
Hidden in Plain Sight.

In a world where some are born gifted with magical abilities, a king had lost hope of an heir. Until one day, while he was away came tidings that his queen had given birth to a son. On the night of his birth, a mage came to wish the prince for he was among those gifted. With each passing year, his powers grew stronger and became harder to control. The mage said only one thing could help tame his powers.That was for her to know and him to find out. The enemies remained unrelenting in their evil plots to destroy the kingdom and take everything it holds dear... Unless there's someone strong enough to stop them. Will they succeed?

Zee_Abee · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Chapter VIII

The following morning, Maya woke up to see she was alone in bed. As she sat up, she noticed a note on the bedside drawer. Rubbing her eyes as she picked it up, it read:

"Good morning love,

I have a meeting with my men. See you at breakfast."

She smiled and let out a sigh as she pushed her hair behind her ear. Pulling the curtains to the side letting beams of sunlight into the room, she opened the window to bask in the sun.

"Oh hello there," she said with a smile to the little Robin that flew by.

Satisfied with the warmth, she headed to the bathroom. When she was done, she dressed up and sat in front of her dressing table to dry her hair. Just then, Madeline asked to come in.

"Good morning my Queen," she said with a bow.

"Good morning Madeline. Hope you slept well?" Maya returned.

"Yes I did thank you. I hope you slept well too," Madeline returned as she moved to make the bed.

"Yes I did, dhanyavaad (thank you) oh I'm sorry, that's how we say thank you in Hindi," Maya giggled.

"That's okay. Madeline said to tell you breakfast would soon be served." She said she wouldn't get carried away with what she doing.

"Have you had yours?" Maya asked concerned.

"I will as soon as I'm done here," Madeline smiled.

"Okay. I'm done dressing up I'll just comb my hair," Maya added.

"Let me help you with that," Madeline offered.

"All right, thank you," Maya smiled handing her the comb.

When she was all set, she started for the door and reminded Madeline to hurry up so she could have her breakfast too. On getting to the dinning room, she met only her mother-in-law.

"Good morning mother," she greeted warmly.

"Good morning dear, hope you slept fine?" Queen Ara returned.

"Yes I did. Arden isn't here yet?" Maya asked a little worried.

"He's still in a meeting with his men. I think they should be done anytime soon," Queen Ara assured.

As the maids were placing the food on the table, King Arden entered.

"I'm sorry I'm late, good morning mother," He said as a guard pulled his chair for him to sit.

"Good morning Arden. You're just on time," Queen Ara answered.

"Let's eat?" Maya said turning over her plate.

"Yes please, I'm starving." He returned.

When they were done having breakfast, Xan, one of the guards came to ask if he could pack King Arden's bags already.

"Sire, would you like for the bags to be packed now?" He asked.

"Before noon would be fine," King Arden returned.

"As you wish my King," Xan said turning to leave.

"It's time to leave again, isn't it?" Maya asked sadly.

"I'm sad it is... But don't worry I'll be back before you know it," he said.

"You'll get used to it my dear," Queen Ara added warmly.

"I wasn't going to miss him anyway," Maya added batting her eyelashes in the cutesiest way.

"Are sure Maya? You might want to reconsider?" King Arden said with a smile as he looked at his wife.

"Really now?" Queen Ara returned laughingly.

"Of course," Maya winked.

"I was only worried he would grow thin," she added with a pout and shrugged making them all laugh.

Maya returned to her room and decided to pack King Arden's luggage. It was almost noon and she remembered that was when he said it was okay to do so. She opened the wardrobe to pick out some of his clothes. After some minutes he joined her in the room.

"Capes, shirts, pants, um.... What else is missing?" Wondering what she had left out.

"Maya, Xan could have done it," he said.

"Oh you, well I'm already at it. No need to worry." She said wryly from the wardrobe.

"Arden, how long would you be gone?" She added remembering she hadn't packed any of his robes and reached for them.

"Not for too long hopefully," King Arden returned wondering why she didn't let the poor guy do his job.

"Um... Alright, just don't forget to eat on time okay?" She added.

"I will. Don't worry after this I won't be traveling this long again," Arden replied with a smile.

"Alright who'll be going with you?" She added closing the box.

"Zedicus. Nimue would stand in for him. I'm leaving you and mother incharge." He said adjus

"You're now the OIC," he added with a wink.

"OIC? What's that?" She returned with a puzzled smile.

"Officer in Charge," He added as he hugged her.

"Aye! Aye! Captain, the Queens are up to the task," She nodded with a smile as she twinkled her eyes.

"If you need help with anything, Nimue is at your service," he added with a smile as she handed him his robe and walked him to his mother's room.

"Arden you're set to leave?" Queen Ara asked as he hugged her.

"Yes mother, I'll be back in a week." He returned.

"Now you take care son, may God always protect you." She returned.

After hugging them both, his mother and Maya walked him outside where his retinue were waited. When he was ready to leave, Zedicus helped him with the door. They waved as his chariot was being ridden out of the palace and the others followed behind on their horses.

Queen Ara and Maya sat in the courtyard to enjoy the evening breeze as they fed the birds.

"Mother, did father go on trips like this too?" Maya asked.

"Why, yes he did. During times of war he spent months away from home," she returned with a smile.

"And I was on the verge of tears every time Arden said he had to leave," Maya said.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," Queen Ara assured.

The day was forspent and almost dinner time. The cooks had prepared quesadillas and guacamole, one of Queen Ara's favorite dishes. She smiled as they were King Ayden's favorite too. Even though Arden did his best to always keep his mother happy she still missed her King ever so much.

"Maya, have you tried this before?" She asked with twinkle in her eye.

"No I haven't," with a big grin she replied.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Queen Ara smiled.

"Dig in, I'm sure you'll love it." She added warmly.

"Delicious. It tastes amazing." Maya returned after a bite.

"No kidding, mother you have to teach me how to make these..." She added as keen as mustard.

"Of course I will, now eat up." Queen Ara returned warmly.

Apparently Maya enjoyed her dinner and Queen Ara was glad she did. The two were all smiles as they said their goodnights and retired to their chambers for the night.