
Hidden Ties Small Town Saga

"In the serene town of Rosewood, friendships hold secrets, and connections run deeper than they seem. Luna and Bella, inseparable friends, are about to uncover the hidden ties that bind them to Ethan and Liam, two individuals with an enigmatic relationship concealed from the world. As the threads of their lives unravel, Rosewood's mysteries will leave you craving more."

PraceMella · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

A Stylish Encounter

*Luna's POV*

The next day, I'm gently awakened by the soft morning light streaming through my bedroom window. I hear my mother's cheerful voice as she opens the curtains, inviting the sunshine into my room.

"Rise and shine, sweetheart!" she says, her voice filled with warmth. "I've left some money for you on the dresser. It's time to start the day."

I reluctantly peel myself from the comfort of my bed and walk over to the dresser. There, I find a few bills neatly arranged, a token of my mother's love and encouragement for the day ahead.

As I begin to prepare for school, I decide to don a stylish yet comfortable outfit. I choose a high-waisted plaid skirt with intricate patterns of navy blue and forest green. The skirt accentuates my figure while exuding a touch of vintage charm.

To complement it, I pick out a pristine white blouse with delicate lace details on the collar and sleeves. The fabric is soft against my skin, and the blouse lends an air of sophistication to my attire. I tuck it into the skirt, achieving a polished yet relaxed look.

My choice of footwear is a pair of pristine white sneakers, offering both comfort and a modern edge to my ensemble. I slip them on, lacing them up with care.

A small, stylish backpack with a floral pattern and leather accents completes the outfit. It's just the right size to hold my essentials for the day, and its design adds a hint of youthful exuberance to my overall appearance.

With my attire sorted, I take a final look in the mirror. The outfit feels just right, offering a blend of classic elegance and contemporary flair. I'm ready to face the day ahead.

I head downstairs, where my mother has prepared a hearty breakfast to fuel me for the day. She smiles as she sees me in my chosen attire, clearly pleased with my fashion sense.

As I leave the house and head to school, I feel a newfound sense of confidence. My stylish outfit serves as a shield against the challenges that the day may bring, and I can't help but feel that it may even make facing Ethan a little easier.

I enter the school and look for Ethan. Why? Because he kissed me, and I had a unique response - let's just say that I expressed my displeasure creatively. Oh my God, what have I done? What was I thinking? Why am I so rash? Rash. Rash. Rash.

I spot Ethan leaning against his locker, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his black jeans, and his white shirt hugging his body in all the right places. It's sad to admit that he's absolutely gorgeous. His green eyes scan the hallways, looking for someone like his two best friends; Jayden and Mike, who are talking beside him and laughing at something silly. Jayden has his arm around one of the "easy" girls in our school named Lily. Lily is Karen's best friend, and you don't even want to know who Karen is, trust me.

I look at Ethan and realize his eyes are locked on me. Oh my God! I quickly hide my face behind my long light brown hair and try to walk past Ethan to my locker. Ethan calls my name several times, but I don't respond; instead, I start walking faster.

Strong, muscular arms wrap around my waist and pull me backward against someone's chest. "Why are you avoiding me?" Ethan whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "Why are you talking to me?" I retort. "No lo se [I don't know]," he says. "Don't speak Spanish to me." I command. "¿Por qué? ¿Te molesta? [Why? Does it bother you?]" Ethan asks. No, I find it intriguing. "Yes, me molesta [it bothers me]." I say honestly. "Bueno." He murmurs, "¿Tu hablas español? [Do you speak Spanish?]" He asks, looking surprised. I roll my eyes, "If you didn't know I spoke Spanish, then why did you talk to me in Spanish?" I ask. He shrugs. Idiot. "I need to talk to you, alone." He tells me and pulls me by the wrist to the janitor's closet. "What? But there are two minutes before school starts." I complain. Under different circumstances, I'd be more than happy to skip literature, but because it's Ethan, I want to get out of there as quickly as possible.

He pulls me into the janitor's closet and closes the door. I lean against the wall and sigh, "What do you want?" I ask, exasperated. Ethan walks toward me and puts his hand under my chin, lifting it, making me look directly into his green eyes. The closet is dimly lit, but I can still see the smile on his face, "I want you," he murmurs.

"W-what?" I stammer. Get it together! This is Ethan McCannon! He chuckles, "You're cute, mi cariño [darling]." He declares.

He leans his face toward mine, and I hold my breath. Don't kiss me. Please, don't kiss me. My mind pleads. I let out a breath when his face stops, his lips just an inch from mine. His warm breath fans against my face. He smells so good, like cinnamon and something warm. It smells nice.

Ethan inches his lips closer to mine once again, and before I can say anything, his lips crash against mine. No! He's kissing me again.