
High King of the Rivers

born after the awakening of the elves but before being forc.... found and taken to Valinor this is the tale of the first and only High King of the 4th clan the Cantëayr King Of The Rivers one of the first of elves in Middle-earth and with the Valar. (I OWN NOTHING FROM THE WORKS CREATED BY JRR TOLKIEN OR THE 6 MOVIES I ONLY CLAIM MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS)

Nerdy_stoner · Livros e literatura
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17 Chs

Birth of Future Kings

(Cantëaian POV)

An hour later we are standing in front of the Western gates of the Hiddën Oásis of the Nelyar Clan. imagine standing in a grove of trees that are so thick you can't see through the branches and it continues down a pathway full of twists turns and dead ends that you could get lost in and never seen again. That is the path that our guides have taken us through but seeing the Giant white gates that seemed to be made with woven elder wood branches that are so seamless. That there's not a single opening while looking like it comes straight out of the trees around us without breaking the branches when you look deeper at it you can see the trees around us seem to converge towards the gates. So closely that it appears to be part of them barely touching the outer edges of them. When the gates open the trees seem to recede and like they are out of a trance.

Walking through the gates it feels like a pressure I didn't know was pressing against me till it was almost washed away. Looking around me, I see 2 towers just above the trees made of grey stone with moss growing healthy against the stone. on either side of the gates on a wall that you can't even see on the outside with how thick the foliage of the forest is.

On the right side is a massive stable that are for all the horses owned by the Nelyar it is made of the same grey stone as the walls and towers. but the roof and thresholds of the building looks like the wood has grown right out of the stone.

the ground is the healthiest looking grass as far as I can see with a path made of a mix white and grey stones that seems to be made in layers. Like digging down a bit and dirt as the base then stone perfectly filled in the sand or something poured over that and repeat till the path is level with the ground. Walking past the stables we see in the center of the Hiddën Oásis is a Obelisk like tower made of white marble stone with 14 sides detailing all that is known of the Valar. With a marketplace sprouting around its base trading bows, trinkets, skins, and food.

A path going north leads to where the northern gates are looking the exact same way as the western gate but with a few butcher shops and hunting falcons perched still on different branches of a young and healthy white tree with Golden leaves.

The Nelyar Clans own gifted tree from either the Valar mother of the trees or Arda itself none know but it seems that the tree is the homes of the avian friends of the Nelyar.

As we walk through the marketplace and make our way to the living section of the city, we can soon see the eastern gates that aren't very far from each other but one is pointing southeast while the other is Northeast.

A little to the west of the eastern gates is where the Blacksmiths, craftsman, herbalists, and healers are working seems even more busy then the marketplace did. All the buildings are of grey stone that has moss almost completely covering them they all seem to have been raised from the earth of a field mixed with grass and moss with only stone paths breaking the greenery of the sight.

Continuing on south down the path is where all in the Oásis live beautiful rows of homes of grey stone almost like villas with each home and they all look like they were carved from stone right there and not built over the roofs was the seamlessly weaved together white elder wood perfectly coming together with the stone.

In the back of all of it is a beautiful and ancient looking tree that is like the heart of the forest it is definitely the biggest tree that any of the elves has ever seen that just barely is sticking through the thickness of the foliage like walls that surrounds the city and blends together with the stone walls of the gates. But still the little bit of the giant tree that made it on this side of the wall has a huge root that is digging into the ground and what seems to be steps leading up to the base of the tree, but the steps don't look carved out now it looks as natural as the swaying of leaves is.

Walking up the steps is we can see nestled up against the base of the tree is a beautiful villa that is twice the size of the others and whereas the others look like they are carved from stone this one has a framing of the same elder wood that is so often seen here but the framing of the villa is lapping over every layer of stone that makes up the walls. When it came to the rooftop the wood sticks up like the antlers of a mature powerful Buck.

On either side of the villa are what looks like a storage area and armory built with the same grace as the villa they are woven together with as we get to the beautifully crafted door, we hear a scream like whoever is screaming is fighting for a life our guides bring me and Lijës to our rooms right across from each other while my guardians will be staying with the soldiers of the Nelyar.

As I enter my room, I see everything seems handcrafted with the thought of bringing a relaxing calm over whoever is in the room I sigh and look at my little star who fell asleep as soon as we passed the Obelisk was now laying on the comfortable looking bed. I look away and see a what looks like a dummy made of wood that is made to put armor on, so it's not piled together I strip out of my armor and put it on the dummy then change into my own clothes that are the same as what my little star is wearing. Pale blue leggings and shirt with a white robe with pale blue rivers embroidered throughout the robes with my house crest on my back with a sea green belt and elven boots I do have my daggers on my belt in the back at the small of my back.

The next day I am walking through the guest wing of the villa holding my son while Lijës is at my side wearing white leggings and shirt with a sea green robe. With his own house crest with my 4 stars shining above the dawn bow and arrow when one of the Nelyar comes to me and says.

"Chieftain Cantëaian, Chieftain Enel and Lady Enelyë are able to be seen they are resting in their chambers I will lead you, the young Nënluyár chieftain, and Lord Lijës to them"

I nod while my little star looks enthralled by the deep forest green leggings. And boiled leather armor with black belt and boots that all the Nelyar people seem to wear and Lijës asks.

"How was the birth both are well I hope"

The guide says while smiling widely.

"Oh yes it was a long a difficult experience for Lady Enelyë seems to have strained her fäe from birthing the twins. From all the births that have happened in these 4 years they are the first twins to be born and it strained her fäe a little but in a few weeks or a month she should be back to her old self"

"Oh, she will never go back to her old self she will be better with two little ones to draw comfort and joy from"

I said while tickling my little star making him giggle with his adorably musical voice. As we near the chieftains chambers our guide knocks and nods to us while opening the door when we hear.


I am the first one to enter I see Enelyë lying in bed with messy red hair while in her arms is the sweetest looking baby. Inside wrappings of green cloth carefully wrapped around it to keep the baby secure and warm the baby you can already tell it will inherit more than the strands of the pale blonde hair in Enel and Enelyë's red hair. No, it seems that the baby's head will be purely pale blonde when I get close enough, I see it open its eyes and you can see the deepest blue like that of a sapphire. Enelyë sees me looking at what's in her arms and she says

"Little sister, nephew meet little Elwë our first born and future chieftain of the Nelyar elves"

And Enel says.

"And this is Olwë the younger twin he will be a great Elwë's right hand"

Looking over at Olwë I can see that unlike his older brother he has the red hair of his parents but with no blonde strands. He is in the same wrappings that Elwë is and his eyes are wondering, another difference is Olwë has warm golden honey-colored eyes as I walk closer to him, I see my little star reach his hand out and strokes Olwë's cheek and giggles before looking at Elwë and I say

"Ráuelën my little star meet your cousins Olwë the younger, and Elwë the elder they are twins"

Ráuelën looks from one to the other and then looks at me and says.

"Amil they pretty"

Okay I know it is never said Elwë and Olwë are twins just that Elwë was the eldest son of Enel and Enelyë while Olwë is the middle child but how do you have children at 3 different times and name 2 that fit perfectly while the youngest is called Elmo so I made Elwë and Olwë the first born twins of the elves.

And the main characters name is Ráuelën it is from

Rauros meaning rushing rain.

and elen meaning star.

I just removed ros and smacked Raus to elen

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