
Hidden Talent

"Dad where's my suitcase!" Nora yelled running in, and out if rooms. The house was filled with boxes from top to bottom. Everyone was in thier own little world, and didn't bother to pass me a look. "Mom!! Where's my headphones, I can't find them!!!" Rackle said, bumping into items trying to look between shelves. I walked down stairs, taking a seat out on the porch. The fresh fall breeze hit my face, spreading chills around my body. I closed my eyes smiling slightly. You could hear frustrated pouts coming from the inside of the house. I crossed my legs gripping my black suitcase. Tree leaves were waving in the wind, some ripping apart, and others just moving. I watched my father carry boxes back, and forward. His hair was orange colored at sunset. I wish I could call this a rare occurrence, but it was 100% normal. My name is Ruby Winter- Lucius, and I'm the youngest sibling of 5. My farther works for company's all around the world, and it's quite obvious what problem this causes. I just sighed, digging my fingers in my pants. Nora came out with 5 bags, and 2 suitcases. She was just a ballerina not a business worker! and even so she doesn't need that much packing! Rackle followed right behind her, fidging with his headset. Then came Tiffany, the most perfect of us all- Brandon ran right after she had left the sidewalk lastly my twin brother followed through. I just shook my head, stood up and followed him. My life really was a black hole. ------------------------------------------------------------- Notice; This story is also written in Wattpad, and I'm writing it here too! I have changed some events, but the characters are the same. If you want to check out the book on Wattpad search for my account MeLoveCookies1. If you see this book in any other place, and it doesn't have a notice like this please inform me at toledocatherine43@gmail.com. Thank you! :)

HeWoUwU_1198 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Things are weird aren't they?

" Hi, welcome to another diary entry! Of course today you'll uncover more about me, yep. Anyways it's weird isn't it. I mean us humans, we're capable of so much? Right, well I'm surprised at how selfish people can sometimes be, like they don't have space for anyone else in thier brains. Did you know that we only use 10% of our brain power! Yeah I read don't worry, I'm not so dumb. So my parents are away on thier business trip, and life just got 100 times more complicated. Today I think that I'll take Levi out for a walk, and on that topic I need some more food. Levi is amazing, he's like a best friend. A really sweet dog, yeah. Most people say that. Oh, and today's secret to uncover is... why I named him Levi! Ok so when I was younger, like 3 years old I always loved going to my Uncle's house! He was the best, and he understood me truly he was my bestest friend.

He had a dog, she was named puffy. She was a poodle, and we got along nicely. I would run in the fields with her, and she would chase me around everywhere! It was really fun, but my father said that Uncle was a bad example for my future career. He was what was named a cuber, but I never really thought about him like that. Anyways he gave me a love for dogs, but one day when I was at his house he started coughing badly. I yelled, and cried pulling on his sleeve. When my mother heard she came, and apparently he had gotten a bad heart attack. A few weeks later he passed away, it was one of the sadest days of my life. So, because his name was Uncle Levi, and he loved dogs I named my little dog Levi. It hurts to think about him, since he was almost my everything. But it feels good, to let it all out on paper! Well bye, come back tommorow for my next diary entry!"

1/15/2014 Ruby Winter-Lucius

I walked downstairs carefully looking around. The living room was occupied, so I decided to make a stop at the garage. An oil smell came from the dark black walls. Usually my whole family trys to avoid this place, so this is Levi's little home. I heard some little barks, and headed towards the little bed I made him under the closet. "How are you?" I whispered to him, tickling his little black nose. "Woof!" He said wagging his tall, I just giggled. I love Levi so much! I took out a box that was well hidden in blankets, and took out his leach. His eyes widened, and he started to jump up, and down. The garage was hot, and it smelled like a sweaty armpit. I patted Levi's head, hooking the leach to his collar. I smiled, and opened the backdoor in our garage. The fresh breeze hit me, and I took some deep breaths. My dirty blonde hair waving in the air.

It was quite chilly outside, at this time of year. Levi pushed me, and I ran right behind him trying to follow his lead. "Calm down for melrins sake!" I said. Levi slowed down, the town was small, and always silent as well as dry. I passed many little houses, and dust paths. Finally we made it to the towns national Park. This was my favorite place to visit, and the good thing about being home schooled is honestly, not being in school while others are. I let Levi go, he loves running around everything he sees. I took a seat on a dusty brown bench. I put my hands in my sweaters pockets, and leaned against the back of the bench. The air around me was cool, and the wind was light. I wore a blue sweater, with a black T-shirt, and some jeans. I closed my eyes slightly, laying my back on the bench mark. I watched as Levi ran about everywhere. His tounge was out, and his fur was waving slightly.

I smiled, crossing my legs. He was playing with what looked like a rock. He was pushing it, and moving it around. I giggled, Levi acted like a little child. "Mommy look doggy!" A little girls voice said, running over to Levi. "Isn't he cute!" The girl said, patting Levi's little head. "Hun he has a collar, c'mon." An older women said, grabbing the young child. "Hello Ms!" I said waving them over to sit with me. "Levi!" I also yelled. Levi ran back to me, and jumped on my lap, licking my cold face. He curled into a ball, and fell asleep on my lap. "Is this your dog?" The older woman asked, giving me a light smile. "Yes ma'am." I responded, resting my head on the bench. "My name is Marry, and this is my daughter." The woman said, grabbing her daughter, and placing her on her lap.

"I'm Ruby, and this is my dog Levi." I said, returning a heart filled smile. "What a beautiful name you do have!" she exclaimed, grabbing my cold hands into her embrace. "My name is Heather." The younger girl said, holding her hand out. I shook it, and turned my attention back to the older woman. "I've never seen you guys around here did you just move in?" I asked, a little akwardly. I knew everyone in the small town, but I didn't recognize these faces. "Yeah we just moved in, with Grandma!" Heather said, giving me a sweet smile. She looked about 6 years old. She had brown skin, with velvet hair. She had some freckles, on her checks, and some spreaded on her smooth nose. She was wearing, a fluffy black jacket with a red shirt. She had ripped jeans, that were a dirty blue. Her shoes were white, and glittery, with some white gloves. "That's cool welcome to The Wild West!" I said, leaning on the bench, wrapping Levi in my arms.

The woman, gave me a little smile. "Where did you get the doggy?" Heather asked, still bewhemed with Levi. I sat up straight, " Well I found him on the streets." Heather screched Levi's back, making him roll over on his back. Heather was delighted, as she laughed. Her mother just sat there, looking at her daughter with sparkle in her eyes. We talked for an hour or so. Heather was actually 8 years old, she was in 3rd grade. They have a house cat, named mittens. It was getting quite dark outside, and you could see white mist coming out of my mouth when I talked. My nose was frozen, as a smiled a goodbye at both of them. "See you another time!" Marry said, smiling brightly, holding Heather's left hand. Heather waved goodbye, and in a blink of a second they were gone. Levi was in laying in my chest peacefully, wrapping his tail on my elbow. I closed my eyes, I felt a cold whize, I couldn't feel my nose, and my cheeks were frozen, but I just leaned there. After a while, my whole body felt numb, my breath was cold, and my whole body felt like a ice cube. I stood up, raising my hood up to cover my ears. I held Levi, embracing him in my sweaters warmth. I walked down the empty streets, breathing lightly. I finally made it to the gray gentle, house. I entered through the backdoor, making sure to enter quietly. I hinched my breath, laying Levi on his little bed. He curled up, making him look like in a donut shape. I opened the door to inside, everything was quiet expect the T.V which lighted up the living room. I looked behind the wall Rackle was slopoing on the sofa, saliva trailing down his face. I giggled, and went down to my room. I lard exhausted on my dusty bed. The warmth of the house filled my body.

A smile spread on my face, as I fell asleep on the warm surface.