
Hidden Genius: Ayanokouji's Rebirth As Naruto Uzumaki

The character who is known as Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, had just finished his first year of high school. And the recent most notable thing he did was to confess a girl called Karuizawa Kei, who accepted it. Then they were in a relationship. And Kei Karuizawa then introduced her boyfriend Ayanokouji to the world of Anime. Something known as Naruto. After finishing the anime when Ayanokouji slept, and was about to begin his days as a second year, he suddenly found himself in the body of an infant the later morning. Who was none other than Uzumaki Naruto.

Gokage_Sensumo · Anime e quadrinhos
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9 Chs

Chapter 3 Meeting Hinata, Training And Meeting Him.

Third person POV:

"So, we finally meet, huh? Hinata Hyuga," Naruto muttered, his gaze fixed on the bullying scene unfolding before him. Various older kids surrounded a girl from the Hyuga clan, their taunts and jeers filling the air. Naruto wasted no time in intervening.

'First things first, let's blend in,' Naruto thought, swiftly transforming into a random bystander as he approached the scene. As he drew nearer, both the bullies and Hinata noticed his presence.

"Huh!? Who the hell are you?" one of the bullies demanded, pointing an accusatory finger at Naruto.

"Me? I'm Nakamura. And for now, could you please leave her alone? She doesn't seem to appreciate your actions," Naruto replied, his tone carrying a hint of menace that gave the bullies pause.

"Leave her? And who the hell are you? Some kind of hero?" one of the bullies scoffed, while another warned, "Just mind your own business, unless you want trouble."

Despite their threats, Naruto stood his ground, meeting their stares with unwavering resolve. When one of the bullies finally lost his temper and lunged at Naruto with a punch, Naruto effortlessly caught his hand, leaving the attacker bewildered.

"That Jiji was a lot faster than you guys," Naruto thought wryly as he effortlessly deflected the punch. Sensing the bully's confusion, Naruto applied a bit more pressure, eliciting cries of pain.

"A-ah! Aargh!!! Please stop it!!!" the bully pleaded, unable to bear Naruto's strength.

"You bastard!! Let him go otherwise—" another bully began, but Naruto swiftly produced a kunai, cutting off the threat.



"This guy!?"

With the kunai poised in his hand, Naruto fixed the bullies with a steely gaze, their fear palpable in the air. With a flourish, Naruto sent the kunai flying past a bully, narrowly missing his hair.

The bullies, now thoroughly intimidated, exchanged nervous glances as Naruto addressed them once more. "I said, she doesn't like your actions. So can you just leave her alone!?" Naruto's voice was firm, his eyes reflecting a darkness that sent shivers down their spines.

"Y-yes. We'll leave her alone, sir," the leader of the bullies stammered, rallying his allies before they hastily retreated from the scene.

As Naruto observed the bullies retreating, he redirected his attention to Hinata, a mixture of concern and determination etched across his features. "Hey! You," he called out, pointing towards her, before adding, "You're a Hyuga, right? I think you'd have no problem dealing with those weaklings."

"But... I-I am not as s-strong as my f-father expected me to b-be," Hinata confessed, her voice faltering as she gathered herself and met Naruto's gaze, noting his steadfast stare.

"Nakamura-kun, a-are you a s-shinobi?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued by Naruto's intervention.

"After I graduate, then yes. I will be a Shinobi. Also..." Naruto disclosed, reverting to his original appearance and retrieving his kunai from the ground, "This is how I originally look. That was a transformation Jutsu, to avoid trouble, you know."

"My name is Naruto. Uzumaki Naruto. What's yours?" Naruto asked Hinata, mindful of proper introductions.

"It's Hinata. Hyuga Hinata. U-um... Can I a-also be strong l-like you, Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked tentatively, her desire for strength evident in her voice.

"Yes. Everyone has potential. It's just up to them on how to use it. But seeing you, All I can say is... Change the way you think, the way you act, and the way you process input and generate output. Then you will truly become strong," Naruto imparted before swiftly disappearing with a body flicker Jutsu, leaving Hinata astonished by his sudden departure.

With Naruto:

'Now that I've dealt with Hinata, I guess it's about time for my weight seals,' Naruto contemplated, considering his next move. Months of basic training had prepared him, and now he had the means to further enhance his physical abilities.

He formed a hand sign and muttered, "Transformation Jutsu," once again assuming the guise of Nakamura as he made his way towards a weapons store.

Upon arrival, Naruto parted the entrance curtain and entered the shop, where he recognized a familiar face—Tenten. Approaching her, he made his request.

"Excuse me, I would like to purchase some weight seals for strengthening my body. A smaller one if possible," Naruto requested, catching Tenten's attention.

As Naruto caught Tenten's attention, she quickly responded, "Oh! Please wait, I shall call my Dad right away."

"No problem," Naruto replied casually as he made his way towards an empty chair and settled himself down. After a brief wait, Tenten returned with her father, the owner of the shop.

"Hey, boy. So what type of weight seals would you prefer?" Tenten's dad inquired, addressing Naruto directly to ascertain his preferences.

Naruto wasted no time in expressing his desire. "I'd prefer a full-body one, also can you please make it as small as possible?"

"Alright, I just happen to have a perfect one for you," Tenten's dad assured as he disappeared into a certain room, returning promptly with a set of weight seals.

"Here, just take a look at it. This one most fits the description of what you are looking for," Tenten's dad suggested as he handed over the weight seal.

Examining it closely, Naruto nodded in approval. "This one's the exact thing I am looking for. So what's the price for this one?" he inquired, eager to finalize the transaction.

"Although this one is 130,000 Ryo, I shall specially arrange this for you for 120,000 Ryo. How about it?" Tenten's dad offered, proposing a discounted price.

Considering the offer, Naruto attempted to negotiate further. "I see, can you add some Kunais with it and give me more discount?" he bargained.

"To be exact, how many Kunais are you looking for?" Tenten's dad asked, willing to accommodate Naruto's request.

"Ten kunai," Naruto replied promptly, stating his desired quantity.

After a moment of contemplation, Tenten's dad responded, "Okay, how about 110,000 for the weight seal and then 450 for each kunai? Which in total will be 114,500 ryo."

"Alright, we have a deal then," Naruto agreed, satisfied with the arrangement. He retrieved the necessary amount and completed the transaction, before leaving the store with his newly acquired goods in hand.

As Naruto strolled through the bustling streets of the village, his eyes were drawn to Ichiraku Ramen. With a rumble in his stomach, he thought, 'For today's meal, let's just go there.'

Upon arrival, Naruto placed his order, "One Miso Ramen, please."

"Coming right away, please wait till then," Teuchi pops replied as he disappeared into the kitchen. After a few minutes, he returned with a steaming bowl of delicious Ramen.

"Hey, Naruto. Do you still need to do this? Can't you just be normal, no transformation?" Teuchi pops asked, knowing it was Naruto under the henge. "No, I can't. Because if I did so you might be in danger from those guys," Naruto explained as he finished his meal and headed straight to the forest for training.

"Since I just finished my meal, maybe I should rest for some time..." Naruto muttered as he found a shady spot under a tree. However, his relaxation was interrupted by a presence behind him.

'Now just who might this be? Though I have some hunch,' Naruto pondered, inviting the hidden visitor to reveal themselves.


A person's sudden fall caught Naruto's attention. "I didn't expect you to be here, Hinata," Naruto remarked, though he had suspected her presence.

"Um um. Naruto-kun," Hinata responded timidly.

"Yes, I am all ears," Naruto assured, his gaze sharp as he observed Hinata closely. "Can you please teach me how to fight? I want to be strong, just like you," Hinata implored loudly, requesting Naruto's guidance in the ways of the Shinobi.

"I have no problem with it. But you might have some," Naruto cautioned, closing his eyes momentarily before continuing, "Do you know why?"

"Because it's very difficult for me?" Hinata ventured.

"Exactly. Your body might get ripped if you follow my actual training routine. So I am willing to level down my training for you until you can catch up to me," Naruto said, casting a determined gaze at Hinata. After a moment, Hinata's expression hardened, and she replied, "Thanks a lot. And I am definitely ready."

"Alright. First to begin with, when did you have your meal?" Naruto inquired, turning his attention to practical matters. Hinata responded, "Right after I went home after that incident."

"I see. Let's rest for some time then. And we can begin our training," Naruto suggested as he settled back into the tree's shade.

After a brief pause, Naruto remarked, "It's great that you seem to have stopped stuttering."

"Yeah, after hearing your words, this was the very first step I took," Hinata acknowledged. "By the way, Naruto-kun. Why did you use transformation Jutsu back then?" she asked.

"That's because I am not the most lovable guy here," Naruto replied cryptically.

"I see. But why? You are so kind to me," Hinata remarked, puzzled.

Inwardly, Naruto thought, 'Me? Kind!? Truly funny.' Aloud, he responded, "Some things are better left unanswered. But to answer, it's because they don't know the truth."

"I see," Hinata said, accepting Naruto's explanation. The two engaged in conversation about trivial matters, and before they knew it, an hour had passed. Sensing the time, Naruto said, "So shall we begin our training?"

"Yeah. Let's do so," Hinata agreed eagerly.

"Good. For starters, let's do some pushups, sit-ups, and squats," Naruto instructed as he stretched his muscles and initiated their physical training. Hinata followed suit, pushing herself to keep up with Naruto's pace. After half an hour, Hinata felt exhaustion creeping in as she completed the exercises.

'Naruto-kun sure is amazing. I only managed to do 69 pushups, 64 sit-ups, and 68 squats, while he managed to do more than a hundred of all of them. That too in the same time,' Hinata marveled silently as she watched Naruto, who seemed unfazed by the exertion.

"Let's rest for some time," said Naruto as he once again reclined in the tree's shade, and Hinata followed suit. After a moment, Naruto initiated the conversation, asking, "Have you unlocked your chakra?"

"Yes, I unlocked it just last week," replied Hinata, hoping for perhaps a word of praise from Naruto.

"Great. Now after some rest, I will teach you a technique which will increase your chakra control by many folds," Naruto announced, stealing a glance at Hinata. 'I was right. She really wanted a compliment. That's kinda cute,' he thought to himself.

After both of them had sufficiently rested, Naruto stood up and said, "Alright. How long can you hold the leaf in your body?"

"About forty minutes," Hinata responded.

"That's awesome. You have already reached the level I wanted you to be," Naruto praised, moving towards the same tree. "Watch me very closely with attention," he instructed Hinata, who nodded eagerly.

Satisfied with Hinata's determination, Naruto then pulled his leg up and placed it against the tree's trunk. With practiced ease, he repeated the process with his other leg, defying gravity as he essentially walked up the tree trunk.

"Wow! That's very awesome, Naruto-kun," exclaimed Hinata as she watched Naruto effortlessly navigate the tree. Naruto jumped down gracefully and explained, "For this exercise, you must be able to mold the perfect amount of chakra in your feet. It must be precise and balanced. If you feel it's not enough, just add more. But if you feel it's too much, then reduce the amount."

"Yeah, I got this," Hinata affirmed, moving towards the tree to attempt the exercise herself. However, after several unsuccessful tries, she couldn't manage to replicate Naruto's feat.


"Ouch!" Hinata exclaimed as she once again tumbled from the tree. Then, a sudden realization dawned on her, and she turned to Naruto, asking, "Hey Naruto-kun. Can I try running here? Maybe it will become easier as I keep moving forward."

"Great idea, Hinata. You can do so," replied Naruto, impressed by her quick thinking. 'I didn't expect her to figure this out so fast. She really is something else,' he thought to himself.

"Right, Naruto-kun," said Hinata, determination gleaming in her eyes as she sprinted towards the tree.

After exactly three hours, Hinata finally reached the top of the tree. With a triumphant backflip, she gracefully landed on the ground.

"I did it," Hinata whispered, the realization of her achievement slowly sinking in. Then, with sudden excitement, she exclaimed, "Yay! I did it. Finally, Naruto-kun, did you see it?"

"Yeah, you sure did. Although you have far from mastered this, you've definitely made progress. Congratulations, Hinata. You are officially one of the strongest three-year-old kids in the village," praised Naruto, impressed by her growth. 'Wow! Her progress rate is definitely good. She can be it. In this world, my piece of queen in the chess game. Also, I should now definitely call him out.'

"You can now come out, you know," Naruto announced loudly, making sure his voice carried enough for anyone else nearby to hear. Upon hearing Naruto's call, the other party made their presence known to the two kids.

The sudden appearance cut short Hinata's celebration, and she too became alert. If Naruto-kun could locate her, then someone else must have been there and caught his attention. It turned out to be none other than her father, Hyuga Hiashi.

"Father..." Hinata muttered anxiously upon seeing him, unsure of what was happening.

"Hinata, remember this: even if you have the power to defeat your enemy, it is useless without the will and confidence to do so. Also, you did a great job learning the tree-climbing exercise in just one day," praised Hiashi, directing his attention towards Naruto next.

"Thank you very much, father," Hinata said gratefully.

"Also, who are you?" Hiashi inquired, turning his gaze towards Naruto, the new face in the scene.

"I think it's easy to know who I am, Lord Hyuga," replied Naruto confidently. Meanwhile, Hinata thought, 'Wow! Because of Naruto-kun, my father praised me. And he is talking to my father on equal terms.'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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