
Chapter 10 Worry

Panting inside his office, Berthold reached to the table and opened one of the drawers and pulled a stack of blank paper while his free hand pushed aside the documents on top of his desk. He hasn't had much time to sit and decides to write while standing, but his trembling hand made few of his writing becomes unreadable which made him frown.

A moment later with few of crumpled paper below him, he finished his letters and rings the bell beside his table. He didn't need to wait long before an old servant appeared with a messenger bird on his arm.

Berthold frowning face eased a little after seeing them, especially the messenger bird. This bird was a bird type that could fly in really fast speed and maneuver freely while in the woods, made these birds really hard to catch. Windrider Bird, that's what this bird named from their catcher, because it seems like this bird can also control the wind to increase its speed while flying. Naturally, this bird really expensive and hard to get, even Berthold only has one, and that was in costs to spend all his savings and some of his precious treasures.

And for addition, this bird was Helminna beloved pet. While they both traveling to a certain country, she saw this bird and made Berthold almost shocked to death seeing the price. However, now Berthold feels a little glad because only this bird could travel far at a fast speed. Berthold hopes that Knight Northon could handle their evacuation in time.

"Are you sure the bird could recognize the madam, sir?" the old servant bowed seeing Berthold which was stroking the bird's feathers. This question seems rude, but his face also showed a worried look with his eyes moist with a tear.

Berthold smiled to reassure him. "Don't worry, this child also loved her. It could almost detect her even in the forest while far in the sky when we are taking a walk last time."

The old servant bowed down as if know what his lord means and finally stepped back to stands near the door. Berthold then takes a stride to the window while still stroking the bird lovingly, his eyes showed a hesitant then his face showed a resolution. He then whispered something near the bird and its replied with a long squeak then jumped up from his hand and then soared to the sky. It flying in a circle for a moment before zoomed out into the east. Some of its blue-red feathers fall from the sky and created a beautiful scene, like falling leaves, it slowly descends while swinging right and left.

Paul unconsciously turned his head upward and silently saw this scene, Natasha which is near him also noticed it and silently getting mesmerized by them. Followed by the soldiers and some of the working maids. Princess Karin who was training magic beside the castle with Mary also slowly glanced up and noticed the feathers and by chance, she got a feather falling directly to her hands. The blue feather now turned into red-ruby in her hand, Mary who stands near her silently staring at it with her brows furrowed.

Many people had their own idea about this beautiful scene, however, there was another meaning behind this beautiful feathers which only a few people knew. That is when the Windrider Birds get worried about something would change its feather into shining red-ruby, which some nobles take the fancy of.

And for the Windrider to use full speed while flying until it shed some of the feathers, meaning that some calamity would also come. And those who know it could only ponder, what in the world is happening.