even with convincing himself, Saji couldn't avoid the possibility that he may collapse before his plan is take into fruition. With one heavy blow to his chest, Rallen was able to make Saji skid back and fall to a knee.

Coughing up a fit with blood splattering out his mouth, Saji was on his last peg, his body was covered in bleeding bruises and blackened burns. His stamina wasn't far off from being almost empty as he had the strength to even consider staying on one knee.

"Damn, and I-I'm so close too…" Saji pants as he was almost charged with enough power from Rallen's almost limitless amount of strength. It was a surprise the man couldn't even sense the line on him especially when Saji hasn't even made it disappear with a spell.

"Awwww~! It looks like the game is over for you, Vritra, but no worries, after I'm done with you, I'll go have fun with a couple of others! Hyahahahahahaha!" Rallen's sight directed itself towards the equipment room.

"…!" You Bastard!"

"Stay down, Pansy Vritra."




Shocked to hear that, Saji forces himself to get up, but to no avail as Rallen was quick to shoot a small magic bullet through Saji's kneecap. The pain felt excruciating that it made the blond teen hug his knee in pain.

"Hehehehe!" Rallen chuckles as he slowly approaches Saji with a smug grin as he says, "Now time for the most exciting part of killing someone actually killing them~! Hyahahahahahaha!"

"D-Dammit, I-I have to get u-up!" Saji grunts as he pushes himself up, but as he does he realizes the wounds in his leg won't allow him to stand at all. He can't die yet. He has to win, he has to protect everyone for their sake and the Kaichou's. He can't give up!

Any kind of thought to stand was gone as Saji uses sheer will power to at least get himself up onto one knee. But that was the best he could do with his one good leg. Panting and staring at the approaching Rallen, Saji groans, "I'm so close to hitting max power, I have to be exact or my body will be destroyed with the amount, I have."

'I could use some advice right now on how to take care of this guy, without physically fighting him. Like to detain him.' Saji thinks to himself before he hears a hear voice come through his mind.

(G…en…l..t.o…str…g…t…fi…t agai…t…use..li..es…to…old…him in place!) An eerie voice warns

Freaking out, Saji realized his eyes glew a little purple before he grips his head in concentration, 'What the-what was that?' Saji looks at his Absorption Line to see that it was glowing with a dark aura, 'Wait, could it be that a fraction of Vritra's soul has awakened? Maybe, it must be from me absorbing that Evil Dragon's power.'

Saji remembered the quote Power calls for power and now the power of this Evil Dragon that he still doesn't know the name of is attracting the fractured soul of his Sacred Gear.

(Q….ick…Gre…l…will…al..ys…u..s…up…too..m..ch…power…without..thinking) The fraction of Vritra's soul was still cryptic with its words, but luckily Saji could interpret what it was saying.

'I can't tell the first words, but I know he want me to use my lines to-I got it he wants me to hold this guy down with the lines and increase the sturdiness with his power as it continues to leech off of its power, but can I really detach my lines like that?' Saji was doubtful.

(..D…n't…sitate…do it!) Vritra pushed Saji to do so anyways, its best to try then never do it and fail at the start.

Shaking his head, Saji nods, 'You're right I have to give it my best or I won't win at all!'

"So this is it." Rallen stood over Saji and cracked his knuckles before he surrounds it with a thick dragon aura with a dark intent to murder the keeled over teenager.

"This was fun. I'll give you that, but I expected for you to do one last trick! How disappointing~ Oh weelllllll~! TIME TO-!" Rallen swings back his arm for the finishing blow.

'That's it! Come on, you bastard, come and get me…I'll take that opening and finally hold you down.' Saji slowly pulls his line as Rallen's arm moves back in a slowly but steady fashion. It was now or never.

Cracking his arm forward with all of his might Rallen's fist fires at Saji's head at the speed of a bullet being shot. It was still slow not to have hit yet but Saji suspected it and waited for the correct moment to strike.

"DIIIIIIIEEEE!" Rallen roared as he outs much more speed into the fist at the last second.

(…N..OW…!) Vritra's soul signaled for the counterstrike.

'Right!' Saji leans into the punch, while cocking his head to the side where he barely dodges it.



"…! What the hell!?" Rallen blinked in surprise.

"Target captured!"

With his lines wrapped around Rallen's arm, Saji knelt right beside him with his enhanced line filled with the stolen evil dragon's power making the restriction durable. Struggling to move, Rallen was caught off guard by this as Saji then initiates his plan.

"Go line! Detach!"


Using a new feature for his Absorption Line, Saji willingly detached his line after wrapping it around Rallen's arm and sends it wrapping around one of the volleyball net iron poles.

"You little pansy assed-!"


Rallen roars in irritation as he tries to reach out for Saji again only to have it wrapped once more by Saji and trapped with the other pole as its base. But this wasn't the end he has to constrict this man before he gets any ideas with his legs.


"You bastard!"




'If I just connect these lines to his body, like the others, then I can force him to make the lines sturdier and strong to hold him back!' Saji thought as he finished as lands in front of a completely restrained Rallen.

Saji sent out two lines and detained his feet as well as both lines attached themselves to the legs and connected to the poles. Rallen would break out if the lines weren't constricting him more by the second. The more power, he would put into breaking free, the more he wouldn't even move an inch. Making sure of that, Saji fell flat on his bottom and continued to pant in exhaustion.

"WHY WON"T THIS STUFF COME OF!?F THE POWER OF THAT PANSY VRITRA CAN NEVER DO THIS TO ME ALONE WITH HIS SORRY EXCUSE OF POWER!" Rallen roared at the top of his lungs as he tried pulling off the lines by flaring his aura only to increase their durability.

"Are you really that surprised? I'm not the one whose making them hard to escape from, you are."

Saji smiled tiredly.

"What did you say…!" Rallen looked at Saji threateningly.

"What I said, you ignoramus, is that you fell into a trap with you as the source. If it were just me using my own power to trap you then it would have failed after I attempted to use the second line on your other arm."

Saji started to tell his plan,

"You see, I heard from a certain someone." Saji's absorption line gleamed one last time,

"That you can't hold in that aura of yours especially when your mind's set on killing. So I decided to use that against you. This is what would happen if you lose focus on control rather than focusing your time on pummeling me. Because of that your enemy will definitely take advantage of it, and defeat you before you go berserk."

Saji then thought, 'Well, berserk as it would be if I'd have let him continue rampaging.'

"So I decided to use my lines to wrap around each of your arms and legs and connect them to the volleyball poles. With the lines draining your power it would be easy to detain you without worrying about you breaking free because,"

Saji looked at Rallen's angered expression and that could tell the whole story,

"You'll just get angrier won't you, and with that you will lose even more control and let out more aura which will only bind you in that spot for even longer."


Rallen was filled with anger after being defeated by someone who wouldn't fight back with their power but their brain instead.

"Yeah, yeah, go cry some more it's your fault for being so gullible not to see that."


"Finally, I d-did it…"

Saji looked down with a tired smile as he trembled at his accomplishment and he was really happy. He was able to make it this far. If he had given up, he wouldn't feel so grateful for the stuff that happened during the fight. Just thinking about how everyone would be safe made him feel relieved, he did his job, but now he has to wait for everything to go back to normal starting with time unfreezing for him to be completely relaxed.

'I wonder if everyone on the outside is okay now, no, I need to put faith in them and be patient while watching this guy and making sure he doesn't escape, Kaichou and Fuka-Kaichou. I protected everyone.' Saji looks up and grins, 'Thank you, Vritra, you really saved me, and guess what Mike, I finally took a step closer to catching up to you just you wait.'

Everything was finally going well for Saji until he heard…

"Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe!" Rallen started laughing out of nowhere.

Saji looked at Rallen in confusion, why was he so happy, he lost and can't fight anymore or was it that he was missing something but what could it be?

"What's so funny, you finally crack? Or even why are you laughing at the pitiful situation you're in?" Saji gulped as he still felt fear from the individual. Shaking it off, Saji tried to get some questions in,

"Now tell me, who are you and what business do you have with the Khaos Brigade?" Saji wanted information and that would also shed some light to why he noticed Rallen's sudden change in character and murderous attitude.

"Hehehehehehe! This is bullshit!" Rallen started to laugh uncontrollably as his tone was filled with joy when it shouldn't.

"Excuse me?" Saji sweatdropped.

"The likes of me being restrained by an incomplete user of Vritra it can't be real this is some shitty joke, isn't it?" Rallen continued laughing as his tone grew more aggressive, Saji's eyes widened as he felt a rising appearance of Rallen's green aura.

"What the fu-?" Saji couldn't finish as Rallen suddenly roared,

"I SAID ISN'T IT!" RALLEN roared as his aura only grew more in size and sharpness as the winds started to blow back Saji who lands on his belly and look up at the crazed man now standing.

"What is happening? Doesn't he know that won't do him any good at all?" Saji wanted to assure himself but the strange creeping fear rises up in his chest, "M-My hands."

Saji finds that his fingers, no, not just them his entire body was shaking.

"What is this? I know this was checkmate, but I feel scared even when he's held back, what could it be?" Saji grunts as he tries to keep on the ground as the pressure of aura threatened to send him flying.


Rallen starts to infuse more aura into the lines making them much more thicker and constricting to the point that it crushes his wrists and drawing blood by the pressure. The output of power was startling even with an Evil Dragon within a Sacred gear it shouldn't give off this much aura.



"What the-how did you!?"



*RIP!* *RIP!* *RIP!*

Saji lays down terrified at what is happening the lines were growing so much that they couldn't handle the immense power Rallen gave off, so they snapped free from the pressure of the aura it was put into.

"Hmhmhmhm!" Rallen, who just finished breaking free, removed the lines, "There that's much better."

Rallen's laughter filled the gymnasium as it brought the feeling of dread onto the remaining individual in it.

"I-Impossible, he has this much energy to overpower the lines which sapped all of his past energy?"

"Oho! You don't know, well, let me make this easier since I'm going to kill YOU!" Rallen disappears and reappears with his leg swung back, "I haven't been taking you seriously at all."





Saji was kicked off the ground and crashed into one of the remaining gym walls untouched by their fight. Falling onto the ground, Saji felt his whole body go numb as he was near or was possibly at his limit this entire fight he was giving it his all, but his all still wasn't good enough. Looking up at Rallen's silver eyes, Saji could feel intimidation leak off his stature.



With Rallen's foot now crushing his head Saji shouts out in pain as Rallen smirks in sadistic enjoyment.

"Yeah! Scream in pain, you sissy bitch, thinking you could stop me with a few shitty lines like this!" Rallen turned one of Saji's detached lines into ash with his flame covered hand.

Pissed off that Saji was even close to restraining him, Rallen puts more pressure into crushing Saji's skull to release his rage. Just the thought of being led into the palms of this boy's hands made him sick to his stomach that he almost wants to throw up.

"I don't know how, but you've actually pissed over my past good mood by trying to be a hero, so I'll make sure to have extra fun by making you scream for hell~!"


"So go on, cry and scream for help, even beg for me not to kill you! Let out those desperate wails to live!" Rallen continued to stomp on Saji's head as blood starts to go down his face from the stomps.

Continuing this Rallen had expected Saji to give in already and scream, but that didn't happen at all. Each time his foot stomped the devil, he wouldn't hear anything. No screaming, crying or even those pathetic gasps for air. It was just silence. Suspecting he was already dead, Rallen looked and saw Saji breathing deeply in control of his breath as he goes through the pain.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why aren't you screaming? This is supposed to be the best part, why aren't you crying in defeat?" Rallen shouted as he felt Saji slowly turn his head back to look at him.



"…!" Rallen gasps as he felt his spine chill over as something about Saji's eyes tipped him off. It wasn't special like that of a dragon's or that they changed color in fact they looked dark near the point of unconsciousness, but that still wasn't it, the issue was the message his eyes were giving.

"I-I won't give up…"

"…" Rallen stepped back as he started to feel himself actually felt worried for the first time, 'What the hell is wrong with me, no, what is up with this kid? I'm supposed to be stronger than him. He can't hope to defeat me with that little power of his, so how? How is he making me be, so hesitant?"

"N-gugh!" Saji tries to stand but falls once more before picking himself up again, "I-I w-won't give y-you any sat-tisfaction."

"What the hell? Why are you still trying to stand, you should know your place by now that you're going to die! So just lay on your back and admit defeat, you bastard!"

Rallen tried to discourage Saji, but that wasn't working for him at the slightest as Saji continued his struggle to stand. Rallen made an annoyed sound with his mouth as he started to sweat, just what was it about this guy that made pushing him to continue a losing fight?

"You think I'll just g-give up because you're strong?" Saji grunts as he tries once more to stand as blood starts to flow out of his wounds and drip down onto the floor, "Before I wanted to avoid a fight like this happening, but the possibility of that happening was 0%."

Finally able to push himself up on all fours, Saji starts to cough up some more blood to add to the slowly filling pool of it beneath him.

"I'd always thought that victory would be determined from a fight in the start of battle, but as I continued to watch him. I've been proven that I was wrong time and time again, and it took me up til now to realize it. So I decided if taking on any odds with no safe assurance in the process can take me far…"

Saji uses every muscle everything fiber of his being just to stand up. He needs to do this to protect everyone whose lives are in danger. He needs to make sure the Kaichou's nephew wouldn't get harmed any more by this guy. Even if he can't throw a punch, fire a devastating attack or even think his way out. There was only one thing he had going through his head and that was,

"Then I'll use everything in my power to win, even if I die." Saji slowly raises his head as his eyes glared at Grendel with a burning dying vigor to keep going, "I don't care if you're stronger than me, or faster than me because either way I won't lose!"

Now it was so apparent why Rallen felt fear from this powerless boy who could barely stand it wasn't him trying to act tough and it certainly wasn't because he wanted to end his life to end the pain. It was because of his Strong Will to win and that strong will has always been a pain in the ass for "him" in the past against that damned "human warrior".

Rallen gritted his teeth in frustration, he really wanted to end this fight but he couldn't bring himself to move. He was being really hesitant and couldn't force himself to just kill the devil in one blow.

"So come at me you, monster! I'll kill you, and take you with me if that means I'll win!" Saji shouts with passion as he held his unstable stance against Rallen.

"Grrr!" Biting his lip to draw blood Rallen stirs himself back to reality and growls, "You DAMN BRAAAAAAAAAT DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING LOOK DOWN ON ME!"


Raising his aura to an intense degree Rallen covers his entire body in the power and charges at Saji with his fist cocked back. He intended to end this with a single blow, he thought this would frighten the boy, but Saji still stood motionlessly as he glared at Rallen with those unwavering eyes of spirit.



The aura was now crushing the ground around them once the pressure exerted itself, but Saji still stood through the intense pressure still glaring at his enemy.

Gaining closer distance Rallen was now close enough to kill Saji with his single blow as it was now mere inches from his face.


The punch was shot forward and Saji's fate was sealed.

"And here is when I step in." A voice chuckled.



Suddenly a finger went to stop Rallen's punch as…


Filling the gym was another explosion which threatened to shake the entire building down off its moorings. As the smoke settles, Rallen slowly opens his eyes, he could only see the smoke of his attack ahead of him as he wondered who just said those words.

Then as he focuses his senses he starts to jerk back a little too late as the butt of a red staff taps him on the forehead once and draws back which confuses Rallen.

"What the fu-!"


"Urhg! Uchk!"


Rallen then felt the dormant pressure the staff placed on him without his knowing as he was sent tumbling back and crashing into a wall. The pressure was strong enough to cause Rallen to vomit blood from his mouth as some came out his ears in the process.

"Shishishishi! It looks like so many interesting things have been going on here while I was away." A figure laughed as he slammed his red staff into the ground.

"Grgh!" Rallen gripped his head in pain as he growled and glared at his opponent,

"Whoever you are, you're asking for a death wish!" Rallen growled with seething anger.

"Oh, really now? I'm sorry, but if I wanted to ask for a death wish…" The smoke cleared to reveal a smiling Kai wearing a black and gold dragon designed tangzhuang shirt and pants with martial arts shoes as his former clothing was destroyed in his past fight.

"I'd certainly would not be going to you for that favor." Kai finished his insult with a grin.

"Why you…!" Rallen growled in anger.

"You know if you keep making that face it'll stay stuck like that!" Kai teased and rubbed the back of his head and mocked Rallen.

"You! Tell me, who the hell are you!?" Rallen demanded.

"Okay, but first I need to do something real quick, so be patient okay?" Kai waved his hand before he turns around to face Saji, who stood in place not even reacting to Kai's appearance.

"BE PATIENT!" Propelling himself towards Kai with his fist cocked back with an insane amount of aura Rallen shouts, "Just WHO the hell do you think you're talking too!?"


Opening his eyes, Rallen gasps to see his target dodged his attack and was missing.

"Well I do know that you're Grendel-san, am I correct, and it appears your inhabiting a human body and sharing it with a soul, so nice to meet you." Kai said from behind and above the now proven to be possessed Rallen.

"When did you and how did you-?"

Rallen whips his head back to see Kai with his legs swung slightly back.

"It's not hard to tell this strange feeling I get from your chi as I sense two clashing souls within that body, but beside the point because still even if you're a well-known Evil Dragon remember this," Kai slowly opens his eyes to reveal a pair of cold brown eyes, "If you get on my bad side... I'll rip your heart out!"



Imbuing his leg with a little Touki to increase the speed of his leg, Kai was able to send Rallen flying with just his base strength as the blonde man crashed into the ground a couple of times before stopping upon impact to create a large crater with the force of falling.

"Huuack!" Rallen coughs a large amount of blood out of his mouth.

"And now back to you, Saji-kun." Kai waved to get Saji's attention only to smile and realize, "You did your best, and you may just be entertaining to keep around after all."

It was revealed that Saji was still standing with dull eyes as he wasn't even conscious anymore.

"I'll make sure to keep you around, it's still too early for someone of your potential to die now, you just may come of use to me and someone who's really lazy in the future, so I'll make sure to keep you safe. Oh, and thank you, for taking care of Shura, bye-bye." Kai poked Saji's forehead and said, "Boop."


Saji's body fell limply.

"But for now, I'll handle this man before helping the others outside with their "problem"." Kai grimaced at the thought of facing what he had hoped he wouldn't be who he thought it was.





Taking note of the furious Rallen, who yet again charged at him with another aura filled fist. Kai simply thrusts his palm out and set out a strong pulse of Touki which created an air pressure to push back the possessed man. Yet again it was enough force to make another large amount of blood splatter out from Rallen's mouth.

"So I'll make this quick and help the old Crow-Ossan when I'm done, I still do owe him that debt." Kai's smile slowly changed to a more serious face as he closed his eyes, "Now to hurry before I sense Michael-san gain distance to that fight."

(With Michael)

*PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!*

"Why isn't anyone stopping this!?" Michael cried as the mages still kept firing their magic bullets at Michael's feet as Rias and Koneko sighed tiredly while Gasper simply looks at Michael with teary eyes. As Gasper started to believe it was his fault that all of this misfortune was happening.

Watching all of this from a close window was a black cat purring as one of its yellow luminescent eyes gleamed with mischief as it looked up in the air to see a bored Vali in armor dealing with mages with minimal effort.

Looking at the cat himself Vali nods as he repeats to himself, 'Patience, it's almost time. It will happen in due time.'

(With Kiba)

*GIN!* *GIN!*





Going in at Drayfus, Kiba uses a few quick tricks with his speed to try and trip up Drayfus, who blocked the two swings of the Holy-Demonic sword with his katana easily breaking the sword with less effort than before. Then proceeds to slamming the bottom of his hand guard into Kiba's chest.

"Ack!" Kiba coughs as he tumbles back to stop himself just in time.

Panting on a knee, Kiba is seen holding his now half broken sword of many as the other Holy-Demonic swords failed to get past Drayfus' inhuman attacks. The devil descendant's attacks were relentless after he had taken on a powerful transformation as a dark purple cloak of dense aura surrounds his body in the shape of a western dragon.

Kiba realized that blade, Drayfus carried which he named, Yami no Ryu, was devouring his energy each time it lands a cut even if it was a small one Kiba felt sapped of his power if the new gashes on his legs and shoulders were any indication. This only proved useful to Drayfus as he "devours" the power and strengthens himself.

"It seems things have gotten more difficult." Still keeping himself together Kiba stands up and faces the approaching Drayfus whose urge to kill only rose by the second.

"Each minute your alive is another minute you tarnish my pride you damn, fake devil!" Drayfus launched himself at Kiba and swings his sword with enough strength to create a massive shockwave, "DIE, Evil Shadow Eagle!"




Kiba grunts as he is forced to use a regular demon sword after he exhausted his time in his balance breaker state. But with his exhaustion getting the better of him and his regular demon swords being much weaker than his holy-demonic swords it would be very difficult to see him getting out of the attack unharmed.



"A-Almost, if I could jus-!"




Kiba starts to push back the attack with his remaining strength only to lose his footing and concentration as the shockwave breaks through his blade and…



Cuts against Kiba's upper body releasing a terrifying amount of blood from the deep wound. Once the attack ended, Kiba was still seen as one whole instead of being cut in half by the attack. If it were any ordinary devil, it would mean their instant death. But fortunately for Kib,a he was much skilled then the ordinary devil.

Falling to one knee, Kiba coughs out more spurts of blood as his right horizontal scar was till embedded onto his chest as blood oozed out of it. The wound felt like it cut through his entire inner body and perhaps his spirit with the force of sheer power.


'Gugh! Argh! The wound is too deep and I made sure to use all of my demonic power to form a protective defense across my upper body, and yet, it only helped me keep my life.' Kiba then looks to see his broken sword's blade has crumble away as he lost focus in maintaining its form through all the pain.

"Darn, I can't maintain it…" Kiba pants heavily as he slowly loses his strength.

Having a shadow tower over him, Kiba looks up to see Drayfus looking down at him with a no nonsense expression. He was very serious when he said he would kill this fake devil and means to do great harm if given the slightest chance.

"Your still alive, impressive, most would have died from that and yet, you took the whole thing and can still breathe as a single whole." Drayfus readies his katana and clicked his tongue, "But you still won't get any respect from me, because after what you have done. I will not be satisfied until you are wiped off the face of this world you fake trash!"

"Ngh!" Kiba grits his teeth as he struggles to dodge.

Drayfus exploded in rage as he points his katana down at Kiba who grunts and tries to move but his body won't allow it due to the pain.

'Come on, I can't die here! Move body! Move!' Kiba closes his eyes.

"Now rot in hell and send the God of the Underworld my regards!" Drayfus thrusts his sword aiming to impale Kiba's head. It looked to be Kiba's last moment until a shadow appeared from the ground and stabbed itself with a large,



The shadow created a large RUMBLE which shook both Drayfus and Kiba to where Drayfus and to regain his balance which gave Kiba time to swallow what's left of his energy to gain distance. Once the trembling stopped Drayfus snarled and looked back to see a single European sword with a black/gold blade emitting vast amounts of potent power.

"That blade then that bastard's-!" Drayfus' eyes narrowed until the sword's golden blade flashed and blinded everyone.


Opening their eyes, Kiba and Drayfus looks up to the sky to see a mixture of gold and black in a massive barrier surrounding the entire forest they are in.

'A barrier? Who made this?' Kiba looked back and forth before seeing a magic circle appear before him, transporting someone to his location.

"So we meet again, you powerless mongrel." A voice sighed from within the magic circle.


Coming through the circle was a cross-armed Zethyr, who wore a new cleaner black suit with a white tie. The devil looked at Drayfus to notice the descendant's stare full of hatred towards him.

"Zethyr the "Dawn Lucifer" you bastard…" Drayfus' tone was low and threatening.

'The "Dawn Lucifer"? Really, he's one of the few Devil descendants, who swallowed their pride and joined with the New Maou Faction, he even has the rank of being the strongest swordsman in the Underworld before even my Master. I heard he's the advisor for Beelzebub-sama. Why is he and why does he looks familiar?' Kiba looks closely at Zethyr's appearance and tries to assimilate it to someone he once saw.

Growing an excited grin which looked twisted from someone else's perspective Drayfus points his katana at Zethyr and laughs,

"Finally, I can settle things with you and finally take back my beloved Kate-chan! Zethyr Lucifer it is time for you to die!" Drayfus proclaimed.

Shaking his head at Drayfus' challenge, Zethyr remarked,

"Still as improper as ever."

"Grr…!" Drayfus growled.

Zethyr closed his eyes as he just wanted to deal with this matter before "someone" analyzes the sudden presence of two newcomers through the barrier around the school. And that "someone" will be focused on him so he try to overdo it and reveal himself.

Taking a glance back, Zethyr notices a wounded Kiba and says, "What a pitiful sight, a knight wounded and on their last peg when they display such pitiful use of their weapon. How saddening."

Taking that to heart, Kiba lowered his eyes after having been negatively viewed at by one of the best swordsman in the world.

Turning his view forward at Drayfus, Zethyr sighs, "But it was my fault for not arriving to the meeting I set up for you, so I'll fight this battle on your behalf, so I won't be ashamed of not keeping my word."



Raising his head, Kiba looks up to see two regular sized magic portals both black and gold create a blade made from pure Demonic power which seemed much denser and destructive than any sword he could create.

As the gold magic circle creates a blade which let off a Holy power kind of vibe but this holy power was stronger and more powerful, it felt as though the Holy Power belonged to a higher being.

Catching Kiba's admiring stare of his power, Zethyr says, "If you don't want to be erased or killed stay back."

Walking forward to face Drayfus, Zethyr point's two of his fingers forward and released both blades from their portals to levitate on both his sides.

"Now shall we?" Zethyr beckons for Drayfus to come at him.

"I've been waiting for THIIIIS!" Drayfus roared as he swings back his katana to cleave Zethyr in half.

Next Chapter- Come on, Gasper, be a MAN! The Calvary arrives as the beginning of the Destined Fight commences!

Thanks for reading you guys, and I hoped you enjoyed the chapter!

I'm Out so Peace Out!

Retribrutuscreators' thoughts