
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

The arrival of a sister with acute siscon

Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!



One of the female-only dormitories.

Yohan and Sona are hugging each other. They did something they should have done last night because they are still students. This could impact their grades in social life if caught.

That would apply if they were normal people. However, they were both Devils. Between slave and master. In the law of the devil race, there were no rules against it because the fertility of devil race women was very low so there was no need to worry if she would get pregnant.

"Hoam~" Yohan woke up first. When he woke up, the sun had not yet risen. He got up and stretched his body as usual.


Hearing the sound of moaning from beside him made his body stiffen instantly. And nervously he looked towards the sound of the moaning and saw Sona lying beside his with a peaceful sleeping face.

Last night's memories then came back to his mind, making him embarrassed instantly.

"AAAAAAAH!" He screamed but in a low tone while covering his mouth with both hands to muffle his voice. After that, he ruffled his hair.

'Aah!...teen hormones, damn it!' He regretted that he couldn't restrain himself any longer, even though he only needed to sleep but instead did that.

"Urrg~" Sona groaned even more as if she was overwhelmed. Yohan stopped and stroked her cheeks while smiling peacefully seeing her like this.

"Haah~...let's calm down first and ask questions later," Yohan muttered, stood up, and put the blanket back on Sona who was fast asleep.

Yohan looked at the mattress where they had sex and sniffed it to make sure something.

'I think... Sona has changed her sheets. If that's the case, then that's great' Yohan thought.

He had to thank Sona for doing this work so as not to inconvenience them in case someone else suddenly came into the room and discovered this.

Because he had made sure of what had to be confirmed. Yohan immediately walked to the bathroom to clean himself. After having intercourse, of course, his body smelled of sweat and there were other odors too.


Skip bath time.

After that, he came out of the bathroom. Someone had woken up looking at Yohan while covering his body with a blanket.

The atmosphere became awkward because Sona suddenly woke up.


Yohan's greeting was returned by a pillow that floated towards his face.


"We're lucky to wake up early," Sona said while shoving the egg roll into her mouth.

"Yes...we were lucky" Yohan replied in an awkward tone. Of course, Yohan was the one who cooked the food because Sona still felt pain and even had difficulty walking even though she looked better now.

Silence while eating.

"Nee..." Sona suddenly spoke but focused on her plate.


"We have to keep this a secret from the kids forever."

'Yeah!...why do we have to tell our sexual relationship to other people' Yohan thought, but he didn't dare to say it out loud in front of Sona at this time.

"Yeah...I think so too"

After saying that, Yohan looked at Sona like he thought something because he had a gloomy expression.

"What's wrong?" asked John.

Sona was initially hesitant to tell, but after seeing Yohan's bright face, she mustered up the courage.

"Yohan...I haven't told you that I have a sister who currently holds one of the most influential powers in the underworld"

Yohan hadn't processed the information yet and let Sona explain in its entirety.

"My sister is a siscon...who ruthlessly destroys someone if she sees me being abused"

She hadn't finished telling the story. Instinctively Yohan's back was sweating.

"So, I beg you to keep this secret, okay!?" Sona then looked at Yohan with teary eyes.

"Oooh" Yohan stiffly replied. Imagining sister Sona's scary figure. even he ignored Sona who was pleading with tears in her eyes.

"Sniff... Yohan!?" He wiped her tears first, and after that made Yohan wake up from his muddle.

"Ah!...of course I won't tell anyone about this incident!" He became obedient. "And also apologize for last night's incident!" And also apologize.

Being reminded again. Sona blushed again and turned her face away.

"That... also my fault, you don't need to apologize as this" Sona said.

She was the one who should be at fault because the one who made the inviting gesture was she who couldn't hold back her curiosity.

As a top-class Devil. Sona is ashamed of herself for being indecent at her age. Even though she always maintains a good image towards people with the aim that other people understand the goals she wants to achieve.

"No...as a man, this is my responsibility because I can't resist the temptation!" Johan insisted that he was wrong.

Sona felt complicated here…and finally gave up on stopping Yohan.

"Yes...I forgive you. I admit you satisfied me last night" She said with the last sentence she mumbled but was still heard by Yohan.

Even so… he didn't say anything else and continued his breakfast until it was finished.


30 minutes later.

"Okay...then, I'll go first," Yohan said waving his hand as he entered the magic circle.

In response, Sona waved her hand as well and sent Yohan somewhere using teleport magic.

"Haah...let's forget about last night...now all I need to think about is that fallen angel" Sona muttered.

looked at the clock on the wall which showed 7. she had to prepare to go to the academy again as the student council president she had to maintain her image while solving the problems she was currently facing.

But when going to use teleportation magic that leads directly to the student council room, suddenly the door to the room is forcibly opened.



There was a feminine voice that sounded childish. It shot so fast that it crashed into Sona.

"Nee-chan!"Sona was certainly surprised by the sudden arrival of her sister who is known to be busy as a diplomat.

"Hehehe~" Sona's sister hugged her while burying herself into her chest.

"Mate...Nee-chan!" Sona tried to get rid of her sister for being too close. But her sister did something unexpected.

"Sniff...sniff!...man's smell" Sona could hear her muttering. Instantly made her stiffen.

"Nee, So-tan... did you invite any men into this room?" Asked her who had a blank stare while looking at Sona.