
Hidden Omega

****18 or older please**** Will is leading a great life as an Alpha in the A.V. industry. He is a leader in fan interest andattrated the interest of the hottest Omega in the industry. Everyone views him as the hottest, luckiest guy that cannot go anywhere without stealing hearts. But the truth is, he's an Omega. When a dominant Alpha begins working in the same filming studio, his who life gets flipped upside down. Will has to figure out how to keep his secret and still fulfill his Omega needs.

K_B_Bloom · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
176 Chs

Chapter 2.53

I looked to both of them in surprise, "he didn't tell you?" They shook their heads and I sighed deeply, "my Alpha is Elijah's half brother. Their father is the Alpha Elijah believes led to his Mom's death."

Trey's eyes bugged out of his head, "holy shit."

"I assumed he was in love with you and wanted the partnership broken."

I shook my head, "Elijah selfishly wants to take me away from Jayden, his half brother. He views it as a way to get back at the family for what happened to his Mom."

Trey sighed and leaned back in the chair, "his Mom fell apart when his father stopped associating with them."

"Did you know her?"

"Our Mother was Elijah's Mom's best friend," Zara stated as she came into the room. She came and sat beside me, "are you feeling better? You shocked us this morning."

I nodded and placed the bottle on the table as Addie finished it. Zara suddenly presented Addie with a giant smile and her favorite toy. Addie rushed to take it with a squeal of glee. It temporarily took my mind off this difficult situation.

"Sorry about that."

"Don't be. I would be surprised if you weren't being affected."

"I'm going to just be straight with you." Alex stated in a fairly monotone voice as he stared at me. His gaze moved to Addie for just a moment and I felt like I needed to be protective against this Alpha near her. "You, myself, and one other person are all I have for these experimental drugs." He looked back to me, directly in my eyes and I felt intimidated. "There can be a lot of side effect and I don't know how it will work on..." his face changed just slightly, "your kind."

I squeezed my hands shut as I began to tremble, "YOUR KIND?" I hissed as I glared, "I hope that came out wrong."

Zara huffed as she shook her head, "he meant you as a male Omega. The other person is a female Omega. Alex has no people skills and doesn't understand how to word things. I swear, he meant nothing rude."

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down, "okay."

Trey smacked Alex's shoulder, "you need to be considerate of him and his current situation."

I stared Alex down, "I want to also be clear." His gaze tried to intimidate me and I smirked with strength, "I don't trust Alphas and will always assume you are going to harm me or my kids. I made the mistake in accepting the Alpha who marked me and have been hurt beyond belief. I will NOT make that mistake again. Alphas are not to be trusted." I adjusted Addie in my arms, "I mean nothing personal to anyone, but I can only trust one Alpha in this world and that is the Alpha who came with me."

"What makes him special?"

"I've known him since birth and he chose Chase and my family over his own family."

He scratched his head, "why does Elijah even care about you?"

I sighed, "your guess is as good as mine. I don't trust him either. We just used each other to get what we needed."

"He screwed you?"

I stared him down, "he wanted to hurt my Alpha and I wanted to get away."

We paused when a large amount of noise came into the house. Ashley came sprinting toward me, "Momma!" She whined before running and hugging me on my side opposite Addie.

"What's wrong baby?"


I shook my head, "take a breath," I whispered and ignored everyone watching us. "Are you able to talk like a big girl?"

She nodded before looking up to me, "Archer keeps running away with Wren!"

I grabbed the towel from around her shoulders and wiped off her face where there was still some water droplets. "So what is making you upset?"

She buried her face into my shoulder, "he's my brother. Not hers."

I sighed before squeezing her slightly so she looked back to me. "He will always be your brother, baby. But you do have to share him. You shared him with Willow, right?"

"But Wren won't let me play with them!"

"Did you ask?"

She paused and looked to the ground, "no."

"Let's try that, okay?"

"Okay, Momma." Ashley kissed my cheek before kissing Addie on the head. She rushed back outside as I looked to Zara. She had a sickeningly sweet smile on her face.


"You're a great parent," she said kindly. "I can't believe you are going through all this pain and still able to be strong for them."

I scoffed, "life is harsh for a male Omega with kids." I smiled down to Addie, "this is not the first time I have been physically or mentally abused. Also, I got lucky with amazing kids."

"Kids don't just become amazing, Will," Trey said with a smirk. "It takes an amazing parent to make amazing kids."

"It takes two parents to make kids like that."

I frowned towards Alex, "then I guess I'm two parents. My Alpha was only in the picture for this past year. They never met him until a year ago and he didn't even know they existed till then."

"Will is the one who inspires these kids to be amazing." Chase stated as he came into the house and to my side. He kissed my cheek, "I'm Chase."

"You had a kid as a teen?"

Chase looked at me with shock, "Chase, this is Alex. He's the socially inept brother of Trey and Zara." I turned and looked to Alex's slightly altered face. I couldnt tell if it was altered to angry, shocked, or disrespected. "Alex, this is Chase. He's sort of my adopted child."

"Will took me in after I was abandoned by my family. He saved me from living on the streets as a male Omega."

I grunted, "you've got too much going for you to be on the streets like I was."

"You were on the streets?"

I nodded to Zara before patting Chase's arm, "but this boy has already skipped a year in school and is likely to get a full ride wherever he chooses." Alex's gaze locker on Chase and he immediately grabbed my shoulders. My blood began to heat, "don't stare at him." Alex looked to me in shock as I hissed at him, "you need to recognize your gender and its affect on us. You can't just glare at him."

"My apologize," he mumbled as his face became stoic again and he continued watching me. Is working with him going to be worth it?