
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs


Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!



Now Yohan accepts the current reality even though there is still a sense of disappointment within him but he is sure that as more time passes, the feeling of disappointment will disappear.

The game continued and their conversation continued. Sona finally showed her identity, starting from her name to her family.

And also some additions like he mentions Sacred Gears and Rating Games… also mention the distinct fact that there are other supernatural beings apart from Christian myths.

The information was absorbed by Yohan quickly by trying to understand the purpose of the Devil now where they focus on the future not a group of people who are stuck in the past.



'Eh?' Yohan suddenly received a notification that came, making him flinch so that other people seeing his behavior became confused.



'There are more!?'

"Yohan?" Sona asked while blocking the transparent screen in front of Yohan. It seemed that only Yohan could see the screen.

"Yes!...my turn!" Yohan quickly moved his piece so that the movement of Sona's piece stopped.

And that means that Yohan has unexpectedly won the game of chess.

"Huh!?" Sona was surprised not only she but all the members who endured the aches from standing long enough and some even overreacted.



And all prizes will be given if I'm interested in taking his.


Skip Time

Yohan is now walking back to his apartment, and it's late in the afternoon. He has asked permission from his superiors not to work today because of sudden business.

"Fortunately she accepted the request," Yohan said, breathing a sigh of relief.

Previously, because of the match earlier, the two of them had bet on who could ask for anything to lose. Even though Yohan was reckless, Yohan was confident in that ability. He realized that a high IQ alone is not enough to achieve something, you have to be cunning so that others don't take advantage of it. The uncle at the orphanage educated him on good things.

While walking, Yohan opened the prize that he got from the system. It's easy to display the quest display again by pressing the column on the screen that says Quest and the Quest submitted by the system will appear.

By pressing the accept column, miraculously the box comes out of the ring he is wearing. And for Karma Points, fill in him.KP balance as a medium of exchange for box gacha.


When he wanted to open the box, the box opened by itself and the sound of gacha music sounded in Yohan's ears.

He ignored the sudden music and seemed to be the only one who could see and hear this.

Then the box expands and explodes. Yohan reflexively shields his eyes from the glare of light. when it subsides, he looks again at where to get the card.


[Masutatsu Oyama (Kyokushin Karate)]

Seeing that the name of the card is a legend who created the flow of Kyokushin Karate.

'Damn! This is a great card, but unfortunately, it's only a trial' Yohan felt disappointed because the card was only a trial, you could even see the time limit for using it.

"Mom...what is that person doing?" Said a small child who pulled his mother while pointing at Yohan.

"Ssst...just ignore it" The mother replied, looking at Yohan strangely.

"Ahem!" Yohan heard that immediately embarrassed walked quickly to his apartment and decided to open the box in his apartment.


Student council room

"How's Kaichou?" Asked Tsubaki who brought up the previous topic.

"Haah~...I can only accept his request" Sona replied again remembering what he asked.


'Could you not restrict my movements? I mean freedom of course…also I don't want to join the student council is it ok with that?'


'Her request isn't strange indeed… however' Sona suddenly blushed as she remembered something.

"Anyway... don't let my sister know about this. Understand!?" Sona said surprisingly to the other members.

"HA!" replied everyone, quickly recovering from their shock.

However, there is one member who seems to have lost his zest for life and is comforted by his colleagues.

While Sona was imagining something... making she involuntarily blush and luckily for her there were no other members in the room so there was nothing out of the ordinary that she was showing.


John's apartment

On the bed, Yohan just looked at the sky. if it was seen by other people then so, but not with him who could see something in front of him is a screen with a bronze treasure chest image.

Without hesitation, he touched the key part of the treasure chest on the screen and it happened like Gacha in a game.


When the light blinded Yohan's eyes for a moment, the prize came out and he got another card.

[Lance Armstrong (Legendary Bicycle Racer)]

'Now I got a card with another extraordinary name' Yohan thought, he realized something when he saw the card, there was a difference between the card in the Bronze treasure chest and the Silver treasure chest. And that lies in the color of the card but if the trial card has time in the lower left corner column.

[Masutatsu Oyama (Founder of Kyokushin Karate)] As for his trial card, Yohan doesn't know much about background information about characters or his system.

The system itself says that he is the Omega System Hero Of Card. Yohan doesn't know much about the ancient Greek alphabet but he does at least know a little because he's been to Italy in middle school.

Omega which means the end in ancient Greek, the letter is included in the Greek alphabet for Bible in the book of revelation revealed to John.

'Similar to my name… is this a coincidence or?' After thinking complicated things in his head while still holding the card that came from the system in both his hands.

"Haah~...whatever it is, I have to look for concrete evidence" Taking a deep breath then he made the decision not to believe what he had speculated himself.

He was afraid that what he thought could be the truth.


department store

"Thank you!"

A cashier kindly said goodbye by waving his hand while thanking him.

Yohan replied by waving too. he had to fill his stomach, after thinking about something complicated made him hungry. but when he wanted to eat, the supplies ran out.

He was forced to go out just to buy ramen along with eggs and sausages to add to the toppings. Along the way, there was nothing strange.

However, after the streets started to quiet down there something strange happened because it was caused by someone who wanted to take revenge for the humiliation they had received from Yohan.

Also starting again to experience rapid heartbeat.