
Hidden Billionaire Tech Genius

John O’Connor, a man struggling with three low-paying jobs must keep a roof over his head and meet the extravagant demands of his girlfriend Ashley to be eligible to marry her. However, his world turns upside down when he discovers she is cheating on him. Heartbroken and dejected, his work is affected and he stands at the edge of becoming jobless. Just when he thought it was over, a sudden amount arrives in his penniless bank account and this might lead a clue to his forgotten past.

Favylee · Urbano
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23 Chs

You're under arrest for the murder!

John cocked his head in amusement. Why do rich people act so irrationally? He said inwardly. So what if he couldn't pay for it, does that warrant this rude man snatching the cloth from him?

"I don't think you can decide if I can buy this or not." He told the man and took the clothes back.

The man's face heated up with anger. "Do you have a death wish? Do you know who I am?" He exhaled sharply.

"Alright. I'll give you two hundred dollars, you can go check other sections. I can't breathe well with you around here. Your presence here will only make things seem inferior."

That was a slap and an insult to John's pride. The man even said it so loud on purpose so everyone would hear. The people checking out clothes were already watching them.

Even though his words made John clench his fist tightly in anger, he still couldn't help but laugh. Two hundred dollars? How much was that? This man was surely looking down on him. Two hundred dollars meant nothing to him now.

"I will not give this jacket to you!" John told him firmly, drawing out every word.

"Do you think you can afford it? How did you even get to enter this place? Do you think some Tom, Dick and Harry can just shop here? This is no place for filthy rags like you!" He spat out.

Filthy Bastard? John could feel his anger reaching its peak. His patience was at its straining limit.

"Mind what you say, you man. I won't tolerate a public scene. I only came here to get clothes, and I'd love to leave in peace too when I'm done."

"You rascal!" The man yelled in fury, his eyes flashing hot. "How dare you talk to me that way? Are you looking to die young!? You won't tolerate a public scene? Then give the jacket to me right now because you're about to get one! Do you know who I am at all!? I could make all your family members go missing in the next minute!"

John burst into an uncontrollable laughter. "You keep saying," Do I know who you are! Who are you? Or rather who do you think you are? Because you have little cash, you think you're on top of the world or you're superior to everyone?"

"For all I care, you are a nobody to me. And as for making my family go missing, I'd love to see you try!"

John ignored the interested onlookers who were busy pretending not to watch. As he strode to the salesperson counter, he could hear the whisperings of the people.

"This young man is gutsy!"

"Isn't that CEO Luke Mooney, the CEO of Moon tech company?"

"Yes, that's him. Did this shabbily dressed man just challenge a big personality ?"

"He must be really looking to die!"

John shook his head as he heard what they said. How could some people be so stupid? So because he was a big shot, he could do anything he liked? He can misuse his right? People always act inferior to people who are richer than them.

He handed the cloth to the sales lady. "Please, I'll take this. How much is it?"

As the sales lady saw the jacket, her eyes widened. After a moment of hesitation, she opened her mouth to speak.

"Sir, this is a limited edition. In fact, it's the only one in the country. I'm not sure just anyone can afford this."

John ignored her last statement. Without batting an eyelid, he said; "I'll pay for it. How much does it cost?"

"The price of this limited edition Chanel jacket is ten million dollars." The lady said Slowly.

Whew! John didn't see that coming. Sure, rich people loved expensive things. He had never worn a cloth as expensive as that. Nonetheless, it wasn't a bad idea to own such expensive clothes. He flashed the lady a warm smile as he brought out his card.

"I'll pay for it. I'm going to change the clothes I'm wearing. Please, prepare a private changing room."

He handed the card to the lady, but before she could take it, a hand stretched from behind and snatched it. 

"I'll pay double." 

It was the devil's spawn, Luke Mooney. He had a rude smirk on his face as he looked at John. 

"Do you still think you can afford to pay double?"

John inhaled and exhaled sharply to calm the fury that was brewing inside his gut. This surely smelt like trouble, but he was ready for him anyway.

"I'll pay triple!" He declared.

The sales lady glanced from Luke's face to John's face. Her gaze went back and forth to their faces as she was torn between who to sell it to. At the same time, she was thrilled. If any of them should pay that high, then her commission would be doubled at the end of today.

Luke was already fuming rage. How dare this poor and shabbily dressed man try to ridicule him? He had his pride. He couldn't let that happen when almost everyone in the store was now watching.

"I'll pay five times the normal price." He said and without further warning, the sales lady began packaging the cloth for him.

John's lips formed into a wry smile. This was getting more fun than he had imagined. An evil smile soon crawled up his face. It was obvious that Luke was just one of those spoiled rich brat who lacked manners. It was only right if he taught him some lessons since his parents failed to do so.

"Don't pack the clothes!" He said tersely. "I'll pay twenty times the normal price!"

The moment he said that the store rose in an uproar. Everyone was astonished and stunned at what he said. Twenty times ten million dollars? That was like two hundred million dollars. For just a jacket? That was way too much!

"Does this man even have such amount of money?" Someone said,

"He's probably never seen one million dollars in his life!"

Most of the comments that filled the air were attacking John. John shook his head as he listened. They were only in favour of Luke because he was rich. Ass lickers! He sneered inwardly. He also knew what he had just done was too risky, but he wanted to teach look a lesson he would never forget in his life, so he would stop looking down on people.

Luke was already vibrating with tension. How could this man be so brazen as to try to ridicule a whole CEO of one of the biggest tech companies in the company? He thought angrily. Does he really not know who he was? Does this man even have such a crazy amount of money as he claimed?

Luke clearly knew the idea was crazy. He knew that he shouldn't squander money that way. But his pride was in question here. He could let anyone trample on his pride. And besides, the onlookers were now supporting him and they were obviously expecting him to raise the price too.

Even as he opened his mouth to speak, he felt very stupid. It was really going to tell on the company's fund and his mother would scold him endlessly. But his company was big after all, he would recover it within some few days. Still, he had to play it wisely.

"I'll pay two hundred and fifty million dollars." He said.

John smiled wryly. "I'm really disappointed, Mr Mooney. Is that all you have? Young lady, please just pack the clothes for me. I'll pay three hundred million dollars."

Luke had had enough. He could see now that John was trying to ridicule him. How could anyone pay three hundred million dollars for an ordinary jacket?

Fury made him raise his hand to smack John, but his hand hung in the air as John had seen through his attack and he grabbed his hand roughly. He landed a hard slap on his face, and the loud sound cut across the store making people gasp in shock.

Luke's face contorted in pain as he toppled backwards. "Fucking bastard!" He swore angrily, shame beating him over the head. How could anyone's slap be as painful as this? He couldn't even retaliate because the pain he was feeling was almost overriding his brain.

What !? Commotion fell on the entire building as more people had now gathered. Everyone was shocked. An ordinary man with no influence or wealth just slapped a big shot?

Who was this unknown man anyway? They wondered.

Could he have a hidden identity?

"Maybe he's also a big shot!" Someone said, and some people seemed to agree as they started supporting Jackson.

"Mr Luke was actually wrong to snatch the jacket from him in the first place. The young man didn't do anything wrong." They claimed.

John threw a disgusting look at them.

"Just pack it for me." He told the salesperson.

Luke was still holding his hurting cheeks as he glared at John. Who was this crazy rascal? He wondered. No one had ever slapped him in his life, not even his mother. And this first slap was a terrible one. It was way too painful.

"How dare you?" A feminine voice said harshly from behind and people turned to look at the speaker as she made her way towards John.

The voice sounded kind of familiar to John, so he looked back too, only to see the same woman that had made him lose his job. Yeah, her name was Mooney too. That was what Mr Steel had called her the last time.

Wait a minute, Mr Mooney, Mrs Mooney. He seemed to regrouped and everything all made sense now. They must be related. He reckoned.

"How dare you raise your filthy hands to slap my son!?" She frowned her face as a look of recognition flashed across her features.

"You!" She raised her hands to slap John, but John held her hands.

"Madam, I'd advise you not to do that because I didn't do anything wrong here. Your son tried to slap me first."

"Let go of me this instant, you bastard!" She yelled. "You still haven't changed after you lost your job, huh? You still look down on those superior to you! Shall I make you regret ever being born?"

John let out a derisive snicker. "I'm looking forward to the opportunity." He said. "And besides, I think you should be thanking me. I only helped you train your son which you refused to train. But I guess the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree either. You obviously lack manners too, ma'am." He gave her a polite bow and strode away.

"What!? You bastard! How dare you!" Her eyes flashed savagely. "Rocket!?" She beckoned to the burly-looking bodyguard behind her.

"Teach that bastard a lesson!" She ordered.

Suddenly, a colossus of a man barged in, drawing everyone's attention. Behind him were five other men dressed in police uniforms. The man who appeared to be their leader approached John.

"I believe you're Mr John O'Connor. We have your face all over our station's system and I believe you don't have a twin. Mr John O'Connor, you're under arrest for the murder of Mr Isaac, the CEO of Eon Innovations. You have the right to keep quiet as anything you say or do might be used against you in a court of law. You also have the right to an attorney."

The policeman brought out handcuffs from his back pocket and cuffed John's hands behind him.

John stared at him in bewilderment and shock. Isaac was dead?

Who killed Mr Isaac? Is he really dead? Drop a comment.

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