

The blue glow of hyperspace faded in moments to reveal the dark purple radiance of Dathomir. Sitting at the controls, Harry marveled at its beauty as Ventress leaned into his shoulder.

"I had the same look on my face when I saw my planet for the first time. When I forced those pirates to bring me home." She kissed his cheek as he began his landing procedures. "When we land, stay close to me. The nightbrothers will try to kill any man that isn't a Zabrak, and my sisters will try to claim any man that is on his own so they can see if he is worthy of mating. As long as I am beside you, your virtue is safe."

Looking to his apprentice, Harry said, "That wasn't true last night Asajj."

A light blush dusted her cheeks for a second before she managed to push the reaction down. "I still can't believe that was your first time. You were very skilled."

Lacking the same emotional control of his apprentice, the Sith Lord's face turned scarlet. "Um… Sirius and Zannah both take a lot of pride in their sexual conquests, and they like to reminisce. Explicitly. I may have picked up a few tricks by listening to them over the last couple years."

They were entering the atmosphere now. "I never thought I'd thank Sirius for anything." The grey skinned girl mused as they broke the atmosphere and began cruising to the temple of her sisters and Matriarch.

"He does have his moments. I wish you'd give him a chance love."

"I'll give him a chance when he stops staring at my ass. He knows I'm with you, but he continues to stare regardless."

Harry sighed. "I'll talk to him, but in his defense, it is a great ass."

She smiled wide, displaying her teeth as she leaned up to his ear, "Damn right. I'll be gearing up in the hold. Come find me when we land."

The Sith smiled at her retreating form, and gazed down to the aforementioned ass as it walked through the door. That sight never got old to him. Dathomir had been her choice of planet, and apparently she hadn't wanted to wait for an official romantic date to affirm their relationship. So she had stolen into his cabin later that night. Harry wasn't complaining in the least. He already cared for her as his apprentice, and now he had the chance to love her too. Now he just had to face her 'mother' and sisters. His happiness slipped just a bit at that realization.

Ten minutes later his landing gear met the ground, and a massive stone temple was visible outside his viewport. He could already see a group of clearly female warriors gathering with bows in their hands, and hoods on their heads.

Hoping to avoid any of them shooting holes in his ship, the man ran out of the cockpit and into his cabin to get changed before meeting his apprentice in the cargo hold.

She was waiting by the ramp controls with her lightsabers on her hips, and her hood lowered to display her features. She saw the look on his face and immediately began laughing. "Are you seriously nervous right now? Oh look, the big bad Sith Lord is afraid to meet his mate's family."

"Shouldn't I be?" The Sith defended himself. "I mean your sister's typical mating practice is to choose a strong warrior, make a kid, and then kill said warrior. Even crazier is the fact that I can feel the power radiating off of your matriarch from here. She's tapped directly into the energy of this planet, which means if I'm forced to fight her here I'm boned."

Sensing that her mate was actually, legitimately upset, the dathomiri woman stepped forward, pulled him into a hug, and said in the most serious voice she could muster, "You don't have to worry. You're my mate, master. My sister's will know that I've claimed you, and my mother will recognize your power as being worthy of her daughter. Just relax."

Pulling himself out of his slump, Harry stepped back from his apprentice's embrace and flipped the switch to lower the ramp. A hiss of depressurized steam was released into the air and the platform lowered to the ground as the two stepped down, side-by-side.

From the trees, Harry couldn't help but notice all of the drawn plasma bows aimed directly at his face. A squeeze of Asajj's hand however eased his worries and soon they were walking down a wide swath of grass to the crowd he'd seen from the cockpit. The only difference between then and the present, was the addition of a very tall Dathomiri woman in crimson robes adorned with an abundance of spikes. She could clearly see him and her daughter holding hands, but no outward reaction was shown until they were feet away. He bowed low in a sign of respect and she opened her arms wide.

"The nightsisters welcome you my lord. Our home is your home."

"You honor me matriarch."

"Nonsense." She eyed their hands again. "What kind of mother would I be if I did not open my home to a daughter and her mate?"

At her elder's words, Asajj stepped forward and knelt before the powerful woman. "It is good to be home, mother. If only for a while."

The matriarch frowned. "You are not staying?"

The younger woman looked down for a moment before meeting her eyes again. "Harry is not just my mate, he is my master and teacher. There is still much he has to teach me, and I don't think either of us are done exploring the wider galaxy yet." A note of worry entered her tone then, "But when we are ready to settle down, will you still accept us?"

A warm smile alit on the matriarch's face. "But of course, my sweet daughter. This is your home, and you are always welcome. Especially after all of the sacrifices you have already made for our people."

Ventress smiled up at her at those words. "My master would also like me to insure that no one here is going to kill him once we have children."

All around the clearing women laughed, while the man in question just blushed in embarrassment.

Still chuckling, the matriarch said, "I think as long as he keeps you satisfied we can agree to let him live."

Ventress smirked. "Trust me mother, he is more than capable of doing just that."

"Alright apprentice," Harry interrupted, "you've had your fun at my expense." He approached the duo again before saying, "I have a couple bottles of twenty year old Kashykk whiskey in the ship. Would you and your daughters care to share a drink with us as a sign of our gratitude for your hospitality?"

In contrast to her regal bearing, the matriarch laughed uproariously. "Of course! Good spirits are always meant to be shared. Have at them!"

Harry nodded with a grin on his face and marched his way back to the Victory. All the way he kept thinking, maybe meeting the family isn't as bad as Sirius always made it sound.

Jedi Temple Coruscant

"What's going on master?" Anakin asked as he and Obi Wan rode the lift up to the council chamber. "Is the council finally giving us the details of that border dispute? We've been held back for over a week now."

Beside him, Kenobi struggled to keep his melancholy expression off of his face. He knew what the meeting was about, and whatever the decision, his time with Anakin was at an end.

"Master? Are you listening to me?"

Obi Wan snapped himself out of it. "Sorry about that Anakin. I didn't sleep well last night. No, I don't think this is about the border dispute."

"So what-" The boy was cut off as the elevator arrived and its door opened.

Kenobi placed his hand on his padawan's shoulder. "Let's just go in and see." Without waiting for a reply he led the way to the central chamber, and bowed to the assembled masters. Beside him Anakin, grudgingly, did the same.

By vote of the council, Mace had been chosen to lead this part of the discussion. He started by gesturing for the two to right themselves. "I'm sure you're wondering why you have been summoned before this council."

Without being asked, Anakin gave his opinion. "I assumed you were finally sending us to deal with the border dispute in the Bontar System."

Obi Wan gritted his teeth at his padawan's disrespect, but before he could reprimand him Mace responded.

"No padawan Skywalker, we are not. Step forward."

The boy looked confused, but complied readily enough. Meanwhile, Obi Wan stepped off to the side of the hall, where Master Shaak Ti was gesturing for him. She couldn't say it, but the Togruta did not want him to be standing alone when the decision was given.

"Padawan Skywalker," Mace began, "Earlier this week you were provided with a psychological analysis. The results of this analysis, paired with your past behavior, and complaints from numerous other padawan learners, Jedi, and masters, have led to only one possible judgement." He steepled his fingers in front of him as he dropped the proverbial hammer. "It is the decision of this council that you are to be expelled from the Jedi order. You have one hour to reclaim what belongings you hold from your room, say goodbye to those you know, and turn in your lightsaber. After that, a shuttle will be waiting in the spaceport to take you wherever it is you desire to go."

For several moments Anakin was speechless. Then a look of rage came over his face. "You cannot just-"

"Final, this decision is." Yoda stopped him with a raised hand. "Many chances, were you given. Changed, you have not."

"This is unfair!" The boy exclaimed. "I've given everything to this order!"

"But you have not learned, or applied yourself to actually changing for the better." Mace responded. "As Master Yoda said, our decision is final."

Anakin looked like he wanted to say more, but instead he screamed with rage and stormed out of the chamber. When Kenobi made to follow him, Shaak Ti took his arm and led him back to the center of the chamber.

"We aren't done here Obi Wan. There are still two points of business."

The bearded Jedi was very confused. "What else could there be? I need to go and explain this to my padawan, or at the very least say goodbye."

The Togruta rubbed his shoulder in commiseration, before leading him over to a vacant seat. So out of it was he, that the man didn't notice where the chair was at first. When he did he was floored. Shaak Ti had placed him amongst the Jedi Council themselves.

"The way you handled this entire situation has been only a show of wisdom. You acknowledged your own faults, as well as those of your student. When the possibility of expulsion came into question, you did not make excuses or try to lie. These past few days your choices and actions have encompassed everything it is to be a Jedi. To place the code and order above your own personal feelings."

"For these reasons, along with your stellar history and career as a knight, this council has voted to bring you amongst them. Be welcome, Master Obi Wan Kenobi." As one the other council members stood, and bowed to the bearded man.

For his part, Kenobi just sat there, with tears threatening to roll down his cheeks. He had hoped to someday reach a position on the council, of course. Every Jedi had. Except, he'd never dreamed it would happen under these circumstances.

Seeing that everyone was still bowing, he got a hold of himself and said, "Please, everyone, sit down. I am surprised at this decision, but I am also honored. I swear that I will do everything in my power to honor the faith you have shown in me today."

"Sure we are, you will." Yoda spoke. "One more thing, there is." He gestured to the door and once more it opened, but this time it admitted two female padawan's, with braids in their hair and lekku.

This time it was Plo Koon that spoke. "As we've already testified master Kenobi, not a single member of this council believes the actions of your former padawan were your fault. Nor was his expulsion. On the contrary, we believe you to be an excellent teacher, and request that you take a new padawan now."

He gestured to the two that had entered. "Shaak Ti is also due to train another student and has volunteered to take hers beside you as a show of support."

Obi Wan thought back to his experiences with Anakin and just had to ask. "Are you sure masters? I have already failed-"

"That was not your fault Obi Wan, and we will not keep saying it. Trust in the council you now sit amongst, and do your duty by passing on your knowledge." She leaned in close and whispered, "You need this old friend. Trust us." When she saw him finally nod his acknowledgment of her words she said, "Here are their files. You choose first, and I'll take the other."

Kenobi nodded and perused the information before him. When he was done he knew there was really only one choice he could make.

The man stepped forward and stood before his new padawan. "Barriss Offee," He said warmly, "from this day forward you are my padawan. I swear to train you in the ways of the force and the Jedi creed until such time as you are ready for your trials."

Before him, the Mirialan girl bowed in respect. "I swear to learn everything you would teach me master."

He smiled and gestured her to the side as Shaak Ti stepped forward. "Ahsoka Tano," she started, "from this day forward you are my padawan. I swear to train you in the ways of the force and the Jedi creed until such time as you are ready for your trials."

The Togruta girl did as her friend had before being gestured, along with Barriss, back out of the chamber. The council was still technically in session after all, and the new padawan's were not cleared for everything they would hear if they stayed. Their training would begin after the meeting.

They were just beginning to sit back down when an urgent message from the temple guard came through on their terminals. They brought it up, and the head guard made them aware of a troubling fact. Anakin Skywalker had not returned to his room. He'd been seen instead running out of the main entrance, and he still had his lightsaber clipped to his belt.

Senate Building - Session Chamber

Palpatine was having a bad day. That morning he'd been forced to cut all ties between himself and the cloning facility on Camino. That meant all vocal records and commands, by necessity, had to be erased. In other words, Order 66 was no longer possible. It was a massive blow to his plans to be sure, but after Dooku's loss he couldn't risk someone else having access to the entire army's mental override code.

Following this disappointing development, he'd been forced to spend four hours in a useless senate meeting, discussing shipping rights and trading incentives of all things. This endless tedium served only as a constant reminder of the things he would destroy when he was emperor.

Of course those thoughts came to a halt when a cadre of no less than twenty Jedi, led by Master's Mace Windu and Yoda entered the hallowed chambers.

Trying to play off his sudden nerves, Palpatine spoke from his raised podium, "Master Yoda, interrupting an open session of the senate is highly irregular. What is wrong?"

The green being stared long and hard at the chancellor before waving his accompanying Jedi to fan out around his podium.

"Allegations, made there were," Yoda chuffed his words out. "That Sith, you are."

Only his years of intensive emotional training kept the chancellor's skin from paling. "Someone claimed that I am a Sith? That's preposterous!"

"Perhaps." Yoda tilted his head in confusion. "But in the force, feel you, I cannot."

Palpatine froze, as did the rest of the senate. They could think of only one reason why he'd be hiding his feelings and presence from the Jedi. There was only one way he'd even know how.

For his part, Palpatine was weighing his odds and finding them wanting. Fighting twenty Jedi at once would be incredibly taxing, and even then he wasn't completely sure he'd survive. With Yoda and Windu there his odds were even worse. In the end, his only real option was to escape and push his fledgling confederacy into a war footing earlier than planned. He'd just have to lead them himself, and if he struck soon then he had a chance. The republic had no standing army, and there was no way the Jedi knew about the clones.

Knowing that he'd been found out filled the old man with rage. "You think knowing this changes anything Jedi?" His voice was pure vitriol and hate. "Weather I rule here or elsewhere, this republic will fall!" With a snarl he pressed a button on his wrist control, and a trapdoor under the podium opened, causing him to fall through.

The Jedi quickly rushed toward the site of the escape, but it suddenly exploded with a concussive shockwave that caused all of them to fly off their feet.

When the world stopped spinning, and the ringing in his ears abated, Mace Windu took stock of the situation. The explosion itself must have been of very low power, as there was little to no collateral damage. His Jedi were winded, and concussed, but otherwise all were alive. Unfortunately the escape tunnel had been collapsed by the blast so there was no way to follow the Sith. Not without a large amount of construction equipment.

The bald Jedi turned to address master Yoda. "We've foiled his plans for now, but if he was instigating war then he could be going to his confederates. If so we need to be prepared for war. Has Master Shaak Ti and her new padawan left for the cloning facility yet?"

The grandmaster nodded. "After the meeting, leave they did." His eyes, that were gazing on the destroyed central podium, were saddened with the knowledge of what was surely to come. "Too late, we were. Fear I do, the Clone Wars have begun."