
Extra Chapter 1: Relationship Crisis? (4)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Mu Xichen's heart ached a little as he propped himself up and lowered his head to kiss her belly.

Tickled by his breath, Li Beinian instinctively shrank back.

Mu Xichen only kissed it once, then rubbed his face against it and made a heartfelt remark, "It's been tough on you."

Li Beinian couldn't help but laugh from the ticklish feeling. She reached out to push his head away. "Go away, it tickles."

Not only did Mu Xichen refuse to move, he moved his lips down along her belly to kiss the overgrown pink scar.

Li Beinian drew in her stomach and subconsciously placed her hands around his head, giggling as she complained, "It tickles…"

Mu Xichen's kisses followed the trail of her scar. He lifted her shirt and kissed her entire belly.