
Heroines are obsessed with me

After Alex's death, he finds himself in the body of a villainous character from a Chinese novel—a character who was killed off in the early chapters. Aware of his doomed fate, Alex desperately tries to change his destiny and escape death. However, all his attempts end in failure, and he meets his end once again.But his story doesn't end there. In a pivotal moment, Alex is sent back in time, now armed with a mysterious power that could be the key to his survival. He now has one final chance to rewrite his fate and alter his tragic end.Will Alex succeed in defying destiny and escaping his dark fate, or will he remain trapped in the same cycle of death? Join Alex on a thrilling journey through time, filled with challenges and dangers, as he fights for his survival.

Farouk_ben · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

A World of Novels

The Magical City

Under a cloudy sky, the dim lights of the hotel added an air of mystery to the place. Amidst this scene, Xiao Fan appeared, filled with anger, attacking Alex without hesitation after seeing him approach Jo Shiner.

But Alex, with his sharp senses, sensed the impending danger and swiftly turned around, easily countering Xiao Fan's treacherous blow in a way Xiao Fan hadn't expected, leaving him in astonishment and confusion. "Who are you?" he asked.

Alex didn't reply with words; instead, he launched another attack at Xiao Fan, who quickly retreated, trying to grasp what was happening. Alex chuckled mockingly and said, "Didn't your mother teach you to know who you're facing before you attack?"

Jo Shiner, who had been watching the situation unfold, felt increasingly anxious and coldly addressed Xiao Fan, saying, "What do you think you're doing?" Xiao Fan tried to justify his actions, but her response was stern: "If you harm my rescuer, I'll expel you even if my grandfather himself supports you."

Xiao Fan was taken aback and confused, responding in surprise, "Your rescuer…?" But he noticed that Jo Shiner was no longer paying him any attention. She walked toward Alex with care and asked him, her voice filled with concern, "Are you alright?"

Alex replied coldly as he adjusted his clothes, "Yes, I'm fine. I'll leave now." He turned as if intending to leave immediately, but he felt a delicate hand holding him back. It was Jo Shiner's hand, and she looked at him with grateful eyes and insisted, "Come with me to my home. I'll make sure to thank you properly for saving me."

Alex gently refused the offer, saying, "There's no need for that. You should leave; your captors may return soon."

Xiao Fan interjected arrogantly, "Shiner, don't worry, I'm here, and no one will harm you." But her response was harsh as she looked at him defiantly, "Don't call me by my name. You're just a guard, and don't forget your place." She then turned back to Alex with a softer expression and asked him sweetly, "What's your name?"

Alex answered briefly, avoiding her gaze, "Alex." He then left the place immediately, leaving Jo Shiner quietly muttering his name, "Alex… Alex…"

When Xiao Fan saw how Jo Shiner ignored him, his pride was wounded. He stood there, grinding his teeth in anger, but his thoughts were interrupted by Jo Shiner's cold command: "Give me the car keys."

Xiao Fan was momentarily confused but pulled the keys out of his pocket and handed them to her silently. Jo Shiner took the keys, got into the car, and drove off, leaving Xiao Fan standing there, feeling humiliated and stunned by what had happened.

But his shock didn't last long before he snapped back to reality, exploding in rage: "Damn you, you bitch! If you weren't so beautiful, I'd kill you right now. Just wait, I'll make you pay dearly, and when I make you one of my harem, I'll throw you into the cold palace without mercy."

He added, seething with fury, "As for that bastard Alex, he'll pay the price for humiliating me today a hundred times over."

Mo Han POV

Upon my arrival outside, I saw someone handing the car keys to Jo Shiner, who quickly left the place, igniting a fire of anger within me. In a loud voice, I ordered my guards, "Break that bastard's leg!"

The person turned slowly when he heard my shout, looking at me coldly before asking, "Are you Mo Han?"

Arrogantly, I replied, "It seems you know who I am. If you kneel now and roll on the ground, calling me 'Grandfather,' I might only break one of your legs."

He retorted mockingly, "Are you even worthy of being called 'Grandfather,' you fatso?" I felt my blood boil with anger. How dare this bastard insult me like that?!

I screamed at my guards, "Break his legs and throw him into the sea!"

Five of my guards charged at the man, but they quickly fell. Thanks to his swift and unexpected movements, he took them down one by one with ease.

Fear gripped me as I saw my guards fall. I tried to flee, but the man grabbed me tightly. I screamed in panic, "Do you know who I am? I'm from the Mo family. Don't you dare harm me, or you'll pay the price!"

But he didn't care and started beating me brutally. Every blow left intense pain, making me scream, "Ah, ah, stop! Ah, stop, you bastard!"

But he kept beating me mercilessly until I felt dizzy. I couldn't resist anymore, and I continued screaming as consciousness began to leave my body. Before I passed out, I heard him say calmly, still beating me, "My name is Xiao Fan. Remember this, you fatso. If you mess with my women, I'll kill you."

Alex POV

After leaving that place, I returned to the hotel and entered the bathroom. "System, explain to me why there's another protagonist with fate powers."

[Because the world you live in has merged with many novels.]

"A merged world?"

[Yes, Host.]

"Damn it! I escaped one protagonist only to meet another."

"System, don't tell me I can't kill him."

[You can kill him now, but another protagonist will replace him, and he will be stronger.]

"Okay, I understand. Can you display his stats?"

[Name: Xiao Fan, Head of the Shoryu Temple

Age: 27

Strength: 20

Speed: 17

Endurance: 16

Charisma: 7.5

Luck: 300

Cultivation Level: Earth Level, Initial Stage

(Cultivation Levels: Human, Earth, Sky, Light, Dark; each level has three stages: Initial, Intermediate, Advanced)]


Combat (Advanced)

Weapons (Advanced)

Management (Beginner)

Medicine (Trainee)

Swimming (Beginner)

Appraisal (Trainee)

Singing (Beginner)

Painting (Beginner)

Leadership (Advanced)

Hacking (Beginner)

Abilities: None

Titles: Son of Luck - A person so lucky that he turns danger into safety and has a higher chance of finding treasures

"He's not too bad; he has some skills, but nothing to worry about. The only thing that stands out is his luck."

"System, does this mean Jo Shiner is a heroine?"

[Yes, Host.]

"Show her stats."

[Name: Jo Shiner, Head of a Cosmetics Company

Age: 26

Strength: 3

Speed: 1.5

Endurance: 2

Charisma: 9.5

Luck: 800


Management (Advanced)

Trade (Trainee)

Cooking (Beginner)

Dancing (Beginner)

Singing (Beginner)

Painting (Beginner)

Chess (Beginner)

Driving (Beginner)

Abilities: None

Titles: Daughter of Luck - Attracts protagonists

"She's a genius in business, but her luck is something extraordinary, even the protagonist can't compete with her. Well, I don't care about that. I won't meet her again. As for the protagonist, if he tries to mess with me, I'll make sure he suffers a little."

Alex left the bathroom and decided to lie down. Moments later, he took out his phone, entered a number, and made a call.

| Hello, who's this? |

"Miss Rose."

| Yes, who are you? |

"I got your number from a friend of yours. I heard you're a home designer."

| Yes, that's correct. Do you need something? |

"Yes, I have a piece of land, and I want you to design a layout for it."

| Alright, let's meet tomorrow. I'll send you the address. |


After that, Alex put down his phone and opened his laptop. He found that he had over 27 billion dollars in his account. After confirming that, he closed his eyes and slept.

Jo Shiner's POV

After returning home, my servant approached and said, "Miss, are you okay? I'm sorry for my mistake; you were kidnapped."

"Did you tell anyone about my kidnapping?"

"No, I only told Mr. Shao Fan." After hearing Shao Fan's name, I felt intense anger creeping into my heart.

"Okay, don't tell anyone about it. I'll handle it. Bring me the hotel surveillance tapes from the Mo family from 7 to 9 PM, and then erase all the footage."

"As you wish, Miss." Then I headed straight to the bathroom. I took a shower, changed my wet clothes, and sat down. When I wanted to sleep, Alex's perfect form and face came to mind. I placed my hand on my heart and felt it beat. "Have I fallen in love? No, no, that's impossible. I think it's just because he saved me. Don't think too much, Jo Shiner."

Hope Hospital

In the VIP ward of the hospital, a fat young man with green hair lay on the bed, his leg suspended by a support strap. Pain was etched on his face, and tears were streaming down profusely.

In front of him sat a woman with heavy makeup and a face full of pockmarks, her expression a mix of worry and deep anger.

"Mom, please, you have to take revenge for me. They broke my leg, and they have to pay!" cried Mo Han, sobbing bitterly and in obvious pain.

Mo Xian replied with a composed yet tense voice, "Don't cry, my son. I'll make sure to take revenge for you. I'll make them pay for what they've done. I promise you." The anger in her voice was palpable, reflecting the deep pain she felt over her son's condition.

Moments later, Mo Tan, the father, entered the room. He was an elderly man with a short beard and white hair, dressed in a plain suit. However, his demeanor and presence exuded power and wealth. He spoke in a gruff voice filled with sternness, "Who broke your leg?"

Mo Han replied in a broken voice, "Dad, his name is Shao Fan."

Mo Tan looked at his son and replied with a voice filled with anger, "Alright, I'll take care of it. Rest now." He quickly left the room, heading to his black limousine that was waiting for him, surrounded by several cars and servants.

Upon entering the car, Mo Tan ordered his servant in a firm tone, "Call the Tiger Gang and tell them to deal with someone named Shao Fan."

The servant replied, "As you wish, sir."