

"I finally found him, now how will I get to him." the stunning girl said. " And what is the name of the school he was at, first I need to get some money, I am going to school, how will it be like. What do you think Max, and do you know where I can get some money for tuition and will they accept a teenager with money into their school ?" she kept asking herself.

She prepared herself, since it was a weekend, the offices might be open although the learners are not studying. She combed her long hair after taking a shower. She put on a pink dress and she never needed lip stick since her lips were naturally pink.

She teleported just a few metres from central high(Nick's school.) She moved a bit before she entered the school, the school had three main blocks with the main block with five floors and the other two with four floors. "Do you have to first check me?" she asked as she reached the gate. When the gate keeper landed eyes on her, he just lost the words. "Miss, I just need to use a metal detector to check for something. " he said. "Okay, just hurry." she replied.

The man just kept moving the detector up and down as he was observing the beauty before him, she was absolutely flawless. "Are you done yet? "she asked. "Oh sorry, just a sec and...,done ,you're good to go." he replied.

She moved a few meters before she reached the offices. The offices were on the second room at the bottom floor of the main block. She approached the receptionist of the office, "How can I help you?" the receptionist asked but she was suprised, she was a young lady but the girl in front of her would make anyone wish they were male.

"I am an orphan but I worked for money and I wanted to see if I can get admitted to this school. " she replied.

"Okay, wait a bit, the principal has a parent in the office, when she's done you'll enter. By the way, what's your name young miss?" the receptionist asked. "My name is Nia." she replied. "Nia, any last name" she asked. "No, just Nia." Nia replied.

"Please consider forgiving him." the parent said to the someone inside the principal's office as the parent came out. "Okay, Nia, you may now go." the receptionist said. "Thanks." Nia replied as she entered the principal's office.

"Halo." Nia greeted. "Halo, how may I help you, oh, you're so beautiful. "the principal who was a lady responded. "Well, thank you, My name is Nia and I don't have parents, I managed to work and get some money and I always wanted to study from here, I was low on finances when the term began but I got it later and I thought I would be admitted. " she said.

"Okay, do you have your former report or academic papers?" the principal asked. "Not really, the house I was living in got fire and all my former report cards all got burned in the fire, but you can give me any form of test and I assure you, I will get everything one hundred percent correct." she replied. "You're quite confident about that, let me tell the director of studies and we shall see."

"Wow, the test was not hard at all, am sure I aced it." she thought. "I am very curious to know more about this girl, you're sure all the teachers have passed through her test and everything is one hundred percent correct." the principal said to the DOS. "yes" the DOS replied. "I guess she has earned a place in this school, wow, so intelligent and so beautiful, all she needs is to pay the tuition and she's in." the principal said.

"Okay, Nia ,the principal has said that all you need is to pay the tuition and you're in, this is the account number of the school where you can deposit the tuitional fees, and then a card will be given to you. Mondays require uniform, so you have to take uniform today, move to your left and the madam there will give you your uniform and you can leave." the receptionist said.

"Thank you, but I have to ask, I have not seen any student on the compound, where are they?" Nia asked. "I think they went to the soccer field to play, they had some inter-class games to play. " she replied. "ooh, okay, guess I will see you Monday, bye." Nia said as she left.

"This is also done, now I wait for Monday and see how I will meet this kid." Nia thought.

Our new female lead is almost meeting up with the male, let us wait for the next chapter, thank you for reading all of you

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