
High Elf In The Real World

Alyster Grimwolf was laying in bed for the night and passed out easily for once. However when he woke up... "Why am I an Elf?!"

Demon_King_Alyster · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 3

7 Months later...

A handsome young man is currently hailing a cab to NYU in a rush. Long blond and silver hair, and cobalt blue eyes, this is of course Alyster Grimwolf...

"Hey boss! Take me to NYU! I only have a couple hours until the entrance exam and school starts next week!" Chuckling at my anxiety, the driver tells me to hold on as he begins weaving through traffic like a nascar driver. Feeling my heart racing in excitement, I begin to mentally review my studies in my mind as I wait to arrive at NYU. Before long the cab driver says we arrived, and I quickly swiped my card on his card scanner and leave a hefty tip before disembarking and rushing to the university's gates.

Standing in line with a large group of guys and girls, I see a large number of the women looking at me with red faces and googly eyes. Chuckling inside, I step forward when it is finally my turn to receive my badge and directions to the testing room. Confidently strutting to the door, I suddenly feel someone gently tugging on my right sleeve. Looking over, I feel my heart stop as a nation destroying beautiful chinese girl with blue eyes and black hair is looking at me nervously. An exotic! Smiling warmly at the girl, I ask her, "Hi my name is Alyster Grimwolf, how can I help you?" Blushing crimson at my smile, the girl shyly shifts her feet looking down for a second before looking up and saying, "My name is Mei Fu. I want to be a mythology historian! I was hoping that maybe I could walk with you to the testing center if you don't mind.. I am so nervous, but seeing how confident you are, I couldn't help but want to talk to you. Sorry if I am bothering you.."

Feeling my heart skipping a beat yet again, I cheered inside my mind, because it seems that God hasn't let me down yet! I seem to have found my helper for finding my techniques! Nodding at the girl, I gesture for her to follow me and hurry along to the testing room. Once inside, we see the room just beginning to fill up, so we hurry and pick a seat and wait for the invigilators to walk around and pick their spots to stare us down. Then the test giver walks up to the podium at the front of the room, and begins speaking.

"Welcome everyone, to the entrance exam for New York University! I am the test giver, Jeff King and it is a pleasure to see the number of prospective students present today. I wish you all luck, now let the exam begin!" After Jeff's speech, I flipped over my first exam paper and begin to laugh inside. I really did retain all of my knowledge! It looks like I have eidetic and photographic memory! Awesome! Quickly filling out my answers, ten minutes later I stood up and walked to the front of the room with my exam paper. Staring at me in confusion, Jeff says, "Do you have some questions young man? The invigilators should be able to answer them for you." Shaking my head, I hand over my exam and simply say, "I am finished sir, please check for yourself."

An uproar began to spread through the room as many people stood up from their seats and accused me of messing around or cheating. But Jeff's eyes began to bulge as he read through my exam and realized all of my answers exceeded the required information for the exam to be passed. Laughing in pure joy, he clamped his right hand down on my left shoulder and said, "Well done young man! You passed the first part of the exam with flying colors! Please head to room number 12 down the left hallway and hand them this pass. The exam giver shall know what to do."

Taking the pass from Jeff, I headed out of the room to many whispering voices behind me, and hurried along to room 12 to finish the entrance exam. Suffice it to say, that the results were the same, and Alicia the exam giver, stared at me in awe as she congratulated me on passing the exam. Now, I just have to go and wait at home for my obvious acceptance letter to arrive. Wow that was too fast, a few minutes for each exam, when the time allotted was in the several hours. I am sure that everyone is in shock right now back in the other testing area. I just hope that little Mei passes her tests and that we will be classmates. Time to head home...

Om nom, give me burgers please!

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