
High: school drama

Mary isn't your typical teenager or your cliche female lead. She is sassy and rich, hot headed and daring. She transferred to Lekki High school when her family moved to Lagos State. Unlike her other school where she was the queen, in Lekki high there are queens too and ones who wouldn't give up their spot. Then bring in a sassy, rude, handsome, intelligent and obnoxious male lead; Dean. Dean is the typical example of a bad good high school boy who knows when to act crazy and when not to. Mary and Dean first meet isn't a nice one but a fight for apology one, with no one backing out and the competition of power, there are more exciting tale ahead of them. Mary isn't your typical teenager or your cliche female lead. She is sassy and rich, hot headed and daring. She transferred to Lekki High school when her family moved to Lagos State. Unlike her other school where she was the queen, in Lekki high there are queens too and ones who wouldn't give up their spot. Then bri

DaoistpaI7jP · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Chapter 23

Mary walked into the school with a sweet smile on her face. Waving and greetimg anyone that approached her. People gave her a weird look while other whispered as she passed.

Did something happen?

Why is she acting this way?

Is this another new drama?

Shoo...I've never seen her smile so genuinely before.

Mary kept walking with her smile intact as she passed the whispering students. She acted as though she didn't hear them. It was as though she wanted to keep all the bad energy away.

She reached the staircase and bumped into someone causing their books to spill.

"Can't you see where you are going?" A high pitched female voice screamed at her.

"Oh my God. I'm so so sorry! I didn't see you there." she quickly apologized as she bent down to pick the person's books.

She nearly picked them up and rose to her feet. "When you are blinded by your stupidity hiw will you see?" Diane yelled as they came face to face.

"Sorry". Mary apologized with blank face and held out Diane's books to her.

Diane glares at her and slapped the book out of her hands. "Do you think your stupid apology will change anything? You ruined my fucking books! You made my book dusty and infected them with your germ infested body!" Diane spat out.

She was red in the face and Mary stared at her with not a single emotion on her face as she ranted.

"What are you looking at? Won't you say something?" Diane asked with an enraged look. It annoyed her to no ends that her plan to rile up Mary is not working.she was staring at her at though she wasn't screaming her lungs out and that ignited a fire inside her.

"What do you expect a sensible human to say to a barking dog? Exchanging insults is a cheap move that only low life's use and I'm very sure you know I'm not a low life like you. So kindly walk away to your group of dogs" Mary calmly said.

Diane stared at her in fury. Her body was vibrating with the need to ritaliate the insult and hurt Mary in so many ways.

She slowly raised her hand and slapped Mary square in the face. She glared at her disdain and watched as her eyes widened when she felt the impact of the slap and brought her hand to her cheek.

"Did you just slap me?" Mary asked

"Yes and I'll slap your stupid mouth again and again till you learn to keep it in check" Diane answered with a smirk.

Mary nodded as she looked at their surrounding. She smiled when she saw the whole staircase was empty.

She quickly raised her hand and gave Diane four resounding slaps on both her cheeks. Diane stared at her with red rimmed eyes, mouth hanging open and both hands on her cheeks.

"This one is small. The next time you ever try to raise your hands to me. I'll forget all about being decent and put you in your place. Don't tempt me!" Mary warned as she walked away.

She got to her classroom and found it empty. She got to her seat and what she saw destroyed her mood completely.

Her seat was covered with grinded charcoal. She felt like yelling to no one in particular.

She was annoyed and frustrated. She has no idea why she couldn't just have a peaceful day in the hell hole called school. If it wasn't Diane and her wannabe minnions it was Dean and his stupidity. It was always from one problem to another and she was starting to lose the little control she had.

She tightly held her bag strap as she brought her hand to her mouth and slowly started chewing and biting her nails. It was something she did when she was extremely angry, worried or nervous. She walked out of the class still biting her nails.

"Who would have known that the queen is secretly a baby?" Deans voice brought her out of her thoughts.

"See, I don't have the patience to keep up with your nonsense so just leave" she calmly said

"The baby knows how you talk how adorably annoying" Dean scoffed.

Mary gave him a blank look as she rolled her eyes at his antics.

"How can something be adorably annoying? Do you attend english class?" She snapped

"Do I look like your dictionary or google?" He asked with a smirk.

Her eyes twitched as anmoyance built up in her the more she stared at him.

"God! Why did you allow me to be transferred into this school that has nothing but brainless idiots" Mary said with her eyes looking up.

"Because you never willingly prepare for church!" Was what Mary heard before a cup of freezing water was poured on her.

"Jesus christ!" She yelled as she jumped off the bed landing on the carpeted floor tangled up in her bedsheets, as she felt cold water being sprinkled on her face.

"It is only when something happens that you know jesus christ *hiss* you better get up and start getting ready for church." Her mother said grumpilly. She was in her red silk night gown.

Mary groaned as she placed her hands on the bed and slowly dragged herself up. She got on her feet and took a sep forward only to land by her mothers feet.

"So you can't see the blanket wrapped around your feet abi? Stay there and be lazing around ooo...But when it's time for me to go to church I'll drag you along even if you are only wearing pants and bra" Bukky said as she placed the glass back on the bedside drawer and walked out of the room.

"Arrrrghhhh!" Mary screamed in frustration.

"Why can't we just attend the second service? Every sunday someone will be waking up early in morning" Mary grumbled under her breath as she walked to her to the bathroom.