
Hiding Behind My Mask

A famous star. That was Sabrina Sanders. One of the most sought out female actresses in the film industry. She had everything a woman would want, with her beauty, elegance, fame, money, and success. Her life to her fans and the outside world would seem almost perfect. Well, there was one thing she felt was missing, someone to love her. Although she had a long line of suitors, she found it hard to commit with any of them, who just wanted to tag along with her success, used her for their agendas. Finally, she did fall for one, but it only ended up badly. Mayor Bradley De Luca was everything she wanted in a man. Besides, he truly loved her, but he had one flaw. Despite that, she dived into the relationship with her eyes open, only to end up regretting it and losing in the end. Now, she was hiding from the scandal that she had created. Afraid that this would be the end of her career and ruined her life. Seeking out some solitude and peace, she flew to a secluded place, away from the prying eyes of her fans and the press. Here, she met the man who would change her life. Rafael Walker, a very attractive, serious, and enigmatic man, swept her off her feet. He was different from the other men she knew, even from Brad. She knew she was falling hard for him, and he was too. However, there was a hitch in their relationship. It was full of secrets. Would love be enough to make it work between Rafael and her? What about De Luca? Was it truly over between them? In the end, what was she hiding behind her mask? *** WPC #157 SILVER TIER WINNER – Female Lead – Let Me Entertain You! *** It was a great experience to join a contest and to obtain a small recognition for my hard work. I hope that I could keep up with the expectation of my readers. Let me know your thoughts, so it might inspire me to create more stories. I would also like to appeal for your support by voting, commenting, gifts, giving reviews and among other things. Every notification of support from my readers makes my heart beat faster and put a wide smile on my lips. It adds to the pleasure of writing and creating a masterpiece with my imagination. See you in my world. Cover photo belongs to the rightful owner.

bishop1275 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
234 Chs

Make a good point

"Hey, Earth to Mars, Mars to Earth." Her friend said sardonically when she remained quiet after her very long statement. "Where have you been?"

"Sorry! What happened? I thought you like him." She just could not believe that her friend would choose her career over him. "Aren't you heartbroken? Is Raf ok?" Her face must have shown her distress with the situation as her friend immediately answered her back.

"Of course, I'm good. Raf understood my reasons. I think he was relieved that it did not work out between us." Sophia said with a bit of humor.

"Really. He was?" She suddenly realized that she sounded enthusiastic about her friend's supposed misfortune.

"Were you even listening to me earlier? What's wrong with you?" Sophia eyed her questioningly, frowning at her. She was getting suspicious that there was something her friend was not telling her. She was acting weird.

"Nothing. I just felt that you two look really good together." Trying hard to cover up her slip-up, afraid that Sophia might see her lie, but she realized that it was too late.

"Let me hear it." Sophia turned off the movie and stood in front of her.

"There is nothing else to tell." She insisted, hoping that her friend would drop the subject.

Rolling her eyes, Sophia turned to her and grabbed her hands. "You know you can't fool me. Did you meet someone without telling me? Did he break your heart? Because it is the only possible explanation for the way you're acting.

Edward is a good man, but you can't commit to him. It is obvious that you're still pining for someone, but you're over with Brad. So, who else is in the picture?" She started pacing the room as if she was uncovering a mystery.

Sophia was never a typical model, the reason she was one of the most sought out models in the world. Sophia could have chosen to go to college because of her high intellect, but just like her, being in front of the camera was what she wanted. Then, her ability to read people based on their actions and words was one of her unique talents.

She thought of lying to her, then again changed her mind. Making up stories only brought her nothing but trouble. She should have learned her lesson by now.

Closing her eyes, she inhaled deeply, building up the nerve to tell her friend. "Yes, I met someone while I was hiding on the island." She narrated the incident that happened to her on the island, sparing no details except for the name of the man in question.

Sophia listened, avoiding asking too many questions until she was finished with the entire story.

"Then, why don't you just confess and tell him that you are Sky. By the way, what's the name of this guy?" Sophia asked taking her phone out of her bag to search for him on the net.

"No need to look for him. I know exactly where to find him. I just don't want to." She told her. "I think we're better off going on our separate ways."

"Are you crazy? It's quite obvious that you're in love with this guy. I think you should go to him and tell him who you are. Then, confess to him how you feel." Sophia tried to encourage her.

"I could never do that. He hates me." She blurted out. "At least the actress he had seen on the news. It's complicated."

"It is only you who is making this complicated. Confess. See what will happen. If he truly hates you, then at least you will finally get the closure you need." Sophia sat again beside her, placing her hands on both of her shoulders. "What if, he loves you enough to forgive you? Isn't that worth taking a chance?"

Sophia's advice did make sense. However, could she approached him and simply admit to him her real identity?

"I have to think about it." She said. Imagining being rejected by the man she loved was not something she was looking forward to doing.

"Wait, you met the man on an island a year ago." She suddenly stood up and paced the room once again. Her face was contorted, meaning she was in deep thought of something. She could only imagine the wheels on her head-turning. Putting two and two together and coming up with a conclusion.

"We don't have to talk about him anymore. I'm more than capable of handling my affairs." She wanted her friend to stop because if she continued, she was sure she was close to uncovering the truth.

"Shhhh… You know where to find him, but you are trying to avoid him. You love him, but you would rather see him happy with someone else." She started tapping her fingers.

"Sophia, there is no need to…" Sophia ran to her side and started shaking her.

"I know the guy. You said he has a brown dog. A Labrador. Now, I know why you are so concerned about him." She shrilled in satisfaction as if she just won the lottery.

"Stopped it, Sophia. There is no need to make a big deal out of this." She knew her friend probably already guess her mystery man, but she did not need them to discuss it any further.

"No. I won't let you shut me out of this one. I'm your friend. I also want to see you happy." She looked her directly in the eyes. "You're in love with Raf." She exclaimed.

There was no point in denying it. The truth was finally revealed. "How did you know?"

"You're mood changed when we started talking about my relationship with him. Then, the small clues, like not wanting to go on a double date with him. The dog." Sophia started explaining. "Then, I believed you usually call him Rafael when we talk about him, never Raf. So, when you ask his condition earlier, I got curious. As if you were familiar with him."

She buried her face in her hand, unable to look at her friend. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to find out. I don't want to get in the middle of whatever you have with Raf."

"As I said to you, whatever we had was over. We never actually became a couple. Our relationship was more of friends. So, you have nothing to worry about." Sophia assured her.

"Are you sure? You don't love him." She asked again her friend who was smiling at her in return.

"I assure you. I love him only as a friend." Sophia hugged her, letting her know that they were ok. "You have my complete blessing to go after the man that you love."

"I still don't know." She was still skeptical about confessing to Raf.

Thinking about her friend's words, she did make a good point.

Hope everyone is happy and safe...

Don't forget to smile and think of happy thoughts...

But, remember to follow the safety protocols...

Let's live life to the fullest despite of our own struggles...

Take care everyone.

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