
Hidden Reflections

Serene, a brilliant surgeon and researcher from the year 2300, was a force to be reckoned with. Her determination and intelligence were unmatched. But fate had other plans for her. A tragic experiment gone wrong led to her untimely demise, and she found herself suddenly thrust into the 21st century. But this was no ordinary rebirth. Serene was reborn as Lin Chang, the fake daughter of a wealthy family who had been swapped at birth. And she was determined not to repeat the mistakes of her past life. Cast out of the Yun family, she set out to make a better life for herself and those around her. Meanwhile, he who had risen to the top of the world at the young age of 25. He was so powerful that even world leaders bowed down to him. But he was not interested in the young ladies who fawned over him. He had his goals set, and that was to bring innovation. Join Lin Chang on her journey as she experiences romance, mystery, and suspense in a world that is both familiar and strange.

DK_writes · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

Mr. Cai is angry at Lin Chang

The following morning at approximately 11 o'clock, Wang Hai arrived punctually at the entrance of Lin Chang's residence and immediately began to chirp upon entering. "Are you prepared? We gotta run or we'll be stuck in mad traffic on Zhongshan Road."

Lin Chang and Lin Bao had already emerged from their respective chambers, while Lin Hao, who had been deprived of sufficient rest, was somewhat agitated upon hearing Wang Hai's high-pitched voice.

"Are you a rooster?" Said Lin Hao, irritated. "Keep your voice low and if you don't know that, then don't speak"

Wang Hai rolled his eyes, his sarcasm dripping like honey. "Who are you to tell me to keep my voice down, a nerd?," he drawled.

Lin Bao intervened, "We're running late, let's go." Lin Hao chose to remain silent and followed his sister and uncle out of the house, avoiding an argument with Wang Hai.

"Boss, do you have a specific location in mind for the restaurant in the city center?" Wang Hai asked as he drove the car.

"Yes, let's head to Zhongshan Road, Lane 12," she replied, checking her phone. She had conducted research the previous day and discovered an old couple who had been running a restaurant for 12 years after retiring from government service. They had no children and wanted to remain productive while enjoying their extra income. However, their business had unexpectedly declined a year ago, and despite numerous offers from interested parties, the old man was hesitant to sell. Today, Lin Chang was determined to purchase the restaurant.

As they strolled down Zhongshan Road, Lane 12, the chaos of the bustling traffic dissipated into a peaceful hush. The street was a serene oasis, with only a handful of cars passing by. On one side, a verdant park stretched out, its lush greenery providing a refreshing respite from the heat of the summer sun. Towering trees lined the road, casting a cool shade over the pavement. On the other side, a mix of commercial and residential buildings stood tall, their facades gleaming in the sunlight.

As they walked further down the lane, their eyes were drawn to a small, charming restaurant nestled between two towering buildings. The restaurant was a vision in white, with three floors of elegant French-style architecture. Long glass windows offered a glimpse of the verdant park across the street.

Stepping inside, they were greeted by a delightful blend of traditional and local decor. Though the design was unmistakably French, the paintings, tablecloths, and even the tables and chairs were adorned with intricate Chinese art. The overall effect was one of understated elegance and serenity, a perfect respite from the hustle and bustle of the city outside.

"Boss, you've got a good one," Wang Hai exclaimed, admiring the restaurant's interior. Even Lin Bao and In Hao nodded in agreement.

Just then, a voice interrupted their moment of awe. It was an old man, walking towards them with the grace of a smiling Buddha. "How may I assist you?" he asked.

Wang Hai, oblivious to the gravity of the situation, blurted out, "We would like to buy your restaurant."

The old man's smile slowly faded, replaced by a deep frown and a simmering anger. "How dare you," he growled. "Didn't I already say I will not sell my restaurant? Get out, get out before I call the cops!"

"Mr. Cai" he suddenly heard a voice that was both cool and melodious calling out his name. He turned to see a young girl walking towards him, her beauty taking his breath away. In all his 75 years, he had never laid eyes on someone so stunning. But as he realized, she was this person who wanted to buy his restaurant, his anger began to simmer.

"Mr. Cai, my name is Lin Chang," the girl said confidently. "Please don't reject my offer before hearing my proposal."

Despite her poise, Mr. Cai remained unimpressed. "I don't care what price you offer, I'm not selling my restaurant," he declared, his resolve unwavering.

"Dear Uncle, do excuse me for a moment. I would like to have a tête-à-tête with Mr. Cai in private," Lin Chang declared with a graceful poise, her voice carrying a hint of authority. Without waiting for a response, she glided towards the first floor, leaving Mr. Cai fuming behind her.

As she descended the stairs, Lin Chang could feel Mr. Cai's eyes burning into her back, but she paid him no heed. She had a mission to accomplish, and she was determined to see it through.

Once they reached the first floor, Mr. Cai's anger erupted like a volcano. "Listen, Miss Lin," he bellowed, his voice echoing through the empty restaurant. "I am not selling my restaurant at any cost. I may have no customers and be running at a loss, but I am not selling."

Lin Chang remained calm and composed, her eyes fixed on Mr. Cai's face. "I understand your sentiments, Mr. Cai," she said softly. "But I have a proposal that I believe will benefit both of us. Please hear me out before making any hasty decisions."

Mr. Cai didn't say anything as he looked at her. Lin Chang smiled inwardly, knowing that she had won the first battle. Now, it was time to win the war.

"Your wife, she is suffering from grade IV astrocytoma?" Lin Chang inquired with a serene tone.

Mr. Cai was caught off guard. Every day, he was approached by a swarm of individuals eager to purchase his restaurant at any cost, yet not a single one had ever mentioned his wife's condition. He had kept it a closely guarded secret, knowing all too well that people would exploit her illness for their own gain. "H... How did you find out?" His voice trembled slightly.

"Not only am I aware of your wife's affliction, but I can also provide her with treatment," Lin Chang replied.

This revelation left Mr. Cai reeling. His wife's grade IV astrocytoma was already a formidable foe, and operating on a woman in her early 70s was a daunting task. Her attending physician had given her a mere 5% chance of survival and had refused to perform the operation. As a result, she was surviving solely on medication and had only a few months left to live. Despite his deep love for his wife, Mr. Cai felt powerless.

From the moment he learned of his beloved wife's condition, he spared no expense in seeking out the best treatments and remedies. He even considered selling their cherished restaurant, a place where they had poured their heart and soul into every dish, just to ensure that his wife received the care she deserved. However, when his wife learned that her illness was incurable, she refused to let him make such a sacrifice. She knew that he needed to keep his mind occupied once she is no more, so that he'll not miss her and she can rest in peace .

And so, he made a solemn promise to his wife that he would not sell the restaurant. He would keep it as a symbol of their love and the life they had built together. But today, as he stood before this young girl who claimed to have a cure for his wife's illness, he felt a surge of anger and frustration. It was as if she was pouring salt on his already raw wounds, tempting him with false hope and cruel illusions.

He couldn't help but wonder about this girl's age. Was she truly old enough to understand the gravity of his situation? Was she simply a naive and misguided youth, or a cunning charlatan looking to prey on his desperation?

"Get out ," boomed Mr. Cai, his voice echoing like a tempestuous storm cloud.