
Escape From Hell

"Do you really think you can escape." A red demon yelled at a man in a black cloak as he neares the purple portal.

"I'm tired of this place." The man said walking towards the portal.

A large flaming ball came from behind him engulfing him completely. But the flames broke apart finding no hold over him.

"No one can leave hell." The demon screamed.

"Only true demons can leave." The young man said walking through the portal with ease as his eyes went red.

He had literally fought through hell to live. As stumbled to the ground in his blood soaking his shirt and legs. It was day in the city as the young man dragged himself out of the alleyway into the light.

The the cars stopped to look as people started to call for a ambulance.

"I'm back."

In the hospital I opened my eyes looking out the window. I had been on a plane when it crashed in the ocean. But I had found myself in hell. For six months I have tried to escape.

I learned minor magic and how to use a sword. But I'm back in the real world now. I wonder how my family is.

I was in my third year of highschool when I disappeared or died. I still didn't know if I died or simply found myself in hell.

The door to my room opened as a familiar face walked in. My grandpa walked in with his white beard.

"Grandpa." I said as he simply looked at me.

"I'm sorry." He said.

My parents had died two months ago in a armed robbery. They were both shot trying to run.

My grandpa took in my younger brother. He was four years younger than me. I had slept for a full day as the hospital contacted the police.

They had contacted my grandpa who lived in another city called Calista. The city wasnt very big and not grand in any way. But it gave lots of jobs and a small town not far outside of it.

The doctors had said I would be fine. But grandpa looked at me worried. I had multiple slashes on my back. My right arm had a deep cut to the bone. My legs had deep slices all over.

Yet a night of sleep and I was all better. A lot of the doctors were shocked seeing how I was fine now. But my still had a bruise and might become a scar.

As my grandpa was driving I was sitting right next to him enjoying the sun.

"How did you survive." He asked trying to keep his eyes on the road.

"I really don't know." I said not want to say I found myself in hell and escaped through a portal to this world. I would sound crazy.

"Then how did you get back." He asked.

"I found work. Eventually I made enough money and paid some people to help me." I said.

"Then how did you find yourself on deaths door." He sound loudly gripping the wheel a little harder.

"Sometimes it's killed or be killed." I said quietly looking out the window.

When we got home it seemed we lived at the town and the city itself. As the car parked I was asked to wait.

"Your brother must of missed the bus home. You can come in." He said leaving the door open.

When I walked in I felt strange. I had been here a few times when I was younger. But this didn't feel like home. It felt empty to me.

As found my old room I had stayed in before. It seemed it was still mine as it had only ever been cleaned.

I started on the bed looking at the clock on the desk. It showed it was five in the afternoon. I fell asleep without noticing as someone knocked on my door.

"Brother." A voice said as the door cracked open.

"How you been." I said happily seeing my younger brother walk in.

"It's really you." My brother said running to give me a hug.

"I know it's been a while." I said hugging him back.

My brother let go and walked towards the door." Come on dinners ready." He said as I got up to follow.

As we ate everything seemed fine.

"Lucas, I want you to go back to school starting next week." My grandpa said breaking the silence so far.

"I'm fine with that." I said finishing my food.

"Is there anything you want by the way." Grandpa asked getting up.

"Not really." I said washing my plate.

"Okay just don't over do it." Grandpa said.

That night I slept peacefully for the first time in a long time. School starts after tomorrow so I might want to go out for today.

I had done a lot in myntime of hell. But I knew that my power from my time in hell had carried over to this world. If I had healed that quickly then mybothers should have come too.

So when I woke up early in the morn intried to open the pocket dimsion. I had learned a lot in hell. If you killed a demonic beast or demon you would gain some of their traits. But only if you put your blood on their core.

I had killed a lot of demonic beasts. Each time I grew stronger. I killed a few demons as well. Though the demons gave me knowledge as well.

I open the pocket dimension like a small hand sized vortex. But it wasn't stable. I tried for over a hour before it was stable enough to put my hand through.

One of the things a lot of demons cared about was money. Some in coins other more modern day. I pulled out a roll of cash as the vortex closed. If I wasn't careful I might lose my hand.

As I got dressed and looked in my brothers room I saw he was asleep. I closed and the door and left a note before leaving.

I took a taxi into the city. I wanted to buy some new clothes and enjoy myself a little. I bought a few shirts and pants. I found a blue coat with a silver zipper that I liked.

But before going back home I stopped to get some food.

"Here's your food sir." The girl working here said placing a plate of my food down.

It seemed a lot of people were taking a their breaks now and getting some to eat. So I finished up quickly leaving. I walked around simply enjoying not smelling death all the time.

I went a bus stop waiting. When it came up however I felt a familiar presence. As I entered the bus a person caught my eyes.

'Demon.' Was the first thing I thought as I took my seat.

First chapters might seem like filler. But it's just a lot of details and information for the future. The first five to seven chapters will be like this but afterwards a lot will start to happen.

Wolfs_Streetcreators' thoughts