
High school dreams:The Rule of the Elite

it’s a sensation to read, I can assure you. An elite is reincarnated as a low class with dissociative identity disorder and is forced to live under the class and social stratifications he and the other past elites created. his second identity faces a hard time in school as he passes through love and friendships. this innocent boy would find that he would keep reincarnating until he can bring the world to order and stop the rule of the elite. how else to do this than to become an elite again? he later has an encounter with the current elites and he falls into another conspiracy. the new elites are even more cruel than their predecessors. they plan to unite the world under one dangerous religion; THE ELITE RELIGION

Krystal_george · História
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs


Asher patted him gently. Stand up, your prayers has been heard. To reward you for your pure and humble soul, Almighty has decided to hand the Florin empire into your hands.

Thank you almighty. Adonis prayed softly.

You're free to go now, but make sure to return when the king of the Florin empire is dead, you will be given certain weapon with which to conquer your brothers and seize the empire. Asher spoke self righteously.

Watching Adonis and his escorts leave through desert-like place, Asher smiled heartily. This went off without a hitch!

The six kids rearranged their seats into their normal sitting pattern.

Julius addressed them. This went off perfectly. But I'm sure we won't end here, what's the next plan, Brains?

Asher paused a bit, seemingly thinking. He didn't answer the question directly. Instead he spoke to Quin Shin who was already feeling uneasy. Bearer, can you spread word to the sodarian empire?

Quin Shin nodded quietly.

Asher turned to Julius. The next target is the first rince of the sodar empire, he is currently almost an outcast because of his strange sickness.

Cyrus's eye widened. You don't mean..?

Alexander smiled. I love this guy! of all the princes to choose, you just had to choose...

A big smile played on Hammurabi's lips as he completed the missing word. You just had to choose...Prince Constantine, The Royal lunatic.

Asher smiled at his friends, Quickest wits. I looked into constatine's case, and from his medical records, I found out that his problem is a simple case of phobia.

Alexander's smile widened. What's phobia?

Asher sighed. Phobia means fear. It is a type of deadly fear that is caused by nothing. You just get scared of something; It could be a stone, it could be a house, it could be the sand.

Quin Shin knew that his uneasiness and silence would be noticed quickly because it was very much unlike him. Knowing this, Quin Shin decided to say something. Really? what's the crybaby scared of?

The darkness.

The room went silent hearing what Aser said. No one spoke so Asher continued.

It's simple, Constantine has Nyctophobia, Which is the fear of darkness.

Cyrus tapped his finger repeatedly on the desk. Yes! Yes! The palace of the sodarian empire is structured in a way that makes most places in the palace dark.

Asher smiled. Due to this, Constantine is always in the dark and this makes him uneasy, making him lack focus. So he loses sleep, gets fatigued, crys a lot and passes out frequently.

Julius nodded his head. And how do you intend to help him to overcome this barrier?

Asher had a face that was devoid of all jokes. With Almighty of course

This answer struck deeply into Quin Shin. This was his deepest fears and Asher was about to make them a reality.

Quin Shin stared at him. Emm...I think you meant, With Hypnotherapy of course!

Hammurabi placed his hand on Quin's shoulder. Bro, We need to believe in our own stuff to make it work, else, we wouldn't get the essence.

Quin Shin laughed nervously. That's the point! Let's not get lost in the essence, it's a fake essence so let's not believe in it, lest we become like Adonis. If we continue this way, we might really start believing it to be real!

Quin Shin looked at the other kids to see if anyone was getting his point. But unfortunately, He was alone in his idea.

You all saw the instant changes in Adonis the moment he truly believed in Al...

And since when did you become such a softie? Huh!? Julius Caesar hollered at Quin Shin.

Quin Shin was getting the cold feet. I've not become a softie, I'm just trying to say that we souldn't get immersed in this, else, the Hypnosis might actually get us. Quin Shin turned to Asher. You said it yourself, when the Hypnosis reaches a particular stage, it starts to hypnotize people on it's own, so let's make sure we don't get hypnotized without knowing it.

Alexander waved his hand dismissively. Discard that.

Quin Shin was shocked. He worked with the smartest people in the world, but this was the best their brain could do? He was regarded as the most foolish one in their midst, but maybe he was actually the smartest.

Quin Shin turned to Asher again. Asher, You get me right? Say something!

Asher was quiet, he was seemingly thinking.

The invisible Asher who transcended here felt a weird sensation. The world around him went dark, then it suddenly lit up again.

He felt a strange connection to Asher and he could hear Asher's voice. But Asher was not talking and the rest of the kids were also silent. Each of them were immersed in their own thoughts.

Am I hearing his thoughts?

Realizing that he might actually be hearing his namesake's thoughts, Asher paid keener attention to what his namesake was thinking.

Tch! I didn't think Quin would be so smart. Out of everyone in this room, It's that little chinese that caught onto my plan so fast. I just hope Quin doesn't alert them. he had better not ruin my master plan, I will ceize total control of the elite and nothng is going to stop me.

Asher was bewildered. How could this overly-schming young boy be his namesake?

Something told him that Asher was more than a boy who bore he same name with him but he refused to accept it.

The elite planned to ceize control of the flow of the world, and Asher planned to take over the elite. After Hypntizing the world, Asher planned to slowly hypnotize the elite in a way that would make believe in a lie that they all created together.

Asher raised his head to look at Quin shin. Nah, Quin-Chan. I really don't get you.

Asher stood up and continued speaking. Give it a rest, you're not making sense.

Quin Shin stood up angrily and charged at Asher. He immediately grabbed Asher by the collar and shouted at him.

Have you been hypnotized by hypnosis already? can't you think anymore!?

As Quin Shin spoke, He shook Asher vigorously.

Asher's veil fell off.

The five kids immediately turned their heads away so they wouldn't see Asher's face.

Asher bent down and picked his veil. His face wasn't left naked for long, but it was enough for his namesake to see.

I guess the meeting is adjourned. Asher put on his wingsuit and jumped out of the window.

Julius and everyone stared at Quin Shin. Quin, Just do something like that again and I'll be forced to look for a new bearer. Don't make me expel the old tree.

With that, The meeting officially adjourned and everyone except Quin Shin jumped off the window.

Asher was still confused. How did that happen? He had the dame scar on his chin, he had the same birthmark on his lip. That kid bore not only his name, but his face too?