
Hidden in Plain Sight.

In a world where some are born gifted with magical abilities, a king had lost hope of an heir. Until one day, while he was away came tidings that his queen had given birth to a son. On the night of his birth, a mage came to wish the prince for he was among those gifted. With each passing year, his powers grew stronger and became harder to control. The mage said only one thing could help tame his powers.That was for her to know and him to find out. The enemies remained unrelenting in their evil plots to destroy the kingdom and take everything it holds dear... Unless there's someone strong enough to stop them. Will they succeed?

Zee_Abee · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Chapter XIII

The chills the wind sent into the room awakened Arian. She got up to shut the windows and pulled the curtains to the side. She was fully awake now and decided to take a bath.

Her room was just the same only that Queen Ara had changed the drawer by her bed side.

"How sweet of mother, it was getting old," she thought.

She changed into her bathing robe and headed for the bathroom. When she was done she started for her closet and to pick out some clothes. She took out one of the dresses and tried them on.

"They still fit!" She said surprisedly.

Just then Miguel called out to her. He was wondering where she was all of a sudden so early in the morning.

"In the closet, coming..." She said.

"Look it still fits," she added on reaching the dressing table.

"Wow it still does," he returned

"Good morning dear, did you sleep  well?" She asked.

"Good morning, yes I did." He returned.

"Liam should have taken a bath by now, I'll just check." She said.

"Alright, I'll get ready in a bit." He said.

Arian felt nostalgic since she got back to the palace. A feeling she cherished more than anything. As she walked down the stairs, she exchanged greetings with the maids. Liam had taken a bath and was playing around.

"Good morning mother," Liam said.

"Good morning dear," Arian said.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked.

"Yes mother and I had the most wonderful dream..." He said with a bug beautiful smile.

"Really? Then you'd have to tell us all about it, okay?" Arian said.

"Yes I will, after breakfast when I'm all charged up," he returned.

"Alright champ, let's go to Grandma she's probably in the kitchen." She said.

"Okay," he said tagging along.

After Miguel had taken his shower and gotten dressed, he went down to the dinning room. He looked through the window and enjoyed the morning songs of Queen Ara's nightingales. The oak tree she had planted years ago had become a home to them.

One of them flew up to Miguel and he stretched out his hand for it to sit on his index finger.

"Hello Miss Nightingale, how are you doing today?" He asked.

"I'm very well thank you," the nightingale said.

"You all sing beautifully," he said with a smile.

"Thank you, goodbye." The nightingale said as it took off.

"It was nice to meet you," he said turning to the chair.

Queen Ara was done supervising so she headed to Maya's room. Fortunately, they met on the corridor as Maya was leaving her room.

"Good morning Mother," Maya said.

"Good morning dear, did you rest well?" Queen Ara asked.

"Yes I did thank you, and you?" Maya asked.

"I slept just fine, let's go have breakfast I'm sure it's being served already," Queen Ara said.

"Okay," Maya said.

Meanwhile Arian and Liam got to the kitchen and found only the cooks and maids.

"Good morning to you Princess Arian," they greeted with a bow.

"Good morning everyone, I was hoping to find mother here..." Arian said.

"Oh she just left, she's probably in the dinning room," Giselle said.

"Alright thank you." Arian returned.

"Oh Liam, he must have run off again," she thought as she shook her head and smiled.

Liam had gone to the dinning room where he met his father sitting on one of the chairs. Arian hadn't noticed as she was talking to the maids.

Miguel and Liam exchanged greetings with Queen Ara and Maya. Arian was the last to reach table.

"Good morning Mother, Maya... Sorry I'm late everyone," Arian said.

"You're just in time," Queen Ara said with a smile.

When they were done having breakfast Miguel asked Queeh Ara the directions to King Arden's study as he couldn't quite remember and she gladly took him there.

Liam on the other hand joined the kids to practice magic in the court. Liam's special power was teleportation. Though he wasn't perfect yet, he used it a lot when he played games with is friends which explains why he was hardly found when playing hide and seek.

Maya and Arian stayed in the garden. Carla served them some orange juice and biscuits. The ambiance was


"Maya how have you been?" Arian asked.

"I've been fine and mother has been wonderful." Maya said with a smile.

"How does it feel knowing someone is growing inside of you?" Arian asked.

"You know Arian, it's the most magical feeling." Maya said with a twinkle in her eyes.

"I know, I know. You don't know how happy I am for you." Arian said hugging her.

"I wish Arden was here, he'd be so happy," Maya said.

"The letter still hasn't gotten to him?" Arian asked.

"No, it hasn't." Maya said sadly.

"Don't worry everything will be fine," Arian assured.

"Queen Maya your aunt and cousin are here," Xan said.

"Aunt Priya, Arian let's go to them." Maya said excitedly.

Arian and Maya welcomed Priya and Arjun. Liam exchanged greetings with the two too. Priya was so happy to see Maya.

"Beta (child) I'm so happy for you  Stay blessed always," Priya said.

Almost tearing up as she hugged her niece. Patience, perseverance and faith, it all paid off. If the tears had dropped every single one would have been worth it. Arjun couldn't wait for his turn to hug his cousin.

"Dhi tum maa bunye wali ho (sister you're going to become a mother)" Arjun shouted excitedly.

"Hahn(yes) Arjun," she smiled.

"You'll make a great mom, ek dam awesome maa (one super awesome mom)" Arjun said.

"You know what's even more awesome?" Maya asked.

"No... Let's here it," Arjun returned.

"Ek dam crazy perfect Chachu (one super crazy perfect uncle)" Maya said pinching his cheeks and everyone laughed happily.

Everything was perfect. The only missing piece of the perfect picture, was King Arden and it sadden Maya.

He still hadn't gotten the letter. He still hadn't felt the happiness all of Dralde felt. He was still far away. Far away from the one sure thing that could gladden and make his sad heart throb with joy once again.