
Chapter 14: Ancient Vajra Jue

Translator: 549690339

Spirit Mist Lake.

Chen Yi pinched another piece of newly-purchased bait. Without a fish spear, he relied on the powerful augmentation of strength and speed, as he personally dived into the water and caught a large fish weighing around fifteen to sixteen pounds.

Chen Yi did not eat this fish, instead, he planned to take it ashore to test the local prices.

Rowing his small boat, Chen Yi headed towards the west where the fishing boats were densely packed.

There, a larger island and pier presented themselves, which probably represented a large human habitation nearby.

The wind was favourable today, and Chen Yi easily rowed his way to the island in a little over two hours.

The pier was vast, seemingly endless, and appeared too elaborate to be man-made. Moreover, no one charged a fee at the pier.

Chen Yi casually found an unoccupied spot along the coast and anchored his boat to a wooden stake. He then got off the boat, carrying the fish.

There was a cobblestone path beside the shore. People bustled on the path, and following it for a few hundred meters led to the market.

There were many stalls calling out their wares on either side of the path. Deeper inside, there were also some shops selling various goods.

Most of the products were seafood, fish and shellfish. There were also life necessities such as cooking oils, sauces, weird tricks, and devices.

Further inside,

There were also some restaurants, eateries, and inns.

The most prosperous one was a red-curtained brothel from which faint laughter could occasionally be heard.

Chen Yi witnessed a white-haired old man cautiously looking around the entrance before swiftly walking in.

It looked very similar to the 70-year-old man who gave him the pepper before...

Besides, Chen Yi took a stroll and found out that there was only one shop selling grains, called "Thirty-Two Grain Store".

Chen Yi glanced at the prices, the price of rice and flour here was outrageously high, different types of rice and flour cost about ten to twenty pounds for one tael of silver.

Perhaps, because of the small cultivated area on the island?

Chen Yi felt an impulse, to bring rice from Martial World to sell in this world. The price difference here was several times more, selling a few times would be enough for him to become wealthy.

But after thinking deeply, he did not do such a foolish thing. He knew that crops in this world contained spiritual energy, which made the fruits far superior in quality compared to rice from the Martial World.

And there was only one shop selling rice here, which meant there was a monopoly. If Chen Yi were to sell some rice, he guessed he wouldn't last a day without getting caught.

"I have just arrived, and this world is filled with scary cultivators. I can't risk doing anything that possesses even the slightest probability of danger!"

Chen Yi would rather take it slow, he would rather just breathe in the air and eat fish to grow, he didn't want to take any risky steps.

Along the way, several shops noticed the large fish that Chen Yi was carrying and asked if he was selling it.

After asking around, Chen Yi finally chose to sell it to "Thirty-Two Restaurant", which gave the highest offer, 2 taels of silver.

The restaurant even listed several other fish prices. Fire Scale Fish was priced at 5 taels of silver each, Red Tail Shrimp at 3 taels of silver each, Gold Pattern Shell at 10 taels of silver each, Red-Blooded Black Carp at 30 taels of silver each.... Red-Blooded Carp King at 100 gold each...

Chen Yi quietly noted these fish prices, perhaps they would come in handy in the future.

He learned that this ordinary island was called Thirty-Two Island, and the stores with the prefix "thirty-two" were all official stores. It was relatively safer to trade there, at least he wouldn't be targeted just for a few dozen taels of silver.

Chen Yi, with his 2 taels of silver, started to wander around. First of all, he couldn't afford the food here, it was several times more expensive than in Martial World.

However, some tools and tricks were interesting. Some even sold simple talisman scrolls and pills. Although it seemed a bit absurd, he was in the Immortal Cultivation World, so Chen Yi didn't dare to look down upon them.

In the weapon shop, Chen Yi not only saw regular iron weapons such as swords, axes, hammers, and arrowheads, but also assassination weapons like sleeve crossbows, which were prohibited in Martial World!

Looking at the prices, they were not something he could afford at the moment with prices ranging from a dozen taels to several dozen taels depending upon their power.

After exploring, apart from spending 1 tael of silver to buy a high-quality fishing net and a harpoon, Chen Yi took an interest in a shop named "Thirty-Two Pharmacy".

"Hello, what would you like to buy?"

Upon entering, a 20-year-old, sweet-looking girl dressed in a blue long robe greeted Chen Yi.

Most of the shop was devoted to pharmaceuticals with names of various herbs and precious materials.

On the other side was a front desk with hundreds of books on it.

Chen Yi walked over and saw what he had been yearning for, the secret manuals for body cultivation.

"Can I see these?" Chen Yi pointed at the various body refining techniques.

"Oh, sir, would you like to choose a body refining technique? Take your time. As long as you purchase body refining materials from our store, we will throw in a cultivation method for free." said the girl in the long robe generously.

"Five Poison Forging Body Jue", "Green Thunder Refining Body", "Ten Thousand Spirit Jue", "Beast Blood Transformation", "Vajra Sutra", "Ancient Vajra Jue"....

Chen Yi looked at each one, there were ones that included getting bitten by poisonous creatures, getting struck by lightning, eating various spirit medicines, drinking the blood of demon beasts, and other body refining methods he could not accept.

At this moment, Chen Yi realized why there were so few body refining cultivators in this world.

There were barely any cultivation methods designed for humans!

The slightly more normal one was the "Ten Thousand Spirit Jue", which required cultivating in combination with spirit medicines, and was not too dangerous.

Chen Yi learned that just to get started, hundreds of gold coins would be required, and the cultivation following it would require even more spirit stones. These were extremely scarce currencies on Ordinary Island, not something ordinary people could obtain easily.

Eventually, when he found the "Vajra Sutra" and the "Ancient Vajra Jue", Chen Yi's eyes lit up!

"Sir, are you interested in ancient methods that use Vitality and Blood as a source of energy for body refining?" The young woman asked, noticing Chen Yi had been engrossed in the "Ancient Vajra Jue" for quite a while.

As Chen Yi studied the Ancient Vajra Jue, the more amazed he became. This body refining method, unlike other techniques, uses the power of Vitality and Blood to gradually strengthen the body through training that involves the skin, flesh, bones, and marrow,

This was very similar to the Vitality and Blood martial path that Chen Yi had learned!

"What's the situation with this Ancient Vajra Jue and Vajra Sutra?" Chen Yi asked.

The young lady explained with a smile, "The Vajra Sutra is a really good martial method. Its cultivation process is simple, safe, and has far-reaching prospects. Once one reaches the successful stage of Marrow Refining, it is said to be equivalent to the legend of Foundation Establishment. However, its entry is slightly challenging…"

"What do you mean?" Chen Yi asked.

"In fact, the Vajra Sutra was inspired and adapted by a great power from the Ancient Vajra Jue.

Since the method of breathing and mobilizing Vitality and Blood from the Ancient Vajra Jue was lost, in the past few thousand years, there have been very few Body Cultivators practicing the Vajra Sutra.

It wasn't until a thousand years ago that the Immortal Cultivation Master, Grand Elder Qingyun, appeared. He altered the breathing method from the Ancient Vajra Jue to use medicinal power rather than Vitality and Blood, thus achieving the same goal of body cultivation through Vitality and Blood.

If you're interested sir, you can try the method of entering the Vajra Sutra with medicine."

The method of mobilizing Vitality and Blood's power through breathing has been lost in this world?

However, even a small martial arts school in my town had very rudimentary breathing methods!

No wonder my progress was so fast when I used breathing methods to do standing stake after I arrived in this world….

This Ancient Vajra Jue must be suitable for me, no, it's perfect for people like me who can travel through two worlds.

At this moment, numerous thoughts crossed Chen Yi's mind. He felt that he might have found a treasure this time, and this treasure could potentially break the shackles between ordinary people and cultivators by leveraging the information gap between both worlds.

Calmly Chen Yi asked, "How much gold does a set of medicine for the entry-level cultivation of Vajra Sutra cost?"

"The price of a medicinal set ranges from 50 to 200 gold coins, depending on the grade of the medicine the guest requires,"

"Additionally, I should let you know, because the Vajra Sutra was adapted later, it has quite high requirements for the cultivation aptitude. If your aptitude isn't enough, a set of medicine might not be enough to allow you to enter….

As the young lady spoke, her voice became softer. This type of cultivating method like the Vajra Sutra is rarely chosen except by some large families.

Due to the lack of a corresponding breathing method, the Vajra Sutra can only be cultivated to the realm of Marrow Refining, and the consumption of medicinal materials increases exponentially at each stage.

Although it is quite safe to cultivate, the cost-effectiveness ratio is too low…

As expected, the young lady stopped talking when she saw Chen Yi's face grow darker. She knew that this sale was probably off.

"If I don't buy the medicine, can I still buy a copy of the 'Vajra Sutra' and 'Ancient Vajra Jue'?"

"You want these?" The young lady was somewhat surprised. "Are you planning to try creating a matching breathing method yourself? Many have tried before you, and it's been impossible."

But seeing Chen Yi was insistent, she thought for a bit and said,

"If you just want to buy the martial method, I can give you both for one silver coin. Consider it as a photocopy fee. If you buy the medicine, we normally give these away for free."

Chen Yi was overjoyed when he heard this. He knew that the body refining martial methods in this world weren't valuable, but he didn't expect them to be this cheap.

He might be able to find these two martial methods without spending a penny outside, but Chen Yi didn't want any extra complications. The shop was official, so what they sold should be more accurate.

After paying a silver coin, Chen Yi went straight back to his boat with both martial methods in his possession. He rowed to a secluded area where there were fewer people, and then took the martial methods out to study them carefully.

The Vajra Sutra contained details about a fist technique called the Vajra Fist. There were thirty-six motions focusing on practice and supplemented with a small amount of striking techniques,

Following it were the simple applications of the Vajra Sutra, demonstrating how to concentrate the Vitality and Blood Power on a certain part of the body to temporarily increase the defence,

Below that were other topics in the Vajra Sutra, such as controlling skeletal structure to change body shape at the Bone Refining Stage, application of agility after reaching a certain degree of body strength, and various enhancements to the body each organ could provide,

However, these sections contained only the topic and no detailed content. It was clear that the Vajra Sutra being sold in the market was a censored version. Complete versions certainly existed among the practitioners.

The difference between the two books lay in the section on the initial cultivation of Vitality and Blood Power. "Ancient Vajra Jue" did not include this part, but the new "Vajra Sutra" required fifteen types of rare herbs to cultivate Vitality and Blood,

Additionally, those herbs seemed to have some malicious properties,

"By introducing drugs to the blood, and using it to stimulate Vitality and Blood Power,

This method is eerily similar to demon sect methods…"

"Luckily, I won't need that."

The next moment, after sensing the power of Vitality and Blood flowing throughout his body, Chen Yi struck a Vajra Fist pose.

He began to execute the movements one by one, slowly. As he moved, the Vitality and Blood in his body correspondingly flowed gently according to the rhythm of the Vajra Fist.

Simultaneously, Chen Yi adjusted his breathing and used the breathing method from the Iron Wire Fist to slowly enhance his Vitality and Blood,

It seemed that he was practicing it quite proficiently.