
heroes from another world

normal friends from earth are transported to another world!!! find out what happens to them and the troubles they face and how they overcome!! a.n: my first time writing pls go easy on me thanks :D

NightBlade_ · Fantasia
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22 Chs

brothers of the blade

2 weeks have gone by on a flash sice jay has started training every moment of every day and every night of the evening he would train non stop most the time he wouldn't return to his room. naturally when james and Emily got concerned over this jay just simply replied "work am i right" neither didn't believe him but the answer was better than nothing. well as for his results so far his manna capacity had increased from 70 to 130 his mana core has started to somwhat form but is still quite unstable and now jay can break bolder with his bare fist over all a successful 2 weeks.

anyway jay can be seen walking around the kingdom wandering what to do he knows now he can beat ed so what should he do. 'should i buy something i do have quite a lot of money but what' jay was contemplating what he should buy 'i know I'll learn how to use a sword' he thought.

still wondering around he enters a black smiths shop hopping he could find what he was looking for looking around jay found to things he needed. a wooden sword for training and a real sword for combat the sword was nothing special just a one handed sword. jay collects his items and brings them to the cashier. looking at the cashier he was a dwarf looked quite old and had a lot of mussels.

dwarf:"that will be two sliver mr hero" jay gives the dwarf 2 silver and a copper. he walks out with his new toys 'how strange he didn't ask for a discount' the dwarf thought. walking back to he castle jay got hungry so he decided to go grab a apple he found a apple stand not long after.

stand owner:"1 apple will cost two copper mr hero" jay gave the guy 4 copper and left. 'how generous of him' the man thought.

heading towards the castle jay thought of something 'why do they seem so suprise when i buy something from them i mean i get that I'm a hero but maybe it has something to do with the other's' jay thought walking to askeladds castle wondering why he was summoned a week early.


askeladd:"so ed i got a question for you why do you think jay has been training"

ed:"i don't know but tell me"

askeladd:"it's to become the strongest and beat you" ed laughs out loud.

ed:"him beat me i don't care what type of training he's doing I'll always be stronger than him that's how it'll be"

askeladd:"i see he's on his way here you will find out why you are here to" just as askeladd says this the door to his throne room opens and out comes jay.

askeladd:"perfect timing jay now ed, you will fight jay a week from now what will you do"

ed:" nothing of course i will win even on my worst days"

askeladd:"i see so jay what is your response"

jay:"I'll beat him i promise" all of a sudden a aura hits jay it had killing intent.

ed:"don't get a head of yourself just because you had to weeks to prepare" if this was jay from two weeks ago he would be scared by the bloodlust but now it doesn't effect him.

askeladd:"i look forward to the fight now dismissed" and with that both heros leave and go on their separate ways. walking around the castle jay trys to find emily or james but comes to the conclusion that they ate both working at the moment so he decided to train his swordsman ship in the woods.


jay:"897 898 899 900"jay was counting how many sings he's done it's been 2 hours since he started swinging while in thought a noise is heard behind him a stick breaking jay turns to where he heard the noise only to see james with a wodden sword.

james:"never took you for the type to do training"

jay:"wanted to anyway what are you doing here"

james"same as you training want to spar"

jay:"sure sounds fun" and with that both of the freinds clash swords for the rest of the week resting during of course and with that the boys grow a closer bond a bond of brotherhood.

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