
Hidden in Plain Sight.

In a world where some are born gifted with magical abilities, a king had lost hope of an heir. Until one day, while he was away came tidings that his queen had given birth to a son. On the night of his birth, a mage came to wish the prince for he was among those gifted. With each passing year, his powers grew stronger and became harder to control. The mage said only one thing could help tame his powers.That was for her to know and him to find out. The enemies remained unrelenting in their evil plots to destroy the kingdom and take everything it holds dear... Unless there's someone strong enough to stop them. Will they succeed?

Zee_Abee · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Chapter XII

Demetri arrived Norla the next day and delivered the Queen's message. He was very tired, Miguel asked for the maids to prepare him a meal and a place to rest. He had been so busy he couldn't visit the palace and only sent gifts and letters. Arian had just put Liam to bed when Miguel entered the room.

"Mother has sent a letter, Demetri seemed so tired when he got here I asked him to rest first." Miguel said with a smile.

"How thoughtful of you," Arian returned.

"Let's read it?" she added.

"Sure." Miguel returned as he tore the envelope open and unfolded the paper he brought out of it.

It read:

"To Arian,

How are you, Liam and Miguel? Maya and I had planned to visit you this weekend, unfortunately now we can't.

Maya's going to have a baby!

I can't say how happy I am, come soon.



"Oh my God!" Arian's eyes widened.

"Maya's going to be Mum!" She said louldy as she hugged Miguel super tight.

"Arden is going to be so happy." Smiling broadly Miguel patted her on the back.

"We leave for the palace tomorrow, okay?" He added.

"Alright. I can't wait to see Maya," she said excitedly.

"Aunt Arian." She giggled the thought of being called aunt danced all that in her head. It was beautiful. When Demetri had regained his strength, Duchess Arian sent for him.

"Your highness," he bowed.

"Demetri, how you feeling?" She asked.

"I feel a lot better now, thank you Princess Arian." He smiled.

"Congratulations," He smiled even more.

"Thank you so much, if only the news could get to Arden faster..." she sighed.

"Yes," he said.

"We'll be leaving for the palace tomorrow," she said.

"Oh your highness, I had planned to return today..." He said.

"Let it be, you'll come with us tomorrow," she smiled.

"Alright, tomorrow it is." He returned.

Demetri decided to take a walk around Princess Arian's palace. He found it's decor to be quite exquisite. It had a garden just as beautiful as the one in the palace. She indeed took after her mother when it came to style.

Liam had woken up and decided to play around with his friends, Mark, Angelo and Denae. It was a tie between Liam and Mark so they played a game of rock paper scissors.

"Whoever gets a scissors wins and a rock, loses. Okay?" Liam said.

"Okay," Mark returned.

"Let's do it on three." Liam added ready to count.

"Let's go," Mark said confidently.

"One two, three." Liam counted.

Making a fist as they both stretched their hands, ready to determine the winner. The first two tries was a paper, Liam got a scissors on the third. Excitedly he jumped and ran towards the garden on winning and almost bumped into Demetri.

"Yeay! I win," Liam shouted as he ran.

"Liam be careful," his friends shouted.

"I'm sorry..." Said Liam a bit startled.

"It's okay," Demetri returned with a smile.

"Hello Sir," he greeted cutely.

"Hello there Prince Liam, how are you today?" Demetri asked with a smile.

"I'm doing fine, thank you." Liam returned.

"Mum said Aunt Maya is going to have a baby," he said happily.

"Yes and all of Dralde is happy. We'll have a Prince and you, a cousin." Demetri smiled.

"Liam, your friends are leaving." Tara, one of the maids called.

"And it's time for your bath," she added.

"Coming..." He answered.

"Goodbye sir, see you tomorrow." he added.

"Alright," Demetri returned.

"He's one fine little boy..."  He smiled as he continued his walk round the palace.

The following morning, Arian was up early. She took her bath and got ready in time to order for their things to be packed as the would be leaving for King Arden's palace before noon. Miguel was still sound asleep so she didn't bother waking him up.

"Mummy... Mummy! We're going to see Aunt Maya today right?" He said, happiness written all over his face as he ran to his mother.

"Yes, yes sweetheart. Are you sure you haven't forgotten something, your highness?" She asked nodding her head slightly.

"I'm sorry..." He answered as he pulled his ears cutely.

"Good morning Mama," he added with an endearing smile.

"Now that's my good boy, did you sleep well?" She smiled.

"Yes I did." He returned cheerfully.

Arian was heading to the kitchen and Liam followed her and told her about the games he play with his friends the previous day. His bantering had become her favorite song.

"So it was rock paper scissors and we tried three times? He said raising three of this fingers.

"Really then what happened?" She returned.

"Ma'am should we serve breakfast now?" Stella the cook asked.

"Yes. Aaaa... Tara inform Demetri breakfast is about to be served," she said.

"Yes ma'am," Tara returned.

Liam kept going on and on, Arian never got to hear the whole story whenever he decided to tell her when she was busy. Sometimes she had to pick up from the last thing he said.

"And then I won and ran so fast I almost bumped into Demetri."He said.

"That's my superhero, but be careful next time okay?" She returned patting him on the head.

"Let's go have breakfast so we don't go to Grandma's looking hungry, okay? She added cheerfully.

"Okay," he returned with a smile.

As mother and son approached the dinning room, Miguel was already seated.

"Good morning Papa," he greeted with a smile.

"Good morning, Captain Liam. Did you sleep well?" He asked.

"Arr... I sure did," he answered funnily making his parents laugh.

"Hahaha good morning Miguel, I'm sorry I didn't wake you up." She said as the guard pulled her a chair adjacent his.

"That's okay, you look stunning!" He added with a grin.

She was wearing a peach dress which had pretty details of stones on it. It was one color that looked perfect on Arian. It matched her skin tone so well it was as though it was made just for her.

"Why, thank you." She blushed.

"Let's eat?" Miguel asked as he picked up his cutlery.

"Yes please," Liam added eagerly.

When they were done having breakfast, Miguel headed to his study.

He had started reading a sequel some days ago and decided to continue before it was time to leave. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Sir Miguel may I come in?" Francis, his chief adviser asked.

"Yes do, the door is open." He returned.

"Oh Francis..." as Miguel rose his head to see who.

"Sire," Francis returned with a nod.

"Is everything set for the trip?" He added.

"Arian's seeing to that." Miguel returned with a smile.

"I'll be gone for two days," he added.

"That's fair enough, please send my regards to the Queens." Francis said.

"When will you be leaving sire?" He asked as he stood up.

"Before noon, take care of things while am away," Miguel said.

"I'll do my best Sir. I'll take my leave now," he returned.

Miguel nodded and Francis headed for the door. He flipped to another page of his book and put a bookmark after which he closed it and put it on his table. Then moved towards the shelf to return some books he had taken.

He headed to his room shortly after leaving the study. Arian had changed already. Now she was wearing a white flowing dress. She was a second for Aphrodite, a queen in everyway. Miguel stood speechless for minutes admiring her.

Arian only realized he was there when she bent to pick one of her ribbons which had fallen.

"Miguel you're here," she said.

"Yes, left the study not long ago," he added moving towards the armchair to sit.

"So where were you?" She asked.

"Where I'd rather be all the time," he returned.

"In the garden?" She added inquisitively.

"Right here with you," he smiled.

"Oh you... You're so cheesy," she blushed with a smile.

"I've picked out your clothes," she added wryly.

"It's perfect! Just perfect!" He said as he lifted her up and spun around a few times.

"Mi...guel," she held on to him and she blushed even more.

"Go get dressed already," she said patting his shoulders.

He smiled and put her down gently, taking the clothes as he left to change. In no time he was done. He adjusted his coflins as he moved to look in the mirror and Arian helped him with them. Liam asked permission to come in and was looked just as handsome as his father himself.

"Splendid my Liam looks so handsome," she said pinching his cheeks playfully.

"Mama..." He blushed tilting his head slightly to avoid his mother's teasing.

"I'm four years old now," he added with an endearingly cute smirk.

"I know and your still my little baby," she giggled.

"And your my Captain." Miguel said.

"Arr! Captain Liam at your service." Liam said with a bright smile.

"Papa can we play a game of pirates when we get to Aunt Maya's?" Liam asked.

"Of course Captain," Miguel returned.

"Yeay," he jumped happily.

"High five?" Miguel asked.

"High five!" Liam returned as they slapped their hands together.

They were all set. The maids had put their things into the carriage and the driver stood by to wait for them. He helped them with the door and returned to his seat when they were comfortably seated. The maids waved them goodbye and Demetri along with two guards rode behind them.

It was quite ride as Liam slept most of it. They arrived the palace a little before dinner. Queen Ara was so happy to see them. Everyone was seated as dinner was being served. Maya came out of her room just then. Arian hadn't gone up to see her as she was asleep when they arrived. She was delighted to see her them all.

"Aunt Maya," Liam shouted happily.

He got up from his chair and ran towards her giving her a very good tight hug.

"Liam not too tight," Arian shouted.

"Liam..." Maya returned happily hugging him.

"I missed you. Mummy says I'm having a cousin. We'll play pirates like me and Papa and ride horses together..." Liam said with twinkles in his eyes.

"Yes you will, now let's join everyone." She said.

"Maya," Arian said giving her a hug.

"Congratulations Maya," Miguel said handing her the little gift he had bought.

"Aww thank you Miguel," Maya said

"Maya you and l have so much to talk about," Arian said.

"And you need to eat to be able to do that," Queen Arian said.

"Hahaha yes mother, let's eat everyone," Miguel said.

When they were done having dinner, Arian looked super tired and Maya suggested she went to bed since they had the whole week to catch up on all the gist. They said their goodnights and retired for the night.