
Agnes Is Not Agnes

"Madame, what are you doing?" Aiden's bodyguard exclaimed when Anya came down from her hiding place.

"Aiden is coming! I can hear the sound of his footsteps," Anya said as she ran down the road.

The guards rushed after her. "Madame, don't go there. What if you're wrong?"

"I can't be wrong. It really is Aiden!" Anya said with confidence. "Aiden came to get me!"

Aiden, with several of his bodyguards, found Anya running down the path they were on with a relieved smile.

"Anya…!" Aiden shouted.

"I know you will definitely save me. I heard your footsteps. I know you are coming!" Anya's eyes turn red.

But at that time, Aiden suddenly took out his gun and pointed it at Anya.

Before Anya could react, Aiden had already shot her way.

When the bullet shot towards her, Anya could only be silent, unable to do anything about it.