
I'll go in the morning.

Hayley POV:

It was after nine in the morning. The funeral would be at ten.

Putting on clothes for the event, I realized how morbidly everything looked, and it was like it hadn't happened. Was her death real? What was Cami to me?

After so many losses, one more just reminded me of how dangerous everything was. I was definitely in crisis, but I knew he needed me.

Klaus, the strongest-tempered person I have ever met, a king capable of destroying everything and everyone to protect his empire. He's been getting better lately, but how destructive can the death of the woman he loves be for Klaus and the rest of the world?

I was nowhere near discovering the answer, nor was I close to deciphering Klaus.

Even though the day was just beginning, I was already exhausted, the sun was hitting my orange curtains, giving a tone of sunset to the room, which made it worse.

I took Hope, who was in her cradle still asleep and a bag with her things. I took her to Freya, who would stay with the girl since she would not go to the funeral.

"How's he doing?" I asked the witch.

"Not well ..." Freya said, taking little Hope in her arms with a half-smile.

"But he's a Mikalson. He'll get over it" Elijah appeared in the courtyard, wearing a black suit as usual and interrupting the conversation.

"I hope… Well, shall we?"


Everything went as planned, and the coffin was carried to the ceremony site where there were a lot of people and a jazz band playing in the background, Klaus was sitting on the bar counter and his messy hair, pale face and Whiskey glass in his hand and no it looked nothing good.

We haven't had time to talk properly with all the confusion since everything happened, so I decided that this would be an excellent time to try.

"How are you, Klaus?" I asked, sitting down next to you.

"Hayley…" he said, drinking the brown liquid and rolling his eyes.

"You are not my therapist, verily my therapist is there" he said, pointing to the veiled coffin.

"I know ... But being alone now won't help."

"I don't need advice from a woman who kept her late husband's heart in a box."

Klaus hit me with the words without any resentment and left carrying the bottle of Whiskey wherever he was going.

He was trying to isolate himself. It didn't seem like the right time to talk, but I feared what he might do if he spent too much time alone.


The funeral went well, or at least nothing different happened in it.

We went home, I took Hope who was playing with Freya to our room, I put her in the crib, and the baby fell asleep quickly. I was exhausted, needed a hot shower.

I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel as I left the bathroom, I came across a figure on the bed with Hope.

"Klaus !?" I said, scared.

"I'm sorry if I scared you love" Was he calling me love and apologizing? Klaus was more lost than I imagined.

"I came to talk to you, and I heard Hope cry."

"It was a long day, I got in the shower and turned off completely" I am a terrible mother, it is scary to know that someone can enter the room without me even listening.

"But what were you coming to talk to me about?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I came to say goodbye," he said, looking at Hope, who was sucking on her finger and looking at him with bright eyes.

"Firing?" I asked, confused.

"I'm going to take some time away from here and take care of my kingdom while I'm gone," he said as casual as if asking me to pass the salt.

"Klaus, I went through what you are going through, and running away will not solve anything."

"I'm not running away" he said, getting annoyed.

"I didn't come here to hear your sermons. What I need now is to be alone."

"So this is it? Are you just going to run away and leave Hope and me?" The words came out, both pathetic and unexpected.

"Don't be dramatic, you don't need me, that's what Elijah has for, And Hope, she's a brave little wolf."

I didn't know what to say, did I have Elijah? Things were more complicated than that. I didn't feel like I had anyone else.

"Anyway, I just came to say goodbye, so goodbye Hope" he kissed her on the cheek as he placed her in the crib, Klaus approached me.

"Goodbye Hayley"

"If you move, wait until tomorrow, a night's sleep will do you good" I recommended as he walked to the door.

Klaus laughed and raised his eyebrows. Surprisingly: he still knew how to laugh.

"If you insist, I'll go in the morning" he said, leaving the room.

It was almost seven in the morning, the sun was up, and Hope was still asleep. I packed my bags and hers and put everything in the car when I finished I knocked on Klaus's bedroom door.

"Don't you think just a goodbye is enough?" He asked jokingly, and he seemed less tense.

Klaus was already ready for the match, with his bags in hand.

"I didn't say goodbye, on the contrary, I came to say that I'm going with you," I said, watching Klaus go from surprised to angry.

"And I'm telling you it won't!" He said, leaving and closing the bedroom door while carrying the bags to the car.

"As I said, I came to tell you and not ask for your opinion" I said, putting Hope in the car seat and then sitting in the car.

I already knew he wouldn't give in easily, so I just decided to ignore him.

Klaus finished packing his bags in the trunk and got into the car and sat in the driver's seat next to me.

"I don't need a babysitter" he said.

"It's not just you who need time" I said, being strangely sincere.

"And Elijah?" Klaus asked, looking at me.

"Things are confusing now" I said, turning to the window.

"Why don't you just stop torturing him?" Hard words. But Klaus never knew how to be gentle, and I had already gotten used to it. Unusually he didn't sound stressed. It was just a question, without feelings.

I didn't have the right answer to that question. I was trying to convince him that it was for Jackson, but maybe it was no longer for him, and now it was for me. How could I know?

"You know… Jackson" I said dryly, trying not to look at him.

"Yeah, I know. Aren't you even going to say goodbye?" As if Klaus cared at all about it.

My silence answered for me.

He took a deep breath and started the car accelerating shortly after that. But I was not fooled, if I was going it was because he wanted to, Klaus never did anything that he didn't like in exchange for anything, which made me satisfied.

In the rearview mirror, I saw Elijah and everything I was leaving behind, and I was surprised, not because I had the courage for it, but because I wasn't missing anything. It didn't look like chaos or even dangerous, like everything else. It just looked familiar.