
Hero : The Legend of 10 realms

I was on the ship with my little brother and some friends in the Pacific Ocean, we are enjoying our school vacation. My father was a very rich person in the World. I believed my friends but they betrayed us. So we forced to escape from the ship. But we didn't notice that we were in the Devil's Triangle. We thought we were going to die, but we were teleported in to another dimension world

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9 Chs

Hell Flame Crystal and Bloody Destroyer.

" Ralpina "

" Yes, Sam, "

" Look now I have a pass, so what's next? "

" Why are you asking me? it's your choice, Sam. So whatever you wish, that's my wish too. "

" Then let's start our search from the human realm, "

" Okay, Sam, but you need your weapon, won't you. So we have to meet Rudy, so he can help you to make your morphing weapon. "

" Alright, so my top priority, for now, is to create a morphing weapon, so let's go home "

Sam putting that hell flame crystal into that box, Sam closed his eyes and thought about the home, Suddenly, he teleported into the grandpa's house,

" Wow, I'm inside the house, my teleportation power is increasing, Grandpa look, I got a VIP pass, oh I think he didn't return from the farm. what should I do, "

Sam took that element absorbing crystals and looked at them,

" Sam, what are you waiting for, just consume that dark red element crystal, so you can use the flame power. "

" How? do I have to eat or what? "

" No, Just hold that crystal in your palm and close it, then try to focus, if you can hold that flame, it'll choose you as its master, "

How do I know I have been chosen

" You will know, "

" Okay, Ralpina, let's see, am I worthy to use the hell flame or not "

Sam took that dark red crystal from that box and hold that crystal in his palm tightly, then he closed his eyes, Sam was in a dark place. that was his mind, he was trying to focus on that crystal. Suddenly, he felt that his palm was burning.

" What is happening Ralpina? I feel so much pain in my palm, "

" Don't talk just focus, don't you remember what your grandpa said, demons healing power is very strong and effective, so just forget about your palm and focus, "

" No Ralpina, I can feel that heat all over my body, it's like I fall in a volcano and my whole body is burning in that lava. "

Suddenly, a huge circle of flame appeared around him and burning him alive.

" Ahh.. too hot, not anymore, I can't hold that crystal any longer in my hand. "

" No Sam, you can't give up like this, just think about your little brother, he was waiting for you somewhere, you can resist this fire, believe yourself, Sam, because opportunities come once in a lifetime, so don't think about losing, just keep trying. "

" Yes, Ahh... I can't give up at this point, I have a responsibility to save my Jack, l have to fight until I'm dead. "

Sam was remembering some good memories of his family and Jack, he saw Jack's face, and that gave confidence for Sam, but that flame grew much stronger than before,

" Sam, the flame has grown more powerful than before, I can feel the heat of the flame, I do not know it, the hell flame has this much power, and it's testing your will. "

The flame has been growing even more powerful, Sam's body can't hold anymore, but Sam's determination didn't give up yet.

" I lost my hope once, I never wanted to be here, but I have a chance to live with my brother, So even if my body can't take any more, but I have hope, and ill never want to lose that hope, Jack I'm coming, "

Suddenly, the impact of the hell flame began to diminish little by little, Sam felt that the heat was decreasing. Suddenly, a dark red light appeared from his palms.

Sam felt that he was chosen by the hell flame, suddenly, his appearance turned into a human form.

Rusty suddenly entered the house, when he entered the house, he saw a dark red light coming from Sam's palm.

" Sam "

Sam heard grandpa's screaming voice so he woke up in his meditation and looked at Rusty.

" I felt something unimaginable power, that's why I rushed to see you, why was a dark red light coming from your palm? did you absorb any element crystal? "

Yes, grandpa, today I got 10 crystals as a gift from Elder Zorg, he gave me a dark red hell flame crystal and 9 plain crystals, and Ralpina told me to consume that crystal, so I.

" Don't tell me? you consumed hell flame, tell me you didn't, "

" Yes, I did it, grandpa, I consumed that hell flame successfully, now I can use hell flame, Why is there any problem with that? "

" Yes, did you Ralph tells anything about hell flame? "

" Why is he talking about me? Sam, "

" No grandpa, Ralpina didn't tell me anything about the hell flame, when I was consuming the flame, she told me that she didn't know about hell flame. "

" So you didn't know the consequences of consuming a hell flame crystal. "

" Yeah, you can say that, wait did you say consequences? what consequences? am I going to die? "

" That is even worse than death, okay, do me a favour? "

" What favour? ( Ralpina what is he talking about I don't understand ) "

" Sam, try to transform into the demon form, "

" Why grandpa, is anything serious "

" Just do it, "

" Okay "

Sam closed his eyes and thought about transforming, but this time Sam didn't transform into his demon form, Sam keep trying but still failed,

" Grandpa, what's happening to me, I can't transform into my demon form, why? "

" Because your forms are merged as one. "

" What? I can't understand what you said, can you...? "

" Yeh, I can explain, "

" Rusty took a glass of water and a cup of salt in his hands. "

" Sam, just imagine this water is your real form and this salt is your demon form. You have consumed a top-level flame, as the result.. "

Rusty mixed this water and salt as one and show that saltwater to Sam.

" What is this meaning "

" It means your human form and your demon form merged into one form, and now you're a true demon. You don't need to change your form anymore, because you're more than a human, "

But I'm still a human, right?

No Sam, once the salt is mixed in water, you can't drink it, but don't worry Sam, you can live with humans, for that, you have to hide your demon things.

No, I can't be a demon, you're lying, I'm just a human.

" Demons never lie, because we don't have souls, we were created not born, even if you think I'm lying, why don't you go and check yourself into a mirror, so you can understand what I am saying. "

Sam was running towards to mirror and looked at his face,

" Oh, no my eyes are looking like red eyes, I have tough muscles, my teeth are very sharp. Oh, I never imagine, I've become a demon. "

" Sam, don't worry, everything happens for the good, but you have to be more careful than before, because your human form is just for a show, if you get emotional or angry, you can't control your inner demon, "

" Sam, I'm very sorry, I didn't know about hell flame, because I was trapped in my realm, "

" No, Ralpina, don't ask apology, you just wanted to help me, I have to accept, who I am, now I have to act like a demon. interesting. "

" Sam, what's next? "

" I have to find a temporary weapon for myself, then I can start my searching from the human realm, "

" A weapon, I think I can help you. "

" What? do you have a weapon? "

" Wait for me here, "

" Rusty went inside of a room, Sam was waiting outside for Rusty's return, "

" Sam, why did you said about, "

" Ralpina, I have some doubts about my grandpa, I think he's hiding something from me, "

" What, he is a slave demon, what can he hide from you? "

" Then, how could a farming demon having a sword. "

Rusty returned from inside with a heavy sword, that sword was really heavy, Rusty was carrying that sword in a single hand,

" Here you can have this sword, it is a very powerful sword, and I called this sword, Bloody Destroyer, this was very perfect, "

Sam, didn't touch that sword, because he has some questions for Grandpa Rusty,

" Sam, this sword is really a treasure, this is one of the legendary demonic swords, who is this guy? "

" ( I knew it, a legendary demonic sword, Bloody Destroyer, just who are you, and what else are you hiding from me? ) "

" Grandpa, you're a farmer, then how can a farmer have a legendary demonic sword? you are hiding something from me, just tell me, who are you? "

Rusty was looking at the Bloody Destroyer and he saw his reflection on the sword, Sam was looking at Grandpa for his answer.

" Sam, don't ask anything about my past? because I forget it, and I don't want to recall it anymore, and this Bloody Destroyer was my favourite sword, now I can hand it over to a worthy demon and Sam, that's you. "

Rusty took Sam's hand and inflicted a bloody wound on his finger, then Rusty put his injured finger over the sword and dripped blood.

" Sam, he's taking your blood, but why is he doing? Ahh.. I don't understand the demons' traditions, "

Sam's finger was bleeding and a blood drop fell into that sword, Suddenly that sword was glowing in red,

" Sam, blood binding progress is done, now it's yours and you can wield the sword, "

" Grandpa, I respect you, if you don't want to recall your past, it's okay, but I can't accept it, Ralphina gave me this temporary magical sword, "

Suddenly, a magical appeared in Sam's hand, and he was holding the magical sword in both hands. Rusty looked at that sword and he was laughing loudly, Sam was looking at Grandpa Rusty's laugh.

" Grandpa, why are you laughing? "

" No, Sam, after seeing your magical sword I can't control my laugh, where did you get this sword? "

" What did he say to my magical sword? that was a gift from my father, this sword is unbreakable. "

" Ah, grandpa, Ralphina is super mad, because it's a gift from her father, and she said, this sword is unbreakable, "

" Unbreakable, ha? let me check "

" What do you mea..... "

Sam didn't even complete his sentence, Rusty raise the Bloody Destroyer and cut that magical sword into two pieces, while Sam was holding that magical sword In his both hands.

Sam was shocked, that demonic sword actually cut the magical sword into two pieces, Sam's eyes were looking at the demonic sword,

" No, it can't be happening, he cut my father's magical sword into two pieces. No, it's impossible, he's not an ordinary demon, Sam, take the sword because you don't have any other options. "

Sam was looking at the broken sword, but that Bloody Destroyer pulled it into itself, Sam didn't expect that Bloody Destroyer Sword pulled that broken magical sword into itself.

" Grandpa, what was that? "

" Sam, did you see that? Bloody Destroyer absorbed the magical sword. "

" Wow, so your magical sword is powerful, that's why this demonic sword absorbed your sword, and now it has your magical sword's power. here wield the sword. "

Sam took the Bloody Destroyer in Rusty's hand, which wasn't heavy anymore,

" Grandpa, I can wield the sword easily, "

" Because of the blood binding ritual, now you can also wield that power, you take me as my grandchild, so as a grandfather, I want you to carry my legacy because I chose you as my successor. "

" Grandpa, I can firmly believe that you are not an ordinary demon, if you choose me as your heir, I will not even hesitate to die to protect my family heritage, I accept your sword as mine. thank you for the gift grandpa. "

" Sam, I know you are going to meet Rudy to create your own weapon, so take this sword with you, Rudy knows what to do with this sword, "

" Alright, grandpa, I will do as you said, "

" Come here, "

Sam came near to Rust without no hesitation, Rusty took of a black pendant from his neck and put on Sam's neck,

" Sam, don't lose this pendant, it will help you to stabilise your demon and help you to increase your power. "

" Thank you, Grandpa, now is the time to embark on my new adventure, can you please come with me to send me on my way? "

" Of course, but before that, we have to make a blood bond, through with this we can communicate with each other. "

Rusty took a knife and made a small scratch on his right hand, then he gave that knife to Sam, Sam took that knife on Rusty's hand and made a scratch on his right hand, then they joined their injured hands together and formed a bond.

" Sam, now we are bond with our blood, if you need to contact me, just leave a drop of your fresh blood on the ground and think of me, "

" Then let's go to the realm door, I can't wait anymore. "

" I can understand your every thought, just grab my hand, "


Sam grabbed Grandpa Rusty's hand, Grandpa closed his eyes, suddenly, they were teleported in front of Demonic Realm Door,

" How, do you... ah, I know, you used your teleportation power to bring me with you, so I can also take someone with me when I'm teleporting. "

While Sam was talking to Grandpa Rusty, he saw something attractive, that was the Demonic Realm Gate, it was 100 feet tall and 50 feet wide. It was very colourful and two demons were protecting the Realm Gate,

" Wow, this is a wonder of this world, I can't believe my eyes, this realm gate is very attractive, "

" Sam, don't waste your time in the beauty of the realm gate, just focus. "

" Yeh, you're right Ralphina, I can't waste my time, Grandpa let's go, "

" Sam, take your VIP pass, so they can allow you to travel. "

Sam and Rusty were going towards the gate and the two demons were asking for the pass from Sam, he gave that VIP pass to the gate demons,

" Is your name is Samael, "

A demon was making some questions, while the other demon was checking that VIP pass, and that demon suddenly show that pass to the other demon, so they bend on their knees.

" What? a noble demon, it's our honour to see you here, can you please tell me your destination? so I can send you there, "

" Mythological Realm, just send me there "

" As you wish, "

" Grandpa doesn't take this a goodbye, if I meet you next time, I'll bring my brother Jack too, so don't miss me. "

Sam hugged Grandpa Rusty and they were crying before Sam leveing,

" Sam, don't forget that you are not alone, and you have a home so, I wish you, that you will find your brother Jack very soon. "

" Thank you, Grandpa, and bye, "

Sam took that VIP pass from the demons and he was standing in front of the gate to enter the Realm Gate, Demons performed magic to open the myth realm gate,

" Now please enter the gate, and you will reach your destination in 5 seconds, So please enjoy the journey, "

Sam was slowly entering through the gate because this was his first time, it's like entering into a gelly water, Suddenly he felt something wrong in his body.

Sam fully entered into that realm gate, while Rusty was looking at Sam's first realm travel.

Sam was seeing so colourful bridges like a rainbow, Suddenly he was travelling at the speed of light and he was standing outside of Mythical Realm Gate,

Sam was standing on the edge of the Iron mountain cliff, but he didn't afraid of high, he saw a small cottage and some tools far away,

" Sam, this is the Mythical Realm, this is where you can obtain any kind of weapons here, but first, you need his permission, "

" His permission, oh you're talking about Rudy, don't worry Ralphina I got this, "

He saw so many swords were sticking in the stone, his Bloody Destroyer was hanging in the waist, Sam was walking forward to the cottage but he didn't find the Rudy,

" Sam, don't pick anything, because he's testing your greed, "

" Don't worry, Ralphina I just want to meet him, but I can't see him anywhere so probably he'll be inside the small cottage. "

At the time, 8 feet big strong man was coming outside from the cottage and he was holding the iron pieces in his hands. That man put an iron piece on the Furnace.

Sam was keep forwarding to the cottage, and the blacksmith and started forging, Sam was waiting outside, he suddenly looked, a human was walking toward him.

" Stop, right there, who are you? "

" I'm Sam, and I'm looking for someone named Rudy, are you Rudy?

" No, I'm not, so just leave, and don't disturb me, I have to stay focus on my work, "

That man was continuing forging

" No sir, I have to create a more powerful weapon. because I lost my brother, that's why I came here to meet Rudy. "

Suddenly that. the old man saw something was hanging in Sam's waist, that old man suddenly stopped his forge working and went near to Sam,

" Hey you, what's your name, ah Sam, now tell me Sam is that Bloody Destroyer hanging in your waist? "

" Yes "

" Where did you get that "

" My grandpa gave this to me, now this is my sword, "

" No way, you're a demon, "

" What? I didn't say that I'm a demon, then vow did you find my secret, "

" So you're Rusty's grandson? "

" Yes, Rusty is my grandpa, why is anything do you want to tell about his past, because he was hiding his past from me. "

" First tell me, what can I do for you? "

" So you're.. "

" Yeh, I am Rudy, "

" So, I need a morphing weapon, that can change into any kind of weapon, can you create that for me? "

" Mm.. a morphing weapon, yes but I need a base for that weapon, something powerful weapon base. "

" I think I have that powerful weapon for the base, here use this Bloody Destroyer, I think my grandpa already knew about this, that's why he told me to take the sword with me, "

" Alright, but we need morphing iron, Blood Dragon's horn, and all kind of flame crystals. So you have to collect them for me, "

" Alright, where can I find morphing iron? "

" Sam, it's in magical Realm "

" Okey when I come next time, I will collect all of them and bring them for you, now I have to go to the Beast Realm for hunting. "

The Chapter Three Finished