
High school dxd God system

This story follows the story of Ren A young adult of 18 years old, who dies wronged by God and gets reincarnated in the World of dxd , we will see how his adventure as he fights strong people and gets A LOT OF WAIFUS. Sorry if my English is bad, this story is just a hobby of Mine is My first time writing something like fanfiction and it fun and also hard. Respect for the other who wrote a long story.

Daoinfinitydream · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

chapter 15

POV Rias

Today was supposed to be the days, I enjoyed most as rael was supposed to come for my training but before I was invited by my friend sona to see her, so I just go, as I thought that I would not be late for the training.

When I recall my first meeting with rael, I could not but laugh as I was filled with prejudice because he didn't have his family power

I was spoiled all my childhood by the adult who was fascinated by my power of destruction, all adult was praising my power of destruction and was rejecting people without power of their clan.

It for that, I was extremely rude to rael, and even after I could not see myself the heir of the gremory clan become more friendly to someone like that, and when I learned that my father asked rael to become my instructor I was really angry.

I was even determined to complain to my parent for him to quit if he was not at the level.

On the first day of training, I was extremely tired, I even fainted from all of the training, like that the training also proceeded, rael could also train after he finishes to instruct me.

Rael's training was even harder, I could see him also being tired sometimes but even like that he could clench his jaw and continued, his determination was really beautiful, so much that I even started to accept him and admire him.

Rael could always treat me well, the time he could also become angry with me and scold me, it was a strange feeling as all people of the mansion were good to me but never scold me, even my family.

One time when I asked him about how he become strong, his response was so sincere, it was extremely handsome.

After that I finally was able to open to him, I wanted to be praised by him and I wanted to become more even closer to him.

Coming to my sense, I exited the sitri mansion and was going back home just I approached the border between the two territories, I ear a loud sound and begin to hear people shouting.

I was totally surprised and before I could understand what was happening I was knocked out.

When I regained my sense all the thing I could see was darkness, before ear I footsteps.

I immediately stand up and shouted "what are you doing?, I am the heiress of the gremory houses!!!!, my family will not let you off? " trying to frighten them, reassuring myself that after hearing his they will let me go.

The only response I ear was laughter, laugher at my stupidity and before I could comprehend something I was sensed a hand coming toward me at incredible speed slapping me across the face.

When the blindfold turned a little I see a man wearing a black mark and all in black, smiling in ridicule at me "I know who you are but so what? , it your family that I have hatred for you, your brother who participate in war and now become a hero if was not for him and the other satan we could have control the world by now" while laughing with a sinister smile on his face.

Rias seeing the state of mind of the person instantly understands that for him who she was no important and that his revenge was the only thing for him.

I am so stupid, of course, people at the grudge against my family would not come directly at them as they were too powerful, but they can use the weakest against them while thinking I was filled with regret.

As I recalled as rael told me that I have to become more strong for my dream, as I was thinking the person continued to beat me a few times while cursing.

The only thing I could think about was my family and rael at this moment, it like a nightmare, I was only hoping that my brother would come to rescue me as I was thinking I ear the footstep of someone entering the room, I directly before afraid thinking that it the scary person.

As I was waiting for him to beat me, I feel a hand poking my forehead and a voice a wanted to hear the most as I lifted my head I see rael, at his moment in my head it impossible for rael to be here but his familiar habit and voice.

I immediately rose from the ground and dashed in his arm, he immediately comforted me.

after explaining the situation he carried me in his arm, while in his arm I feel in most security and just wanted to stay beside his person forever.

As I was dreaming of the future with a red face who fortunately rael didn't see, we ear a loud angry voice and a person approaching us, just I was pale and thinking about the worst rael created a portal and explaining to me and tearing me that it okay and before he gently pushed in the portal.

His face at that moment and his posture will be a moment for me that I will never forget.

POV Rias

Rael who send rias turned to face his enemy who was coming at full forces at him based on his magic divine sense he could sense that it was more like he has obtained this power from a forbidding technique or medicine.

So he was at the ultimate and not at the same time, thinking about his rael immediately charged to at the enemy.

Rael arrived and the opponent arrived fast at each other and without even stopping.

Rael dodged his opponent first who come smashing at him in the face and chopped at eniel with all his strength.

Eniel blocked his attack and take the advantage of the cut to approach rael sending him a kick pushing him a few meters.

Rael twisted himself in the air and landed safely on the ground and immediately covered his saber in blue fire.

After he instantly appeared at the side of eniel and sliced at the neck of his opponent, who have to sidestep to avoid but not completely as his shoulder was injured in the process.

As eniel was prepared to counter-attack the blue fire on he sees his wounds flickered taking all his hands, he immediately becomes shocked as he didn't even sense the flame taking his arm.

he immediately thought that if he didn't see the flame glowing, he would have vanished without a trace, it made him tremble in terror.

Rael didn't even have a small amount of pity for him, he continued to immerse himself in battle and even taking a second saber, while eniel take a short black spear.

The two people kept smashing their weapons against each other, their weapons producing an ear-piercing metallic sound every time their weapons made contact with each other.

Rael released 2 cyclones of blade light, the two cyclones were ten meters and were in a dangerous red glow, you could even hear faint hellish cries.

Eniel didn't have the time to dodge even with his spend and was immediately send into the cyclones, when he reappeared he was completely covered in cuts blood flowing from his wound.

The only thing on his mind was the hellish cries and the cyclones of red blood light surrendering him of all place, slicing at him from all direction without him being able to defend himself.

As he opened his mouth wanting to ask something, the only thing that that flow was more of his blood, and his body without forces dropped on the ground.

Rael was him was better but his energies were emptied, he didn't think that his blade technique was so powerful that it sucks all his energies just for the first move after rael sensed that his opponent's life was truly dead.

Rael turned and begin to walks thinking about it time for him to return home, but he didn't take three-step when he sees that the ground was nearer than he thought and immediately his vision become dark, just as he was losing conscience he seemed to hear faints voice and sobbing approaching.