
High school Dxd:New student

I am extremely bored the only reason I’m writing this is cause I got too much free time so yk plus I thought it would be fun The Mc is Ammar he’s a new student in kuoh Academy a reincarnation from earth The MC Ammar will look like Soloman from Fate but shorter hair and light brown eyes ~Regardless I’m just having fun, English isn’t my first language, this is my first novel thus bare with me

Key_Tye · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter one

The echoing sound of meat against flesh was the only thing besides the occasional grunt of pain that could be heard in the small, dusty room, Two men one taller one smaller exchanged a fast-Paced Exchange of blows, Each hit was bolded by the sound of hard flesh bone and skin making contact with flesh bone and skin,The smell of sweat and blood filled the room with an aura of sheer desperation, A desperate desire to win against the other.

The grim dusty room and ring only illuminated by a dim cold white light, The sound of flesh hitting flesh resounded throughout the room till eventually, till finally, the smaller of the two landed a sharp lethal hook to the liver of the taller man, the hook embodied all of the man's desperate desires to win, To finally beat this brat, That one hook represented all his strength.

The taller of the two men howled in pain as he kneeled over, he couldn't breathe, He grasping for breath gave up knowing he had lost his fight.

The smaller of the two sighed in relief and throw the gloves to the side, sitting down on the cold surface of the ring,which was partially covered in his and his blood.

The winner said softly his voice slightly scratchy and labored,as he gasped for breath

"That…that wasn't bad Ammar…For a brat who has only trained for a short six months…not bad at all"

Ammar replied also gasping for breath, His light brown skin having a sheen of sweat from the previous battle He said with difficulty and pride "Yeah…Avan you suck, not gonna lie" He snickered to himself "How long you been training just for a brat to-"

He is cut off by Avan slapping him over the head playfully "Watch your mouth Without this old man's permission and kindness your broke ass wouldn't even be here" Ammar protested his words of "broke" saying "Let's be honest buddy" he put his hand on Avan's back saying with a smirk "You're training gym sucks that's why you let me in with no fee"Avan didn't reply just throwing a glove at him.

"Kill yourself" Avan said with seriousness deep within his voice and eyes, if Ammar didn't know this old bastard any better he would've thought he actually meant it.

"I'll do that when you actually make some money and quit smoking old man" Ammar said grinning as he slowly got up as did Avan they both,still arguing walked out the room and into the front of their home.

Ammar was adopted by Avan, as his legal grandfather, even till this day Ammar wondered what the hell CPS was thinking giving Avan a child to take care of.

(——————A couple hours later————)

Ammar whistled a soft tune, talking small paced steps to kuoh academy the old man had said it would be good to see, as he said "culture of japan" though Ammar knew it was just an excuse so Avan could have the house to himself to drink till his nuts dried, 'He's probably did already'

A annoyed look in his eyes thinking to himself "Dumb old bastard…How dare he how dare he cut my precious locks of moonlit hair" Ammar sighed, Avan had cut his long hair saying "It looked too girly" Thus Ammar was rocking a undercut his hair was naturally wavy/curly so it wasn't horrible, regardless he still longed for his longer hair back.

Ammar sighed again, He felt a headache coming on, this new school was previously an all girls school, he had also Heard about this school being quite degenerate, plus the fact he really would rather just stay home and beat the shit out of Avan.

As he walked through the academy doors, Immediately all eyes were on him Ammar didn't at all look Japanese, That was obvious.

Messy silver hair, extremely light almost golden Brown eyes, Light brown skin tone etc plus the fact he had some small scars on his face, A small almost unnoticeable knife cut on top lip, A little cut on his chin and one more the left side of his face.

Ammar looked completely out of place especially his outfit, since he was a lazy bastard He didn't wear the school uniform rather he opted for, A black shirt short sleeved by the way which revealed his black tattoo marking on his arm and forearm, black baggy martial art pants white shoes.

The girls of kuoh academy did a 'Oooh' with their mouths, immediately attracted to him.

The boys of kuoh were less then pleased some muttering something about "great…first kiba now this Jack Frost lookalike" Ammar took particular offense to that.

He ignored the former not the latter which he threw a quick glare at, walking to his first class lazily, The old man gave him his schedule, of course he didn't give a fuck though all he knew was "Math" class was first.

(—————Math class————-)

"and that students would be blah blah blah" Said a mature women with deep purple eyes staring at her class, She felt her eyes twitch, three of her students were sleeping, another two were flirting and barely anyone was paying attention.

The teacher Ms.Shiki sighed, she felt a headache coming along again.

'Oh well…whatever not my problem if they all fail' she went back to teaching regardless if the students were paying attention or not, She had thought she was going to get a new student today but it seemed like…not?

Ms.Shiki looked to the side as the door to her right opened and a young man walked in.

Shiki's first thought of Ammar was "Lazy" she knew his type immediately, She pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind, as she looked to her students who all had wide eyes and surprised expression, a new student and a foreign one at that.

The girls in class had the exact same reaction as the girls at the gates of the academy the boys were also exactly the same, Issei in particular, wasn't very happy as he saw even his idle, Rias gremory looking at the new student with appraising eyes.

Issei sighed staring at Ammar with a eye roll 'great first we had kiba now we have this dude' Ammar noticed issei's eyeroll but didn't care, he looked at the class noticing some key figures well looked like key figures before saying "Hello everyone My name Is Ammar it is a pleasure to meet all of you".

"Does anybody have any questions for our new student Ammar?" Ms shiki said quizzically, One after another hand was raised but only three questions were asked

A pretty girl in the back said with a smile "It's nice to meet you too Ammar but my question is your name is of Arabic origin are you Arab?" She said a bit anxious but also excited.

"yeah I'm part Arab afghan etc I moved with my old man to japan for some fun you know?" The students nodded excitedly well only the girls, Ammar picked another person, She was beautiful long red hair blue eyes.

Rias said with a smile on her lips "Ammar what're are those scars from?" She referred to the small scars on his face, which were pretty hard to notice unless one was paying close attention, That upset Issei even more.

"oh these?" Ammar said smiling his eyes filled with amusement and a hint of embarrassment, his scars weren't noticeable unless you looked at him extremely hard which Rias seemed to do, "I had received them from my martial arts training, I used to do wrestling but moved onto MMA or mixed martial arts, Any other questions?"

Finally another girl raised her hand, she had long purple hair purple eyes and extremely beautiful, her voice a teasing and playful melody "Ammar are you single?" Ammar chuckled and said without missing a beat "Yes I am" The girls were quite excited, Akeno especially she just found herself another person to tease.

Ammar was given the seat in the very back row, thankfully not the dreaded window seat, He sat next to Rias and akeno, a position which drew envy from the boys to him and a jealousy from girls to them.

Ammar didn't bother with the lesson to him all this was a farce and he would leave back home (Saudi Arabia) In a bit with the old man, He's eyes glazed over as he used a pair of books as pillows slowly drifting off to sleep.

He quickly fell asleep, The old man did a number on him, a couple hours back in their sparing session, he was sore all over, thankfully he had wrapped his hands thus nobody knew how bloody they were.

Akeno noticed immediately and giggled, a teasing light in her eyes, She had decided she would give him a nice surprise, She gave Rias a glance who was also looking towards her, Today was a particularly boring day so why not have some fun?

She leaned over to the side getting near Ammar whose head was buried in his books, Sleeping, She snickered to herself and blowed air into his ear.

Ammar woke up with a jolt falling over onto his ass he yelped like a girl falling on top of Rias, He reacted as best as he could, putting his arm behind rias's head so she didn't hurt herself though….the positioning was extremely awkward.

Ammar could physically feel his face heating up as he tried to change positions 'SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK' his thoughts were jumbled as his and Rias's face were mere inches apart.

The entire class looked on with wide eyes the girls and some boys looking at Rias in jealousy and the boys looking at Ammar with hatred.

Almost the entire class was snickering in disbelief,As Akeno the perpetrator behind this whole situation was laughing like crazy in the Corner.

:Critique my work grammar etc, I would love it if someone could help with the directions in which this story should take, Oh and no harem that's just a no for me even if I am asked to, it would also be in my best interests to make this a dark story later down the line but I just would like your opinions