

"Make sure you're back for dinner, Emily!" my mom called out to me.

"I will be! See you later!" I called back to her as I left my house. The backyard wasn't just a field of grass; there were many trees that grew deep rooted into the ground and stretched their branches high into the sky to form the woods that stood behind my house.

I walked along the familiar dirt path that led me deeper into the woods. I had many memories of the woods from my childhood; they mostly consisted of a younger me skipping along the path, happily humming a tune as I went.

All around me, I could hear the loud noises of the animals going on with their daily lives. I watched as creatures scurried along the dirt floor and the birds flew in between trees. I noticed the sound of the woodpeckers pecking at the trees through the melodic tweets of songbirds. The chirps, squeaks, and other animal babble rang throughout the woods and pleasantly filled my ears.

Everything was peaceful. It felt as it always had throughout the many years that I'd wandered between the thousands of trees. That was part of the reason that I ventured into the woods; I enjoyed the serenity.

I had walked for a few miles into the woods, relishing in the calm atmosphere. Eventually, I came to the decision that it was time to head back and return to my house. I was about to turn around and start the long walk home when I heard a voice.

"Don't worry, Unliim. We'll get her back soon."

I hadn't noticed anyone else walking along the path, as well. Although, when I looked towards the voice, I saw a group of people all grouped together. One was a woman with long, light brown hair that danced in the breeze. She stood next to a man with a short haircut that had his black hair frame his face nicely. With them, they had six kids that they were speaking with.

Each child looked different, from different spans of ages and different appearances. One of the kids was a little girl who looked about five with brown hair. Another was a girl who looked about ten with black hair, while she stood next to an eleven year old boy with dark brown hair. Some of the older ones were probably about fourteen and sixteen. The former was a boy with dark blonde hair, and the last one was a girl with pretty, light brown hair.

"What if we don't, and she's lost retéa?" The boy who asked the question was little; he looked about six and had dark blond hair.

"That won't happen. Specir Funsré will get her back," the woman, who I assumed was the mom, replied.

"Are you déama?" The little boy asked.

"I'm déama," the mom reassured.

I couldn't understand some of the words they were saying. I came to the conclusion that they were speaking in a different language, but I could tell that they lost something or someone. I figured that since I knew the woods well, I could help them. I could use my knowledge to try and help them navigate their way through the woods during their search.

I was about to walk over to them and see how I could help before a sudden gust of wind knocked me onto the ground. I looked up against the wind and saw that the family wasn't on the ground, like me. They didn't fall over from the harsh winds. Their hair was blowing all over the place, and they were looking towards something that I couldn't see.

A loud thump rang throughout the woods without warning. As if the sound caused it, the wind instantly died down to a stop. Out of nowhere, an aircraft that was about as tall as most of the trees appeared. The family seemed to have expected this, and they seemed to be waiting for something.

The aircraft was most definitely a spaceship. There were no planes or helicopters that resembled such a foreign model. A door opened and changed its shape to create a ramp that went to the ground. Out of the spaceship came a woman with very blonde hair and a shawl draped around her. On the shawl was a logo that I didn't recognize; it appeared to be a tree with blue and green leaves next to a neon green tent.

"Specir Funsré, Osaitar you're here. Do you think you'll be able to get Tiena back?" the mom asked.

"My tareps eté will déamalé try," the new woman—who I assumed was Specir Funsré—replied. "Just tell me what happened, and you and you're ailima can go back to Unrie while we work."

The mom nodded. "We were etalans down the aiv on our way to the store, and, when we got iretni the store, I did a headcount of the bilré, and I noticed that Tiena wasn't there. Rhilnew went to go look for her, and he couldn't find her... He came back to the store we were at, and we utcantéb you."

"Tùsil, we'll find her, nosaté," Specir Funsré assured her.

"Itsaitar, Specir Funsré," the dad thanked.

"Issitar, now head home. It's getting late on Unrie," Specir Funsré said.

The dad nodded and rounded up all the kids. The woman, Specir Funsré, seemed to be in charge. From what I could understand, the parents were following what she was saying. Soon, another spaceship appeared out of nowhere next to the one that Specir Funsré came on.

At this point, I was ninety percent sure that the people before me were aliens, so the only rational thing to do in this situation was to sneak onto their spaceship, right?

As quietly as I could, I walked around the trees until I got to the entrance of the spaceship. After the family got in, I snuck in and walked in the opposite direction that they did.

I crept down a hallway, and it seemed to be ten times longer than how it looked from the outside. I walked to the end of the hallway, and I saw a bedroom behind a door. I went into the bedroom and hid under the bed and waited. I realized that what I was doing was quite risky, but I was too nervous to try and go back.

Outside of the spaceship, I could hear loud wind pushing against the ground and trees, and, soon, I could feel myself being lifted up along with the spaceship.

I was probably going to be a little late for dinner.

Hey guys! I hope you like my story, I've been working pretty hard on it so far.

If you want to give me gifts, Iikes, comments, or whatever else there is, the feel free to do so! Anything helps, I just hope you like my story!

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